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Lawyer Application | OmissionVibes


Level 200
Out of Character | Basic information

What is your in-game name?:

Do you have discord? (If so, what is your username):

Do you have a microphone?:

List your timezone and country:
North America - CST (Gmt-5)

How active are you on the server?:
Due to medical issues (mental + physical) I can either be really motivated or stuck laying in bed all day. I tend to try to be on for a few hours everyday. Most of the time, I am active everyday for the entire day unless specified not. If I am inactive I will and do inform of inactivity - if ever absent i will fully explain the reason in detail, this will be very rare although. I feel being able to be a lawyer will drive my motivation to be on more as I have something to do than be stuck at home all day, laying down.
Do you have any previous bans? (If so, link your appeals):

Link any past applications below:
Store Worker Application | Kufuku Maid Cafe​

Out of Character | Morals & ideas

What position are you applying for?:

What is your motivation for applying?:
Personally, I am deeply interested in the idea of crime and law yet haven't found anything interesting that sparks my interest, until I noticed this. I do research on the topic from time to time for the fun of it. My motivation is to test my knowledge and see how I can help the members of Karakura in any situation. I feel it would also be much fun and give me loads of experience for if I would like to go into this industry in the future, debating on my knowledge and interests.
As I stated above, I am very interested in the topic and I feel this will help me learn more and actually try new things. My goal is to have a fun time while digging deep into the unknown problems of Karakura that go unnoticed. My main motivation is to have fun while doing this, and trying something rather new. I also feel that i have seen the dark and grim side of Karakura, gangrp. I feel as if so many people are off the hook because they are never caught but now someone can help put them behind bars with the fait of the lawyer. I love the feeling of being able to help someone and then we both come to something that ends in a good conclusion. I also would love to help because when seeing friends unrighteously banned or false accused i try and step in to help them as much as I can, using my skills from my fascination to help me.

Are you aware that you cannot discriminate against others in character or deny service due to race, gender, sexual orientation, appearance, etc?:
I am aware and fully agree with this, I will never discriminate due to the reasons stated above or anything else. It is revolting to see people who do this, and i hope we can keep it to the point no one on srp or rph fulfills these actions.
What qualities prove you suitable for this role?:
I believe due to the fact I have been so intrigued in the topic I have learned so much and I have been applying them to my life/srp. I love to help people and law/crime is my favored topic; combineding these things I feel as if I could go very far as a lawyer on srp. My goal is to possibly work in the law and crime industry so I feel this would be amazing experience.
I tend to dig deep into writing as well as that is another thing I love to do. I feel I would be able to open up the lore and dive into the depths of every little thing in the case, debating if the defendant is truly innocent or if the plaintiff is completely fooling the judge and else in the room of court. I will and do go over the facts and evidence multiple times even if its over the littlest most petty family argument, I will prove them wrong so I don't make a fool of myself. If I was to sum this up, I just general am very interested in the topic of the law and crime.

Are you aware of the rules each person must follow?:
I am aware and have gone over rhe rules to refresh my memory.
Are you familiar with the laws of Karakura?:
Yes, I am familiar with the laws - I have gone over them many times before writting this application so they are engraved into my head.

Do you have a good understanding of this position?:
I believe I have a rather good understanding but if there is a few things I don't fully understand, I am willing to learn.
Summarize what your position does:
The lawyer is to do there utter most best to defend the client who has asked for there assistance. Yes, it is rather easier said than done but it they have the motivation, time, right mindset, and a burning passion; they will be able and willing to help the client within the small time of a heart beat. The lawyer needs to face off with the other lawyer so they have to get as much evidence as physically possible to either prove there case right, or the defendant guilty.

The lawyer is to put up a fight, not to give up until they have won or admitted defeat. The best part is when you won, never when you loose. That driving passion of "winning a game" makes you want to help the client at utmost possibility. The lawyer is to protect the town with their skills, defending from the crime controlled town we know as Karakura. A good lawyer never admits defeat while an amazing lawyer, always wins the case. Expectations are rather high but that's the thrill of being a lawyer.

In Character | Questionnaire
{ ! } [It would be a slightly crinkled paper about the size of a letter. It was obviously hand written, yet very neatly. It had a slightly cursive lettering yet fully readable. Each letter lengthen out to be Size-Twelve. It looked almost identical to the font Times-New Roman. It was one of the nearest letters you have ever seen in your lifetime.]
Full Name:
Monika Wisteria Kekoa

Preferred name & Title:
Ms. Wisteria

Current age? (25+):

Past job experiences?:
When I was just in highschool I would help with crime cases as i hated my dad's job and how he was never home so I decided to pick up something the complete opisite of what he does secretly. I would go the the library and read books and ask local lawyers to help me study and learn while also part time watching in the court room. I watched documentaries daily and pretended to be a lawyer with my friends. After finishing up high-school and moving on to law school, I decided to hold off doing anything with law for awhile and took on writing and tailoring for a period of time, now it is just a side job I do for fun - or a hobby you could say. I then went on to work at a small lawyer in my home town for a few years. It became boring and I was already preparing to move to a Japan so I decided to take advantage of this and test my skills. I still have some to learn and need a bit more experience but I am willing to learn from my peers and experienced lawyers willing to help me.
How would you describe yourself?:
Personally I believe I am laid-back and considerate of peoples stories before hearing the crime. I dig deep and make sure my evidence is valid, when I do this I am very concentrated so I may seem to be a bit stringent and swingeing on the exterior but in reality I am tranquil yet passionate about getting the job done.

I am just a rather hard worker looking for answers. I have seen many be affected by the evil and corrupt in this town and it has now become personal so the fact I see this now, I am driven to help the innocents while ensuring the guilty are behind bars. My passion is hatred and motivation, making me seem to be more closed off; I am rather closed off to others and strangers but I can be an open book to the close and loved ones in my life, but that is rather rare. I am someone who will push and push to the highest potential yet not going as far to the limit unless they agree to. I cannot examine myself so if you'd like an accurate description, try asking one of my friends/loved ones or my twin sister.

What plans do you have for the town?:
My plans are to slowly but surely make this sad town less gang affiliated and to remove all, if not most, crime from this town. My plans are to protect and defend the innocent, and prove the guilty wrong. Karakura needs justice, less violence, and less lives lost. So many twisted people are so freely able to commit a crime, maybe even in public and it goes unnoticed due to the cops being so busy all of the time. I have big plans, big goals but that's how you exceeded your potential and carry it out to its fullest until you cannot go anymore. I love the idea of helping as being a lawyer and now I can finally do so, but all I need is approval. High goals, higher expectations.
What jobs will you execute with this position?:
I will make the wrong right and protect the innocent, exposing the guilty. Changing the average mind of a Karakura Citizen, I will do my best to prove why you shouldn't do crime - for the potential of being caught, humiliated, sentenced, and having a dreaded feeling of guiltiness. I will dig deep, I am to protect my client as much as I possibly can as that is my job - even if they are guilty. You are to not hold grudges against certain members so I will be very observant watching everything that happens in the court room fully. If it helps the case, I will do as fit as long as it is okay with the law.

Do you practice any sort of religion?:

How did you get into politics?:
I do not involve myself in politics. I have just grown to have a passion to help destroy the crime. My father was a twisted man and harmed my family in a horrible way so I have grown to love helping discard crime and solving problems. Everyday I am reminded of him so I decided to instead take advantage of this and foil the one thing ruining this town. I have never been surrounded by the topic of politics so I decided to not involve myself in the topic. I feel politics are tiring, pointless, and useless. It is just a bunch of bickering and I cannot stand it.

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list your crimes:

Nationality & Born location:
Nationality: French
Birth: France

Fluent languages: (Underline your native language)
Japanese: (Default)


Level 165
. . .
- Thank you for applying, but I've decided to deny
this application for the following reasons.

- The spots for this role have already been filled
Nonetheless, I do suggest that you apply when there is another open spot!

. . .​

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