-Riko Derevo's Lawyer Application-

In-game Name:
Previous bans (include appeal links):
None! I'm always careful to not break any rules when on the server.
Discord Tag:
Do you have a working microphone?:
Yes, I have a working microphone. I am able to join VC's without an issue!
Timezone & Country:
EST, United States.
Links to any current & past applications: (tried to spoiler but it bugged out?)
Riko Derevo
Russian Application [ACCEPTED]
Korean Application [ACCEPTED]
Lihua Wu (Other character)
Cantonese Application [ACCEPTED]
Mandarin Application [ACCEPTED]
Describe your activity on the server:
As of right now, my play time on SRP is 2w 4d 23h. I play every day of the week, but at varying times throughout the day due to my work schedule and class times. I would still say the number of hours played any given day would be consistent, though. About a month ago I returned to SRP after a long break of not playing since 2020, however, I believe a great chunk of my play-time has come from recently. I've had a spike of activity as of late, especially after my character joined the High School Female Basketball team! I dedicate at least around 6 hours pretty much every day to this server, and I believe my dedication and activity in the server can be supported by my improvement in the basketball plugin! I've improved greatly on the team and have built lasting relationships with the members, it goes to show how much I will be able to dedicate myself to the role of Lawyer if I do get accepted. Though school is starting up again soon, I attend college and have a lot of time on my computer, so my activity time most likely will not decrease by much at all! I have two characters (accounts) in SRP at this time, one being Riko which I am hoping to have become lawyer after spending some valuable time on the basketball team, and the second new character being Lihua, which I am hoping to eventually apply for college.

In-game Name:
Previous bans (include appeal links):
None! I'm always careful to not break any rules when on the server.
Discord Tag:
Do you have a working microphone?:
Yes, I have a working microphone. I am able to join VC's without an issue!
Timezone & Country:
EST, United States.
Links to any current & past applications: (tried to spoiler but it bugged out?)
Riko Derevo
Russian Application [ACCEPTED]
Korean Application [ACCEPTED]
Lihua Wu (Other character)
Cantonese Application [ACCEPTED]
Mandarin Application [ACCEPTED]
Describe your activity on the server:
As of right now, my play time on SRP is 2w 4d 23h. I play every day of the week, but at varying times throughout the day due to my work schedule and class times. I would still say the number of hours played any given day would be consistent, though. About a month ago I returned to SRP after a long break of not playing since 2020, however, I believe a great chunk of my play-time has come from recently. I've had a spike of activity as of late, especially after my character joined the High School Female Basketball team! I dedicate at least around 6 hours pretty much every day to this server, and I believe my dedication and activity in the server can be supported by my improvement in the basketball plugin! I've improved greatly on the team and have built lasting relationships with the members, it goes to show how much I will be able to dedicate myself to the role of Lawyer if I do get accepted. Though school is starting up again soon, I attend college and have a lot of time on my computer, so my activity time most likely will not decrease by much at all! I have two characters (accounts) in SRP at this time, one being Riko which I am hoping to have become lawyer after spending some valuable time on the basketball team, and the second new character being Lihua, which I am hoping to eventually apply for college.
What position are you applying for?:
I am applying for the role of Lawyer, I'm pretty set on it.
What is your motivation for applying?:
I've always thought of Law as an intriguing career path, and in school I find myself going after clubs and other extracurriculars involving debate. In school, I have participated in Model UN which involved debate and drafting papers in order to argue for a certain issue involving many different countries around the world. I had even won best delegation! Besides my OOCly interest in being a Lawyer, I believe that RP as an adult would be ideal for me personally. While RP in the High School can be fun at times, I think the maturity of roleplay as an adult, and even more specifically one tied in with the government suits my style more. Being able to RP as a significant individual such as a Lawyer and work with other offices like the KPD in order to reach justice for players who file lawsuits appeals to me as a fun and challenging use of my time! As of now, I am a member of the High School Basketball team, and I had a wonderful time working towards a goal (the tournaments), after having such a nice experience in the team, I believe it's time that I apply towards Lawyer in order to have a more varied RP experience as well as be involved in a role that will give me a constant flow of challenging tasks to put my thinking skills to use. Currently, there are no goals or tournaments in the near future for me to prepare for, and I think it would be a more valuable use of my time and knowledge to switch the monotonous activity of basketball practice for challenging and varied lawsuits for me to spend time working on! Additionally, I think this opportunity would be great for practice in writing, since I am a communications/journalism major. All in all, it just makes sense to work on tasks relating to the job of Lawyer as it will put my critical thinking to use and hone my writing skills. I've always been one to constantly challenge myself, and I tend to like to use my brain. Being a lawyer and having to problem-solve and negotiate will definitely teach me some valuable skills and develop my thinking process. Both ICly and OOCly I believe this opportunity is something I would love to involve myself in to better myself and my character!
Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Yes! I've looked over them several times, and a lot of these terms are actually familiar to me because I have taken a Law Studies class recently. I believe I will be able to take these terms and laws and use them to the best of my ability with the position of lawyer. I have also taken a college American Government course recently, making my ability to interpret these Laws and Constitutions above average since it's fresh in my brain. I often look back at them to refresh myself, and I'm always open to learning about them more in depth in order to properly understand and interpret them when I will put them in use for future tasks.
Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
My main goals for my character with this role is to be more involved in an interactive roleplay, as right now her character is mostly focused on practice with the basketball plugin. While it is fun to be on the basketball team, there isn't much RP opportunity. Speaking with clients and having actual courtroom events would allow for more interaction with other players, and being involved in a serious government position will allow her to have more meaningful engagement in a more mature environment. I really want Riko to have significant character development as well, and I think that interacting with the adults in Karakura, especially in the government roster, would allow for some interesting scenarios! For me personally, my goals with this role would be to again hone my writing skills and critical thinking. I believe that working on both simple and complex cases alike will provide a fun and engaging opportunity to put judgement and morals into practice, as well as help me improve in my ability to interpret laws and regulations to defend a point. It would be similar to speech and debate, something that I am heavily involved in OOCly, the amount of research that the job tasks will also be valuable practice. In short, this role will provide me with a personally meaningful chance to hone real-life skills as well as develop my character, Riko, in an environment where serious work-related roleplay is enforced and encouraged. I also have friends who are in and applying for a role in Karakura's adult world, and I'd love to continue to build on our character's relationships as well as be able to build new ones and engage with more players.
In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
Within the government, a lawyer's duty is to defend their client, whether it be an individual or an organization. A lawyer will be tasked with defending their clients from wrongful claims as well as defend in helping their client have a legal voice in a situation where they've been violated of their rights by another party. It's important that a lawyer guides their client through the sometimes confusing legal world and inform them of their constitutional rights. I will try my best to defend my client and examine the cases I receive thoroughly in order to bring them justice to the fullest extent possible using my knowledge of Karakura's laws and constitution! While advising is a major part of being a lawyer, it's equally important to represent the client and be a reflection of what they aim to achieve in the case. A great deal of what lawyers do is research, because it is imperative to research in order to interpret laws and rulings. The job is in charge of many official documents as well, basically making any casual arrangement into a more formal one. Contracts, lawsuits, and wills are just a few of the legal documents lawyers are in charge of researching and writing up. To sum it up, a Lawyer advises and represents their clients in the courtroom with the use of research on laws and constitutional rights.
Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
I understand that I may be removed at any time upon acceptance, and I will do my best to ensure that I am active and am not removed for any negative reason!
Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
I do understand that dedication is a vital part of acceptance! I believe that my time on the basketball team goes to show how dedicated I can be on acceptance, as I've improved greatly in the sport and am constantly on the court working on my skills and receiving criticism to work on my faults. I have consistent activity in the server daily, and believe that upon acceptance, I will use my time wisely and efficiently work on cases and provide a great roleplay experience for players!
Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes, I am aware! If it helps at all to my case, I have not interacted with too many people since my return to SRP after 2020. I also have not involved myself in GangRP, so if the concern for bias lies partly there, rest assured it won't be an issue! I am also a quite unbiased person and stay true to facts and morals, something I believe to be vital for the role of Lawyer. In all situations, I will without a doubt separate OOC from IC, making sure I don't favor any character over another. ICly, Riko would be returning to the city of Karakura after years of living in Tokyo, meaning she would be unfamiliar with most of the citizens. Therefore putting her in a neutral position.
Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
Yes, I've read the Government Faction rules and gladly agree to follow them!
Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Yes, I have a lot of free time and as long as the meetings and events coordinate well with my timezone I believe I will be able to attend.
Full name:
Riko Derevo
Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
Miss Derevo
Current age:
Date of birth:
Academic Degree:
Criminal Justice/ Criminology
Work experience:
After getting leaving Karakura after high school, I felt that even though I had completed a lengthy time of schooling and had essentially mastered my studies, I was not yet experienced enough in the field to start seriously working. I decided to expand my horizons by continuing to work in the bustling city of Tokyo where there were many opportunities to observe and learn from more experienced lawyers. I began my experience with being a Legal Assistant Intern at a small company in Tokyo in 2014, where I learned the basic procedures of being a lawyer as well as was able to gain a better understanding of the job and the tasks it had in store for me. I worked at this small company for two years, and gained valuable knowledge and tips from the peers I worked with. Soon after in 2016 I began 'real' work in the Law field, leaving the position of assistant and doing my own pro-bono attorney work. The transition from assisting to being a full on attorney was a smooth one thanks to my previous experience in being a legal assistant, and I quickly began receiving cases from clients and building my reputation as being thorough and dedicated. While the firm I began working at had started as a small one, my reputation and the hard work of my other peers helped it gain steady traction, and our mission as a pro-bono law firm had gained the attention of the media. I can proudly say that the firm I have come from, Hamada & Asahi, is a reputable one that I was able to work with through its early days. I definitely found my pro-bono work to be more rewarding, due to its nature of catering to the public good, and the cases I've worked on have all had a significantly positive impact on my clients. I believe my 8 year experience in the field has something to say about my dedication to work and knowledge of the job, and I'd like to think that the nature of doing pro-bono work exemplifies my dedication to morals and care for the public wellbeing.
Political background:
In short, I would say I lean towards Liberal. However, despite how weird it sounds, I try to stay out of politics. From a young age I found political debates to be the most tiresome kind, I tend to only determine what's wrong and right strictly on basic morals and don't think I should limit myself to a specific opinion by constricting myself to a certain political party/belief. I like to avoid talking on the subject with anyone both because of my lack of involvement in them as well as to simply avoid petty disagreement. Frankly, I believe politics have no place in the courtroom as they only lead to bias and disagreement. The main priority of being a lawyer should be to defend his/her client without bias, discussing politics won't contribute to the progression of the case and certainly won’t make for a safe environment. Regardless, I do respect other people’s beliefs and opinions, but it I find it unnecessary to openly express them in situations where it could spark an ugly debate.
Nationality & born location:
Korean; I was born in Seoul, South Korea.
Fluent languages (Underline your native):
I speak, Japanese, Korean, and Russian, Korean being my native language as I was born in Seoul. Despite my first language being foreign, I was raised and have lived the majority of my life in Japan. Growing up with the Japanese language as well as the other two, I am as fluent as a native speaker would be. There will be no problems in communication, rest assured!
Criminal record:
NONE, I have no criminal record and look down on illegal activity, I plan to keep my record clean as long as I'm alive and breathing.
What makes you a good candidate for this job?
From my early childhood I have been involved in speech and debate and loved to use my critical thinking skills, working on challenging puzzles and reading over newspapers, exposing myself to other people's points of views on world topics. My involvement in things of this nature would, as expected, draw me to this kind of career path. My teen years were also spent completing challenging activities and involving myself in clubs and other things of the sort to hone my skills in writing, critical thinking and ****yzing, as well as broadening my mind. I enjoyed seeing other's perspectives, and I would often try to see things in the eyes of others in order to reach fair resolve. In addition, I've spent the entirety of my life in college studying criminal justice and just generally being involved in the law field. My studies in college have also supported me in my career thus far, my study of Japanese contributing to my superior ability in drafting and writing legal documents and skills in communication, especially in the professional setting of a courtroom. My studies in Philosophy have also enhanced my ability to think critically and have a better overall world-view, I've applied the teachings of ethical reasoning every day in my work for the past seven years and believe that this skill will be of great use as a Lawyer in this city. My experience in work starting from being an Legal Assistant Intern all the way to my work as a pro-bono attorney at a law firm also provides a solid backing for my achievements in the field. I have had countless courtroom experiences and know to treat my peers with the utmost respect, while defending my client to the best of my ability. Additionally, my formal work as a pro-bono attorney also goes to show my motivation behind working, providing my skills as a contribution to the public good. Besides my formal qualifications and work experience, my personality also tends to be straight to the point or honest, as well as unbiased and critical when it comes to morals: which I believe to be sought after qualities for a lawyer. I think my dedication to justice and lack of involvement in politics and other things of extreme bias makes me an ideal candidate for this position. My skillset also includes communication, teamwork, and organization, key qualities that allow me to do the best in my research and negotiation. I cater my skills to the community and aim to strive for a safe environment for the city's inhabitants more than just working to make a living. It's a career I am truly passionate about, and I plan on achieving my very best. Thus, with my many years of studying and formal work experience, I believe I can serve Karakura well by bringing justice and a voice to it's citizens. I am extremely confident in my skills gained throughout my years of practice and studying, I wouldn't have applied otherwise, since taking cases that may impact an individual's security and well-being in the city is no joke.. Despite my qualifications I always see room for improvement, and the city of Karakura's activity proves to be a seemingly fun and intriguing case to take on! I look forward to expanding my skills and learning more in this city, and hope that with my experience, my application can be taken into consideration.
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