Level 4

In-game Name:
TellTotty (Applying on)
Discord Tag:
Do you have a working microphone?:
I do have a working microphone
Timezone & Country:
PST (GMT-7), United States
Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):
Character Application
Character Application


What position are you applying for?:
I am applying for a spot as a lawyer!
What is your motivation for applying?:
You might see the same answer being given such as “New experience” or “Just interested” Those are the more common responses which is fine of course because that is also my motivation for applying. There is another aspect though, I want to work on my main character that I’ve had for so many years.
When I look at SRP I can get overwhelmed with the amount of things I can do or become (of course if my application is good enough). I was lucky enough to roleplay as a College Professor in SRP which let's say it was one of the most rewarding roles I could’ve asked for. I’ve gotten to meet so many people, befriend so many new friends whom I speak to everyday now. Upon leaving the faculty It felt like I was ready to move on to the next best thing and that was when I was approached by a current active judge to apply and become a lawyer.
It was then when I looked up what I would be able to do as a lawyer plus having general knowledge of what they do, I became so motivated to become one as I believe it’ll enhance what unbelievable lore I already have with my character.
Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
I can confirm that I’ve read through and have a general understanding of Karakura’s laws & constitutional rights.
Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
My second goal is to learn a bit of aspects when it comes to being a government official. Truth be told besides reading the laws and constitutional rights I’ve never truly understood what it meant to be a lawyer until doing research. It’s not just about trying to defend the person you were assigned or anything, it's how you present yourself and how well you’re able to present the situation at hand. I want to learn more about a lawyer and what better way to do that by becoming one and learning from people who already have the role. Of course this is very different from actually being a lawyer but in this case it still holds the same meaning. Not only that but I believe this is the kind of roleplay that will help me enhance the way I do things. I believe I am a good role player, I’m able to make a story interesting, making sure it has all aspects of creating a well engaging story. If I’m able to have that much encouragement to do that then I have no doubt I’d be able to put my full focus in learning to be a great lawyer.
In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
Doing my own research I have found that being a lawyer in SRP has nearly the same responsibilities as a lawyer in real life. But the key difference is that SRP has fewer responsibilities than real life.
Lawyers in SRP have 5 main jobs/objectives and I will be going through each of them with a detailed explanation of what the job entails and what is expected of said lawyer.
Attending trials: Starting with the first main job of being a lawyer. Attending trials have two objectives for lawyers. One is attending trials as a spectator to gather information or simply to support coworkers whilst they present their case and fight for or defend their client.
The second objective is for lawyers to attend their own trials as they showcase their profession by either defending their client or fighting for them. It doesn’t matter what side a lawyer is on whether it’s on the defendant or the prosecutors. A lawyer must stay true and professional to their client even if their client is guilty of what is being trialed. To summarize it all lawyers take in all evidence brought to their disposal and use it during a trial to work for their client. They use what is in their disposal whether it’d be hard stone evidence or simply witnesses who are willing to testify what they see or what they know. Once finished lawyers close their argument and it’s all left to the judge afterwards.
Attorney calls: Attorney calls aren’t much different to real life calls which keeps the aesthetic of being a life alive. In retrospect it pretty much means that if KPD has someone in jail that person can request a lawyer before making a plea which the KPD officer would make an attorney call on behalf of said Jailed individual. A lawyer would speak with the jailed individual but what is talked about between the lawyer and the individual would be revealed or used during court. This is basically a huge example of what is done in real life and assuming it is applied in SRP as well.
Client Meeting: Starting off the bad client meetings are as it entails. It is a meeting to have a chat with said client to get an understanding of what is needed and asked of. It sets up for a good client relationship making sure both parties have a clear expectation of the goal and situation. Lawyers typically meet with their clients for an initial consultation. That pretty much means that it’s an opportunity to find out if you’d like to hire a certain attorney in which would go ahead and handle the case being presented whilst giving legal advice.
File restraining order: If you’re caught up in an unfortunate situation where you'd have to get a restraining order then look no further as it’s a simple procedure. Although you’d have to bring hardstone evidence of the person you are filing against. Once done town hall’s staff such as Lawyers would be able to help you out. This means that once filed a lawyer would have to turn in what has been asked for as a judge would look it over. This is where it would be different to real life. Instead of a whole court process going through, having that evidence against the person you are filing for, the lawyer would be able to write a restraining order which would be in the form of a book that would be served to the person being filed against.
Front desk work: Last but not least. The last responsibility when it comes to being a lawyer in karakura is front desk work. It is where a lawyer or any staff would be in the front desk and issue ID cards to anyone looking to purchase one and to also give information regarding Karakura’s law in a professional manner.
Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
I understand.
Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
I understand.
Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
I understand.
Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
I have read the government faction rules and I agree to follow them.
Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
As long as it is an appropriate time then I should be more than able to find the time to attend.

Full name:
Senjo Jin-Ryuk
Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
Mr. Jin-Ryuk
Current age:
Date of birth:
July 18th 1984
Academic Degree:
Master’s Degree in SJD (Doctor of Judicial Science)
Criminal Law (Bachelors)
Philosophy (Masters)
Minors in Human rights
Work experience:
Senjo Age 13 - 18
Being raised by a gang leader wasn’t the easiest as it was always a fight for the death when it came to being around “bad people”, they weren’t. It was a fight for survival but that wasn’t what Shinzo Jin-Hisayuki had in store for the young Senjo. Shinzo, a notorious gang leader of the gang known as Senova before it was domesticated into a modern family until they changed their names to a more Korean background which is to this day now known as “Jin-Ryuk”. Under the care of Shinzo, Senjo was forced to learn what real life had in store for him in the future. Shinzo made sure to prepare Senjo for hardship by educating him with vast knowledge. It’s typical to raise an eyebrow when it’s heard that someone was taught and raised by a gang leader but there wasn’t anyone more qualified than Shinzo himself. Although he couldn’t teach Senjo everything he made sure to get through what he knew which was the basics and had him set for a good chance at getting a better life than what Shinzo knew.
Upon going on his own Senjo would make the life changing decision of going on a 10 year trip at the age of 18 to enhance himself and his knowledge by visiting different countries and working towards a culinary goal.
Senjo Age 18 - 28
Arriving in Italy where that would be his first steps into his past career, Senjo made his way to the institution called Apicius where he would graduate at the top of his class after four years but it wasn’t enough for him. He would next move on to discovering himself by visiting his nationality. He set off to spend time in two different places, Honduras and Busan (South Korea.)
The year 2012, Senjo would be 28 and would be returning back to where it all began, Karakura town. That is where he thought he’d finally settle down and do what he did best which was culinary. He was accepted into Karakura college as a professor where he’d spend a couple years as a professor. Although, it felt like that wasn’t where he needed to stay. He didn’t want to stay with only one career path. The good thing about Senjo is that he never stops moving. He never stopped wanting to expand his knowledge, the main lesson his late adoptive father Shinzo taught him.
Senjo Age 28 to Present day
Lost and didn’t know what was next for him, Senjo wandered around for ages not knowing what he wanted to do or where to go. It was until he was approached by an old friend who happened to be the current Chief Judge. It was then that she suggested getting into law. She brought up a good point that he was still young and in his prime. Stopping where he is would be a fool's choice. He still didn’t know where to start when it came to him as if it was natural, he had money he saved up for a long while during his time as a professor. Once all the pieces started to click together, it was as if it was only natural for Senjo to get goin. His first stop was the University of Tokyo. He decided he wanted to stay close to karakura as he’s done his fair share of traveling, he wanted to fully focus on earning his degree as law is no job for the weak.
It first started with earning his minors in Psychology and learning about Human rights, which in its own rights was a difficult task. He basically was starting fresh with things he barely knew. All he had known from the start was cooking but that wouldn’t stop him. He was a smart person he knew he could get it down if he tried hard enough. There was no vacation for him, no going home, no time for relaxing. He needed to be the best and that was the end of it.
Next up are the big challenges. It was said that earning a degree in SJD (Doctor of Judicial Science) would be like getting the highest honors when it came to achieving goals as a lawyer. Senjo in his eyes, saw no better goal than achieving that degree and moving on forward to working with his friend side by side. It was a constant struggle, the constant late night studying, the times when things had gotten so difficult, it was once where he nearly gave up and wanted to leave but he stuck with his goal and pursued on. He wondered how the chief judge managed to get through all of these. What was it like for her, what were her difficult times? He shook off those thoughts as it wasn’t helping him. He needed to focus on himself and what he could do now.
It was beyond all odds that he was able to enter an internship at a law firm. It was there that he started to gain actual experience from people that were leagues above him. There he learned how to talk properly as a lawyer, how to keep his composure, and how to stay neutral to his client whether they were right or wrong. He was building his communication skills as he was appointed to be an assistant for a well known lawyer near his university. There he learned what key notes he needed to look for when it came to taking clients. Slowly but surely he began to build his skills up, even though he wasn’t a lawyer just yet, he was getting the necessary experience needed to be far ahead of those who are just starting off. Once the internship was over, it was like he became a whole new person both gleaming with confidence and reassurance. It wasn’t long afterwards that he finally earned what he wanted, which was the degree in SJD (Doctor of Judicial Science).
Although he had spent 6 years trying to achieve his goal, it had finally come to an end. He got what he wanted but there was something missing. It felt like he could’ve learned a bit more before going back finally. At the age of 38 he decided to stay back in Tokyo for another 2 years to be a Law firms front desk attendant as it would look good in his resume along with having a successful internship.
After a long 2 years, he was 40 years old and was finally ready to go back into Karakura town and apply to town hall.
Nationality & born location:
Half Honduran and Half Korean
Born in Seoul, South Korea
Fluent languages (Underline your native):
Criminal record:
Clean, no records
What makes you a good candidate for this job?
Senjo’s adaptability to learn things easily and enhance them to be better than what he already knew stems from his childhood. He was always gifted with being able to learn things rather quickly and apply them to appropriate situations. Skills like that don’t come around often. Not only that but he is a rather calm and easy going person, having a family of his own and many siblings he needs to look out for, he is a perfect role model when it comes to hardwork and discipline. Not only that but he has received immense training when it comes to being a lawyer, not only is he a good candidate but he can prove it with ease.
He is ready to demonstrate his skills that he’s learned and honed for the past few years and ready to show just how intimidating his vase knowledge is.
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