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Le33y | Economics Professor Application


Level 6

What is your Minecraft username?:

What is your time zone?:

What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)

Link all previous applications you made on the server:

French Application
Korean Application
Third Language Application
JSL Application


Science Teacher Application

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
8 PM-12 AM1 PM-12 AM8 PM-12 AM8 PM-12 AM1 PM-12 AM1 PM-12 AM3 PM-11 PM

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
I’ve been playing SRP for a significant amount of time, namely since 2020. Which now would be about 4 years. In that time I’ve grown to understand the game to an intermediate extent wherein I am comfortable and knowledgable about the ins and outs of roleplay scenarios and am equipped to carry them out without breaking any rules. I’ve gone through several characters and pride myself on making a whole character that doesn’t just play as a caricature of anything but a fully fleshed entity in some regards which always adds a delightful and interesting twist each time I log on. As for my record, it’s clean as a whistle. Even through all manner of RP, I’ve made optimally sure to adhere to the rules and be polite and cordial even when things do upset me, I’m able to unplug and still come back with a good attitude.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
Le33i [Grade-12] Ikuo Kamodo
Le33y [College B] William Chukwudi

What is the subject you want to teach?:
Social Science: Economics


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

I’ve priorly applied to be a professor but due to positions being filled I couldn’t get in at that time, ever since then I’ve wanted to join a faction for the base cause; I would like to integrate myself into the SRP community more and what’s better than joining a faction? I chose the professor faction because I also learn topics that align with this one in my real life and it’d be fun to share the knowledge I have with others as well! It’s always been an enticing thought to be able to participate in teaching, even as I play the game now and again I feel a wholesome pang of envy for the other players who get to schedule classes and attend. It just seems so… fun. I want to be a part of the tasks while spreading my knowledge and also getting to develop my characters even more than they are. It seems like all the best steps in every direction with my SRP journey.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:

Throughout the class each student will be given several of one item (i.e. papers, pens, erasers…) and will be given a list of items they need to have by the end of class, then will have to trade whatever they currently have to complete their list. It is an introduction to how a base structure economy works and is meant to give them a first taste of what the course will be about while still keeping things fun. In the end, we will have a review period where the students get to soak in the lesson that they've been taught with a little QnA segment where the floor is opened for them to ask whatever manner of question they wish as long as it pertains to the activity we did in class or economics as a whole. Bonus, the students who complete the lists can earn a reward token granting an incentive for the students to want to succeed even more.

2. The students would have to team up into groups and will be given one economic concept (i.e. supply and demand, opportunity cost…) and they have the entire class to prep and present the definition of their concept, and a real-life example of where they’ve seen such a thing. Like explaining the supply and demand of a certain type of food or teddy bear and so on. Their assignment and presentation will be outlined in a notebook that details each thinking and researching step so they don't get sidetracked along the way in figuring out their presentation. They will be graded on how well they grasped their concept and how creative they were with their examples with accuracy being the main point at the end of the day. Of course, even with the outline they will be told to still take initiative and not just follow it to a T, it is only there for them to have an idea of their task.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
A field trip to the shopping district would be the perfect start if allowed, I’d ask a store owner to open their doors to the class and we could have a chat with them where the shopkeeper would give a presentation explaining to the students the ins and outs of the business world and their place within the economy as well as impacts and how they circle and grow Karakura’s economy. Hopefully, they’d be able to detail what they sell/services they provide, what space it creates in Karakura’s economy, the demand for their product(s), what makes them so special and keeps their doors open, and also how this benefits the regular everyday civilian like the students.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

Turning from the corner, Chukwudi would set his sights on an alarming scene unfolding. Springing forth into action he’d take several generous strides forward, joining up with the group yet cutting in between them and using his stocky build as a barricade between the perpetrators and the bobcat. “What is going on here?” His bass register cut through the air. Do not be fooled though, as intense as he'd come off just a moment before he was still a patient man through and through, turning to the bobcat and listening to their recounting of the incident before he made any further actions. From then he'd turn to give them a quick yet glaring warning, of course, he wouldn't do anything rash.. he just had a very misunderstanding face. "Disperse or it's detention." He finished, waiting there beside the bobcat. Not to hear anyone out though... to ensure the students left or to hand out detentions to those who didn't listen.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
William glanced down at his watch, fidgeting with its position which had become his habit. Another question being hurled his way hardly phased him, using what he'd learned from 18 years of parenting he'd taken a deep breath, his shoulders rising and eyes closed. A signifier of his stress that was puffed out in the next breath. "Look, I get it, you're curious but if I were you I'd much rather want to get out there with my friends since..." he peered down at his watch once again, watching it glint from the rays of the afternoon sun ricocheting off the outer glass. "Every hour you spend in here is less hours you're spending out there, mate. I'll cut you a deal and help you out but... you still have to finish that task and head out. This place isn't exactly fun." He joked, glancing at the four corners to emphasize his statement.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
Shaking his head William would place his textbook down, running a hand down his face he had to call upon the inhumane amount of patience that had gotten him this far in life. "Excuse me." He spoke his voice which always seemed to have a smooth baritone register felt rigid. "I know you're having fun but there's other students who are here to learn and this is extremely unfair towards them." A slow sigh escaped him when he rose to his full imposing stature, coupled with the growing agitation in his expression it'd be shocking that they weren't scared. "And since you seem to enjoy this little party you're hosting much more than anything boring old me is teaching. So how's about I open the door and you can walk out and have this little moment out there." His words backhandedness was veiled behind a pleasant smile, letting the awkward air settle in while he watched them. Unmoving, and never wavering, just waiting for their next moves. Adding a few extra words now just to be petty. "Maybe you can get the Dean to bust a move too." He snickered.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
Seeing as his first attempts of just speaking weren't doing the trick he'd resort to what he knew best. Getting between the students he'd use his body mass to his advantage in creating a Willaim-sized space between them. "Everybody stop or it's detention for you lot!" The usually mousey man roared, his smooth baritone rugged and booming. A testament to his size. He easily absorbed whatever last hits they were planning on exchanging instead of just glaring between the students, a far cry from what the students were used to. The scowl etched on his features spoke of a different man who was passionate about his hatred for violence. "You lot. You'll leave or it's detention, and I best not catch you fighting again." He let off with a warning, lingering around to ensure the students wouldn't just take their violence elsewhere.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

A rugged beauty stepped onto the scene, graying locs cascading like an opal waterfall down to his large waist. Built? That was an understatement, he was a tank in human form a testament to his vigorous training and disciplined lifestyle... or so you'd think. The man's visage held a stone-cold expression, a permanent scowl etched on his features at all times - only till he smiled, which was what he did most times. His countenance always held a warm smile that greeted those around him and his demeanour was soft and welcoming like a plush cloud. Inked flowers stemmed down both of his arms, painting a floral picture that he'd be more than delighted to tell you if you'd asked him. His nails tinted a new colour every week, with the ends always spelling out the initials "I.K" and a sticker tacked onto the thumbs, courtesy of his son. William Chukwudi was the epitome of a gentle giant.

Although a lot of things made him average, like the way he'd stroke his goatee or the fact he'd fidget with his watch. William was a man who built his lane and stuck to it. For one, he was an avid participant in the fine arts, his muse being his son whom he'd made many paintings of from when he was a child to his skill in botany. He has many hobbies that range out of the typical manly man bubble that someone who looked similarly to him wouldn't align with. Like what was stated earlier he is a gentle giant, a non-believer in violence and someone who has an elevated patience that marvels most. He is usually the last always to raise his voice but will try and be a voice of reason till the end.

William cherishes his students like they are his son. Of course, not to that extent but he understands that every one of the faces here, is loved by someone and means something to someone, so he'd rather mould them into model citizens who are not headed for a path of destruction. He always leaves room for the benefit of the doubt and believes everyone can be helped and will never stop trying to give a shoulder for them to lean on since he understands that real life is harsher than whatever assignment or quiz he has to lay out for them. While he also knows to be the change he wants to see in the world, he also knows that certain situations just fall out of his hands and students that can be too far gone for even his light to reach. And to those students, he just prays for them to have a good life or at least live past their 20's and figure something out in the future since he'd hate to see another life uselessly snuffed out all for the sake of a child veering off the beaten path.

As for the future... William already feels as though he's accomplished a lot of what can be accomplished in life. Having a child, building a life and career. Now he's just living in the future he's created, supporting his children till they eventually leave the nest and become their own people. He's gotten to a very comfortable position in life where he truly just rolls with the punches and stops to smell the roses before dealing with what life might have in store. If anything, probably after his tenure he plans on opening a mom-and-pops diner to serve guests with food that he'd enjoyed the most while growing up.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.

William Chukwudi, the second son of the Chukwudi family was born in Britain to, Precious Chukwudi and James Chuwkudi. The Igbo couple celebrated their bouncing baby boy. Amid their happiest moments they hadn't noticed anything frankly wrong with the boy, he'd been born healthy as a horse and was ready to carry on the family's legacy! Though by the time he was 3, he looked almost 5... leading the couple to worry quite a bit about why their son was so large. James was only 5'10 and Precious was 5'3. The first one they'd turned to for questioning was James' side of the family since they'd had people as tall as 6'6 down the family lineage, though it wasn't so uncommon for a child to adopt traits that back a few generations it was surely shocking to see.
Sticking out like a sore thumb was something that William would grow accustomed to very quickly growing up. From when he can remember he'd always been the largest in the room. Even from kindergarten, and that didn't change when he got to Year 8. Being 5'11 at 12 was already enough on his plate, but having other kids constantly badgering him to play some game where they'd beg him to get on their team and secure an easy win. However, William always found himself more inclined to hang out with the "nerds" and "outcasts" the kids who shamelessly loved school and partook in their hobbies whether it be art or whatever hit mainstream nerd culture that month. Most called it a waste for him to prefer drawing and stupid comic books over things "real men" do.
At home, his hobbies were praised since it was a confirmation that he'd at least be going in the right direction. Also coupled with the fact he'd been mild-mannered since he was a child put his parents at ease and always one to avoid trouble which put his immigrant *****ian parents at ease. William tried to keep his head down and focus mainly on the school work as his height finally staggered and remained that way for a while... and by a while, it only lasted till year 13. He'd kept producing the same results, balancing sports he didn't even like doing all for the sake of not "wasting his potential" and still finding time to hang out with the true friends he had so he could participate in all his nerdy hobbies to his heart's content. It weighed heavily on him to have to keep up with all his separate lives and if that wasn't worse his height started seeing a drastic jump that took him from 5'11 to 6'8.
Now an adult, William is frankly burned out from keeping up multiple facades throughout his secondary school years and wants something better for himself in higher education. Stripping off the burdens of other's expectations of himself he navigates his way through university with a very quiet but assured voice. He does turn down a lot of opportunities at a sports career, sticking with his usual physiotherapy and gym routine to just keep himself in shape and finally getting to fully immerse himself in his nerdy lifestyle without feeling any judgement since... who's going to bully him in college? His life rounds up nicely now that he can put everything into one melting pot of his identity. He worked as a tutor to make money on the side while he got his degree in Economics. He found the subject so compelling though that he wanted to take it further! Ultimately getting his PhD in the major along with his Bachelor's in Political Science and a minor in the Fine Arts.
By this time also, he met a sweetheart in university and the two got a little ahead of themselves. She'd had two children already from a previous relationship and although he didn't think it was the best idea he still wanted to pursue a relationship with her. William had only had flings in the past that never challenged him intellectually or brought any light into his life before her. They got a bit too risque and she'd fallen pregnant with his first and only son while he was 23. He vowed to take responsibility and raise him as well as the rest of the kids to the best of his abilities even while he went to school. After graduation the only other route he could fathom going was teaching, he'd already liked being a tutor so much that he decided it'd be best to do it full-time and to this day he still teaches, though he's trying to move closer to his son in Japan.

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)


Full Name:

"I'm William Chukwudi."

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
"Mr. is fine, thank you."

Given Name(s):
"A lot of people call me Will but, the students can call me Mr. C."

Preferred Name:
"Of course William."

"I'm 41..."

Gender & pronouns:
"Male.. he/him pronouns."

Religious Denomination:
"I'd say I'm spiritual."

Marital Status:
"Still single..."

"British-*****ian! Love my countries."

Current Location:
"Karakura Japan! It feels good to touch down."

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):

"10 years! It's been a lovely journey."

Working Experience (# of years):
"About 15 years now."

Academic Degree:
"PhD in Economics."

Year of Graduation:

"Economics and Political Science"

"Fine Arts"

Native Languages:

Other Languages:
"French, Spanish and of course Japanese."

Preferred Teaching Subject:
"Economics, it’s what I’ve studied best."


Additional notes about your application (if any):

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