In-game Name: Lemxnades
Discord Tag: Lemxnades
Do you have a working microphone? Yes
Timezone & Country: Est & United States
Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):
Describe your activity on the server:
My activity is 10-12 hours a day. I will spend more time on SRP for this faction, as I have wanted to do this faction for a bit. I usually run around SRP completely doing nothing, as I don't usually have people to hang out with during the game. I enjoyed the teaching faction when I had it and spent every day on the game. This will also happen if I get accepted into this faction.
In-game Name: Lemxnades
Discord Tag: Lemxnades
Do you have a working microphone? Yes
Timezone & Country: Est & United States
Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):
Describe your activity on the server:
My activity is 10-12 hours a day. I will spend more time on SRP for this faction, as I have wanted to do this faction for a bit. I usually run around SRP completely doing nothing, as I don't usually have people to hang out with during the game. I enjoyed the teaching faction when I had it and spent every day on the game. This will also happen if I get accepted into this faction.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
12pm-9pm | Unavaliable | 12pm-9pm | 12pm-9pm | 12pm-9pm | 3pm-9pm | 3pm-9pm |
What position are you applying for?:
What is your motivation for applying?:
✵ My motivation for applying to be a Judge is to expand my work path for real life; I know 100% it's not going to be precisely the same, but I feel like it will give me a great head start for what I've been wanting to do all my life, I always wanted to be that person behind the desk hitting that hammer if it is a yes or not on dealing with crimes or lawsuits. I am excited to write this as it will expand my view. I am studying judicial law in real life, and putting this into a game I enjoy playing will be better as it will give me practice for the real thing in the future! My motivation is to provide me with a view of not being in front but being the person behind that desk. The other motivation for being a part of the government faction is that I've noticed no judges are in the American time zones. I also want to help the faction with trials and any such events needed. I am willing to support, help, and put whatever is required for this faction.
Do you have an understanding of Karakura's laws & Constitutional rights?:
❋ Yes, I understand the Karakura's laws and Constitutional rights.
Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
✵ My goals and character are the same; I want to see how exciting it will be working in this field, as it could help me expand my outlook on this. I aim to show what I am learning and what I will speak in the game. It will be different, of course, as the game doesn't copy everything in real life, but the main parts I hope to see are the enjoyment and the excitement for this position to show that I am willing to take on the risk of being a judge for SRP. My character's goal is to make the right decision for friends and family, as he feels like he has to do the right thing, though it could cause some disappointment; he isn't a softy as he is very strict about what he does in his job, as I feel like it could expand his point of view on others. I am liberated to produce excitement for the Karakura staff + Players who wish to know more about the faction or do a simple roleplay or event.
In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
✵ Main base: Karakura has been assigned a judge who will help play a vital role in establishing the rule of law and order. The position is quite crucial as it pertains to the town's legal system; one is guaranteed justice and equality in the city. holds a superior position among any peers and community members, personifying those very principles of justice and liability upon which the structure of the legal system is based. The people would most certainly have confidence in this department since a judge is no doubt necessary in any democracy. It is a significant position in personal or communal life that depends upon the judge's verdict. The judge is the donor of stability and security in Karakura by executing the laws and ensuring justice is served. The different dimensions of this commitment combine to arrive at a deep understanding of the precepts and principles of the laws with ethical conduct and integrity.
✵ Legal jurisprudence: The judge must, therefore, be fully conversant with all the law policies and statutes in town and, in the given case, what statute is expected to apply and interpret. Then give a ruling based on the legal standards and general values of Karakura. The power of interpreting the law well is crucial in making sure that there are just applications in different circumstances. likewise be mindful of the law in mere rote memorization of statutes but in the delicate interplay of laws and precedents that dictate the decisions of the bench. This more profound insight enables Anyone to deal with more intricate legal issues and to reach out justice reasonably to all parties concerned.
✵ Hearing of cases in court: A judge presides over cases running from civil to criminal cases in Karakura courts. They do this to ensure that the two sides facing each other get a fair hearing, then weigh up the evidence presented by the prosecution against the evidence presented by the defense before giving a verdict; objectivity since the judge is supposed to weigh up the arguments presented before them. Besides conducting the proceedings in a courtroom, judges set examples to show civility and politeness within that court setting. They manage to do this by keeping order so all parties are heard and their ideas are considered. This means a climate of this nature is ripe to ensure the smooth dispensation of justice and interaction.
✵ Protection of rights: Through the judges, individual rights are protected, hence protection against arbitrary treatments; due process treatment of all parties so that all citizens may be tried on equal grounds and that their representation be adequate. The rule of law prevents abuses of power and discrimination within the legal system. Besides, he protected the rights of people coming under fringes or the most vulnerable part of society. This implies much in striving for an equable society where fairness in treatment from the law prevails to one and for all because, as such, he was an actively vigilant judge.
✵ Sentencing and giving legal remedies: In the criminal case, the judges shall determine an appropriate offender sentence ranging from fines to community service to imprisonment. Supposed to balance every factor, including the magnitude of the crime, the offender's history, and the impact on the victim, among others, and at this time, considered minute after minute to ensure a sentence balance that is punitive yet corrective. A judge's concrete instructions on legal remedies should be compensatory, property, or whatever equitable settlements that can restore the balance of justice in civil cases. To this end, the judges help resolve social conflicts and realize social harmony since they allow the correct operation of disputes. Their decisions can stand for a very long period and affect many people and communities fundamentally; their role in the administration of justice is consequently fundamental.
✵ Other duties: This group's activities are licensing marriages, processing warrants, and dealing with all papers as quickly as possible. That part points not only to flexibility, which is naturally related to the implementation of the work but also to civil life. By officiating the rite of marriage, judges in Karakura have the potential to play a helpful supporting role in social functioning, providing a means for persons to create and stabilize family units and related relationships. Besides this, much desk work which the judges too have to do includes reception duties amongst others, all of which become basic in running the day-to-day affairs of this Court, from receiving visitors and responding to queries and ensuring that the Court functions as problem-free as possible. A comprehensive stance shows that within the community-based judiciary in Karakura, the judges are very approachable and proximate to the people they serve.
✵ Real life: This is considered more considerate, although the roles or duties assigned to the Karakura were similar to those of earthly judges. The Earthly judges sometimes specialize in one or two branches of law, such as family law, criminal law, or civil law, which builds up their experience in each specialty. This specialization should facilitate quality in judicial decision-making since the judges are more conversant with the intricacies of particular legal areas. The honest judges also work within a far more complex justice system, including appeals and an expanded procedural framework involving several levels of Court and many legal precedents from which a judge might draw. That would contrast with the generalized role of the Karakura judge, arbitrating everything within his immediate community and calling for a broad-ranging skill set and adaptability.
Do you acknowledge that you accepted to removal at any given time upon being accepted?:
❋ Yes, I acknowledge that I can be subject to removal upon being accepted.
Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
❋ Yes, I understand I am expected to be dedicated to my position.
Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
❋ Yes, I am aware that any display of OOC bias towards anyone on the job can result in my punishment and possible removal.
Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
❋ Yes, I read and agreed to follow the Government Faction Rules
Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
❋ Yes, I can participate in weekly meetings and events.
Full name:
Raymond S. Brooks
Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
Current age:
Date of birth:
April 4th, 1988
Academic Degree:
Juris Doctorate (J.D) Degree
Political Science
Work experience:
✵ My background is somewhat varied, but it helped me to shape my ability to handle complex matters and communicate effectively. Before arriving in Karakura, I served as a judge in America for several years. I worked on many cases there, ranging from civil disputes to severe criminal trials. This helped me understand the legal procedures, importance, and seriousness of being a judge. Before my career in America, I worked as an English teacher, which helped me develop clear communication skills and understand and explain more complex matters in an understandable language. Teaching also enabled me to gain patience, empathy, and understanding. Those experiences gathered together made me proficient in law and a skilled communicator.
Nationality & born location:
American – Friday Harbor, Washington state
Fluent languages (Underline your native):
French, Korean, Russian
Criminal record:
I do not have any criminal record to my name
What makes you a good candidate for this job?
✵I am a blend of firm and soft in respective situations. For this reason, II will be an ideal candidate to hold the post of a judge- the required judiciary system to make the people communicative while commanding respect. Often, all a person requires is being listened to, and for that, one needs to be approachable and friendly. I am also aware. However, that part of this engagement will be to render verdicts that may disappoint the client in those cases where evidence is insufficient to support them. It's a job challenge that I am prepared to deal with empathetically as a professional.
Proof, in this case—especially from customers in the lead entering the court—is significant to maintaining dignity for justice. What is needed is fairness and the ability of courts to execute their mandate without idle delays. Being a judge exposes one to giving full attention to grasping legal issues at hand and to being dispensed with. I am committed to weighing scrupulous evidence that shall be adduced before me since decisions have to be made based on sound evidence. This commitment to due diligence serves not only the ends of justice but also facilitates greater public confidence in the system. Being forthright and candid about any judicial matter makes maintaining decorum in the court easy. I shall carefully listen to each party, examine their argument, and then decide what looks evident. It calls for being impartial, even when stress and tension mount. I will always make it a point that my decisions are based on fact-finding and evidence collected, keeping personal bias low, and abiding by the law.
I know that the crucial point in the law of Karakura is to enable me to dispense proper justice. It allows decision-making to reflect the values in each community and to gain an understanding of the local laws and regulations. Delicacy in the nuance of the legal landscape of Karakura enables me to apply the law even-handedly so that the law can be called upon to be pertinent to a particular situation. This gives me the insight to deal with different questions of law and finally arrive at a rightful decision. It means that my commitment to justice goes beyond mere paying lip service to the law; it is an intrinsic commitment to service for the protection of the rights of the citizens. I am deeply committed to the spirit of justice for all and the need for a friendly courtroom. This commitment calls for sensitivity to the needs of those marginalized, allowing them to air their views. It presupposes far more than making a judgment; it involves constructing bridges between all parties concerned. Bench decisions significantly impact an individual's life apart from touching society at large. My choices could turn an individual's life course through which his future success and well-being are set. I bring an injunction into the rule of law, fully prepared to take up this critical position to instill in the community at Karakura a feeling that justice really shall be done. And it is my commitment that every person leaving the court after his time in it shall be made wanted, respected, and given due consideration- believing that justice can be a reality for anyone.
Notes: My adult tag is on my primary, so if possible, if I get accepted, move my adult tag to an alternative and then use one of my HS characters to switch it to my primary to switch it from Grade-12 to Judge (This is only for if I get accepted)
What position are you applying for?:
What is your motivation for applying?:
✵ My motivation for applying to be a Judge is to expand my work path for real life; I know 100% it's not going to be precisely the same, but I feel like it will give me a great head start for what I've been wanting to do all my life, I always wanted to be that person behind the desk hitting that hammer if it is a yes or not on dealing with crimes or lawsuits. I am excited to write this as it will expand my view. I am studying judicial law in real life, and putting this into a game I enjoy playing will be better as it will give me practice for the real thing in the future! My motivation is to provide me with a view of not being in front but being the person behind that desk. The other motivation for being a part of the government faction is that I've noticed no judges are in the American time zones. I also want to help the faction with trials and any such events needed. I am willing to support, help, and put whatever is required for this faction.
Do you have an understanding of Karakura's laws & Constitutional rights?:
❋ Yes, I understand the Karakura's laws and Constitutional rights.
Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
✵ My goals and character are the same; I want to see how exciting it will be working in this field, as it could help me expand my outlook on this. I aim to show what I am learning and what I will speak in the game. It will be different, of course, as the game doesn't copy everything in real life, but the main parts I hope to see are the enjoyment and the excitement for this position to show that I am willing to take on the risk of being a judge for SRP. My character's goal is to make the right decision for friends and family, as he feels like he has to do the right thing, though it could cause some disappointment; he isn't a softy as he is very strict about what he does in his job, as I feel like it could expand his point of view on others. I am liberated to produce excitement for the Karakura staff + Players who wish to know more about the faction or do a simple roleplay or event.
In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
✵ Main base: Karakura has been assigned a judge who will help play a vital role in establishing the rule of law and order. The position is quite crucial as it pertains to the town's legal system; one is guaranteed justice and equality in the city. holds a superior position among any peers and community members, personifying those very principles of justice and liability upon which the structure of the legal system is based. The people would most certainly have confidence in this department since a judge is no doubt necessary in any democracy. It is a significant position in personal or communal life that depends upon the judge's verdict. The judge is the donor of stability and security in Karakura by executing the laws and ensuring justice is served. The different dimensions of this commitment combine to arrive at a deep understanding of the precepts and principles of the laws with ethical conduct and integrity.
✵ Legal jurisprudence: The judge must, therefore, be fully conversant with all the law policies and statutes in town and, in the given case, what statute is expected to apply and interpret. Then give a ruling based on the legal standards and general values of Karakura. The power of interpreting the law well is crucial in making sure that there are just applications in different circumstances. likewise be mindful of the law in mere rote memorization of statutes but in the delicate interplay of laws and precedents that dictate the decisions of the bench. This more profound insight enables Anyone to deal with more intricate legal issues and to reach out justice reasonably to all parties concerned.
✵ Hearing of cases in court: A judge presides over cases running from civil to criminal cases in Karakura courts. They do this to ensure that the two sides facing each other get a fair hearing, then weigh up the evidence presented by the prosecution against the evidence presented by the defense before giving a verdict; objectivity since the judge is supposed to weigh up the arguments presented before them. Besides conducting the proceedings in a courtroom, judges set examples to show civility and politeness within that court setting. They manage to do this by keeping order so all parties are heard and their ideas are considered. This means a climate of this nature is ripe to ensure the smooth dispensation of justice and interaction.
✵ Protection of rights: Through the judges, individual rights are protected, hence protection against arbitrary treatments; due process treatment of all parties so that all citizens may be tried on equal grounds and that their representation be adequate. The rule of law prevents abuses of power and discrimination within the legal system. Besides, he protected the rights of people coming under fringes or the most vulnerable part of society. This implies much in striving for an equable society where fairness in treatment from the law prevails to one and for all because, as such, he was an actively vigilant judge.
✵ Sentencing and giving legal remedies: In the criminal case, the judges shall determine an appropriate offender sentence ranging from fines to community service to imprisonment. Supposed to balance every factor, including the magnitude of the crime, the offender's history, and the impact on the victim, among others, and at this time, considered minute after minute to ensure a sentence balance that is punitive yet corrective. A judge's concrete instructions on legal remedies should be compensatory, property, or whatever equitable settlements that can restore the balance of justice in civil cases. To this end, the judges help resolve social conflicts and realize social harmony since they allow the correct operation of disputes. Their decisions can stand for a very long period and affect many people and communities fundamentally; their role in the administration of justice is consequently fundamental.
✵ Other duties: This group's activities are licensing marriages, processing warrants, and dealing with all papers as quickly as possible. That part points not only to flexibility, which is naturally related to the implementation of the work but also to civil life. By officiating the rite of marriage, judges in Karakura have the potential to play a helpful supporting role in social functioning, providing a means for persons to create and stabilize family units and related relationships. Besides this, much desk work which the judges too have to do includes reception duties amongst others, all of which become basic in running the day-to-day affairs of this Court, from receiving visitors and responding to queries and ensuring that the Court functions as problem-free as possible. A comprehensive stance shows that within the community-based judiciary in Karakura, the judges are very approachable and proximate to the people they serve.
✵ Real life: This is considered more considerate, although the roles or duties assigned to the Karakura were similar to those of earthly judges. The Earthly judges sometimes specialize in one or two branches of law, such as family law, criminal law, or civil law, which builds up their experience in each specialty. This specialization should facilitate quality in judicial decision-making since the judges are more conversant with the intricacies of particular legal areas. The honest judges also work within a far more complex justice system, including appeals and an expanded procedural framework involving several levels of Court and many legal precedents from which a judge might draw. That would contrast with the generalized role of the Karakura judge, arbitrating everything within his immediate community and calling for a broad-ranging skill set and adaptability.
Do you acknowledge that you accepted to removal at any given time upon being accepted?:
❋ Yes, I acknowledge that I can be subject to removal upon being accepted.
Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
❋ Yes, I understand I am expected to be dedicated to my position.
Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
❋ Yes, I am aware that any display of OOC bias towards anyone on the job can result in my punishment and possible removal.
Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
❋ Yes, I read and agreed to follow the Government Faction Rules
Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
❋ Yes, I can participate in weekly meetings and events.
Full name:
Raymond S. Brooks
Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
Current age:
Date of birth:
April 4th, 1988
Academic Degree:
Juris Doctorate (J.D) Degree
Political Science
Work experience:
✵ My background is somewhat varied, but it helped me to shape my ability to handle complex matters and communicate effectively. Before arriving in Karakura, I served as a judge in America for several years. I worked on many cases there, ranging from civil disputes to severe criminal trials. This helped me understand the legal procedures, importance, and seriousness of being a judge. Before my career in America, I worked as an English teacher, which helped me develop clear communication skills and understand and explain more complex matters in an understandable language. Teaching also enabled me to gain patience, empathy, and understanding. Those experiences gathered together made me proficient in law and a skilled communicator.
Nationality & born location:
American – Friday Harbor, Washington state
Fluent languages (Underline your native):
French, Korean, Russian
Criminal record:
I do not have any criminal record to my name
What makes you a good candidate for this job?
✵I am a blend of firm and soft in respective situations. For this reason, II will be an ideal candidate to hold the post of a judge- the required judiciary system to make the people communicative while commanding respect. Often, all a person requires is being listened to, and for that, one needs to be approachable and friendly. I am also aware. However, that part of this engagement will be to render verdicts that may disappoint the client in those cases where evidence is insufficient to support them. It's a job challenge that I am prepared to deal with empathetically as a professional.
Proof, in this case—especially from customers in the lead entering the court—is significant to maintaining dignity for justice. What is needed is fairness and the ability of courts to execute their mandate without idle delays. Being a judge exposes one to giving full attention to grasping legal issues at hand and to being dispensed with. I am committed to weighing scrupulous evidence that shall be adduced before me since decisions have to be made based on sound evidence. This commitment to due diligence serves not only the ends of justice but also facilitates greater public confidence in the system. Being forthright and candid about any judicial matter makes maintaining decorum in the court easy. I shall carefully listen to each party, examine their argument, and then decide what looks evident. It calls for being impartial, even when stress and tension mount. I will always make it a point that my decisions are based on fact-finding and evidence collected, keeping personal bias low, and abiding by the law.
I know that the crucial point in the law of Karakura is to enable me to dispense proper justice. It allows decision-making to reflect the values in each community and to gain an understanding of the local laws and regulations. Delicacy in the nuance of the legal landscape of Karakura enables me to apply the law even-handedly so that the law can be called upon to be pertinent to a particular situation. This gives me the insight to deal with different questions of law and finally arrive at a rightful decision. It means that my commitment to justice goes beyond mere paying lip service to the law; it is an intrinsic commitment to service for the protection of the rights of the citizens. I am deeply committed to the spirit of justice for all and the need for a friendly courtroom. This commitment calls for sensitivity to the needs of those marginalized, allowing them to air their views. It presupposes far more than making a judgment; it involves constructing bridges between all parties concerned. Bench decisions significantly impact an individual's life apart from touching society at large. My choices could turn an individual's life course through which his future success and well-being are set. I bring an injunction into the rule of law, fully prepared to take up this critical position to instill in the community at Karakura a feeling that justice really shall be done. And it is my commitment that every person leaving the court after his time in it shall be made wanted, respected, and given due consideration- believing that justice can be a reality for anyone.
✵ A 36-year-old male, with his birthday precisely landing on August 18th. He was born with only a mother, as his father left in the middle of his mother's pregnancy. He was born in Friday Harbor - Washington State, on a high-class island with only a few residents living there before moving down to California, where he was raised by his mother and grandparents in LA in a higher-class neighborhood where he met a beautiful woman named Lavender.
Raymond is a bisexual male - His first love is the reason he is bisexual to this day. As he fell in love with his own best friend while being friends with Lavender, he only dated him for a year before finding out his old lover was seeing someone behind his back. This was also the year he finally realized the person he sought was right before him this entire time. He grew his hair out; he did multiple things to get Lavender's attention, just to have her look at him in a non-best friend's way, a way where she sees his love for her. Through the years, he went to college for his Doctor Of Juridical Science (SJD); for a good few years, he worked for the government building before entirely quitting his job in America to put all his attention on his kids, taking care of them. They didn't need to worry about money as he was financially stable. Because of the divorce, he believed it would be best to move into a different area to escape what just happened, helping the kids cope with the divorce.
Raymond is a bisexual male - His first love is the reason he is bisexual to this day. As he fell in love with his own best friend while being friends with Lavender, he only dated him for a year before finding out his old lover was seeing someone behind his back. This was also the year he finally realized the person he sought was right before him this entire time. He grew his hair out; he did multiple things to get Lavender's attention, just to have her look at him in a non-best friend's way, a way where she sees his love for her. Through the years, he went to college for his Doctor Of Juridical Science (SJD); for a good few years, he worked for the government building before entirely quitting his job in America to put all his attention on his kids, taking care of them. They didn't need to worry about money as he was financially stable. Because of the divorce, he believed it would be best to move into a different area to escape what just happened, helping the kids cope with the divorce.
✵ Raymond S. Brooks would measure approximately 7'2 in height. Though much taller than most Americans, he weighs about 130 lbs. His hair would be a natural blond with a few brown streaks. To be more specific, his hair was a dirty blonde. He was observing Raymond more. His dressy outfit would be noticeable with his glasses on his head. Staring at Raymond, completely observing each aspect of him, you can also quite notice he is rather observant as he isn't much of a talker except when listening to his colleagues or clients who need his help.
Notes: My adult tag is on my primary, so if possible, if I get accepted, move my adult tag to an alternative and then use one of my HS characters to switch it to my primary to switch it from Grade-12 to Judge (This is only for if I get accepted)
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