Level 1
Backstory! (Help- I am going to write a bit)
Lev is a 14 year old Russian. Having a less than ideal childhood as he aged. He was originally from his family of three; a stay at home mother Anastasiya, a hardworking yet absent father Victor, and an annoying younger brother- Luka.
His family were soon driven apart, though, as his father was found by Anastasiya sleeping with another woman. The soon coming divorce was rough, and ended up with both Lev and Luka. being separated as they were put up for adoption.
Lev, being six at the time, was very quick to be adopted by two loving fathers who wanted a son. They lived throughout the year with Lev experiencing a new family dynamic, having a very interactive and close relationship with both parents he had. Lev soon became happier than he has been in years- even taking both of his fathers last name (who they both decided to share). As Lev aged, he was soon diagnosed with ADHD and a speech disorder, where he had to go through multiple years with tutors and going through multiple medications to help find one to help him with his ADHD as best as possible. (Linked to other post touching on this in a language app)
As years passed on, his fathers were both becoming stressed with their living situation due to the heavy amount of disrespect they got due to their relationship. They both didn't want Lev to grow up in such an environment for his whole life; not wanting him to take on such beliefs and instead be more open to others. They decided to start looking into locations to move to, finding a nice area in Karakura Japan, which was more accepting of the LGBT along with a more open education to help him. Lev, being 10 at the time, was once again put in for more lessons on learning another language: Japanese!
It was honestly way more entertaining for him to learn than when he had to focus on mastering Russian in his younger years. Due to his experience in already having one language under his belt, along with now having his ADHD symptoms being lessened due to his new medication, allowed him to put his all into learning the language for the next two years. Soon after he became fluent- the only hint of him being Russian being his accent- they began to trip to Karakura to start their new lives!
It didn't go well, around a month after the move, Lev was soon to be left completely alone, stranded in a foreign country. It was around the time while he was at class, he was called to the office to be informed his parents were brutally murdered during a mugging. They couldn't figure out who did it- though the motive was quite often due to their more comfortable living style and the huge amount of money they had saved up.
Lev was soon after tossed around in foster care, though none of them ended positively and none of them were willing to take him in due to his age. A year passed and he soon turned 13, being in high-school now. This was where things began to look up once more as he met his roommate, Rena. She took him in and allowed him to live with her as long as she had an apartment. This allowed the two to support each other for the next year, and now he continues to live through Karakura as he fishes to make a living and help afford rent.
Despite all of this, Lev is a somewhat regular kid going who has been going through therapy for his trauma. Staying out of trouble as much as possible and trying to make the most of his situation.
(Edited the timeline a bit to match with his current in-game age)
Preferred name: N/A Lev's already happy with his name
Appearance: brunette hair, light brown eyes, light skin
White shirt, Biege sleeveless vest, (No added notes)
baggy light blue pants.
Gender: Male (He/him)
Height: 5'3" (No added notes)
Weight: 160 pounds (Help I dunno the average weight of a 14 year old) D:
Abnormalities(?): He has a large gash across his chest, it's an old scar,
This was caused from an accident years ago when playing with his brother (Luka) unsupervised.
They foolishly thought it okay to swordfight
with kitchen knifes.
Date of birth: (No added notes)
January 6th
Sexual orientation: homoromantic (I make all my character asexual xd)
Religious beliefs: Shinto (No added notes)
Political belief: N/A Lev barely knows anything about the political
state of Karakura due to just moving in.
Added notes!
- He picked up cooking from his fathers
- He is very open about his past when asked, not realizing how dark it is and how off-putting his openess could be
- He likes to garden, along with writing and drawing
- His hands shake a lot, he has a lot of difficulty holding items straight (like trays, cameras, ect)
- He picked up the habit of sitting in empty trashcans- finding closed spaced safer
- He has a developed hatred for thieves after what happened to his parents
- He is easily able to be distracted when bored, yet also able to hype fixate on tasks he enjoys. There is no in-between
- He hopes to be a psychiatrist* some day to help others through rough times, similar to how his psychiatrist* did for him
Extra photos

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