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Denied Librarian Application | kittyp4wz


Level 10
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your Discord username?): kittyp4wzz

How old are you? (Optional): N/A

What is your time zone?: EST (Eastern Standard Time)

Describe your activity on the server: I’d describe my activity on the server as a solid 9/10! I have a very important role in my family and love to work towards it. I am constantly communicating with family members and building and developing my character's story. Unfortunately, school will be starting up soon so this will drop down a score but it is really important to me so I’ll be sure to make this my main priority and motivation for logging in. I’d love to fulfill this role the best way I possibly can and give it my all. Now that I am applying for a role as Librarian this will add to the motivation I already have to log into the server every day whenever possible. I am typically on for around 4-9 hours.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?): No. I have not been banned on this server and it will stay that way as I do not plan on getting banned or warned within my time on SRP in any way, shape, or form. I play important roles as my character and would rather spend my time doing serious roleplay instead of trolling or breaking any of the SRP rules in order to get a warning or ban. I understand that I have responsibilities within my faction and family.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Yes I both acknowledge and understand that a demotion is inevitable if I cannot properly fulfill the requirements of this job. I plan on being as active as I possibly can in order to show my dedication to this role and genuine passion to grow my role play skills in this area of interest.

School Employee Role you are applying for?: Librarian

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for: As a librarian your main goal is to ultimately help improve and enhance every student's learning experience by immersing yourself in the calm atmosphere of the library and creating a safe space for every student to come and enjoy. Librarians can vary, but they also mainly give students library cards and help both students and other faculty pick and decide which book(s) they may want to check out from the wide variety of books that the library has to offer with said library card. They strive for a welcoming and safe environment for all and I believe that would create a positive impact on each and every student. The librarian faction is extremely helpful and creative in what they do and always tries to convey that warm, fuzzy excitement to every soul they talk to. Librarians are able to search catalogs and check for books that are not currently at the library that students have specifically requested! Realizing your responsibilities as a Librarian is detrimental and extremely recommended in order to become the best version of yourself you can be. Librarians can help in organizing and communicating with teachers for certain lesson plans, working together to bring a positive and happy atmosphere to the school as a whole by working as a team. Monitoring students both in and out of the library can be helpful in order to make sure no one is disrespectful or disruptive in another's learning process. Making sure students know that everyone learns at their own pace and that learning does in fact take time plays a big part in the mental factor of this job.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?: I have been roleplaying for a long time, if I’d have to give an estimate about 5-6 years at least. Through all my time roleplaying I have found out that I am extremely curious and passionate when it comes to roleplaying always trying to come up and plan out new experiences I could have for my characters. I have roleplayed on a multitude of platforms anywhere from Minecraft servers, to apps you’d find on the AppStore, or googling on your phone I have done so with many of my friends having a wonderful time with them. I find myself truly honored to have been able to meet such amazing people on this server, I’m only shocked to this day that a role-play server I came onto one day on a whim turned out to be a big part of my life growing up, this server practically raised me when I think about all of the amazing memories I’ve created on it so far and the ones I will continue to create moving forward. One of my main motivating factors is of course my friends they constantly challenge me and help engage me and I’m very thankful to them for that we do it for each other to have never a dull moment and it’s worked for as long as I can remember. I like to immerse myself into the world of roleplay by becoming one with my character making sure all the decisions I’m making are doing right by my character! I love every character I make and hold them dear and close to me like they’re my little babies. I have done all sorts of roleplay styles one of the more obvious ones being studentRP which is where you take on the role of a student performing daily tasks like attending classes, note-taking, and avidly listening to my teachers as I do so! As well as fantasyRP which is based in a different time and has its own rules and guidelines set which vary from SRP in the best way possible. I always love to find new challenging things for myself so a place with different rules intrigued me immediately. I loved creating characters with mythical backgrounds and abilities it was really cool to fall into a storyline with an actual castle and mystical mysteries.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?: I’ve chosen the school employee faction for a very simple reason it holds the position I desire the most. I have thoroughly looked over and reviewed each faction making sure I looked for all possibilities in order to grow my character and unleash his true potential. I feel my character is best suited for the role of librarian given his unique skill set being able to empathize with students while also remaining professional. I am confident that my character possesses the proper skills he will need to execute this role flawlessly over time. I will work diligently to ensure that he knows everything that he needs to know and will be able to fulfill all of his responsibilities in this specific position and faction.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server: [DENIED] [DENIED] [ACCEPTED] [DENIED] [ACCEPTED]

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level): 12th Grade


/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
My character would at first be confused unsure of whether he actually just heard that come out of one of his student's mouths. He would then shake his head disappointed as he began to scold the students explaining with an austere tone that kind of language would not be tolerated in his classroom. He'd then point to the rules on the board which perfectly explains what he expects from his students from this he'd show his disappointment in the students as he awaited their response deciding what he'd want to do next. Once getting a response if the student understood and apologized he'd dismiss them telling them to take their seat. However, if the student refused this he would take out a notepad/tablet and begin to write up a detention slip for the student. He'd hand it to them and explain how he'll see them in detention expressing his disappointment once more before returning to the lesson. He'd apologize to the other students and then remind them that everybody must follow the rules and be willing to be held accountable for their actions.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?: Without hesitation, my character would get in between the two attempting to break up the fight. Once he broke the fight up he'd separate the students and begin to speak to them individually. He would listen attentively taking detailed notes of each student's responses and behaviors making sure he watches them closely. Afterwards, he would put them together again and scold each one talking about how violence is not to be tolerated on school grounds, and frankly anywhere else explaining the consequences of their actions and how if they did this anywhere else they could be arrested and have that be on their permanent record. He would then shut his eyes shaking his head he'd take a breath in and then a deep breath out wanting to hide the disappointment but failing because his facial expressions gave it all away. He'd then say to each student that they're lucky he was the one dealing with this and if this happens again they won't be let off easily. Handing them each a slip detailing their detentions he'd swiftly spin around going back to his classroom making sure he put this on their record and informing the rest of the administration that they're expected to be with him in detention.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?: My character would come across the scene with immense concern and quickly shake his head in distraught and disappointment at his fellow colleague with immense concern he would gradually make his way over shaking his head once again feeling the dizziness hit him. He'd be feeling completely distraught and overwhelmed by this act he's witnessing. He would quickly regain his composure hastily stepping in and pulling the teacher aside having a separate conversation with him in private. The two would talk and he would attempt to get through to him not understanding these hazardous behaviors, he would speak firmly explaining to his colleague that he needs to step away making sure he makes it clear that he will use force if need be but he does not want it to come to that. If the employee refused he would wait as long as possible being carrying out his undesired action. After the colleague has been successfully removed he would take over for them ensuring the safety of each student, putting on a happy face as to not cause a scene or disruption not wanting to worry the students.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?: My character would walk into the employee break room, tired from his long shift but also glad he could put a smiling face on so many students prior to this. He’d make his way to get some hot tea, filling a mug with water and placing a packet of Green Tea inside of the mug. He’d place the mug into the microwave gently, turning the microwave timer to around a minute. He’d decide to take a break and sit on a couch in the break room as he waited for his delicious tea to brew. He’d sit back on the couch and try to de-stress, glad to finally be able to relax without having a student with a question. Don’t get him wrong, he would be glad to answer any question one may have, but even faculty needs a break from time to time! During this time of thinking and relaxation, he eventually hears the microwave ding, sighing heavily, and getting up from his comfortable spot on the couch.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

adjusted the glasses on his face so they’re perfectly resting along the bridge of his nose before noticing a student walking up to his desk with a book in hand from his peripheral vision. With this in mind, he gladfully pauses whatever work he had been doing, turning to the student with a warm joy in his eyes.

/me had been flipping through the pages of a new book they had just put up in the library before noticing a student walking up to him with curiosity. He glances at the student and takes in the question they are asking before gladfully handing them a library card once receiving the right amount of yen from them. “Thank you! Enjoy your library card. If you would like a book recommendation please let one of us know! I’m always happy to help.”

/me would be happily walking through the aisles of books, almost seeming like he's skipping with pure excitement in his face and voice. He'd check the majority of the books to make sure they were in good condition, as well as trying to figure out which books he should plan on reading after his shift. He'd look curiously rearranging the shelves of books, putting mis-placed books onto the correct shelf sorting them by genre.

In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only):
Isamu Saito
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr
Preferred Name: Isamu, Mr. Saito

Age (Minimum is 25): 25
Gender: Male

Academic Degree: Master’s
Major(s): Education
Minors: Sociology, Communications

Nationality: Korean
Known Languages: JSL (Japanese Sign Language), Korean (Needs application, lore-wise he knows it.)

Isamu Saito grew up in a rather quiet household. He had a crush on his next-door neighbor who seemingly had a love for books and literature, leading to Isamu’s love for similar topics. He wanted to be incredibly similar to his crush so he would watch to keep track of any new book the boy had started to read. With each new book he opened, he began enjoying topics separate from his neighbor and gaining an interest in literature on his own accord.

As the years seemingly flew by Isamu was usually found reading when he wasn’t caught up on obsessing over Kenji Kaneko. Kenji and Isamu would often study, read, write, and conversate together on the regular. Due to literature playing such a big part in the boy’s life he decided he may as well take up a job similar to his passion. He loved school most days and spent a large portion of his day in the library.

He grew a large interest for librarians and all of their duties. These duties could vary from day to day but it never seemed to bore Isamu. No matter how he was feeling he knew he could always head to the library with Kenji and settle down to read a nice and engaging book. Although it may seem like it, it wasn’t always about Kenji Kaneko. Isamu Saito, a pink-haired boy, clearly had a love for literature no matter the situation. Although he spent most of his time doing other things, now that he is older he is able to have more free time to engage in things he loves most. This could consist of many different activities but he loved nothing more than a good book.

As a larger amount of time somehow flew by within the blink of an eye, the boy was around 25. With every new story he read a new door seemed to open. No matter what he did or where he went the stories of his past and the cliffhanger he seemed to be stuck at would never change. No matter how hard he tried he always stood at a stand-still, unable to move due to the shocking motive of each word. Every word seemingly flew off the page as he took in each word with delight, somehow still reading after all this time. As long as he was reading and sharing with those he held close he found he could do anything he set his mind to. No matter the problem he realized he could solve it like a detective in a storybook or a smart protagonist with a knack for figuring out the answer to even the toughest mysteries. Even though he moved to Karakura from Korea, he carried on his passion for reading through rough studying and serious observing.

This is why today, he stood at a standstill as always. He found himself shocked by the opportunity to pass on his passion for reading with others just a single step away.

Motivation for Joining KHS: Out of any position I’ve looked at I believe that Librarian is the one for me! It would allow me to act on my life-long passion of reading and I would love to share that passion with those who are interested in order to help out students in their learning journey. It would be an honor to watch as students leave the library with satisfaction in their eyes and smiles on their faces after picking out a new book to read, whether that is for academics or personal interest. Motivation means something different for everyone and I believe that I’m motivated by the calm and welcoming environment of a library with smiling faces and satisfied scholars. I would be satisfied with myself if I were to make a long-lasting impression on those who interact with me. I believe that every move one makes is like another word written down in an immersive story–meaningful and impactful. An end to one chapter is the beginning of another and I would love to be the one to start a new chapter in someone's life.

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"): N/A

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?: I should be chosen over other applicants because I believe that I hold the qualities that are needed to be a successful librarian. I have strong perseverance, an open mindset, an encouraging attitude, and an overall welcoming demeanor that can bring comfort to every student in my care. I believe that I can wholeheartedly carry out each one of my tasks in a timely manner, positive outlook, and a stern yet initiative motive. I can easily find advantages to take control of a situation and keep the situation safe. I perform especially well under pressure and can be a good and promising leader under these types of ordeals. I believe I hold the properness of someone fitting to this title and qualified to become a librarian.



Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?: N/A
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Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your application, however after careful consideration and discussing this application with the current department, I have decided to decline it.

* Got a question about your application? Click here.

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