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Denied Librarian application | Takyae


Level 3
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What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord
(If so, what is your discord username?):


How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
I would describe my activity as fairly high. I am usually online during the afternoon, for quite a few hours at times and more so on the weekend. My usual day consists of about 6ish hours of playtime, depending if I have any business to sort out or take care of.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
I have never been banned.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I understand that I’ll be demoted if I am inactive.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:
I am applying for the librarian role.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server: [ACCEPTED] [ACCEPTED]

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
The role of a librarian is to keep tabs on every book in the school by keeping track of when books are checked in and out. In order to do this, students must purchase a library card, priced at 2,000 yen, before checking out any books. This allows librarians to keep track of what books are checked out and when they are due to be returned. Librarians also locate and suggest books for students based on what they are interested in and read to them per request. In addition to helping students, librarians can hand them reward tokens if they turn in a book that they’ve written; the book is then checked and given to the head of department before being made available to students. Librarians may also collaborate with teachers for lessons and provide services to teachers and staff if deemed necessary. Another job of the librarian is maintaining the library by ensuring it is clean and by keeping the books in good condition. If a student is found to be acting inappropriately while a librarian is on duty, they are expected to issue disciplinary action to ensure all students are following school policy.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I started roleplaying seven years ago, giving me plenty of time to go through the mistakes of a new roleplayer before turning into a more experienced one that I am. I only started to play on Roleplay Hub as of last December, but I knew of the server before then. Although I do not have the experience of an older srp player, I believe that I’m capable of gaining more with time. Outside of roleplaying, I enjoy storytelling and writing books as a whole, and hope to one day publish my writing to the public.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
By joining the school employee faction, I believe that I will gain the experience needed to forward my time within the server. I would also like to join because being a part of the school faction - which is one of the most important factions on the server - is a big step for most, if not all, players on the server, and I would like to say that I was able to do so.

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):

Ikuzushi | [College][B][Basketball] Eyvindur V. Nørgaard
Takyae | [Grade-12] Halfdan B. Nørgaard

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

Halfdan would tell the student that profanity is not tolerated at school. In the event that he gets ignored, he would warn the student that further action would mean detention and patiently wait to see if the student stops. If his attempts were ignored and the student continued, Halfdan frowned at the actions of the student. However, having kids of his own would make him attempt to reason with the student, concerningly asking if everything was alright for them that day with a warning at the end. If his attempts were ignored once more and the student started up their cursing once more then he’d stay to his word and simply issue detention to the student. If the student persists, he would call other staff or SLT for further punishment.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
Halfdan would clap his hands loudly to get the attention of the said students then shout for them to break it up. If that were to not work then he’d swiftly alert other faculty members before separating the students by getting in between them. As he waited for backup to arrive for the situation, he would ask the two students questions before inspecting the hallway in case there were other students that witnessed the situation. Although once backup had arrived, he would bring one of the troubled students to a room to address the situation while the other faculty member did the same for the other. Afterwards if there were any students that witnessed it, he would talk to any nearby students about the situation before fully making a report.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
Halfdan’s immediate reaction would be making a mental note of it before carefully addressing the issue with his co-worker. Attempting to reason with their co-worker about their behavior while inspecting the room in case cameras were around If there were; He would ask his co-worker questions such as what caused this behavior? Why were they continuing? When he would finish the conversation with a warning to the co-worker, explaining to them what they were doing was dangerous and could risk their job and would hurt the rest of the faculty if this behavior were to continue. Yet he would end it with a kind yet worried smile. As he walked away, he would document the conversation and situation in his notes before making a report to his supervisors.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
As Halfdan entered the break room, he’d wave to any co-workers that may be in the room before finding himself at the coffee machine as he listened to the conversations while his coffee was being made. Afterwards, he’d join in the conversations. He knows that forming bonds and friendships between co-workers were needed to keep a good workplace. However as the idly conversations continued and his mind wandered; He’d wonder what his children were doing for a moment. Although he snapped out of it as his attention was brought back to his co-workers before taking out his notebook to see what else was planned for the day.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

He hurriedly entered the library as he took a quick patrol of the library, ensuring that everything was completely fine for the day. Once the familiar morning bell was heard, he rushed to the door of the circulation desk, unlocking the door as he did so. He inspected the room that surrounded him before locking the door behind him. He walked towards the chair, taking out his notebook before sitting down. He opened his notebook as he wrote a check list of books that needed to be returned or things he would eventually have to clean. He looked up from his notebook, seeing the blue sky as he nodded along to himself. He was aware that this day would be interesting as ever, that always seemed to be the case for this city.

/me After the morning greetings were said through his radio; He started with his morning patrol of the library before coming across a nervous Student. He let out a sigh as he walked towards the student. “You seemed troubled, may I ask what the issue is?” He gave a patient smile to the student. After the student answered his question. He had a small conversation with the student, asking about their day as well as new books they were interested in. “Perhaps you’d be interested in the history of Karakura? This city truly has an interesting story to tell, maybe one day you could shape the story with your actions?” He chuckled as he grabbed the book from the shelf. “All life has a story to tell. Maybe someday yours would be written here. I hope to live to see it.” Once he knew the student’s mood had lifted, he would give a simple bow before waving the student bye. He continued with his patrol of the library before ending it with him returning to the circulation desk. He lifted his coffee up as he took a slip of it.

/me Once the final bell rang for the day. He left the library as he made his way towards the closet where the cleaning supplies were located, knowing that the end of the day did not mean his job was quite done yet. He carried the supplies to the library as he rolled up his sleeves. From his pockets, he took out a bandana, covering his hair with the bandana, ensuring that no hair would bother him as he cleaned. He walked towards the door of the circulation desk, entering the room. He’d bring out the older books as their conditions were quite poor. He laid the books onto the desk; Walking out of the room once more as he grabbed microfiber cloth. He found himself at a water fountain, turning it on. Once the cloth was ready, he would return to the library. He’d dampen the strained areas of the books with a few drops of water. He knew that he had much more to do but starting out with a simple task was perfectly fine.


In-Character Section

Full Name (First & Last only):

Halfdan Nørgaard

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Preferred Name:
Mr. Nørgaard, Halfdan.

Age (Minimum is 25):


Academic Degree:




Known Languages:
Danish, Icelandic. Japanese and English

Early life
Halfdan B. Nørgaard, born on the 10th of December of 1985 in Denmark. He was born from a traditional family from a long line of once farmers before finding themselves successful with the alcohol business. Even if he had a quite easy start to life, his parents taught him the hardships of life at quite an early age. Starting from 7 years old, he was forced to clean along with the housekeepers every night before dining time. Ensuring that he was aware of what they did for him every day.

Apart from the housekeepers and his parents; he did have 4 siblings although as the oldest of the Nørgaard. He was used to doing most of the harder jobs while his siblings usually didn’t have to.

Teenagers life

At the early start of his teenage life; his parents moved to Iceland. His life as a teenager was strict. Although his days helping the housekeepers clean were done as soon as he turned 13; They were replaced with constant lessons from his father as well as constant visits to the family business. His time in school was strict yet peaceful for him, after all he was the oldest therefore his grades had to be perfect. In addition to his school work, he quite enjoyed the library as most of his time was spent there. He did make friends during his school years, one being his future wife. They were friends for 2 years before officially deciding to date. They kept most of their relationship a secret from their parents, he didn’t wish for his family to ruin something he was enjoying. Although when he turned 17, he made a mistake that would cost him the life he so desired.

That mistake made him realize how furious his parents can get at him, it’s something he wishes he never went through at all.

Adult life

Halfdan and his future wife had an arranged marriage. Their parents were quite shameful of them although his parents did get the grandchildren they wanted. Their marriage was good for a few years, even having 3 more children aside from the twins they already had. Once he turned 25, his parents gave the business to him. Although everything seemed quite good for him, the circumstances of his marriage slowly made the two drift apart. In front of their kids, they acted as though everything was fine for a while before the bitterness became too much for the couple. They had constant arguments which lasted until midnight usually. He was fine with living this way with a wife that hated him, after all he did feel the same towards her.

Eventually once the twins became teens, the hatred became too much for them as they began fighting in front of their children. He didn’t realize how it could be affecting his kids before one of his sons snapped him out of his idiocy. One night it all became too much for the couple as the wife asked for a divorce, their divorce was messy yet needed for them. He ended up walking away from it with his twins while the mother got custody of one of their sons. In addition to that, he decided that moving back to Denmark was the best choice for his twins. His business took over his life as he spent most of his focus on it while housekeepers cared for his twins. He didn’t realize how bad it got before noticing how distant one of his twins has gotten. The twins were always happy to take orders and work for him as the more serious twin seemed to treat him like a boss instead of a father. The more carefree twin treated him like a father yet was quite distant, never seeming to be in the right mindset whenever the two spoke. He thought that the carefree twin simply missed his mother and that was the end of it. Once the twins became 18, he went to more shady practices to keep his business successful. That went on for two more years before finally catching up to him as he decided that the best choice was to move and start a new life, he thought about where they’d move for a few months before deciding on Karakura. He asked his twins to check the place out before officially moving there as he had a few things to take care of beforehand.

Once the time came to move to Karakura as well, he decided that finding a job right away was the best choice for him.

Motivation for Joining KHS:
One of my biggest motivations to work here would be my love of libraries while I was younger as in my younger years, most of my time was spent here if not all of it. The fact that my two sons go to school here is another reason for me.

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"):

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I believe that if I give reasons why mine should be accepted over the others, it’d be a rather biased version in my opinion. Everyone should get a chance at this, and I hope whoever does end up getting it would make use of their time as much as possible.


/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application:


Do you have any questions?:
Don't have any questions but I'll make sure to contact you if I have any.​
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