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Denied Librarian application

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Level 1
In Game Name: xayayuki

School Employee Role you are Applying For:Librarian

How often do you log onto the server?: Only on weekends and holidays

Do you have TeamSpeak3? yes

Do you have a microphone? yes

Have you ever been banned, If yes when and why?: No

Can you ensure that you will often come on: yes
Do you recognise that you can be ICly fired?: yes

In as much detail as possible, describe the role of your chosen school employee: Her name is Katherine ayayuki.since little,she have a passion for books.everyone joke about her because she loves reading but ,Katherine never mind because thats what she loved the most.Her father wanted her to become a doctor but her love for literature made her go to university and she became a literature teacher.In october 31, she walked by taketaksu highschool and she remember the old days on taketaksu library so she applied for librarian in hope she can find her old good memorys.

Do you have any past experience in this type of roleplay?: As i went to school and i spend most of my times at the library.Reading some books or beeing with my friends and as i'm passioned about books i really too take this chance to people know my knowledge on books.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?: we have to learn a lot about roleplay and since that is one of my favourite things do to i'm excited to work as anothers caracthers and give them life and colours.

Are you familiar with what your job does? If so, describe it: A librarian is a person who works professionally in a library, providing access to information and sometimes social or technical programming.


During a workshift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how do you react?: talk to the person and get him to the point as we have to teach students to be educated for adults.if they do again they have to leave or call the principal

You are doing a hazadrous job requested by the School Principal, how do you react?:i'll be happy to take it

Another school employee is doing something very dangerous on the job or acting out of order, how do you react?: First since i'm out of order i dont have to do act in that moment but since he is on school priorty i must have to warn the principal about the action he/she made

[IC section]
Applicant Name: Katherine elisabeth ayayuki
Chosen Job: school Librarian

Motivation for Joining YHS: hard work and responsabilities.
Age: 25

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?: Since the library is a little messy i come everyday to fix the stuff back help the students to find the books and helping students around .
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