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Accepted Librarian | SHADs7's Application


Level 2
Banner for Librarian app 1.png
What is your Minecraft username?: SHADs7

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Yes, I do have it, mine is shads7

How old are you? (Optional): 16, July 2, 2008

What is your time zone?: CST (Central Standard Time), Canada

Describe your activity on the server: 9/10, I'm usual on practically every single day for long periods at a time, unless I have plans or am busy. Though lately for the past week or two, I've been getting online at 10-11 am and then I'm on for like about 11-12 pm/am, depending on how tired I am afterwards.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?): N/A, only a few small warnings here and there.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Yes, I completely understand.

School Employee Role you are applying for?: Librarian

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for: Librarians primarily always stay in the library all day for work. Now librarians do all sorts of work in the library, like, handing out books, giving students book cards, answering questions and much more. Librarians sometimes even tidy up the library and make sure that everything is still in its right spot, after they are done working. Librarians even sometimes join teachers and professor's classrooms; in case they might need help and well, if there isn't any other professors or teachers to originally help them. Librarians also help out organizing certain events with teachers/professors for school.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?: I have much experience in different kinds of roleplay, I've roleplayed a few times on Roblox (Royal High, Adopt me, Bloxburg and etc.) before in the past, character Ai, doing some roleplays on Amino and well SRP now as well.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?: Well besides the basic answer like 'needing yen/money' or something like that, I want to join because I figure it'll bring interesting and new roleplay experience to me. Rather than some basic roleplay. And well, with joining as a school employee, this can cause more people to come up to me and talk to me, if they need help with something.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level): Main: Momoko Rosella-Jäger | Highschooler Alt: Teagan H. Bapiste | Highschooler Alt: Amaou Rosella Alt: 'Nabi' Nakazumi | Fox

Banner for Librarian app 2.png

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?: Amaou would be sitting at the front desk of the library like normal, when suddenly she'd hear someone cursing at her. She would take a deep and steady breath, before turning to say, "Please, calm down. You're disturbing everyone's peace here, with your very loud cursing. Now if you don't stop, I might have to hand you a detention slip. I would urge you to leave or take a few calming breaths." Amaou would say as kindly as she could, before turning around on her heel and heading back to sit down in her original spot.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?: Amaou would immediately head over to where the fight was happening, concern showing on her face. She would step forwards, pulling out her radio, and in a stern tone, ordering any crowd there to back up. She would then approach the fighting and try to pause the punches as best as she could. Amaou would try to understand what the situation was, and depending on it, she would use the radio and hand out detention slips.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?: Amaou would steps forwards and kindly mention how what they were doing wasn't right. If the employee refused to listen, she would inform a teacher or higher up on her phone, while trying to calm them down and understand the intent behind their actions

When in the employee break room, how does your character act? Amaou would be sitting on the couch, in the far corner as she reads a book. She would be deeply enchanted into her book, as she occasionally sips on a mug that appears to be filled with nice warm tea. Amaou is definitely more in thought and relaxed when she's in the break room, but she does try her best to keep an eye on her surroundings as well. Whenever she would speak, her voice would be calm and soothing even.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

Amaou would have a book in her hand, clearly reading it as she soon lifts her head up when she finally notices a student standing and she almost immediately adjusts the book in her hand, setting it down on her lap. "Ah, sorry about that, dear. I was in my own world. What do you need help with?" She says gently as she stares at the student, waiting for an answer from them.

/me Amaou stood up from her seat, as she walked over to one of the bookshelves. As she gazed the bookshelf, searching for a book, she soon spots it and picked it up. "Is this the book, you wanted, dear? I'll admit, this is one of my favorites." She'd say, as she hands the book to the student with a sweet smile on her face. Once she handed it to the student, she started walking back behind the little 'counter' like area.

/me Amaou would be sitting her regular spot, as a student walks in and soon picks out a book, before handing the book to her, as she opens up the computer and adds the information needed onto the database. With a kind smile as she would quickly hand it back to the student and telling them the out the due date, before they left, she would say, "Now there you go dear, have an amazing rest of your day!"

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Amaou drawing (FINISHED).png
(Art/drawing by ahilyn)


Full Name (First & Last only): "My full name is Amaou Rosella"

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): "Miss, would be the best, thank you."

Preferred Name: "Either Miss. Amaou or Miss. Rosella works best"

Age (Minimum is 25): "I am 30 years old. Born on August 21st of 1994"

Gender: "Female, my pronouns are she/her, please."

Academic Degree: "Well, I have a degree in Library science or MLS for short, which lots of librarians probably know/have this degree"

Major(s): "I have both a major in creative writing and marketing. Marketing I obvious got that for when I owned my shop. "

Minors: "I have a minor in 'fashion design' which again, I learned and got for when I ran that shop."

Nationality: "I am a Franco-American, which is people who have full-half full American or Canadian heritage"

Known Languages: "I learned and know both JSL and French."

(5-10) | (Young Life) - When Amaou was 5, her and her parents grew up with a small house. Amaou's parents were busy a lot, as her mother had a small fashion business. Amaou knew her mother loved her business and Amaou loved watching her mother work on all kinds of outfits, rather they were dresses, suits, sweaters or something else. Amaou found they were the most beautiful thing ever.

Around the time, Amaou turned 6, her parents were in some. . . Rough times. Her parents had to work harder as the taxes went up... And well, at one point it was getting harder to even get much food and such.

Amaou didn't see her parents much, since they were working so much and Amaou didn't have the heart to tell her parents to stop, since even she knew they needed money badly. And Amaou didn't really want to see her mother upset, if the business ever closed down or something.

When Amaou had turned 8, her mother's business started blooming more and even was slowly expanding more as well. Amaou was very excited for her family! This could be a new beginning and a good start!! Maybe she could finally get that unicorn stuffie, she always wanted. . .

When Amaou turned 10, that's when things got a bit sour... Amaou came back inside from the garden and well, her parents weren't at the cash register... 'Strange', Amaou thought to herself as she went upstairs, calling out for her parents and they never answered her calls... As Amaou made it to their bedroom, she knocked on the door, calling out lightly, "Mom? Dad?"

Amaou practically froze when she saw her parents laying on the floor, completely still. Amaou rushes over to them, crying. She felt for their heartbeats but couldn't feel anything... Amaou called the police.

By the time the police officers got there, Amaou's parents were pronounced dead and Amaou felt her world shattering around her... 'Who? What happened? How could this happen? Why me?..', Amaou thought to herself, her mind racing with 1000 thoughts as she could vaguely hear an officer asking her something, along the lines, "Do you have any other family members to stay with?"

A day or two, after Amaou had found her dead parents, her grandmother came to move in and take care of her. Amaou was determined to keep her parent's business a float, she just had to keep it running and up! Her parents spent hours, days and maybe even months and years on this business, she couldn't let her parents' hard work go to waste.

(11-15) | (Young teenage years) - Amaou's grandmother has been taking care of her for a few years now. . . Amaou's grandmother was reaching that age where she really needed Amaou's house for some things. Even though Amaou was pretty young, she knew that deep down, she just HAD to keep working.. And her parent's business was doing okay, Amaou and her grandma were getting some money (at least enough for food, water and sometimes a few bills as well).

But, sometimes they would have hard days, where they rarely got any money... But Amaou never gave up.

Amaou worked almost every day, for long periods at a time. It. . . Definitely tired her out, but she never ever wanted to give up.. She just couldn't.

(16-18) | (Teenager years) - Amaou needed a vacation, she's been working hard for a few years now. She just needed a vacation! Amaou pulled out her laptop and looked at a few towns, curious about the prices to head there and 2. What would be the best place to ever head to.

That's when Amaou stumbled upon 'Karakura', everything about it looked gorgeous and especially the beach, looked truly amazing!

Amaou soon booked a flight and got ready to pack some stuff, she then announced that the shop will be closed for a while, since she's going on vacation. She was very excited to go on vacation!

And when she got to Karakura, she just absolutely loved it! It was almost like a dream come true, she explored everywhere and everything! She loved trying out the many kinds of treats, especially the sweets.

Amaou felt absolutely at home in Karakura, but she knew deep down. . . That she couldn't stay here forever. Eventually she knew she had to go back home and run her business again, she promised some people that she would come back in a month. But, that didn't stop Amaou from ending her vacation yet, she was gonna live it out through the end!!

While Amaou was at Karakura, she made sure to enjoy herself every day, until the very end of the vacation. When she headed back to her hometown and her shop, she felt a bit sad and disappointed about leaving Karakura, but. . . Perhaps one day, she shall return.

(20-25) | (Young adult years) - While running her shop, Amaou couldn't help, but fall interested and fascinated with all kinds of different books, every day she felt that she would read many books for an endless amount of time.

She started feeling that, maybe. . . She didn't want to run this business anymore.. Sure, she knew it used to be her parents pride and joy, but even for herself it was starting to get too tiring and to be honest, she just wasn't too happy with the business anymore.

She felt as if the business was almost completely dropping, with that in mind. She took what money she saved up for the years, sold the business to someone and moved into an apartment building.

While doing that, she went back into school to get a degree in library science, when something sparked into her mind. . . She could be a librarian. It's a perfect job for her, the peacefulness, helping students with possible questions or just handing them a book or two. It all sounded perfect.

With that, she studied really hard and eventually got a degree and minor! After that, she moved back to Karakura.

(30) | (Present time) - Which here Amaou was, focusing her time to get into a decently pretty big high school as a librarian. . . Karakura high. It all was indeed perfect. Amaou loved Karakura so much and she definitely loved the school's library, it had so many interesting and unique books, that Amaou always seemed to get lost in.

While Amaou is in Karakura, she picked up/learned JSL (Japanese Sign Language), she'd figured this could be helpful if a deaf student needed any help with something and well. . . She knows and has met a few deaf people around. Amaou also knows the language of love (French) as she mainly grew up between France and Britain.

To keep the family name up and around, Amaou adopted 3 beautiful girls and two handsome sons, she tries her best to take care of her family and make sure they're all taken care of. Though, Amaou hasn't been around any of her daughters or sons for a little while, as she's been a bit busy lately, but she's really trying to make up more time to try to spend time with her daughters and sons.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective): I've always wanted to join the school faculty one day. When I was much younger, I didn't though... I did admire them much to say the least. Though now, I know a few people who work in it, and it seems/feels like more and more of a happier job for me. I would love to be working with kids in a way, and helping them achieve their learning goals by helping them find the books they need. I'm very passionate about books, they've always been my go-to whenever I get bored. Being able to constantly be around them would be a dream come true, especially when I know that I'm definitely helping them out!

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?: Well... I know i don't have a big reputation compared to other people who might be applying for this or different kind of role, but that isn't going to stop me from trying to apply at least! And besides, I'm online way 'way' too much so this would give me something fun to do to help me meet new people! I want to at least be given a chance and if I'm not online much anymore, then it's okay if you take away my role then (If I get accepted of course)! I mainly just want to build my reputation from somewhere, and I thought this would be a fun place to start. And sometimes, certain people who have some roles aren't always online, now I'm not calling any names or anything, but I am sometimes online a lot more than probably what you would consider a 'normal' person.


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Additional notes about your application: Now I haven't been on SRP for that long, compared to some people on here. But I have been on SRP for almost a year now and I find it's best to give some people a chance, at least. Backstory is in icly view point and 'Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?' question is in ooc point of view (mainly)

Do you have any questions?: N/A
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Level 201
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thanks for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction! Please send me a DM on discord for the next steps!

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