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Denied Library's writer application

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Level 1
IGN: locklyn0602

Applying for what job: Library's book writer

How often do you log onto the server: Everyday

Do you have TeamSpeak3: yes

Do you have a microphone: yes

Have you ever been banned: no and I will do as best as I can not to

Can you ensure that you will often come online: Yes, it will have to be after school though, After school I will be there.

Do you recognize that you can be ICLY fired: yes I do

in as much detail as possible describe the role of your school employee job: My job would be Asking the librarian what type of book most students are wanting, and I write the books and turn them into her and if she likes them she will put them on the shelf for students to read and enjoy.

Do you have any past experience in this type of role play: yes

What experience in general do you have in a role play: I have been doing all types of role plays for a while now and I've noticed that everyone has different personalities then others and different hobbies and looks.

are you familiar with what your job does if so describe it: Someone who lightens students days with a good book and makes sure that what students are reading is appropriate books and knowing what they are supposed to know at that age. A person who helps out the librarian by a ton.


During a work shift a student starts cussing at you for being pathetic, how do you react: I would just ignore this student until he leaves then I would tell a teacher or principal later and make sure they talk to this student about what he's done and maybe give him the rightful punishment.

You are doing a hazadrous job requested by the principal how do you react?: I instantly do this job for the principal because I would like to keep my job and have a great relationship with the principal and let him know that I will do anything for him.

Another school employee is doing something very dangerous on the job or acting out of order, how do you react?: I would tell my boss about his/her weird doings.

[IC section]
Application name: Jessica
Chosen job: School library writer

Motivation for joining YHS: I have heard a lot of school jobs being given out to students and I wanted to be the one that helps out students school employee's, and the principals I want this job super bad and have been wanting it since I found out there were no actual books in the library.

Age: 14

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?: I should be accepted over others because I would never ever try to break the rules and be unkind to anyone. I have more experience writing books then most players. I am actually my schools newspaper writer. I am honest in every way kind to all, sympathetic for all and finally I am ever loyal to this school and my bosses. You do not have to pick me but I would really love it if you did.

BTW: I tired talking to unfavorited (librarian) about this and she said I would have to apply here thanks for reading :)
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