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Accepted liddyisbae_ TEACHER APPLICATION


Level 5
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

My Minecraft Username is liddyisbae_

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

My tag on discord is LIDDYAAA#0001

Do you have a microphone?:

Yes, I do.

How old are you? (Optional):

I am currently 14 years old, soon to be 15.

What is your time zone?:

I live in the CST timezone.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

Yes, I do acknowledge this and I don’t plan on being inactive any time soon.

Describe your activity on the server:

I’m on SRP nearly every day, and if that isn’t the case then every few or couple of days, but I’m definitely on the more active side of the scale. I spend my time roleplaying with my friends, playing volleyball competitively, and If I ever need time away from SRP for personal reasons, my first step would be to state when I’ll be inactive and for how long in the inactivity logs.

Do you have any previous bans?:

No, I have never been banned on SRP.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:



What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):

At the moment I don’t have any specified roles. My character is a Grade-11 highschooler. If this application gets accepted, when applying for a role change I will request that my age be changed to 27.


What subject are you applying to teach?:

I’m applying to teach Japanese Literature. If that isn’t available I’ll apply to teach Japanese Language Arts.

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:

Becoming a teacher has been my goal for as long as I can remember. Not only has the idea of teaching been fun to me, but the idea of helping students with Literature has always been my thought and goal growing up. Literature has always been a favorite subject of mine, so much so that the majority of my hobbies consist of Literature-related topics. For example; I often spend my time in libraries studying books of each and every genre; studying their writing style, the way they progress into each fiction story, or the way they detail and describe a timeline of events in non-fiction books. Not only is literature fun, it’s so diverse in nearly every aspect; language wise, culture wise, information wise, etc. In each book there is a lesson, a main idea, a story to be told! My goal as a Literature teacher would definitely be to help my students develop the skills needed to truly understand and cultivate literary appreciation.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT & If your application is accepted, you may have to undergo teacher training?:

Yes, I acknowledge and understand that if that’s the role I am applying for I’ll be prone to undergoing teacher training.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:

The ‘Teacher Class Logs’ are to ensure that a minimum amount of classes are being held monthly oocly. This is to make sure that current teachers are being active, and also for teachers to log their activity and get paid for the verified 15 classes required when the time comes. If teachers do not hold that certain amount of classes monthly, they may be demoted. Additionally, Teacher Class Logs can be used to promote teachers being more active, and helps teachers keep track of the amount of classes they’ve held collectively.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:

As a teacher, the strict rules while being in a class (mine specifically), are the following;

1. No phones are to be used in class unless given permission from me/ directed otherwise.

2. Disrupting class, speaking while I am speaking, or failing to follow my directions and any Karakura Academy staff member directions is strictly prohibited.

3. There will be no food or drink in the classroom at any time aside from water.

4. You are required to be seated at all times unless given specific direction not to.

5. Absolutely no disrespecting students or teachers.

For the first offense, failure to follow the rules listed above will result in a warning. As a consequence for any offense thereafter, the student will be given a detention.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

Generally speaking, I have about one year’s worth of roleplay experience. I am slightly experienced in DetailRP but I need to work on that more. I admit, at times it’s hard to detail things right in the moment, but as I roleplay more and more, it gets a lot easier and I hope to incorporate lots of detail in my classes (if I’m given the position and get the chance to host some). The most experience I have in roleplay is CasualRP, RomanceRP, and SeriousRP.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:

- HD

↳ Meaning:

Head Of Department

↳ Description:

Head Of Department; this is the rank of a teacher who is in charge of things, a person who you can come to with questions about the subject you’re teaching. They’ve been working in their subject for a long time, and they are highly qualified working officials of Karakura Academy.

- QT

↳ Meaning:

Qualified Teacher

↳ Description:

Qualified Teacher; the rank of a teacher who’s been working for about a few years. They’re comfortable in their workspace, with their job, and are familiar with many of the students. Holding confidence or their abilities is almost always a good decision.


↳ Meaning:

Newly Qualified Teacher

↳ Description:

Newly Qualified Teacher; this is someone who’s been working with students for a while, many have passed the teacher training and are now getting comfortable/settling in their environment as a teacher. They are comfortable with teaching, but can definitely learn a thing or two through experience.

- UT

↳ Meaning:

Unqualified Teacher

↳ Description:

Unqualified Teacher; This is someone who’s just been accepted as a teacher at Karakura Academy. They have little to no experience, and require teacher training in order to be permitted to teach/ host a(n) (unsupervised) class. They have a lot to learn, and a lot of situations to experience, but everyone starts somewhere.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Teachers are a major part of what makes SRP what it is. They help students gain more knowledge of the topic they’re teaching. Teachers are paid 450,000 yen for completing a total of 15 classes. As a bonus, for every 10 classes hosted after that, teachers are paid 50k. Teachers spend their time moderating situations around the school, roleplaying with students, or making fun lesson plans so that everyone is able to have an enjoyable or at least eventful and fulfilling roleplay experience.

The diversity of teaching styles throughout Karakura Academy is what best allows students to distinguish between teachers. Instead of it being copy and paste, or simply lectures, many teachers spend their time making lesson plans that allow them to interact more with their students, or they make lesson plans that will require students to interact with one another. A lot of the classes are fun, and laid back with a chill atmosphere, while others seem to be preparing students for college. All throughout, there are many skills being taught to students both OOCly and ICly, and for many, it allows students to actually enjoy the roleplay they happen to be partaking in. Preparation is key, and failure to prepare is to prepare to fail. Other times, teachers spend their time RPing with friends because they are also (minecraft characters) people, after all.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:

Teachers are important to a SchoolRP server because, like I stated previously, they are a major part of what makes SchoolRP. Without teachers, how will people experience what it’s like to truly be in school? Lessons can’t be taught by people who haven’t studied it as much as teachers. Just as teachers are crucial to schools in real life, teachers are crucial to any SchoolRP server to better people’s roleplay experience.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:

Karakura Academy, (as far as I’m aware) currently runs off the lesson planning system called 'MoSCo'. This stands for; ‘Must have, Should have, Could have’.

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What do they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

Suzukaze Asa has fluffy, dark brown hair that compliments her hazel-green eyes. Her skin tone is pale, with slightly noticeable olive undertones. She’d have a tattoo of a discolored rose trailing up her right arm. Additionally, Suzukaze would have an athletic build/shape. Not only would she be 6’1”, Suzukaze would have a six pack and slightly broader shoulders than the average female. She’d weigh slightly above 168lbs, closer to 169lbs. By passing her, you’d catch a whiff of her signature scent; Red Roses. She’d often be seen wearing a white collared shirt, and her sleeves will more than likely be rolled up. Over the white collared shirt she’d layer a vest that can be any color, depending on the day it is and whether or not she’s done laundry. To complement the top, Suzukaze would often wear high waisted blue jeans cuffed at the end, and her vest would be tucked in at the front, hanging loosely in the back and sides, the sweater vest tucked into the front of them. Attached to the helix of her left ear would be a silver earring. As for shoe’s, she’d be seen wearing black Converse high-tops.

I say nothing makes them unique besides their height, which isn’t really that crazy considering the people of Karakura these days. Her outlook on students would be a respectful manner, she doesn’t judge them for their knowledge and or beliefs. Suzukaze Asa is an observer of others, she tries to understand where they come from and respect them for who they are. She doesn’t dislike students or people for who they are and overall has a kind personality. Of course she has more to her but that's the baseline of who she is, a good person.

I believe what you mean about “What about the other teachers?” is what her outlook on them is.
Their outlook on other staff and or teachers would be down right respect, as they’re her co-workers. She sees them almost as superior towards her, so she holds a lot of respect for them. She feels she can come to them when in need, whether this be for an aid or overall help with a lesson plan. Those are just examples though, the point is that she views them in a respectful and non-judgemental way.

Suzukaze Asa has a plan for their future, a bright one! She wishes to have a family of her own, but also keeping her job as a teacher. She does hope to become more advanced one day, yearning for a higher rank within the school. A college professor is what she aspires to be. Even if she doesn’t reach the job and or rank she aspires to be, she’s still happy to be employed within the city of Karakura.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:

I maintain composure and respectfully/calmly tell them to quit. If they refuse to listen or blatantly disregard me, I will write them up/ issue a detention.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:

I ask my class politely to pay attention to me and what I’m trying to teach them, if they continue to disrespect me and or what I’m trying to teach them; I take control of the situation and do what actually makes them listen. By refusing to follow directions they’ll be held in class and those who’ve done the most will be issued a detention. If I believe the situation is out of my hands, I’ll have no choice but to call a higher up to regulate the situation and get class to resume/end.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:

She would be quiet and mindful of other teachers who might be in the lounge with her, minding her own business and continuing to do what she went in the lounge to do in the first palace. Suzukaze wouldn’t really speak unless spoken to, and would show the utmost respect to the other’s, especially those with the HD rank. Overall she would be quiet to try and not disturb anything that could possibly be going on around her, whether it be a private discussion, or class planning, or perhaps something else of importance.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me &6&otook a white piece of chalk, writing on the board her expectations and rules of her classroom. Soon they turned back to the class sat behind her, continuing on with their lecture and or explanation of what the class would be doing.

/me &6&owalked around the classroom, glancing at all students and their work. Observing. She walked over to a student, checking up on them and their work. She gave a smile, a thumbs up to go along.

/me &6&ostrolled around their classroom, a pile of paper cradled in her arms. She grasped a handful of pencils, then passed the papers and pencils out to each student one by one.

/me &6&owent into the supplies closet, then opened the copier. They placed papers within, copying the amount needed for the class. She took the warm copies out, then placed them on her desk. &f”Come grab a paper and pencil, yeah?”


Suzukaze Asa was born in Pyongyang, North Korea, a place known for being dangerous and not stable enough to raise children. Throughout her few adolescent years in North Korean, her parents were loving and supportive of Suzukaze and her dreams. They wanted what was best for her, and that included getting her to a safer place. Getting Suzukaze out of the country was her parent’s main goal; getting their child out of a place so dark and unfit for a child. They wanted her to have a good life, where she wouldn’t be exposed to the common atrocities of her hometown and country. By the time Suzukaze made it to South Korea, she was 9 years of age. She’d successfully made it out of Pyongyang, but unfortunately her parents were not blessed with the same fate.

The young girl aimed to drive herself above and beyond normal standards by maintaining her grades and being the best student she could possibly be. In Suzukaze’s eyes, she had no choice. She understood the value of a good education, and didn’t take advantage of her circumstances or let any opportunities to learn. By the time she was 12, Suzukaze was able to get into cram school after applying. This was a big step up for her academically, getting into a cram school is a great achievement, especially for an orphan who isn’t given much to get far in life. From then on Suzukaze studied almost non-stop, spending time trying to better herself mentally, physically, and academically. Through all of this, she tried her best to keep her mind off of her parents, who were now a distant memory in the back of her head. They began to understand the importance of all that they’ve done for themself in the past few years.

By the time they turned fourteen, they had gained a job at a local retail store close to their orphanage and cram school. The people at the orphanage who spent time taking care of her and trying their best to help her succeed were incredibly proud of Suzukaze and how far they’ve come. Once she turned sixteen, Suzukaze was able to earn enough money to buy a plane ticket to Karakura, Japan. Her hopes and dreams lied in the single ticket, so with blind faith she bought the plane ticket, preparing for a new lifestyle. She put in her two weeks notice and spoke to the members and officials of the orphanage that she would be moving out of. There was excitement and sadness, but nonetheless all of the people around her were proud of her. The younger ones in the orphanage looked up to her and saw how far her hard work and persistence took her over the years.

From then on, Suzukaze attended Karakura Academy, where she learned to speak fluent Japanese through studying both Japanese language arts and Japanese literature in her years of college. Having started college at the age of 16, and graduating at 22, she worked in retail for the remaining two years, coming up with multiple lesson plans before she’d legally be allowed to become a teacher in Karakura. She was able to reside in a Sorority house until she could support herself, so it seemed like there was always somewhere she could go and have a safe space of her own. By the time they were eighteen, Suzukaze gained her associate’s degree. She was proud of herself, but strived to get so much farther than that. Getting closer to where she stands today, Suzukaze was able to earn their PHD degree and spend the remaining time focusing on building connections with people in Karakura. Presently, Suzukaze is living her best life, living in a deluxe apartment of her own that she was able to buy with her own hard-earned money. She’s often surrounded by the company of her few (but more than enough) friends. Suzukaze is waiting patiently for a response from Karakura Academy, as she only just applied to be what she’s always hoped and dreamt of being; a high school teacher. Someone who can make a difference in people’s lives. So far, life for them seems pretty good.

Every now and then, she thinks of her parents who she hasn’t been in contact with in quite a bit, and often wonders if they’d be as proud as she is, or if they were alright. It’s only natural, but she stops worrying after a bit, knowing they’re smart enough to escape North Korea, too.

In-Character Information

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only): My name is Suzukaze Asa.

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss, Xe. (ex. “Xe. Asa, could you pass me that pencil?”)

Given Name(s): Some common nicknames I go by/am given are Suzu, Suz, or Kaze.

Preferred Name: I prefer to be called Suzukaze.

Age (Minimum is 27): I am 27 years old.

Gender: I am a biological female, and my pronouns are She/They.

Religious Denomination: I am a Shintoist, and while I am in fact Korean, when I emigrated to Japan it was the religion that I felt best resonated with my spirit.

Marital Status: I am currently single.

Nationality: Korean

Current Location: I currently reside in Karakura, Japan. I live in Apartment Block E, towards the left entrance of the beach.

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years): I have no experience of teaching, but I did happen to work in retail for about 2 and a half years.

Academic Degree: I have my PHD degree in Japanese Language Arts.

Year of Graduation: I graduated from highschool in the year of 2013, and from college in the year of 2020.

Major(s): Japanese Language Arts.

Minors: Japanese Literature.

Native Languages: My native Language is Korean

Other Languages: I spent a lot of time studying and learning Japanese.

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: No, I have none of these.


Additional notes about your application:

Do you have any questions?:
When requesting a role-change if this application is accepted, do I specify what I’d like the age to be through there or do I formally state it here? In case it’s the latter of the two, I’d like to restate that I’d like my character to be of the age 27.
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Level 339
HS Sports Lead

- You'll be DM'd shortly via Discord regarding this application.​

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