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Literature Professor application | deviouspearl



What is your Minecraft username?:


What is your time zone?:
Arabian Standard Time (Gmt +3)

What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)

Link all previous applications you made on the server:

2. (This was initially accepted, but since I no longer played the character when they asked me, it was denied)

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
I am very active on the server, and I am on pretty much daily for a few hours. My current play time is 16w 5d and more before, actually, but I took a pretty long break and I came back right before this activity.

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:

It has been quite a couple of years. I have been on Schoolrp since 2021, and it has been a great experience, fun, and helpful in improving my writing. Schoolrp was the first roleplay server that I had joined, and I went from not knowing how anything worked to learn more about how different roleplays function now. I would say I gained experience in all sorts of rps like gangrp from very long ago, and Jockrp. I also was apart of fantasyrp when it was around, which was a fun experience for me as well delving into a more magical world to say the least. Compared to back then, my roleplay has immensely improved, and I can tell the difference between how I used to express myself in writing and now. Apart from those improvements, I have grown to love the community and have made so many friends through these networks; it motivates me to be a part of it and enjoy it with them.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:

On my main (evilpearl) I have 5 Slots:
1 College character on the Female football team
and the other 4 of them are Grade 12 characters.

What is the subject you want to teach?:

Literature in general, or more specifically, I am more interested in children's literature, which Explores classic and contemporary children's books, stories, and fairytales—****yzing themes and storytelling techniques. In the same way as young adult literature, it is the same thing to delve into young adult novels and how they are written. But mostly, it is just literature, books, and reading to understand how the authors express different stories and issues, how they use their storytelling to impact their readers, and how they take the reader from reality into a world of captivating images and stories, in hopes of teaching the students how to learn from such great authors and perhaps giving them a few ideas on improving their storytelling techniques by showing them what has been successful before. I want to delve into the fantastic famous classics we know, like Disney fairytales, the classic stories of princesses, and the stereotypes of Heros and villains and how true love is presented in them. Perhaps more into Harry Potter and the magical world built by it, how these stories were built, and how the characters were brought to life from books into movies. Maybe even see the differences between how things are presented in literature, books, and on-screen, where many scenes may not look or feel how they would when reading them on a page. Through the subject, I want to give a little insight into how wonderful simple words on pages can be; I want to show the incredible power of literature and narrative.


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

I have always thought about being a part of a faction in SRP, but I have only now decided to have the courage to apply for the professor role. I have a couple of reasons behind my motivation, one being how deeply interested I am in the subject that I want my character to teach. I am a literature student at university and am currently taking the subjects I explained previously. The things I have learned in these subjects were so interesting that I was encouraged to share what I learned and am still learning with others in the server who might join my classes. The second reason for my motivation for this application is that I have more to do on SRP and new roleplay experiences. I have only ever been a part of the student side of the classroom and some jockrp from being on sports teams for a while, like Track and now Football, but now I am looking forward to trying out something new and expanding the horizons of my roleplay, and that has to do with something that I am passionate about which are reading and books that I want to implement a bit more than just having a character that is a reader but to have now one that teaches and shares this sort of knowledge passionately with others.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:

One which I'm not sure if it was done before is a "Fairytale Rewrite Workshop" (Might be split between two classes):
The goal of the class would be To encourage the students' imaginations and to express their own takes on what they would like a known fairytale to be like. from the personalities of the characters to the actual ending or plotline.
How it would be done: The students start by simply choosing a short known classic fairytale story, like Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, or Snow white. Then, they rewrite the story in their own way with a twist. However, they want to express it. Perhaps by turning the damsel in distress into a hero or villanizing the hero, transforming that story into their own little creative version.
It would start with a short ****ysis session by explaining the original tale, discussing its themes and character archetypes, and discussing moral lessons. After this, they will be given an amount of time till the end of the first class to work on this. They will be handed notebooks to write their tales which they will have to submit. After that (most likely in the second class), the students will be encouraged to present their rewritten stories like storytelling and compare what they have written and how the themes and techniques changed in their works compared to the original.

2. "Heroes and Villans Creation Lab"
The goal of this class would be to explore the different archetypes of heroes and villains in literature, encouraging students to create their own type of characters, whether they want to follow the traditional way of having a villain character or give it a little twist.
How it would be done: The class will study famous heroes and villains from classic fairytales and stories. Then, they would be encouraged to design their own characters, focusing on their backstories, motivations, and how these influence their actions in the narrative. They could put these characters through development as they wish to express themselves.

The class would begin with an explanation to familiarize the students with how the archetypes are usually written. With an ****ysis of famous characters, discussing their traits, motivations, and what makes them compelling, what makes that character the way they are. After that, the students will fill out short character profile sheets that will be handed out, developing everything from physical descriptions and personality traits to backstories that create and shape their characters' motivations.
At the end of the class, the Students can either present to the classroom the character they have come up with or choose to roleplay their characters to showcase them to everyone else better, helping them to explore how their characters are influenced by their traits and backstories.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:

I have a couple of ideas to do for a field trip, but a good one that I believe students would like to take part in is:
"Zen Garden Reflection"
The students would be taken to the Zen Garden, and the objective of this trip would be to connect the concept of calmness in Zen Gardens to storytelling techniques used in children's literature. They would be gathered in a circle, where the professor would be reading aloud to them a story that most likely showcases themes of self-discovery, calm, patience, and inner peace. The students will be asked to describe and explain how the setting of the garden mirrors those themes that were mentioned in the story after the ****ysis and explanation. The students can have a little freedom to roam around and take in the space while they are handed notebooks to write their reflections on the story they heard, what they like and dislike about it, and how they would implement calmness in their narratives.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock; what would your character do?

Viola would warily approach the situation, observing for a mere moment to ensure she understood what was happening before leaping into action. She is empathetic and protective of her students. She would approach the group in a composed manner, speaking loud and clear for all to hear and pay attention to her arrival.

"Everything alright here?" Her tone would be firm but calm, making it clear that she is unpleased with the sight before her. Turning her attention to the bobcat, the student specificall she would ask, "Do you need help?" Showing support and to give them a chance to speak up about the situation.

After hearing both sides of the situation, Viola would shake her head in disappointment, a frown evident on her face. She would use authority to de-escalate the situation, "This kind of behavior is unacceptable, do not escalate things any further. Everyone separate and move along." She would start handing out detention slips if there were any hostile and aggressive behaviors from the students and warnings, sending all the students away from each other.

After that, she would make sure the bobcat was all right, asking if they needed any help. Either taking them for a talk about what happened or simply letting them go to the nurse if needed.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?

Viola would maintain control and a professional manner while ensuring the rest of the environment isn't disturbed, she would at first try to address the questions and let the student know this isn't the time nor place to be disruptive as such. "I understand that you have questions, but this is not a time for discussion. You're in detention, you're meant to be reflecting and focusing so I'm going to need you to be quiet, and I will answer whatever questions you may have afterwards"

In the case of the student continuing with their misbehaving, Viola would clearly and directly now warn them of the consequences to come if they do not stop. "This is your final warning, if you ask one more question, I will have SLT take it up with you. Which would lead to further consequences that I'm sure we both would like to avoid." In hopes that the student would stop, if not, she would go through with the warning.

For the rest of the students. Viola would reinforce the expectation that detention is not a space for playfulness but, instead, is supposed to be a productive environment of reflection.
"I will not tolerate any more disturbance, I expect everyone to be respectful now and stay silent"

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders would keep playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class. What would your character do?

Viola prefers a focused learning environment; in her class, there is no tolerance for misbehaving; although she is empathetic and kind, she is still professional and doesn't tolerate disrespect in her class. It is one warning, and then there will be consequences.

She would pause the lesson and address the cheerleaders, walking over to the group, her tone firm but composed, making it clear that she was in control and that misbehavior should be stopped immediately. "Ladies, This behavior is not allowed in my classroom. Phones should be put away, and everyone is expected to respect their classmates. This is your first and final warning if you do not stop. You risk further consequences with me." She clearly presents the consequences to make sure they understand the seriousness of their actions.

If the cheerleaders persist, Viola would then hand each of them a detention slip due to their misbehavior: "This is a space for learning and growth. I expect everyone to cooperate to maintain the standard and remain respectful. I hate to put my students in these types of situations, but as college students, I will not be treating you like children." Viola would note their names and take matters up with the administration if they still acted up in her class after having been warned and given detention.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?

Viola's first step would always be to assess the situation, ensuring she is not putting herself in danger with the students. She would approach the scene with authority, raising her voice loud and clear, "That is enough! Break it up immediately!" When that does not work, the situation escalates. Viola knows that the priority is to call for backup, contact any other staff members to alert them, and request immediate assistance.

While waiting, Viola would hurry and turn her focus to the safety of the other students or bystanders around them, directing them away from the area. "Everyone, step back. Staff will handle this. Stay clear." She would aim to prevent any further consequences or worst scenarios. She would continue to verbally warn the students, telling them to stop at once from a safe distance to protect herself while making it clear that the behavior is unacceptable. "This is your last warning; any further aggression will lead to serious consequences!"

Once assistance arrives, Viola will help to break up the fight. Making sure everyone involved is separated and safe. "This is unacceptable and disappointing. You all are to take responsibility for your actions. I'm informing SLT of this incident; at this point, this is out of my hands." Next, Viola would follow up with the SLT to check on the student's well-being and ensure the appropriate measures are taken with the students. She also would offer her view and account of the incident from the moment she walked up to it.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What do they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

Physical Appearance:
Viola Moretti's appearance shows her mixed heritage of being half Italian and Japanese. She has long dark brown hair that reaches her waist, but she often styles it in a neat bun with a claw clip or lets it flow freely whenever she is more relaxed; she has almond-shaped expressive eyes that shine bright in their lovely hazel color. Her skin is light, with a smooth, flawless complexion except for the freckles scattered along her face. Viola has a slender and graceful build, standing around 5'4 with elegance. Her style is classic, soft, feminine, and professional yet approachable, often wearing blouses, skirts, and dresses.

A few things make Viola unique and different:
her resilient heart. She was faced with the sudden and tragic loss of her mother, which caused her life to be put on an immediate pause. Viola didn't know what to do from there, leaving her at a crossroads. Despite this, she channels her emotions into her work, becoming a source of strength and empathy for her students. Although she may be feeling a storm of emotions, her exterior is always calm and collected, professional enough not to let those feelings take over and affect her performance in her job. Another trait that makes Viola Moretti unique is that she is a daydreamer grounded in reality. Her imaginative, daydreaming nature allows her to see beauty and magic in everyday life. Viola is a daydreamer with hope for the impossible. Yet she stays practical and balanced, knowing precisely what a dream and reality are.

Outlook on Students:
Viola believes in seeing her students as individuals with unique stories, experiences, and potential. She approaches them with a belief in their potential and is committed to helping each of her students discover what they love and their strengths. Wanting to encourage them and help them find what they are passionate about, She understands that every person expresses themselves differently, and therefore, Viola is a patient and adaptive woman. Yet she also focuses on the main reason she became a teacher in the first place, which is to encourage a love for stories. She wants to instill this love for literature and storytelling into her students who are interested in such; she understands that not everyone is a writer, reader, or literary lover. But she hopes to show them how stories can enrich their lives, how they're not only filled with magic and imagination but also moral lessons that can help them achieve their goals just as she does. always encouraging their creativity and playfulness. She believes in making learning fun and engaging. because she can not bear to sit through a boring lesson or conversation, and she, therefore, refuses to do that to her students.

Other teachers:
When it comes to her fellow teachers, Viola holds a lot of respect and appreciation for them, knowing and understanding what it takes and what sort of dedication and passion it takes to be a teacher. She values every skill and subject being taught other than her own, and she may take an interest in their subjects, where she would ask for their help, advice, and expertise whenever she needed it. She is unafraid to cooperate with them for the students' betterment and her development as a teacher. Viola likes to encourage her colleagues to tap into their creativity, and she likes to be a source of knowledge to them, not only her students.

Future plans:
Among her many plans for the future, one is to find balance and personal fulfillment in herself to have done her job and duty most perfectly, having inspired many in her life. She also wants to create her fairytale, wishing for a beautiful ending for her story, and therefore believes that she must live every moment to its fullest while not dwelling too much on the past or making plans for every second of the day. Instead, she wants to look and focus on her present, and what she can achieve during the time that she has now, though, of course, she has many goals. Such as being an author and publishing her works, inspiring more students to follow in great footsteps and grow herself, and helping others around her grow. Viola looks for stability in her future, peace, and creativity.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.

Make sure this is over 100 words.

Like most children in the world, Viola was raised with bedtime stories and fairytales with moral lessons to develop her character. Those short stories her mother would tell her in the hope of teaching her a little bit more about life. That is where her love for literature began when she was still young, begging her mother to reread her favorite Beauty and the Beast story from the shelf so she could fall asleep soundly. Relating to Belle and her adoration for books, "One day I'll have a big library like that, mama," She used to say each night, and her mother filled their home with books, telling Viola a different story each day, from folklore to the classics. Her mother was an artist, and at times, the two of them would take their creativity to a whole level, telling stories through drawings and paintings. Viola's mother teaches Viola how to express herself with the arts and helps her develop her imagination further.
As she grew older, this passion and love for books never faded. She continued to believe that there is a lot to learn from her books. She was brave like Goldilocks when she went into the Bear's home; she was smart and empathetic like Belle with the Beast; she was confident and unyielding like her favorite characters. She knew that these stories were a way to explore her emotions and understand different characters or perhaps people in general. Viola wanted to know more; she was interested in knowing more about these archetypes and fairytales, how they come to be, how they are written, and what goes on before the words are written on paper.
So she studied English literature, taking on multiple minors and as many electives as she could during her studying years in university to have more knowledge. and excelled in her studies, of course, where she realized not only did she love reading and learning about the stories, but she loved to create the theories herself, ****yze them, and discuss them with others. She decided to pursue teaching, seeing it as a way to share her love for stories with students and guide others in finding their own voices through the power of the narrative. She wanted to inspire other young students to read and see more than just the ink on the paper.
Viola wanted to be apart of something big, she wanted to be the person to help aspiring authors find their way. Help them to write amazing stories like the ones she so adored when she was a child and perhaps herself write some things as well.

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not yo;, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)


Full Name:

"My name is Viola Rosa Moretti"

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
"Miss Viola Moretti"

Given Name(s):
"Viola is the only name that I go by, or that was given to me."

Preferred Name:
"I would rather be called Ms Moretti by my students and colleagues just to stay professional."


Gender & pronouns:
"I'm a female. Therefore I would go by she/her"

Religious Denomination:
"I'm not very religious. I'm an atheist"

Marital Status:
"I'm single, unmarried."

"I am half Italian on my father's side and Japanese on my late mother's."

Current Location:
"I recently moved into Karakura to further pursue my career and be closer to family members that have lived here."

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):

"I have about 6-7 years of teaching experience, starting from High school when I used to tutor classmates in literature and writing for a year, then for two years as an undergraduate teaching assistant, another two years as a graduate teaching assistant, and finally one year after completely my master's degree, I worked part-time as an adjunct instructor teaching children's literature courses."

Working Experience (# of years):
"I have 6-8years of working experience, as I have stated before from tutoring and teaching assistant jobs I have also worked in a community workshop facilitator during my undergraduate studies, volunteering in libraries and organizing workshops for students."

Academic Degree:
"I have a Master's degree in literature."

Year of Graduation:
"I finished my bachelor's degree in 2018 and graduated with my master's in 2020."

"I have a bachelor's degree in literature and a master's in children's literature."

"Creative Writing and Psychology"

Native Languages:
"Italian and Japanese"

Other Languages:
"French and Korean"

Preferred Teaching Subject:

Additional notes about your application (if any):
Used Grammarly for help with grammar correction, better punctuation and better wording for somethings.​
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