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Accepted lobsterrgod's Performing Arts Teacher Application!


Level 32
Copy of Aesthetic Twitter Header.png

What is your Minecraft username?:
lobsterrgod (applying account)
lobsterrdog (main)
lobsterrbob (ems acc)

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

Do you have a microphone?:
Yes, and I am ready to VC at any time!

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I acknowledge and accept this as a consequence of having this role and will make sure this never becomes an issue without proper notice being given.

Describe your activity on the server:
On a scale of 1-10, I would describe my activity as 9/10! As of right now since it's the summer, I spend around 9-10 hours on SRP every day balancing my activity across all three of my accounts. Between all my responsibilities in all the factions I'm in I've been able to keep very active on all of them, making quota, maintaining RP relationships, and developing them on their own. I'm going to college in the following months and have made sure my schedule will not interfere too much with my activity and will be similar to the activity I maintained during my years in high school. When I was going to school, I averaged about 7-9 hours every day after school and 10-12 on weekends, except for Sundays when I will usually be offline for most of the day due to religious reasons.

Do you have any previous bans?:
No, and I don't plan on it

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
lobsterrgod (applying account)
JSL Language Application [Accepted]
Caretaker Application [Accepted]
Russian Language Application [Accepted]
French Language Application [Accepted]
JSL Language Application [Accepted]
Third Language Application [Accepted]
Russian Language Application [Denied]
Russian Language Application 2 [Accepted]
Service Dog Application [Accepted]
Service Dog Application 2 [Accepted]
Doctor Application [Accepted]

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
Doctor, Caretaker, Swim, Grade-12, Grade-8, Dog

What subject are you applying to teach?:
Performing Arts

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
Originally I joined the school faculty faction to allow me to have something fulfilling and productive to do during IC school hours rather than just running around on my high school account being bored. For a while, this satisfied me and I was happy being able to patrol the school as a caretaker to break up fights, clean messes, help students, and just generally patrol the school doing caretaker things, but recently this isn't enough for me. I often find myself just aimlessly running around the school waiting for something to happen and it began to remind me of my time before I joined the faction, so here I am again finding something new that piqued my interest. I believe that becoming a teacher within the school faculty faction would allow me to interact with other people in a more fulfilling way than being a caretaker ever could ever allow. I already have a lot of experience helping people OOCLY and ICLY around the school and defusing situations from my time as a caretaker, so I feel that applying to be a teacher is a good next step for me to expand on these skills and use them for this role. My own love of the arts is also a bit of a motivator. I've been an artist my whole life growing up and I think that being able to teach something that I already enjoy doing myself would be fun! The versatility of the performing arts intrigues me to create interesting and engaging lessons for people to follow and hopefully learn from.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT & If your application is accepted, you may have to undergo teacher training?:
Yes, I completely understand this! I'm ready to take IC or OOC notes when shadowing and being trained by the more experienced teachers before I am allowed to host any classes on my own.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
These are logs used to keep track of the number of classes that have been hosted within the month, how many students attended the class, and how long the class lasted. These are used so that teachers can see how much of their minimum quota has been reached, for SLT to keep track of seemingly inactive teachers, and to make sure each teacher gets paid appropriately

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
1. No swearing: A simple rule that's enforced all around school and is no different in class. The class is a place where all the school rules must be followed, this one included.
2. Respect your peers and the teacher: No disrespect, discrimination, or anything of the sort will be allowed. This class is a safe space for artistry and bullying of the sort won't be tolerated.
3. Follow directions: The teacher or any school faculty in charge of the class at the time is there to help you, so instructions set by them are to be followed as best as you possibly can.
4. Do not disrupt the class: High school classes aren't mandatory if you don't wish to learn then you don't need to be here, but please do not ruin the learning environment for the rest.
5. Try your best: If you try your absolute hardest in this class, you will succeed. Hard work will always get you far in life, this class included.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I've experienced a colorful array of the different types of RP that SRP has to offer and I'm ready to experience more with this opportunity. I’ve been roleplaying for as long as I’ve had access to the internet as a child and found out what roleplaying is, starting off with simple one-on-one RPs with friends through Messenger. It was uncoordinated, messy, and fun. I had a huge break from RP as a whole since it didn’t really interest me till I found out about Dungeon and Dragons. DnD rekindled my RP spark and allowed me to RP in a much more controlled and organized environment for myself and the people I played with were it be my friends or sometimes people I met online. More often than not when playing DND I played as the dungeon master and handcrafted these interesting and unique fantasy worlds and situations for the groups I lead.

Now on SRP, I've found myself in almost every type of RP a person could find themself in when joining the server. The one I, and most people, find themselves in is of course RomanceRP and FamilyRP. Almost every character I've had has been in a family or a relationship with some sort of drama that was a joy to RP out. It got to the point I've even led two families, one that was disbanded a while ago and another that's just getting started. Faction wise I started off with the sports faction by joining the HS swim team. Being able to RP out something as simple as swimming every week is always a joy for me. For a while, the educational aspect of SRP began to bore me and I felt as though I needed something productive to do during school hours, so I decided to have a service dog character. Dealing with stressful situations with crowds of people and a panicked handler was a blast and the simple downtimes with normal AnimalRP were a nice change of pace. Of course, it grew boring at some point with needing to do basically the same thing over and over again. I've dabbled in a bit of GangRP from being a part of the newly reformed Anarchy to creating my own P2L gang to escape the toxicity of GangRP. To be honest the typical roll-style combat RP isn't my favorite which brought me to P2L style GangRP. I lead and manage my own small P2L Hello Kitty-inspired group of delinquents who focus more on having fun roleplaying than gaining activity, executing perms, etc.

My boredom with my service dog character brought me to the faculty faction in the first place. I've been playing as a caretaker for about two months now and I can confidently say faculty is my favorite faction I've been in. Getting to have unique interactions with the students and RP in this way is amazing and is shown by my activity within the faction. During my first month, I was able to log 46hrs and I reached 60hrs in my second, which is the most hours any employee has ever logged. Believe me when I say I love my role in the faction and I hope to stay in it for as long as possible. When I realized that I didn't have much to do after school after all my typical faculty things I found myself longing to be an EMS, which I thankfully joined. Attending training and tending to patients in a controlled stressful environment is so much fun. My very short time as an EMS has been a blast and has forced me to really improve on my DeatilRP and I'm already used to attending IC and OOC training as required from being an EMS resident.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning:
Head of Department
↳ Description: As the name implies they are the head of their subject! They have displayed a mastery of their subject and showed they are highly trusted members of the faculty enough to be granted this role. These are the people that the UT and NQT can count on when they have questions to ask or need help with something. It's the highest role that a teacher can reach.

- QT
↳ Meaning:
Qualified Teacher

↳ Description: These teachers have not only passed their training but also shown they're trusted and respected figures in the faculty, not more than the HD but they're shown to know how to run a class effectively.

↳ Meaning:
Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: Teachers under this rank have completed their training and have shown they can be trusted to teach on their own without supervision from a higher-up. Of course, they still haven't been recognized as truly qualified teachers, but these educators are capable of being able to meet the needs of their students in a class.

- UT
↳ Meaning:
Unqualified Teacher
↳ Description: The lowest rank a teacher can be in the system. These teachers tend to be new and untrained in the way the school works and be trained by a much more qualified teacher before they can be trusted to host a class by themself.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, and what purpose teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, and what they do in their spare time in general.
Being in the school faculty faction has allowed me the wonderful opportunity to work alongside some of the amazing teachers ICLY and it gives me a unique perspective on teachers that most players don't get. ICLY a teacher's IC time is spent either lesson planning, teaching, grading, or doing their own non-school related RPs. The lesson planning is also often done OOCLY in the player's free time, the actual teaching of the lessons is done completely ICLY where the teacher must present a lesson or project to the class. ICLY grading is done via the #highschol-bulletin and #college-bulletin on the academic discord where teachers and professors respectively post the student's grades for people to see how well their characters did in a class. IC free time is all the time that the teachers don't need to be in school, 3:00 pm-7:30 am ICLY, this time is spent developing their character outside of a school setting and engaging in non-school related RP. Payment ICLY is done much differently than it is for teachers OOCLY, obviously, because it would be much more complicated to do it in such a way. ICLY each rank within the teacher faction has its own base they can make for reaching their minimum quota and can make an additional ¥50k on top of that for every 5 classes that are taught till they reach the maximum payment of ¥500k. A teacher's paycheck is completed based on the work they choose to put into their jobs.

OOCLY teachers are amazing educators that pass on the knowledge they've cultivated in a controlled learning environment to allow them to guide and motivate students academically. There's a multitude of ways that teachers teach their desired subject like projects, lectures, or class discussions. These each have their own pros depending on the subject being taught. For example, subjects that are more memorization like history would benefit from lectures, and subjects that are more hands like science should utilize more project-based assignments, and discussions can be used in any of these if a teacher wants to get an idea of how all their students feel about a topic. Teachers' off time is spent grading students' work and living their own lives, committed to their own hobbies and passions outside of work as everyone should do. In Japan the payment for teachers is decided on a few factors, and is a bit complicated, so here's a simplified version of it. New, full-time teachers make about ¥250k every month while experienced, full-time teachers can make upward of ¥550k a month. This is a very simplified version of is and other factors come into play when deciding a real teacher's paycheck.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
In a server that is mostly encompassed in a school setting teachers are an absolute must as without any teachers there's no properly functioning school. Teachers are an important metaphorical bridge in the server between the new players and the older players. Teachers are some of the first people newer players go to for help since they're sources for all the IC and OOC information a newer player could ever need in such an overwhelming environment. For older most experienced players teachers provide an engaging RP experience for them whether that be academic RP, jockRP, or any other types of RP that can be found on school grounds.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
MoSCoW system
Must Have, Should Have, Could Have, Won't Have. A time management technique used to operate in an effective way under restrictive time constraints. This system is used to allow the user to prioritize things for a project. Things they must have for a project. What they should and will improve the project, but can do without. Things they could have, but will have little effect on the project when left out. And things that won't change the project when left out.

Character Knowledge
Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What do they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What are their plans for the future?

Soda Kanno is a relatively short Japanese man standing 5'5 with a soft and almost delicate figure that gave him a more feminine appearance. He would have deep, dark curly brown hair. His hair would fall just above his eyes and frame his face, putting his honey-brown eyes, sun-stained freckled face, and dimpled cheeks on full display for all lucky enough to see them. Behind his dark curly locks, a clear hearing aid would be almost hidden from view. His eyes would shine a deep, dark brown and hopefully bring comfort to anyone who views them. You can always hear the smile in his honeyed voice whenever he spoke. Fashionwise Soda is a bit lost. He tends to wear what feels most comfortable at the time or anything green since it's his favorite color. There are three main outfits you may see Soda wearing. When hosting classes, he wears a white button-up with a green vest over top and green pants to match. When he isn't at work and just finds himself around town enjoying his day you may find him wearing a brown sweater over top an off-white, cream-colored shirt, and blue jeans. It's a simple yet comfortable outfit that he finds himself wearing often. When he's gardening he's most likely wearing a long-sleeved green shirt over top of a white shirt with khakis pants to match. Again, not the most fashionable, but Soda doesn't care as long as he is comfortable.

Soda is much unlike his co-workers with his down-to-earth nature and open personality. He loves to take breaks in his day to have simple chats with the students of KHSCC and get general updates on how they're doing and vice-versa! Soda is known around the school as a fun person who hears out the students but is able to take charge of situations when needed. He's able to keep it professional, yet fun. His outlook on students is overall positive! He always sees the best in everyone, especially the developing youth he's entrusted to keep an eye on! He's always willing to hear out the student's side of any situation before coming to what he thinks is a fair decision. With teachers, Soda admires the hard work of the teachers that he's worked beside, so much so that he went back to school to get his own degree in education just to join them! Soda has sat in plenty of teachers' classes and watched them teach their subjects passionately, he wishes to join them in that passion.

Soda has a few plans for the future but for the most part, his main plans have stayed the same since the day he stepped foot in this town; to find out who he is and be that person no matter what! He didn't want to fall back into the cycle of being someone he wasn't for the benefit of others. He wanted to become a stronger, better, him. A plan that he developed only recently is to be able to raise a family that he can be proud of and be a real father to his adoptive son, Kross.

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
He would make his way over to the gaggle of delinquents with the intention of reminding them that such language isn't appreciated nor allowed on school grounds. As he did he would keep an eye on the situation to make sure it wasn't a case of bullying. He would attempt to strike up a conversation with them, asking them what the issue is and why they're causing such a ruckus. If nothing obviously bad was going on then he would simply repeat his reminder and be on his way, but if they were acting suspiciously he would ask them kindly to disperse and to keep the foul language off school grounds.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
Soda would let out a small sigh as he looked at the rowdy class full of kids in front of him and let out a small 'oh jeez' under his breath. He would ask the class to quiet down so the lesson would able to continue and if they didn't then he would switch his approach he would let his eyes scan over the class to search for the worst of the bunch. He would make his way over to them and give them a warning to cease their behavior or else they would be removed from the class at best and get a detention slip at worst. If they continued their behavior Soda would hand them a detention slip and get them removed from the class- anyone hindering the education of the kids in class doesn't deserve to stay.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
If you ever find Soda in the faculty lounge he's off to the side near a potted plant making himself a cup of tea and enjoying the freedom away from the chaos of the halls between breaks. If he spots another teacher in there he's happy to make conversation and be able to talk to someone his own age about anything other than work. He'd crack jokes and talk about similar hobbies between the two. If the other wasn't open to chat or if he was alone he wouldn't mind, he would instead take the time to simply relax with his cup of tea.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:
looked up from his notes neatly stacked on his desk as the bell chimed to see students filing into class. He would let out a small chuckle at the chaos before him of the students scrabbling to get into a seat and sit next to their friends. He would slide from his seat and make his way to the front of the class. Once he was in front of them he would clap his hand together to get them to quite down, &f"Hello everyone! I am your teacher, Mr. Kanno and today we're going to be writing some scripts that you will be allowed to perform during the next class period!" &uhe would make his way across the stage and over to his little storage room to gather up enough books for the class. The stack of books would tower over the mouse of a man as he wobbled his way back to his stage. &f"You can all line up and get a notebook if you need one!" &uOne by one with a smile Soda would hand out the notebooks to all the students in line.

/me allowed his eyes to gaze over his class as they worked away on their scripts. A proud smile would stretch across his face as he watched them work it away with the faint chatter of them talking among themselves to fill the silence. As he looked over his class he noticed a student had their hand raised. From the stage to the student Soda will make his way over with a bounce in his step and a smile still on his face. Once he got to the desk he would crouch down so he was at eye level with the student. &f"What do you need, kiddo?"

/me made his way back to his seat back at his desk at the front of the class with a lively smile- oh the joys of teaching! He would slide his way back into his chair and get back to grading the past work of past classes. He would crack open the notebook and start reading. Absentmindedly he would reach out for his cup of green tea that always sat at this desk while still keeping his eyes practically pressed to the page as he read over the script. The low grumble of chattering students kept the sounds of his slurping silenced as his eyes inspected the page, making sure to add small, constructive notes to the script in hopes it would encourage the student to do better.

/me would give the student's a big wave as they made their way into the chaos that is the halls during the passing periods, &f"Don't forget to check the bulletin after school for your grades!" &uhis hands upped to his mouth to project his voice, but not to shout. &f"If there's a start next to your name then please come see me to get a reward token!" &uAnd with that Soda went back into his classroom, giving a simple passing glance to the clock as he did to take note of the time before he needed to host another class. He collected up all the notebooks that were left behind on the desks and brought them back to his own to look over. He would stack them onto the already towering stack of books that accumulated and gave a small sigh at all the work. He loves his job...!

There would be a messy stack of papers hidden beneath the rest, it didn't seem to fit in next to the resumes and other important documents. The first page would have the words "Memoir Work in Progress" written in big bold letters.

"Born on March 3rd, 1984 ████ 'Soda' Kanno was born in rural Japan to his mother and father, Ramune and Calpis Kanno, who owned and ran a small floral shop. Being the only female of that generation Soda would eat, sleep, and breathe flowers as he was expected to take up the family's floral business. Soda never questioned this, not knowing he had a choice in the matter; everyone in his family went down these paths and he thought that he needed to do the same.
At the time his education was limited to high school since any nearby colleges were too far and too expensive for the family to attend, but it's not like a higher education mattered in his family, no one had gone off to college in years as all they needed was that little ole flower shop, until the shops' revenue slowly came to a fault. There were only so many times that someone needed flowers and usually during the off seasons the family still powered through, but even during the best of holidays they could barely make enough to manage. So, around the time Soda was 10 their family sold the flower shop and moved from their little, rural town where everyone knew each other to the not-so-nearby, bigger city. Here, Soda was allowed to meet new people and experience new ideas; his mind was hungry to learn as much as it possibly could and absorbed all the information it could fit. Being exposed to this new environment allowed Soda to blossom, wanting him to do as much as possible at every given chance.

During his time here he began to grow annoyed at the use of female pronouns, and the feminine outfits he was squeezed into every day. He begged his parents to stop and dress him up like all the other boys his age instead. His parents grew annoyed at Soda's insistence on his correct gender, they were worried as to where this seemingly sudden pushback came from and searched desperately for a reason for this behavior. Being the old-fashioned folks they are, they blamed it on the new location poisoning their child's mind. Soda and his parents played a game of mental tug of war with the situation till Haru and Akemi were at their wit's end, being scared and confused for their child's psyche they moved back to their small town when he was 17, and took up multiple jobs each to keep up with bills. Akemi tightened his hold on Soda, making sure his mind wouldn't be poisoned again by shutting down any more gender talk and teaching Soda to be the perfect wife. Akemi's harsh hold on Soda's light forced Soda to learn to shove his feelings down, ignoring how he felt for the benefit of others.

Soda's parents practically controlled his life, deciding every option for him in his life, from his job, where he lived, and who he was going to marry. By the time he was 29, he got married to a man he never loved and had two children which he, frankly, felt indifferent about. His life was always someone else's idea, never his own. One part of his life that wasn't completely miserable was his life as a caretaker for the only local primary school. Not many people find much pleasure in taking care of and cleaning after children, but Soda did. It was one of the parts of his life that he truly chose to do! It was his way of helping others when he couldn't help himself. It made him feel as if he was truly making a positive impact on people's lives.

His life stayed this way until he decided he wanted to further his education, after discussing it with his husband they both agreed that Soda could go back to school, under the condition that he would also need to pick up a second job on top of the one he already had as a caretaker. Soda wasn't happy with this arrangement, but sucked his feelings and buried them deep, like he learned to grow up. Soda majored in horticulture as farming was the only thing he knew and minored in communication as the combination was something that began to pique his interest, it seemed like a way for him to communicate with other people, to understand and learn from people he probably never would understand. He drove hours to and from the nearest community college to attend classes as much as he could, studying as hard as he could while also juggling a job as a gardener for a private school and a caretaker for a primary school.

His job as a gardener was nowhere near as enjoyable as his job as a caretaker, but he made it work. Soda had always enjoyed gardening as it was something he was good at and was a good way to just turn off his mind and go through the motions of life and such, but with a garden job, it was tough! The students of the school found it very assuming to play cruel pranks on Soda such as tampering with his tools, placing buckets of compost above the supply room door so that it fell all over him, spraying the school's garden with bleach, and, tearing up the garden themselves under the guise of "just picking a few flowers". These were all extremely stressful for Soda, as he wasn't sure if he could report these actions to anyone, the students always got let off with a slap on the wrist and a warning to not do it again. Soda needed this job and adored the garden he had cultivated, so he wasn't gonna let some rowdy kids ruin his time here. Soda ignored the children's antics, assuming they would give up, and when it didn't work he would take matters into his own hands. One day while pacing up his gardening supplies earlier he noticed a student inside the supply closet attempting to unscrew the blades off his earning sheers. He was able to catch the kid before they ran off and sat them down to talk. The two had a heartfelt talk about why what they're doing is bad and that just because they don't get punished for it doesn't mean what they're doing isn't wrong. Soda never got a real answer as to why, just a shrug and a soft mumble of "Dunno?" Soda sent the kid on their way and made sure to report the prank attempt to SLT, knowing nothing would be done but still wanted it on record. The pranks toned down after that incident and Soda likes to think he was the direct cause of that.

During his time in college, he made a plethora of friends and built a community outside of his small town where he could be himself, whoever that was. A particular person that went by the name of Kyo truly opened Soda's eyes to how much of his time he wasted. Kyo was a transwoman who wasn't afraid to be open about her gender, her openness and acceptance in her own skin and her own identity amazed Soda, his life filled with denying that part of him and shoving it as far down as possible. He talked to her a lot about her gender, a bit too much for any supposedly cis person, it got to the point Kyo asked him point blank if Soda was trans. Soda denied and denied till he couldn't anymore, "What does it matter." After she was done teasing him, he said, "It's too late for me to do anything about it anyways..." Kyo stared at him blankly, examining him and his words. "It's never too late to be you." was all she said in response. Those words have never left his mind.

By the time he finished college he was about 35 years old, his 36th birthday just around the corner he had a realization of sorts, he is miserable. He didn't want to continue living as a miserable wife, with miserable jobs, in a miserable town. His friend Kyo's advice played in his head like a broken record, never leaving his mind since that day. His life was already set in stone and it was probably too late to go back now, but he didn't care. And so, he left his old home, family, and everything he once knew and booked the first flight he saw, took bus after bus till he couldn't recognize any street signs or passerby, and decided this would be his new start.

His ride landed him in the small, strange town of Karakura. This town with its strange people and even stranger mysteries intrigue the man and something inside him told him to stay. Soon after he made himself at home in Karakura he became a caretaker, cleaning up the messes and keeping the school safe and clean for everyone, students and faculty alike. However, he realized he wasn't doing as much as he could for this community or for himself. Soda came to this town to build the new, real him and here he was staying in his comforting bubble of safety doing something that he's done for years already. He was ashamed of himself, to say the least. He needed to break out of his comfort zone and explore new things, but how? He didn't want to quit his job, he loved his co-workers and the students of KHSCC and would stay forever if he could! He would turn his gaze to his colleagues and notice how much more they could interact and inspire the students they had under their care than Soda could.

Soda had made up his mind, he was going to become a teacher! He enrolled in a night school in the next town over and studied as hard as he possibly could to get his degree. He wonders why he didn't do this at first, his love for learning consumed him in his younger years and it consumed him even more now. With the awkward way that he pursued his education, he needed to work way harder than the rest of his classmates, taking extra classes to fill in the prerequisites needed for him to gain his degree. It was hard to put it into the simplest of terms, he didn't allow himself to struggle alone, he let his closest friends and professors of the KHSCC, Darius and Yuma, know of his plans and they helped him study almost every night between grading papers, planning lessons, and flirting. It was a difficult 2 and a half years for Soda to get his degree but was all worth it when he thought about how much more of a positive impact he could have on himself and his community with him as a teacher at the school he loved.

Copy of Aesthetic Twitter Header-2.png

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only): Soda Kanno
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.
Given Name(s): Soda
Preferred Name: Mr. Soda or Mr. Kanno

Age (Minimum is 27): 38
Gender: Transman
Religious Denomination: Atheist
Marital Status: Divorced

Nationality: Japanese
Current Location: Karakura, Japan

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years): 21
Academic Degree: Masters
Year of Graduation: 2023
Major(s): Education and Horticulture

Minors: Theatre and Communications

Native Languages: Japanese
Other Languages: JSL and Russian

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: No

Additional notes about your application: I would like to add that I am not trying to apply to be a caretaker and a teacher. I am trying to swap from caretaker to teacher.
Do you have any questions?: N/A
Last edited:


Level 106
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Welcome to the Teacher Faction! You will begin as an Unqualified teacher (UT)

You will be given your roles in the Academics Discord and afterward will be pinged regarding teacher training. Once your training is complete, you will be allowed to start your own classes!

If you have any questions, please DM me or contact me through the teacher channels in the Academics Discord.

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