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Official LORE | Masamaru Train Station

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Level 192

Masamaru Station Incidence
Worked on by @MikeShotZ and @hebwig
The Unforgettable Night
It was a calm night in Karakura, where a run-down subway station underground was only seconds away from falling apart. It was called Masamaru Station. Its pillars were cracked along its edges, appearing as if no care were given to them, and the light fixtures were dangling from threads of wire at the ceiling. Being exactly midnight, the train was on its way back to the station; but, suddenly, pebbles began falling from the unsteady ceiling. It had caught the attention of one security guard, who asked all citizens awaiting their next train to leave the station immediately due to the risk of the area collapsing.

The Unlucky Two
The pebbles turned into rocks, then to dirt, then to treacherous masses of crumbling cement. A wall formed within the gaps of the train and the tunnel's barriers, leaving but two individuals, a boy and a girl, alone within the hellish mess. It was too late for them both. . .they remained stuck, calling for help, all to failure from the rubble which trapped them. To the unknowing of staff members and citizens who had escaped before the collapsing, the two eighteen-year-olds were still left behind.

Both inside had no way out; no service and oxygen was slowly beginning to run out. It was dark, very dark, and the two could hardly see one another. Their phone was the only source of light in which they could provide, but it didn't take long for them to run out of battery. Like purposefully adding to their problems, the girl's foot was shortly encumbered by a larger boulder that threatened to break the bones within. Only remaining was the young man and a search for an alternate exit, which soon led to no luck.

Soon, a rescue team set up a project to unblock the entrance by carefully removing the rocks; the process would take up to a week, way too long to ensure the survival of the young woman and the boy. However, the risk of making a simple mistake that led to the death of the both of them could potentially even cause more injuries in the surrounding area, leaving a long time frame that was hardly helpful to the train station's hostages.

Two weeks passed, the rescue team eventually having reached an opening for their search. With little oxygen remaining in the room, the air was thin and challenging to breathe within, making for a harmful condition that the team had to be even more careful about. Thirty minutes ran of their strenuous search, the only discovery being a right foot that held a trail of blood leading from its severed end into the darkness. . .

The Great Mystery
. . .following the trail where it led, the team found the nauseating trail to lead to the doors of the half destroyed train. No bodies were identified nor found, like they had merely vanished from the situational scene or this world. It was a riveting report that led the local news stations for weeks, catching the investigative processes of police officers and determination from emergency medical services. September 25th of 2005 was a date all would forever remember, alongside the names Kajiwara Hanako — the girl with the crushed leg, and Shibata Saburo — the boy who desperately but hopelessly beckoned for help. The tragedy, though, led to an even greater mystery.

Many claim that the two, never-found bodies of the train station now haunt the place silently. Those who traverse the area bravely may come upon a nightmarish scene left behind out of vindictiveness of never being saved. . .
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