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Lost vehicle, red truck | Jtth_


Level 6
IGN: Jtth_
VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: I don't remember the exact name although its a Jeep 6x6 I got a lot of proof of owning it though because i've had this car for more than a year now and ive even done a court case based on this car. Its a GMC Sierra according to the modeler that named it, but the dont remember is full name either (HunterHampter).
EVIDENCE: File is too big can I dm the image to staff? I got ss of how it looks. Ss was taken yesterday if you check the dates. I also got ss of the area it despawned along with the people who exited asking where it went.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The way it happened, I was driving with a few people and I parked outside of block I. We went into my apartment and I picked up a few things. When I went out, the car was missing. I got ss of people asking where it went etc, I dont know if with the new plugin anyone took it or if it despawned once they exited the car but regardless I lost it.
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This car is not originally your custom, so it cannot be returned​

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