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Accepted lotusxcharms || Physical Education || Professor application


Level 4

What is your Minecraft username?:

What is your time zone?:
Eastern European Summer Time

What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)


Link all previous applications you made on the server:

School/City related apps:

Caretaker app [DENIED]
Tutor app [DENIED]
School nurse app [DENIED]
Shrine maiden app [ACCEPTED]

Caretaker app [ACCEPTED]
Language apps:
Korean lang app [ACCEPTED]

Chinese lang app [ACCEPTED]
JSL lang app [ACCEPTED]

JSL lang app [DENIED]
Spanish lang app [ACCEPTED]

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
Right now I find myself playing from maybe five to seven hours in a day. On weekends this may jump up to nine, given how I don't have other things to do and I'm able to play nearly all day. The hours fluctuate, but mostly upwards given my sleep schedule and lack of general busywork.

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
I've been a roleplayer for many years now, if I recall about 7-8. This started on online forums and apps such as amino and later on discord, I've been on a couple of smaller Minecraft rp servers when I was a tad younger. I have experience in many forms of roleplay from the written art to RPGs, as well as live action at one point! I've been an enthusiastic roleplayer on SRP since I think 2022? I worked as a Caretaker in the faculty faction for approximately five to six months, and thoroughly enjoyed every single one of my interactions with students and staff alike! Unfortunately I had to step down from the position due to schoolwork getting in the way of my activity. However, now I have sufficient time for the server once more, and will for the foreseeable future! During this time I ran a small family by the name of Acton, which brought me lots of joy and more familial roleplays with all the kids and my character's spouse. I've loved my time so far on SRP, and look forward to more years of experience on the server.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
lotusxcharms - grade-12 [primary, high school only] (applying with this one.)
lotusxcharming - grade-12 [secondary, former faculty acc]

What is the subject you want to teach?:
Physical Education! It's been on my mind since I started considering applying for either teacher or professor. I find the subject enjoyable personally.


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:
Even as a caretaker, whilst it made me happy, I felt I was missing something. I wanted to interact more thoroughly with the students, have a more hands-on approach to helping them out. What better way is there to do that than teaching? I almost immediately decided on professor, when pondering applying for a teaching role. Mostly because from my experience, college students already know the ropes of the server and don't need lots of reminding of the rules outside of roleplay related interactions! I'm eager to prove myself as an enthusiastic member of the Karakura school staff, and a (hopefully more than) competent educator. I want to give students a professor that whilst taking care of their education, will provide a safe and reliable learning environment.

To add to this, being part of a faction on SRP, especially an adult character made it more fun to log on every day. Work to do and students to help really upped my activity when I still had time for it, and as I once again do, I'm truly looking forward to growing my experience. I've also noticed how happy it makes most college students to see a class active, as aside from learning, what else do we go to school for? I've also noticed a lack of PE professors, which surprised me as I figured the subject would be one of many people's interest! I would be more than happy to fill in there!

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:

Gym day! This I feel would suit a smaller class, specifically on a quiet day when it isn't filled completely due to the size of the school gym. The class would be separated into two different groups, the first group focusing on building muscle and taking advantage of the gym's equipment as they wish to. The other group will be doing stretches, possibly some yoga exercises as well. This would give me time as the educator to float between both groups to assist them in their workout.

2. A game of statue! One student will be facing a wall away from the rest of the class, who will stand behind a line. We'll call this person a curator from here on for clarity. This could likely take place in the gym, or outside on the school grounds. The student facing the wall will have their back turned to the other students, and in their head, count to three. Within this window of time, the players will have the chance to approach the curator, by either walking or running. Really, it's preference, but running may result in difficulty freezing. Once the curator hits the number three, they'll turn around, and everyone else has to stop moving immediately. If a student is spotted moving, they'll be sent back behind the starting line. The goal is to tap the wall the curator is facing, before they can turn around to freeze the rest of the players once more. Whoever tags the curator, becomes the next one, and so on. Additional challenges to this game may include the curator being allowed to take a small stroll around to see if the statues are moving, but must be careful. Whoever the curator's back is turned to, may resume movement. Of course, that is until they are spotted. I believe this would be a fun little interactive game, for example after dodgeball or similar activities. A variation of this game is called 'Red light, Green light', with some exceptions in the rules. However, I personally prefer 'Statue'.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
I would absolutely love to take the class swimming, particularly to the waterpark! I'm sad to see it barely used, when it has so much potential. Within the constraints of the park, students may swim, jog laps, use the water slides and even relax around the pool! Field trips are meant to be a fun little break from tough classwork, are they not? I would include games and activities, for example a simple swim relay, cannonball contest, octopus tag.. I have lots of ideas for fun games within a field trip like this, which are also possible to play out within the constraints of minecraft as a medium. If activities run out however, the beach is right next to the park, where students could play volleyball, swim in the ocean[?] and build sandcastles, these are just a few examples. Both areas would also be easy to monitor.
The reason I thought of this idea for a fieldtrip, is because I personally haven't seen it done before, and want to bring a little life to the waterpark. Swimming is a fun activity that also builds muscle and endurance, I truly do believe it is an underrated sport in the grand scheme of things.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
With a hint of annoyance, William would approach the ruckus. "Alright, alright.. Let's put some distance between each other, every one of you. Step back." He'd make sure the students stand back, before resuming. "This is unacceptable behavior for you, Spartans. Do you have any idea of the reputation you're giving your own peers with this sort of childish conduct? You should know very well that there's no tolerance towards this sort of thing with you college students. I expected much better of you." He'd turn his attention to the High school student. "You can go, I'll handle it from here..." William would remind the college students of their position in the school and send them off, then reach for his radio to inform his coworkers of what went down. Should they continue this behavior, he'd report the incident to SLT as he's supposed to.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
William would raise a brow and tap the blackboard, with the rules for detention in large, clear letters. "Your questions do not pertain to your task, so I suggest you focus on finishing it instead of this baloney. The sooner you do, the sooner you will be let go to return home. Unfortunately, should you continue to disturb the silence of detention, which is mandatory may I remind you, I will not hesitate to inform SLT, and have them handle the rest of this. Am I making myself clear?" He'd fix some of the papers on the desk, before returning to sorting out the finished detention tasks.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?

Looking up from his papers, William would sigh softly in disappointment. "Please turn off that music, it is disturbing everybody else in the classroom. Whilst you may not feel like studying today, the rest of your peers likely do. If you cannot control yourselves, I suggest you turn the cellular device off completely. Furthermore, I need silence in the room while teaching." Should they continue after the second warning, he'd become more stern. " I will not hesitate to remove you from my classroom and have you sent straight to detention after classes end for the day. You've been warned twice to keep quiet, this is your third and final warning. I'd hate to make it a permanent rule in my classroom to have all phones turned off during classtime just because of your group, hm? You're in college, I suggest you act like it."

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
William would spot the commotion from afar, immediately alerted by the unusual sounds of a scuffle. William would try everything save for physical involvement. Gently suggest they step back, getting sterner by the second, exhaust the detention warnings, unfortunately to absolutely no avail it seems. Having failed to break up the fight between the students, William would request backup on the radio, and try to stand himself between both parties of the fight to physically separate them without force. Should they keep going after he'd issued multiple warnings and tried to separate them with his own body, and issued detentions to both parties at fault, his next move would be to threaten them with SLT involvement as he's been instructed to, as a consequence of their behavior.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

Brief overview of William Adler:
William is the epitome of tall, dark and handsome. He's a charismatic older man with adequate people skills, enough to land himself two wives and many sweethearts back in the day. If he had to pick an animal, he'd think himself a hare. Introspective and observant, an imaginative but sensitive soul. He's very driven by his personal values, and remains unwavering when those come to be challenged. Sometimes this leads to disappointment from outside parties, but he hardly pays them mind. He's not an aggressive or particularly headstrong persona; he knows his place and protects his views and lifestyle for the sake of himself and not those around him. Despite this, he's easy to work with and a professional in the workplace. If you've come across the man, outside of his appearance the first thing you may note are his grand ideas and unmistakable passion for work and relations.
With a reserved but charming outer shell, William can be a sappy sweetheart on the underneath. Whilst he's not great at showing it, he truly does love his inner circle deeply and honestly. He prefers to see something in everyone; perhaps not the good, but potential. This is one of the factors that contributes to his determination to be an educator, even with the most lethargic and lazy students, he still sees potential in them. He does his best to encourage those he wishes to see succeed, determined to make them see their own possibilities of paths in life. He's cordial, if not outright kind to coworkers despite preferring his personal space and silence over large crowds and loads of socializing. William isn't there to be a friend to his students, but he wants them to know that they can approach him with anything that's on their mind; school related or not. Even though he will refer them to a counselor, he'll listen and remain patient.
He wants to teach for as many years as possible, for the foreseeable future. Outside of academics, he also wants to reconnect with his former wife, and possibly adopted children should they wish the same. He's eager to get back on track after his UK visit to clear his head.

Näyttökuva 2024-02-25 235827.png
William stands at the unusual height of 6'5ft with more of an inverted triangle body shape. He's well built with enough muscle to make it clear that he does exercise in his free time regularly, but isn't a hunk of muscle by any means. He's pale, with dark circles under his eyes indicating a lack of proper rest in the midst of all his work. His dark hair is slicked back, with some silver streaks evident of his age. William has unusually pale silver eyes, that despite his charm come across a little creepy. If not outright unsettling. Like the eyes of a husky. His arms and torso are covered in oddly symmetrical scars. The man's hands are calloused, as if he's been handling heavy equipment for a long time. He's always well dressed, and seems to prefer 'business casual' in style.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.

William T. Adler grew up in a middle-class household in the early 80's with a mother, father and one younger brother. His mother, Margaret Adler was a school teacher, and William would follow her work from the side with bright eyes and the enthusiasm of a baby carnivore learning to hunt for the first time. He'd always put hours and hours into his studies, hoping to follow in his mother's footsteps. He had big dreams of becoming an educator someday. He just knew helping kids in their formative years was his calling, as it had been for his dear mother. He greatly admired her ability to inspire her students in their academic path, and believed he could one day do the same. Margaret had encouraged him to consider other lines of work, perhaps as a doctor or a school nurse which he'd considered. He however, had his sights set on education! After much thinking and discussion, he'd settled on the idea of becoming a PE teacher or professor down the line. He'd always enjoyed sports, and was a very active teenager on the side of his studies. He'd noted how much disdain fellow students held for PE classes, believing it to be boring and repetitive. He was determined to inspire students to take more passion in the subject when he'd eventually get to teach it. A bright young man, with ideas larger than what he could fit inside his crowded, young brain.

William eventually graduated with bachelor's and his grasp on his dreams was stronger than ever. However, due to the unfortunate passing of his mother, instead of pursuing his dreams immediately after graduation William stayed behind in his homeland to help his family cope with the loss of Margaret. In that time, he opened a restaurant with the help of his father, who wanted to leave behind a legacy for his eldest child. Unfortunately, William wasn't satisfied with this life. He wasn't meant to stay in the UK forever, much less as a small restaurant manager. He wanted so much more. Time passed, and he had reconnected with his high school sweetheart, with whom he has two children. Later on, he'd leave his restaurant to his oldest son, and his wife whom unfortunately also passed in 2013. It's now run by his eldest alone.
He moved to Karakura to pursue his dreams of teaching, and landed a job as a caretaker. Whilst he enjoyed the work, William still craved more. To help and inspire students learn, to see them succeed. Around this time he got engaged again, and later on married to the true love of his life, with whom he had many adopted kids and three biological children. He was still working on his education despite having graduated years back, wanting to better his skills for what he inevitably saw as his true calling. He had a great fondness for the students of Karakura, given how much he got to interact with them in his job. But he also saw their troubled behavior with unsavory paths in life, possibly leading to danger down the road; he wants the best for this generation. After leaving his caretaker job behind, for whatever reason unbeknownst to him, people thought him dead. Now residing once more in Britain for a couple years to reconnect with family, he finally became determined to pursue his dream job and return to Japan.

William moved back to Karakura with greater plans in sight. This is where we currently stand.



Full Name:
William J. Adler
"My full name assigned at birth, is William Jericho Adler."

Title: Mr.
"I prefer Mr. I believe no further elaboration there is needed."

Given Name(s): William Jericho
"I was named William after my great grandfather, Jericho was the name of my grandmother. My parents held high regard for repeated names in the family."

Preferred Name: William, Will
"I do quite prefer strangers, and students refer to me as Mr. Adler, but on more friendly interaction William is just dandy. Will is... Reserved for closer companions."

Age: 45
"I was born on the 1st of January, 1979."

Gender & pronouns: Male, he/him
"I believe the youngsters use the term 'cisgender' male, my pronouns are he/him."

Religious Denomination: Former Christian; currently agnostic
"I was born into a traditional Christian household, however with age I've discovered that I may align better with the ideology of Agnosticism."

Marital Status: Divorced
"I was married for quite some time, before moving to Japan. Due to her passing, I ended up changing scenery to Karakura, where I got engaged and married to a fellow faculty worker. Unfortunately we split when I stopped working as a caretaker and briefly moved back to my homeland of England. I remain unmarried since."

Nationality: British; Brit
"British national, born and raised."

Current Location: Karakura, Japan
"I have recently moved back to Karakura."

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):
2 years
"I worked as a teacher's assistant before originally moving to Japan. It was two years in total, I was very involved in the classwork and assisting students."

Working Experience (# of years): 20
"Before any of my schooling related work experience I owned a restaurant back in England, which ran successfully for a number of years; fourteen to be exact. Now it's under new management by one of my sons. I worked at the school as a caretaker for three years, and the teaching job for two."

Academic Degree: A doctorate degree in physical education and health.
"I got my doctorate in Health and Physical Education."

Year of Graduation: 2009

Emanuel school 1991-1997
Sheffield Hallam University 1998-2009

Major(s): PE & psychology
"I majored in physical ed and psychology."

Minors: Health
"I have minors in health."

Native Languages: English (UK)
"My native language is English, specifically the United Kingdom variant."

Other Languages: Japanese, JSL
"I'm completely fluent in Japanese and Japanese sign language. To easier communicate with those hard of hearing or otherwise find it difficult to communicate in the spoken word."

Preferred Teaching Subject: Physical Education
"Given to my academic past, I have decided to shoot my shot on physical educator."


Additional notes about your application (if any):
Please let it be noted that whilst English isn't my mother tongue, I do my best to write coherently and precisely to the point. If there's anything that has been left unclear, please let me know. I thank you deeply for the opportunity, and for taking the time to look over my application. Also, a minor thing. I tried to mark the past applications section as a spoiler, but it separated into three different groups of text. Apologies for the lack of that! [Edited for clarity.]
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Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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