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Denied LowkeyHades | Government App!


Level 23

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United Kingdom - GMT/BST

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):
I only include major applications at this time, to avoid a spam of language applications:

Describe your activity on the server:
I am a proactive member on the server, I tend to do daily log-ins and play for a few hours at a time. If I’m not on, there’s usually a good reason behind that! I have spent a long time on SRP, and have recently rejoined the community as of December 2021. I believe I have a good reputation and standing with other members within the server and I’m generally well liked. I have had a few roles so far, activity wise. My major one at this time is Clinical Lead within the emergency services hospital. When joining a faction, I usually intend to stay for a long time, and that commitment is shown with my 5 or so months within my EMS role, which I still hold now. I also have recently been within the KPD, as a patrol officer. I left this role, as I wanted to change my path after realising the role was not for me, and have been on the hunt for a different faction that would be better suited to my attributes. Getting back to the activity side of the question, I spend roughly 4 hours a day on the server, and try to be active on discord as often as I can. I feel that even if I can’t log on to help, I’m still able to lend a hand whether that’s through direct messages, voice calls or sending through necessary documents.


What position are you applying for?:

What is your motivation for applying?:
I have a few motivations for joining, to begin with, I wanted to join a faction which is better suited towards my skill set whilst still maintaining a sense of roleplay that is enjoyable. I think the governor role provides this in a sense as the job in itself is demanding but manageable and able to be enjoyed! Alongside this, it’s a new form of roleplay which I haven’t immersed myself within yet, and I think it’s an intriguing role to play with new challenges and tasks which I’d find myself comfortable doing. Alongside my previous points, I think the community within the faction is a positive one, where the work is done but pressure isn’t overstimulating and demotivating. This healthy work environment almost draws me to be more motivated to join the faction and these reasons are why I have decided to apply.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
I believe I have a decent understanding of the Karakura laws and Constitutional rights. I was apart of the police force, and have noted a majority of the laws, alongside reading the other rules pages periodically to ensure I’m fully up to date with my knowledge.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
I have a few goals in mind with joining the faction, as many would, to ensure I’m not only benefitting the server but the community and bettering the ‘world’ as it could be put. The character I’m applying with, doesn’t tolerate crime and wants a crack down, which is why my ideas are geared towards this. However, when the prolific crime streak comes to an end, there are more ideas which would end up being beneficial to the server regardless.

  • Idea 1: I want to introduce tougher restrictions and crackdowns on weapons and lead sellers and distributors. I would do this by helping provide more resources towards the police department, and giving time frames within which they have to show evidence they’re attempting to find these criminal rings and crack down on them.
  • Idea 2: I want to also turn crime ridden hotspots (such as the powerplant, or sewers networks) and introduce new areas which will flush out these bandits who will no longer be able to hide within these areas. We could turn the power plant back into office space, or a community hub for students to go to for curricular activities. I would be interested to see how we could implement this and how this would affect those who use areas which are known as ‘dangerous’.
  • Idea 3: I want to create public town hall meetings, which happen a few times a year, in which the community are able to speak out on their concerns about the town, and how they want officials to start to behave in response to these demands. They could be things such as a better clean up of spray painted areas, and general street cleans down to how different factions are being ran and if intervention is needed.
  • Idea 4: Parks and areas revolving around the plaza, to be changed into better community hotspots which could be used for activities and events. Ideas such as seasonal ice rinks (for winter months), a permanent structure to provide shelter to animals who are found roaming the town so they have a safe space in general. Alongside these, I’d also want general quality of life fixes, and different small improvements which would in the end better the server and how it works.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
Before applying, I spoke to a few government faction officials to find out what a governor really does for the faction and community. From my research alongside this, I’ve concluded a few things about the position. A governor is there to aid not just for the mayor, but for the town, their role and purpose is to aid the community they work to better and this can be done in a number of ways. They could be doing simple things, such as sitting at their desk, assisting members of the community who need it, another one is helping set up speeches or ‘press conferences’ with officials who would need the help in finding spots and setting up a location for the speech. Governors are also responsible for attending court cases and taking recordings of these, to help with the proceedings of the court. It’s a versatile job which helps the town which requires several different components to work and run smoothly.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes I do!

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
I understand that I need to be dedicated to the job role and have made preparations to ensure this.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes, I understand this.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
Yes. I have.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Depending on times, I will do my best to attend and those I can’t attend I’ll be asking for minutes to catch up with!


Full name:

Micchi Yoshinara

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):

Current age:

Date of birth:


Academic Degree:
Public administration

Political Science
Business Administration (Logistics)

International Relations

Work experience:
I’ve worked for several years now within the main government department of central Tokyo. I’ve been mainly focused on the logistical side of the administration to ensure the current office runs as smoothly as possible. I was responsible for several political parties as they ran for office, ensuring each campaign ran smoothly and I was able to see how each department worked which was an interesting experience. Clearly I haven’t worked within this industry for as long as most, only spending about a decade working within the government specifically. Beforehand I used my international relations degree, to interact with big companies. I worked with a leading car manufacturer which had big sales relations with Italy, which is why I speak fluent Italian too! This position allowed me to work with communities about concerns they had, alongside influential world leaders, it was definitely an interesting experience.

Political background:
Ah, my political background. As I’m writing this application, I’m currently neutral politically within Karakura, only being here a year or two. I think that there are several aspects which need drastic measures taken now, such as the police force, to try to take down more of these notorious gangs which riddle the streets day and night. I think personally I have little bias politically, and don’t tend to lean much, however I am still a citizen of the community and I can see myself how much the town suffers under all those mobsters which show little mercy for the poor town, this would be a major starting point for me personally. Not just this, but how the government handles these crises, and creates better laws for the town to know we are there, and we are trying.

Nationality & born location:
Japan, Hatogaya

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
Japanese, Italian

Criminal record:

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
I have several aspects which make me a more than qualified applicant for this job, as my application implies. I have decades of experience working with communities, big clients and firms which have had a glowing effect on my outreach and how people perceive me. I’m quite friendly, and can handle difficult conversations where needed alongside this. I'm used to being among big crowds at large public gatherings and have little issue with public speaking. I’m dedicated to the job I do, and I have new initiatives, incentives and ways to better the town if I was chosen. These are just a handful of reasons why I would be an incredible candidate for this job.
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Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply, unfortunately I've decided to DENY this application

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