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Luci Amaterasu

[ Luci "King" Amaterasu ]

Basic Information

First Name: Luci
Last name: Amaterasu

Nickname: King, Ama, Prince

Gender: Male, He/Him

Age: 18

Height: 5'1

Weight: 120 lbs

Build: Slim and not muscular.

Skin Color: Pale, peach-ish tint

Eye Color: Heterochromia, green and blue

Hair Style: Looks like he brushed it, then layed down. Bangs somewhat swooped to the side (like in the first picture of him)

Hair Color: Red

Fashion: Formal wear, and outfits that remind me of ciel phantomhive from black butler, and super expensive streetwear

Date of Birth: August 17th

Place of Birth: Aoyama, Tokyo, Japan

Nationality: Japanese

Race: Asian

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual (leaning towards men), Demiromantic

Religious Beliefs: He is his own religion /hj
He's agnostic.

Political Beliefs: Leftist

General Appearance

Appearance: He is short and slim, Imagine ciel phantomhive's bodyshape, he either has a smug, looking-down-on-you smirk, or a glare on his face. His hair is deep red, and he has 3 piercings on both his ears.

Personality: Self centered, narcissistic, and greedy, He pities less fortunate people. Luci can put up a fight but because he's weak (mentally and physically), he usually ends up begging for help. if someone helps him or saves him from a bad situation, he'll treat them like his best friend.

Character Voice:
[How does your character talk?]
High pitched, feminine, slightly raspy

He sounds like sub urban when he's tired.

A leather bag with golden accents.

Hobbies: Reading, writing, and singing (though he has stage fright when he sings,)

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: He's narcissistic and struggles with being empathetic. He usually hurts someone's feelings if he were to help someone.

Skills: He can sing decently and has excellent calligraphy skills.

Quirks: He chews on pens and pencils when he's frustrated.

Luci was born into a rich, almost royalty-like family. His family owned several shrines to the celestial sun goddess, Amaterasu. He and his family claim to be descendants of amaterasu, (hence the last name.) He and his siblings weren't super interested in the religious aspects though, His siblings became owners of fashion lines, Kpop idols, business owners, etc. The shrines still stay open though, because they still are very popular, Luci and his siblings promised to take care of the shrine every once in a while, and split the money earned from it. Luci moved to karakura to live a "minimalistic" lifestyle. (Which actually isn't minimalistic at all, he says that to get attention.) He just recently moved into his apartment.

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