"Lucius is someone who hadn't lived in so long he watched as he became the Villian"
Lucius H. 餌食 "Prey"

Aliases: He is commonly mistaken for his, now deceased brother, 'Lucifer' or 'Lucy' as he was called by everybody. Another Alias is 'Luci' which he, instead of being called 'Lucy' (It is pronounced differently as well, instead of "Luc E it is prounounced "Luce - EEEEEEEEEE), Lucius also goes by codenames, He adopted one of his brothers codenames in which his brother used for his illegial activitys "Mr Luck" he also uses variations of his names or simply ones he finds could of been appropriate if he was to ever change his name, These are a list of such names he would go as "Luther, Calcifer, Alistair, Julius, Draco, Caius, Sirius, Aurelius, Lilith, Lily, Lucretia, Luce, Luck, Sabier, Leviathan, Azrael, Aurelia, Castiel, Paine, Lucrezia, Salazar" (Yes, he goes by female names too, He isn't gay or anything, I myself wouldn't mind going by "Lilith", it sounds cool as fuck!)
Gender: Male
Height: 6'0
Build: Atheletic. Masculine, Sociopathic face
Place of birth: Birmingham, England
Nationality: England
Sexuality: Straight
Religious Belief: Soloism


School Attire:

Formal, Christmas Attire:

Personality: Lucius Herrington was never truly loved as a child, due to the attention the entire family gave to his dear brother, he felt abandoned which left to antisocial thoughts and emotions of emptiness and lack of purpose rising in a young, child version of him, which would later warp him into the boy he would later become because of it. He grew to be self centered at core, as, his other family members seemed to be rather self-centred (unless of course when it was to Lucifer in which they were the total opposite) Lucius is very good at problem-solving which helped in his quest to prove his family wrong and to himself that he was the superior twin. Before going missing, Lucius is an unpleasant rich boy although (considering most Herrington's were a lot less mentally intact then what he was) he acts to seem to to be a lot more likeable, knowing how to blend in similar to his other brothers. (Of course, after he makes his return, im doing a 180 on his character)


Lucius Herrington was born on the the 28th of September, 2001 (I picked 28th of September because, that was the day I was invited to Herringtons, as for 2001, Its because he is 17 years old) at Birmingham National Hospital, Being younger than, at least 16 brothers and sisters (overall) he had a lot of influence growing up, Primarily from Luke and Lucifer, during the majority of Lucius's upbringing he was pushed aside, Peoples favortisim of Lucifer would lay the fire which would spark into the biggest twin rivillary the entire family had ever created, Out of the Two, Lucifer was the alpha male, like the rest of the herringtons (Proper alpha males am I right or what???) whereas, Lucius had to learn to be an 'Alpha Male' in order to fit in with the rest of his brothers. Lucius grew to become more and more ambicious as Lucifer grew further and further up in the skill range, Lucius, aged 10 at this point was sick of it and decided to move to 'New York, America' under an acting scholarship provided to him at a young age due to his intellect. Lucius would continue to live in 'New York' occasionally taking visits to see what the competiton Lucifer was leaving, Lucius's big plan was to star in a big film so, he could finally prove himself that he was better and was worth of the love and support he was denied, Lucius was obsessive, so obsessive, he wanted to beat his brother, the only thought in his head was 'To be the best' which kept him from developing mentally the same as others. (Mainly due to him literally never being loved as a child whatsoever)

Lucius had put his entire life into one main reason for living, to prove his dominanace and that he was Superior to his brother, it was his mediocre obsession which took over his whole conciousness, 65 hours after Lucifer died, Lucius urgently got a call from Luke who, had to tell him the devastating news. Lucius, now more confused than ever, he had, now Lucifer gone, no objective, it angered him to the point of insanity, it was like the feeling of, beginning to play a game of Uno, your 24 rounds in and suddenly they just stop playing your game and start playing chess, he had lost all purpose, he came to the funeral, after the funeral he went around the town, finding all the places Lucifer had been to, trying to find himself, It angered Lucius that, his whole childhood was wasted on one single mission whilst Lucifer was just, being a teenager, hosting illegial beer parties, bullying nerds, dating girls, it angered him so much.. Lucius than, dropped out of his Drama School, tired of persueing a useless goal. Due to Lucifer's "Will" Lucius inherited ABSOLUTELY FUCKEN EVERYTHING that Lucifer owned, including his safehouse, living quarters and a room in the top Penthouse located in "Herrington Towers" as well as Lucifer's Jersey in which, Lucius quickly joined and climbed the ranks of. Lucius had taken over a different mission, to do everything Lucifer was doing, but better.

Lucifer had kept a diary of all the contents of his life, the good and the bad in which he had entrusted to Lucius apon his death, Lucius finding it, had began a task to befriend and become better friends to all of the friends Lucifer had made as well as, trying to date the girl Lucifer liked before his sudden demise. Lucius as many people have probably gathered, spent his time trying to achieve goals, not to befriend people, which was why he found this task extremely hard, he had never truly given a thought about 'Companionship' thinking he simply was greater than that, a 'Lone Mage' of sorts. Alas, he found the number of the girl, meeting up with her he quickly figured out the girl "Aphrodite' was more than a task, he, as well as Lucifer had fallen for her charm. He quickly let down his deceitful walls, letting the girl see his truth self, under his rotten shell of a personality he would of normally displayed. They had fallen in love. He would later, invite her to his Yearly Holiday to "London, England" in which they would spend together

Due to plane troubles, Aphrodite and Lucius were forced to catch seperate planes back to 'Karakura, Tokyo' Aphrodites plan would land on proper course, she would end up in Karakura safe at home, which, would lead to their biggest (and only) separation the couple had ever faced. Lucius's plane was sabotaged by enemies of the "Lucifer Brand."

The plane blew up due to engine failure, Due to pure chance, Lucius survived the entional impact, waking up in the middle of the North China Seas in which he drifted over to an island called 'Liewu, Literally meaning, 'Prey' in Mandarin" in which he grew from an incompetence, weak and frail boy to a true man, mentally and physically.

Because of his 'Apparent' disappearing' Lucius was assumed dead after "Aphrodite" reported to "Luke Herrington" that Lucius had not arrived on the plane home, in which she had waited a full week to report on. A massive search was made, ending up unresponsive
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