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lucky_l3monade's Performaing Arts (Drama) Teacher Application

About Me

What's your Minecraft Username?: lucky_l3monade
What's your Discord username?: luckylemonade_
What's your Time Zone?: EST (FL)

Provide any link(s) to previous applications:
JSL Application (1)

French Application (1)

KPD Application

French Application (2)

JSL Application (2)

JSL Application (3)

French Application (3)

Joi-Kon Shopkeeper Application
Joi-Kon Shopkeeper Application (NikaBlossom)
Player Information What is your Minecraft username?: NikaBlossom (The account I will be using for this shop) luckyl3monade_ (My alt for future streaming purposes and in case something happens to NikaBlossom) Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): luckylemonade_ (Main)...

Pop! Karakura Shop Application
Pop! Karakura Shop Application | NikaEnvy
-❀✿❀- Player Information -❀✿❀- What is your Minecraft username?: ImNikaBTW (My main.) luckyl3monade_ (alt) NikaEXP (alt) Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): luckylemonade_ (Main) lixil3mon (Alt/iPad/backup account) nya.nika (alt/backup) How old are you? (Optional)...

Third Language Authorization Application

Hawaiin Language Application

Service Animal Authorization Application

Teacher Application
Accepted - NikaEnvy | Design Tech Teacher Application
Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: NikaEnvy luckyl3monade_ [ALT] _NyaNika [ALT] Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): luckylemonade_ Do you have a microphone?: I do have a microphone and am fully comfortable with speaking in calls. How old...

Hawaiian Language Application (ALT ACCOUNT)

JSL Language Application (ALT ACCOUNT)

Italian Language Application (ALT ACCOUNT)

Staff Application

What are your current roles on the server?:
Adult, Grade 12, Grade 12, Grade 12, Grade 7, Grade 7

Why are Teachers so important to SchoolRP?:
Teachers are important to SRP for many reasons. One of the big reasons is that SRP is overall, a school roleplay as the name states. Without teachers, the school roleplay would be less interactive and interesting and would ruin the overall hierarchy of the server. Students would get away with anything and have no classes to attend during school hours. Another big reason they're important because as teachers, you help keep the peace and stop icly fights between students and hand out detentions which makes the overall roleplay more realistic.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you may lose your role?: Yes
Do you agree to undergo teacher training if your application is successful?: Yes

In-Character Section

What's your character's full name?: Esme B. Kintov
What is your character's nationality?: French
What is your preferred subject to teach?: Performaing Arts (Drama)

Describe your character:
Esme is a young woman in her late twenties who has dark brown hair with very faded pink streaks in it. She has gentle features and soft hands, never having gotten into any trouble growing up and only having a few scars from being a rough and tumble child. She is very kind and quiet outside of the classroom, but while teaching she's somewhat strict and outgoing. She is very understanding with her students and is willing to help in any way possible. The thing that makes her most unique is her love for acting. As a child, drama used to be her favorite class. She always put everything she could into her performances. Other's thought she was odd for enjoying it and putting so much effort into it, but Esme didn't care. She knew what she loved and wouldn't let other people bring her down. She even intends to teach drama to the students of today so they can enjoy it just as much as she did! This is what she wants to do for the rest of her days.

What is your character's outlook on students and co-workers?:
Esme cares a lot for her students and coworkers as both are important to her job and to her as an individual. Although shy at first around her coworkers, if help is needed, she doesn't mind offering her assistance. She respects them all as she knows their jobs aren't easy and are just as important as hers. Having good relations with her coworkers is one of her top priorities as she is well aware that in the end, if she needs assistance in any way shape or form during school hours, she'll need friends to go to. As for students, she cares deeply and tries to understand what each and every one are going through. She works with each student to be sure they have everything they need but isn't afraid to punish them if necessary. She does not tolerate fights and will personally host detention if she gives multiple detentions for fighting. She doesn't believe in violence being the answer for anything and will keep that belief all throughout her teaching days. Students are the groundwork for the school as without students, there would be no school. Due to this, she holds them in high regards and expects them to act their age and not cause any unnecessary issues. Students can be difficult sometimes but having a younger sibling as a child who she was constantly babysitting, she knows she must be strict and work with them for them to grow up into well rounded citizens once they graduate, and she plans to do just that.

What is your character's motivation for teaching?:
Esme's motivation for teaching stems from her love of acting and her drama classes as a child. During each class, she would befriend the drama teacher, hoping to learn as much as possible about the performance arts. She watched her drama teachers work and always found herself in awe of how well they did it. It was at age eleven that she decided she wished to be a drama teacher when she was grown. As she grew, she worked hard to be sure she got everything she needed so she could one day teach and become the role models and idols for children like her. Her motivation for teaching has only grown throughout each drama class and school play.

Roleplay Scenarios

A student in class is struggling to understand the content, what would your character do?:
If a student was struggling with the content of the class, Esme would set aside time with the student to help them out, pulling them aside and teaching the content in a way that the student could understand. She'd work with said student until they eventually understood the content and would then let them know that if needed, she could write the lessons out beforehand on a book and give it to them so the student could follow along and hopefully understand it better.

A student is continuously being disruptive in class, talking out of turn, and making jokes with classmates. What would your character do?:
Esme has a three-strike rule. Throughout the class, she will keep an eye on each student to be sure they're following the rules. If a student is caught being disrespectful or breaking the rules, she would then give them a warning. Sometimes students just need a little reminder that they are in fact in a class where others are trying to learn. If the student continues to be disruptive, she will offer another warning, hoping that the student would listen to it this time and change their behavior to be class appropriate. If the student once again continues to be disruptive, she will kick them from the class, not wanting their disruptive behavior to cost the other students their education.

Provide at least 2 interactive class ideas related to your preferred subject:
Script Writing: During one of the classes that I will be teaching, Esme will be having the students write a script with the genre of their choice. The script will need to be at least five pages long and include good grammar, correct punctuation, and a well thought out storyline. The students will have three class periods to finish this and will be graded on it. Anyone who receives an S as a grade will gain a sticker.

Famous Actor/Actress: A class taught about a famous actor or actress. This class will include a lesson about when the person started their acting career, their most famous works, if they've won any awards, and how long they've been acting for. There will also be homework assigned on what is taught in class.

Have you read and understand the Teacher Application Guidance thread? Yes​
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