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Luminstyspecter | Maiden Application.


IGN (In-Game Name):

What is your discord username?:

What is your timezone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
Generally available after 5 PM CST (unless stated otherwise)Generally available after 2 PM CST (unless stated otherwise)
Which leads me to averaging at least 2 hours per day depending on my energy ^^

List your current roles on the server:
Roxanne Hou [GRADE-12]
Tatsumi Kubo [GRADE-12] [COUNCILLOR]
Yuebing ‘Bingbing’ Cai [RABBIT]
Opaline Aquino [GRADE-12] *[would be changed if accepted]

Link any previous applications:

French Lang. App. [ACCEPTED]
Chinese Lang. App. [ACCEPTED]
Third Lang. App. [ACCEPTED]
Latin Lang. App. [ACCEPTED.
Council App. [ACCEPTED]

What position are you applying for (Maiden or Priest)?

What is your motivation for applying?
Ever since I joined SRP about four months ago, maybe, the shrine faction always fascinated me. I already was interested in spirituality and tarot reading in real life, dabbling in it a bit and having a general understanding. This isn’t to say I’m an expert or know much about Shintoism, I didn’t really look into it until recently. However, that being said, with my general interest in it and knowing the shrine faction is very roleplay-rich, I want to at least apply to see where that goes.

What do you currently know about Shintoism? Are you willing to learn more about it?
I only know some from minimal research, but I am willing to learn more about it! What I do know is:

What is Shintoism?: Shinto refers to the literal “the way of kami,” and is a polytheistic religion. There’s no founder of the religion or scriptures, still preserved throughout the years though. In modern Shinto, it’s more focused on life now rather than the afterlife, and their idea of the afterlife is that the spirit carries on after death, only to become on with kami after. That, or they turn into obake, left spiteful and revengeful.

What is ‘kami’?: Kami refers to divinity; it doesn’t refer to one god or deity, but the overall fluid term of what divinity is and what to look towards for guidance. Much like most religions, it’s believed kami can be both generous and unforgiving depending on the individual. They’re believed to send out animal messengers as well, commonly referred to as ‘kami no tsukai.’

What are some of the ceremonies, rituals, etc?: I’ll just make a list so it’s easier to explain.

Ema - A small wooden plate where one would write down a wish, a want, or something of that sort to be fulfilled by kami. They’re hung up on a wall as a way to have them be seen by the kami. While in SRP, they’re refreshed each month, there is some truth to it. In real practice, they burn them at the beginning of the new year.

Interestingly enough, divination has a lot of forms, including archery. But the one I’ll focus on is,

Omikuji - A written fortune that is randomly given out. If the fortune is deemed as bad luck, it’s to be attached to a pine tree to relieve themself of said bad luck.

Omamori - Amulets that are said to grant things like protection, love, education, safety, fortune, and prosperity in business. They’re not opened as it’s believed to cause the opposite effect, typically kept on the person, being generally on them or tied to a bag.

What do Maidens and Priests do?: They, of course, perform the rituals and ceremonies, giving divinations and fortune-tellings / tarot readings in SRP case, along with prayers and blessings.


Character Full Name:
The person’s eyes would barely be open, nodding off every so often only to be startled awake, “Opaline Aquino,” They’d say with a yawn.

Character Title:
“Miss or mister work,” They’d say with a simple shrug.

Character Age:
“I’m… Twenty?” They’d squint their eyes, only to begin counting on their fingers, “My birthday’s October 4th so– Twenty-one! Yeah.”

Character Marital Status:

Character Nationality:
“The DNA tests say I’m Filipino,” They’d nod, “But I grew up in Nara, Japan before movin’ here.”

Degree/Certifications (If applicable):
They’d let out a nervous laugh, rubbing the back of their neck, “I haven’t finished college, but I was in for, uh… Hehe, philosophy - lame, huh?”

There was a long pause, Opaline’s posture going from curled over to straight, their hands in their lap as they stared down, “Suppose that is important information ya’d like to know, huh?” They tried to joke, their false smile not fooling anyone, “It’s – long, so I’ll try to keep it all short and sweet for ya.”

“Parents weren’t around a ton, basically lived by myself and my baby sister … Pearl,” They’d wave their hand around in a vague gesture, “They had somethin’ about gems, I dunno. I never got the chance to ask ‘em before they left Nara for good, I was… Fourteen, maybe?” They’d shrug, bringing up one of their hands to rub their neck, a defined scar there, “Pearl and I were sent off after a year, to two separate families. I haven’t seen her since.”

They’d let out a long sigh, closing their eyes before continuing, trying to keep their voice steady, “The family I was sent to was alright, I guess. Didn’t hurt me or anythin’, just were about as present as my parents,” Another pause, another sigh, “I got into a bad crowd, no if and’s or but’s, I just was. Then…” Their words trailed off, tapping the scar on their neck - a slash across, a clear attempted murder, “Got this. Won’t explain why or how, but it happened. Sorta isolated myself after that nonsense.”

They’d let out a long yawn, patting the sides of their face to wake them up, “Besides all of the depressin’ stuff, there’s a shrine in Nara, the uh…” They’d pause, their finger tapping the bridge of their nose as they closed their eyes tightly, “Kasuga-Taisha, I always admired it from afar, never dared to enter.” They’d cleared their throat, “Like I said, I wasn’t a good kid. Me enterin’ would’ve only caused trouble, I knew it.” They’d inhaled deeply, bringing up one of their legs to wrap their arms around, pulling it close to their chest, “I didn’t enter the shrine until I knew I was leavin’, and on that day, I had nothin’ else to lose, ya know? Had whatever money I could scrounge up from a less-than-desirable job, put some on the side for a ticket outta there, and… Some for the shrine.”


“I just… Sat there, admittedly, didn’t talk to anyone enterin’ or leavin’, none of the maidens or priests. But bein’ there… Felt right. Once I got here, pullin’ myself together and all of that lovely stuff, I did some research… Asked questions. I guess things like divination, spirits and all of that always fascinated me. Now I’m here, talkin’ to you.”

Physical Appearance:
opaline aquino.png
[! The individual's face is adorned with golden piercings, and the job is not as bad as it could've been when they were all done by their own hand. Their purple contacts seemed to have been of a higher quality. Besides that, they seemed underweight, their hair somehow in a neat condition despite all of the bleach. !]


How does your character act around shrine grounds? How do they interact with guests and other staff?
Opaline acts like how they normally do, laidback, nice - very ‘go with the flow,’ sort of deal. They give out pleasantries, saying hello if they get the chance, and goodbye similarly. They try to remain as approachable as possible, as long as they don’t pass out in the middle of it. If any guests require anything of them or have questions, they’ll make sure to handle it accordingly and if they’re able to. They’d never be rude to a guest unless they weren’t exactly respectable on sacred grounds, which… Opaline doesn’t take it lightly. And staff, naturally they'd be welcoming and chipper with them, trying to get to know them better if the other members desire such a thing. Opaline understands some people want their space, and they're willing to give that to them. As long as Opaline is seen as a dependable, trustworthy person, it's all worth it.

You see a guest jumping around the roofs of the building and overall disrespecting shrine grounds, how would your character handle it?
Opaline is weak, there’s no denial there, underweight and as frail as ever. But they’re also stubborn as a mule, willing to do whatever is needed to make the guests stop - like chasing them out with a broom if it came to that. It’d be a system, of giving two verbal warnings (reminding them of the rules and where they are) before either dragging them out of there or chasing them if they don't take a simple 'please, leave the shrine grounds,' as a response. Violence or any sort of physical dragging is not Opaline's top want, especially on considered holy grounds. It'd be far more disrespectful for a maiden or priest to act such a way when they have something like guidance, the tie between the kami and the people. However, that isn't to say they're necessarily above it. They're human, after all.

Why does your character want to become a shrine maiden/priest?
Opaline always had a connection to the shrine, they guessed, it seeming like the path for them. Maybe it’s them seeking solace or redemption after sins they didn’t commit, only ones that were placed upon them. They don’t want to see others without guidance or are scared to reach out for help. Some come to a shrine for answers or comfort, and Opaline wants to assist them, somehow.
Of course, they know the responsibilities that come with being a maiden, the honor they need to carry. Despite their usual laidback demeanor, they take respect and the shrine seriously - their entire life they felt lost, going out and seeking answers that weren't the right ones. But it gave them wisdom, even if they had to learn in the hardest ways imaginable. All of the more reason to want to live life to the fullest, to want to respect the earth they live on and the spirits still there. What better way than becoming a maiden?

What are the core values of your character?
Honesty - While it isn't an inherit 'sin,' and a little white lie can be the best for a situation - Opaline views honesty as the best way to go about life. If you need help, ask for it. If you don't know what's going on in your life, where it's going, talk about it. Lack of honesty is the lack of communication.

Respect - Respect is the one thing that keeps humans tied together, other than empathy. Opaline always carries respect for others, expecting the same in return as they view everyone as their equal. The moment someone is shown to be disrespect towards anyone that didn't break it first - Opaline has a few choice words on the matter.
Reason - To have reason is to understand emotions, is Opaline's stance. One has to reason with themself and others how to go through life, how to work through their feelings in an appropriate manner.
[ Minor note : another core value might be humor, as Opaline believes you need to have some humor to counterbalance all of the wrong in the world. ]
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