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Luna N. Grace | A Biography


Level 3
Luna N. Grace

Basic Information

First Name: Luna
Surname: Grace

Preferred Name: 'Lilac'


Gender: Female

Age: 18

Height: 5'9

Weight: 55 kgs

Build: Skinny

Skin Color: Neutral undertone

Eye Color: Dark chocolate brown

Hair Style: Back ponytail with a braid coming from the right side of her head

Hair Color: Mocha brown

Fashion: Casual


Date of Birth: May 1st, 2006

Place of Birth: Canada

Nationality: Canada

Sexual Orientation: Ace

Religious Beliefs: Catholic

Political Beliefs:

General Appearance




Character Voice: Mellow

Equipment: Small gold loop earrings


Gaming & Drawing

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Colourblindness

Skills: Drawing, writing stories



Ilana Smith - Mother


Luna N. Grace was born into a world painted in hues she could never fully appreciate. From the moment she opened her eyes, Luna's world was a canvas of vibrant colors, yet she could never perceive them as others did. Born colourblind, Luna navigated life's palette with a unique perspective, one that shaped her experiences in ways she couldn't foresee.

Her mother, Ilana Smith, raised Luna single-handedly after her husband's tragic demise in a car crash when Luna was a mere five weeks old. Ilana poured all her love and attention into her daughter, determined to provide her with a fulfilling life despite the challenges they faced. Luna grew up surrounded by stories of her father, woven together from memories and photographs, creating a mosaic of a man she would never truly know but would forever hold dear in her heart.

As Luna embarked on her journey through childhood and adolescence, her colourblindness became more than just a curiosity; it became a defining aspect of her identity. While her peers marveled at the world's vibrant tapestry, Luna found beauty in subtler details — the play of light and shadow, the intricacies of texture, and the warmth of human connection.

Despite her unique perspective, Luna faced moments of frustration and isolation, particularly in a world where colours often carried symbolic significance and cultural meaning. Yet, she refused to let her condition define her limitations. Instead, Luna embraced her differences, using them as a springboard for creativity and innovation.

Her passion for art became a channel through which she could express herself without the constraints of colour. Armed with charcoal, graphite, and a keen eye for composition, Luna created breathtaking works that transcended the limitations of her vision, capturing the essence of emotion and imagination in greyscale.

Now, at eighteen, Luna stands on the threshold of adulthood, her future as uncertain and boundless as the world she sees through her own unique lens. With her mother's unwavering support and her father's memory as a guiding light, Luna is ready to paint her own story, one stroke at a time, embracing the beauty of a world that she may never fully see in colour but will always experience in its fullest spectrum of possibility.
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