Level 1
What is your Minecraft username?:
What is your time zone?:
What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)
Link all previous applications you made on the server:
Russian Lang App
Italian Lang App
Glitched Item Request
Glitched Item Request
Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
I have been playing on SRP for around 8 months or so now, and plan to continue enjoying SRP for much longer! For the most part, I am on at least for an hour a day (most of the time a lot longer than that but at least an hour a day), this doesn’t mean that there aren’t days that go by here and there where I’m not on, but I’m generally on a lot (as seen by my /playtime being at 8w and counting!). I can’t really give a specific schedule or time that I come on during the week because my schedule is always changing and things pop up, but I tend to be on around 1pm-5pm, then log back on near 8pm- whenever I decide to hop off. (EST of course!)
Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
When I first started roleplay, I focused mainly on RomanceRP and just the general roleplay experience of making friends and running around town with them, hanging out. I still experience these roleplay types now, but I focus on GangRP and even some DetailRP here and there. I still need to improve my GangRP and CombatRP skills, as I don’t know ALL of the rules and small details to them both, but I really enjoy the experience either way!
What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
[College] Annabelle W. Hattori
[Grade-12] Vitus Leto Watcher
What is the subject you want to teach?:
Physical Education!
What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:
I believe that this would be an amazing experience that I have yet to partake in! A few of my friends are Professors and they seem to really enjoy it, so I’d love to be able to join them. It also would really fit the way that I have Vitus' personality and history set up. As I stated below in the Character Knowledge section, he is a very active person and he doesn't know a lot of Japanese, so by becoming a Physical Education Professor, he can satisfy his need to be active while also learning how to speak Japanese better as he interacts with students and faculty.
Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
One class that I would love to teach is a dodgeball tournament! Personally, dodgeball is my favorite game that SRP has to offer (via the mechanics) and a tournament with a full class would be fun! Start with the whole class and as the tournament progresses, I would split the winning team each time in half and have the winning team battle each other. Whichever team loses will have to do 15 pushups, or perhaps a few laps around the dodgeball court. Whoever wins the tournament will receive a sticker!
Another class that I would like to teach is red light green light on the track! I know that it is a classic and all the gym teachers do it, but I think to make it interesting is that instead of going in a straight line, they have to do zigzags down the track. Normally, in red light green light (at least in my experience from playing) when someone is caught moving on red light, they have to get out of the running and go sit down or do push ups or whatever. However, in the class I’m wanting to teach, the students would go back to the start and try again! Much like in the first class I mentioned, whoever wins red light green light would receive a sticker.
I believe that rewards are really important as they provide incentive for doing well and engaging in the activities!
Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
I think a fun field trip for a gym class would be a swim day at either the beach or the waterpark! Since at the time of writing this, it is spring, which means here soon it is swimming weather! It would be a fun time while also getting them to exercise, since when swimming, you use basically every muscle in your body! For those that cannot swim or maybe don’t have a swimsuit, I will supervise them as they run up and down the beach.
Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
He approaches the students, getting between them all to separate the college and high school students. He stands there with his arms crossed, tapping his foot as he stares at the college students. He asks them “What do you think you are doing, hm? If there is something you need to discuss with them, then you can do it in a non-trying-to-intimidate-them way. Surrounding a student is not ok in any situation.” He uncrosses his arms, still starting at the group. “I am going to let it slide this one time as I do not know the full story here and it would be wrong to punish you lot for a one time thing, however, if I catch you surrounding this student or anyone else for that matter, there will be consequences." He continues standing there until they respond to him, then takes his leave after hearing them out.
Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
He sighs, walking up to the student “Would you come here please?”. He pulls the student to the side and calmly whispers to them as he didn't want to disturb the students even more than they already have been. “You need to be quiet while in detention, you are disturbing the other students by asking so many questions. If you really need something then I will answer, however, these random questions of things not pertaining to detention or class is being disruptive to your fellow students. If you have any questions that are unrelated to detention, save them for after your detention is over. ” He would smile a little at the student, then guide them back to their seat.
Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
He stops speaking, staring at the cheerleaders. He walks up to the group and says “You lot are being very disrespectful to your fellow students and I will not have it in my class. If you do not turn the phones off and partake in class, you can either receive detentions or you can run laps until class is over. Now, I would rather not see you in detention and I would not like to make you run laps, so please turn the phones off and listen up ok?” his voice would be unwavering and stern as he speaks to them. He looks around at the rest of the class and says "Let us get back to class then shall we?"
Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
Not wanting to give up yet, he would try to break it up one last time. It, of course, didn’t work sadly. He would take a step back from the fight and retrieve his radio from his back pocket and request immediate assistance at the scene of the fight. As he waits for back up, he looks around, searching for any cameras that might have captured the fight. He makes a mental note of where, if any, cameras are located and turns his attention back to the ongoing fight. He tries a few things, such as, stepping in between the students, as well as pulling them apart. He tries as much as he can until help arrives, to which they get them all separated and talk to the students one on one about how the fight started, who threw the first punch, why they felt it needed to be escalated to that extent, etc.
Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?
Vitus Leto Watcher, a 37 year old, 6’5, 200lb man who definitely does not look his age, aside from the flecks of gray hairs that were scattered around his jet black hair. His decently muscular build is a product of his many years of going to the gym on a regular basis, which was why he wanted to teach gym in the first place, it was something he enjoyed doing in his free time, so why not make a career out of it! On his left arm, a tattoo of a sun surrounded by dark clouds would be visible when he wore short sleeves, which was rare. He would also have a back tattoo of thorned vines that creeped up his shoulders and onto his neck, going all the way up to his ears. He spoke in a deep voice with a heavy Italian accent, although rare, sometimes he would forget how to say things in Japanese since he is still learning. This is another reason he wants to be a Professor in Karakura, so he can better his Japanese speaking skills while interacting with students and faculty. Vitus is a very level-headed individual, keeping his cool in most situations. He isn’t the type of person to get irritated easily and is very patient with people. Vitus loves being active, like said before he is always in the gym, which is why he wants to teach P.E. He wants students to see exercise as something fun and exciting, while also being healthy and a way to better their quality of life! As for the other teachers, he is looking forward to meeting his new coworkers, and potential new friends! This is especially so when considering the only people in Karakura that he knows is the Watcher family, since he has only very recently moved here from Italy where he was born and raised. His plan for the future is to keep teaching for as long as he’s able to and to spend as much time with his family as possible. He is a very family-oriented person and wants to take care of them as best he can.
His outlook on students is that every student can be great in their own way. He wants to help them become the best that they can be, whether that be via his classes or just having chats with them. He wants to be the Professor that anyone, both students and faculty, can come to with a problem and he will listen and give advice. He doesn't want to see someone struggle alone, he will be there for anyone that will let him. Students are the ones that make him want to push to be the best, to be someone that they can all look up to and admire.
Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.
Born 1988 in Naples Italy, Vitus grew up running around the streets of the city playing games, laughing with friends, and enjoying his life as most children do. As he grew older, he found that he loved feeling the wind beneath his feet and soon, running became his passion. He would run until his legs gave out, then he would get up and run some more. He loved running more than anything when he was younger. He enjoyed most sports, but running was what he felt he was built for, what he was put on this earth to do. The older he got, the more serious he became about running. When he moved up to high school, he joined his high school's track team. He might not have been the best in Italy, but he was certainly the track star of his high school. He went to every single practice they had, and even after practice for the team was over, he would continue on into the night until he absolutely had to go home. He kept running all throughout high school, until the say he graduated. After graduating, he immediately work as he wanted to provide for his family as much as they provided for him as he was younger. With the money he made working at a construction site, on his 20th birth day, all he wanted was to get a few tattoos that will always remind him of where he grew up, so he would never forget where he came from. The sun tattoo was a reminder to always be bright and lively, even on the dark days. The vine tattoo was a reminder of his home, a place filled with flowers and creeping vines that made the city have the scent of life. After working for a few more years at the construction site, and not loving it at all, he decided to go to the local college near him. At first, he didn’t quite know what to study, but after about a year of deciding, it finally clicked. He wanted to become a gym teacher. He studied and studied and studied some more until he graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Health Education after four excruciatingly long years. Soon after receiving his degree, he found a job at the same high school he went to as a teenager and started teaching. He loved his students and coworkers and was always seen as happy as could be when teaching. He always had the absolute time of his life teaching them all and loved seeing the smiles on his students' faces when they were out playing.
Full Name:
Vitus Leto Watcher
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Given Name(s):
Preferred Name:
Gender & pronouns:
Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:
Current Location:
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Teaching Experience (# of years):
12 years at the local high school near me in Naples as a Physical Education instructor.
Working Experience (# of years):
19 years of experience with various jobs. Before teaching, I was a construction worker for a few years, then found my calling as a Physical Education teacher at a high school.
Academic Degree:
Year of Graduation:
Health Education
Exercise Science
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
Preferred Teaching Subject:
Physical Education
Additional notes about your application (if any):
I don't really know why it is doing this but it keep bolding half of my answers so if at the time of reviewing this they are bolded I apologize for it!!
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