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Denied Luna's lawyer app


Level 6

In-game Name:
lunadragon66 (applying)
lunadragonalt (Not applying)
Discord Tag:

Do you have a working microphone?:

Timezone & Country:
AST (Atlantic Standard Time) , Canada

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

Describe your activity on the server:
I've had a few roles, student in grade 12, I've been a fox for a little while, however I got bored of it, so I got whitelist removed. I've also been a band leader on SRP for about 5 months, with about 6 other members, including a manager. I've also been a gang member before in SRP for about a year, in a verified gang. I quit gangrp after a while due to it going down hill in my opinion, I then got into street racingrp, and got invited to a crew in which I declined to continue going solo, I more or less quit street racingrp and rarely ever do it, however I do at times. I mainly do school faculty rp, as that's what I currently am! I do enjoy it, I am also very active, with over 1500+ hours. (8 weeks total playtime) So,I am positive I can be on time to everything I am needed to be to.


What position are you applying for?:

I am applying for the role of a Lawyer

What is your motivation for applying?:
“Don't try to be fancy. Shoot for the center of mass. The world is full of decent people. Criminals we can do without.” (— Jeff Cooper) to me, this quote means something. It may just sound like a normal quote. But every quote, no matter how small, has a meaning to it, and it may be different then the next person. To me, this quote is a reminder that there will always be bad in the world. I want to be a lawyer to help get rid of the bad so to speak. Make the world a better place. And to defend those who are innocent, and make what was wrong, right. To help those who have been wronged by others, and make things right. To help the innocent, and give back to what I’ve been given. I want to be a lawyer, to help those who have been wronged. To make what was wrong, right. To defend the innocent, and give those who need it hope that they will not be faced with an unfair punishment for something they did not do. To give strength to those who need it, let them not face unfair punishments, rather, give the ones who need it a fair punishment. So those who’ve wronged others may be brought to justice.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
I do, I have read them all carefully, I acknowledge, accept, and agree to them.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
My personal goals are to try new experiences, I love the law, and I do study it. I’d like to gain more experience so-to-speak to being a lawyer, I know what it is and all, but I’d like to be a lawyer, not just know what it is. I’d like to try something new. My character’s goals are to bring those who are unjust, and wrong others into justice. Those who are innocent, to be known as innocent. So that they will not be wronged by those trying to do the right. Give those who need hope, hope. To bring the criminals to justice. Her goals are the fact that she wants to change the world, and wants to do so by bringing the wrong in the world out, and to defend the innocent, and let them have what they deserve. And that’s not to be wronged by others.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
A lawyer is one who is a licensed professional, who fights in accordance with the law. They represent one in legal affairs, and defend them, and protect their client’s rights. They understand the law very well, and are hopefully an effective communicator. Their work includes many different things. A few examples of their jobs being ****ysing cases, giving advice, and the writing and preparation of legal documents. They also should be an effective problem solver, and look at every angle there can be, no matter the case. To see who was right or wrong. They then defend their clients to the best of their capabilities.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
I understand, and acknowledge, and accept this.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
I do, and I will be. The only thing I will prioritize is me IRL.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
I understand, and acknowledge, and accept this.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
I have read them all, and I know them. I accept them.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
I am, unless I have IRL something come up where I cannot.


Full name:

Akuru Chikifuji

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
"Miss Chikifuji"

Current age:
"I could be wrong, but last I checked I was 28."

Date of birth:


Academic Degree:
Fredericton Highschool Diploma

M. (Master of Laws)
[University of New Brunswick]

Phil. (Master of Philosophy)
[University of New Brunswick]

Criminal Justice
[University of New Brunswick]

[University of New Brunswick]
Work experience:
14Baby sitting"We all had to start somewhere, for me, that was baby sitting. My mother ran a daycare. I helped her out whenever I was free, that was my first job."
16Janitor"I was a janitor for a law firm, owned by my aunt, I helped her clean. I loved helping her and working for her, however whilst I was there I decided I wanted to be a lawyer.
20Legal Consultant"I was a Legal consultant for a fair little while, I loved it, truly I did. This job is why I deciding being a lawyer is the best thing for me."
24Lawyer"After I made it out of university, I got great marks, and went to look for a job as a lawyer. My aunt helped me out and gave me recommendations, and recommended me as she was fairly well known in the area.. For this I'm truly greatful"

Political background:
Akuru Chikifuji tends to be neutral in political matters, oftentimes not voting. And usually trying to stay away from politics. She doesn’t really agree with any side, as she sees flaws with their points, and arguments. She decided she’d try to stay away from them as much as she could. When it comes to voting she tends to look at both sides carefully, and would vote for the better one. She’d remain neutral however, and unaffected.

Nationality & born location:

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
English(lore only)as Akuru was Canadian, she knew English, at birth.
KoreanAkuru once went on a trip to Korea, when she was roughly 18 as a graduation party. She spent a year becoming fluent in Korean for the trip
LatinAkuru was always interested in the Latin language, mostly dead, however interesting. She studied it, till she became fluent in it. Just out of pure interest.
JapaneseBefore she decided to move to Japan Akuru learned Japanese so she could communicate as it was crucial to surviving in Japan. Yet alone as a lawyer.

Criminal record:
"It's clean. Not a single thing! It's a wonderful thing, isn't it?"

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
“I think why you should consider me, is that I’m honest. I’d never lie to you, about anything. Honesty is key to thriving, and surviving. Once that trust is broken, what else do you get? I’m also hard working. Give me a day and anything you ask of me will be done, exceeding each and everyone of your expectations, faster than you’d ever expect as well. I will reach all of your expectations, and surpass each and every one of them, I promise you that. I also have a decent work experience, as a legal consultant. I know the law like the back of my hand. I know some stuff that no one else may know. Even some fellow lawyer’s didn’t know what I know. I’m a good candidate as I have a good work ethic, trustworthy, loyal, and experienced. I’m also dedicated, learning Latin on my own free time, in just three months I was fluent. Apart from that I’m also smart in philosophy. I can see every side of a story, with even the smallest information. And see how it played out. With that I can win any case.”


Level 118

After discussion with the Higher Ups of the Government Faction, we have chosen to place you on pending:

Your application is well structured & written, but other applicants stood out more

Once a position opens, you'll be contacted to see if you'd still like to be part of the faction​


Level 118

After careful discussion with the Higher Ups of the faction, we have chosen to deny you:

Other applicants stood out more, we appreciate your application, and you can apply again at any point in the future.​

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