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Level 6
Community Team
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):


Discord Name & Tag:


Which timezone are you in?

Australian Eastern Standard Time | AEST

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

Resigned November of 2023.

Describe your activity on the server:

In the past my activity was up to 8h+ a day, even if nothing happened to be going on I would log on and be as active as I could to be able to interact with all sorts of new people; Unfortunately recently my activity had dropped due to my hand having a cast but With-in a few days I will be having it removed which in turn would mean my activity will soar back up to logging on everyday and if I know I am going to be inactive I will always let someone know even days before-hand, I am also currently still in high-school so depending on days I may tend to hop on later than others, Say if i also would need to take a mental health break I will make my higherups aware prior! I do sometimes go away from my keyboard to assist my family which of course i will be giving a heads-up to, Adding on further for why my activity had decreased was due to the belief of myself having to move which hasn't happened and Will not for over a year or more depending on what happens with-in that stretch of time, I chose to resign from shrine believing I would spend too long to move.

What is your motivation for applying?:

Since joining SRP properly back in 2021 after playing on and off for a year or two before then; Karakura's police department captivated my attention, but due to the crowds I was hanging around at the time, i got caught up with a lot of gangrp and those situations, but I loved witnessing how KPD dealt with situations, Jumping forward to the recent months during October I got to be more interactive with KPD's workers which was truly fun to see the different types or reactions and quick thinking other members would use during such odd and unique situation, I've been debating for months to even begin tapping away at my keyboard to apply, It may be a little longer than months actually which is slightly embarrassing to admit i took so much time to work up enough courage, Originally when my character Shōji Kosuki was still in the 12th grade and eighteen years old, I had created him In January of 2022 under an entirely different first name which i grew to dislike and had changed to what it is today, I originally wanted for him to become KPD but unfortunately it took extensive time and I wanted to make sure I had distanced myself from Crime Roleplay as much as I possibly could before I would apply, I've seen so many perfect and inspiring applications that have been listed and will continue to be and though my own may be plain, stale, or genuinely boring, I still managed to bring myself to apply at the hope of being able to finally get a chance of becoming a member of KPD, Experiencing so many different situations and interacting with so many wonderful writers, Even the chance to interact with writers I look up to with their actions.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
The rank structure goes as follows from lowest to highest.

Cadet: The Rank where it all begins, Trainee Officers learning by working through departments all around the world, Their work includes criminal investigation, crime prevention, enforcement duties and traffic control and responding to calls while accompanied by a higher-up.

Patrol-Officer: Responding to calls (I believe at this rank they are allowed to do this task alone, I apologize if I am completely wrong) Writing crime reports, Responding to citizens and Department visitors questions, Preparing field activities for prisoners and overviewing their yard time,

Corporal: Preparing field activities for prisoners and overviewing their yard time, Responding to calls, Writing reports, answering questions from Citizens and visitors, Supervision over police personnel and training.

Sergeant: Referred to as a first line supervisor who assigns, plans, reviews and evaluates the work of other police personnel, Coordinating activities and participation in other police operations. (Responding to calls and questions, Overviewing prisoners yard time, Training and more.)

Lieutenant: Planning work schedules, overseeing departmental cases, Assisting with detective work, Conducting internal investigations and Aiding Police officers and personnel requiring seniority with-in the situation.

Captain: Allocating the budgets resources, studying criminal data to help determine certain trends occurring with-in the area and providing Reporters information about investigations and ongoing cases.

Commissioner: Managing day to day administrations and corresponding commitments and similar tasks as lower-ranking officers, Also responsible for reviewing the allocated budgets resources and criminal data from the captain and instructing the captain with clear instructions on certain officers and about the department itself.

(Detective department Ranks, Lowest to Highest)

Detective: Crime Scene examination, Interviewing witnesses and suspects, preparing and examining formal reports, Testifying in court, Gathering facts and physical evidence as well as observing the activity of suspects with-in cases.

Detective-Sergeant: Investigating criminal cases and Fugitive apprehensions and gathering evidence for cases relating to organized crime as well as the duties of a police sergeant.

Detective-Inspector: Handling sensitive documents, completing appropriate documentation during investigations, Investigation and prosecuting offences, Obtaining witness statements, Protecting Informants and witnesses and investigating official corruption

Detective-Chief-Inspectors: Planning, monitoring and managing operational police activities, setting plans for the deployment of resources to the division and similar tasks to the rest of the detective unit,

Detective-Superintendant: Supervising and managing the performance of detective division, Providing the tasks ordered by the commissioner and seeing them to completion with the rest of their division, Demonstrating strong leadership capabilities, Testifying in a courtroom, Protecting informants and witnesses aswell as investigating official corruption with-in departments.

Stripe count: 1 service stripe is 5 years with the force, 2 leading to a decade, 3 = 15 years, 4=20 years, 5=25 years, 6=30 years, 7=35 years and finally Eight meaning a staggering 40 years within the force with-in America's departments, I do not know if this applies everywhere but I thought to include it just incase of which.

Radios: Radio's are some of the most important tools, Relaying information and conversating with Officers and EMS, Sometimes referred to as an Officers life-line, It leads them to victims from simple robbery up to more concerning crimes of someone being knocked out or kidnapped, It can also possibly save the officers lives, radioing backup is always a must when dealing with tricky situations like several people on one person

Nightstick (Baton):Used all the way back from 1603-1868, Also knowns as a Jitte (Or Jutte; 'Ten-hands')It is generally used to control and disperse crowds on the brink of rioting.

Handcuffs: Perhaps one of the most useful tools, Used to Subdue a culprits wrists to avoid any further assault or more from the assailants or worse while transporting Individuals

Flashlights: While it isn't mandatory in some countries, it is always recommended to carry a flashlight to help shine light with-in certain situations and expand the gaze of the officer in a dark path, Say in the sewers.

Tasers: Considered to be used for a less lethal force method of subduing and capturing a target, Going through extensive training is the best for this to avoid from hitting any major organs or arteries which are susceptible to further damage by the prongs.

Breathalyzer: used to determine if a driver is above or beneath the legal drinking level with-in the city, or country which may vary, bringing safety to the roads when they may so desperately need it

Riot Shield: These shields are used to defend the user from attacks with blunt or edged weapons and thrown projectiles, even non-lethal weapons such as rubber bullets

Pepper-spray: Pepperspray inflames the mucous membranes in the eyes, nose, throat and lungs, Causing immediate difficulty breathing, coughing, a runny nose and temporary blinding.

Luminol-Spray: An itemrped piece of equipment essential to KPD's job, officers rely on it to identify blood on weapons and surfaces.

Several tasks such as, Patrolling, Caring for inmates, Arresting and fining those who break a law, Providing safety, Enforcing restraining orders, Raiding properties, All sorts of tasks our very own KPD take up everyday! It's quite a load to take on, There are several more tasks and are hard to list down them so simply, My Knowledge Isn't so extensive around the tasks in police work but i hope with-in due time i can broaden it by being apart of the department, I learned a lot more upon researching on the hierarchy and different tasks fulfilled by each rank, It brought back memories of watching crime and forensic science shows on Tv when I was younger with my parents.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?

Order, Justice, safety, Several reasons why Officers are so important, Vigilantes trying to deal with crime only end up making it worse and getting themselves, or their families injured, People actually realise that what they do will end up with a consequence, No one should be allowed to just drastically alter or do something to another's character with-out a fear of being caught? Peoples characters shouldn't have to fear being attacked by random masked or unmasked assailants, I remember a time where SRP's crime population was overrunning and shadowing every other factions important duties, I am glad to say Since then so many things have calmed down, a large portion being due to the people who put their own officer characters at risk to settle matters.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
I completely and whole-heartedly acknowledge that if I am to miss a training I would received a sort of punishment, I have No problems oocly and Icly I Have zero problems as-well.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:
"My Full name is Shōji Kosuki, I Respond to my last name or First, I am not a picky-man, Your choice."

How old is your character (if accepted)?:
"31; Born November 4th 1992."

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
"Male, He/Him."

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

"I happen to have attended Karakura's very own college until I was Twenty-two and graduated with a Masters degree."

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:

"I am proficient in German, Japanese Sign Language and Korean, I learned Both vocal languages to gain a further connection to my own distant relatives and Relatives a-like, though I had begun to learn Sign-language around the age of eighteen upon noticing my peers using it more than I was typically used to, I switch between both German and Korean while I am in my own house to further my fluency, I've been practicing German for 8 years by itself and Korean for nearly a decade."

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

Shōji Kosuki holds a sunkissed complexion with mirroring eyes of silver and aquamarine-green to copy what came in contact with his reflective view, Stacked at the height of 208cm (6'8ft), Irezumi tattoos traced his body; The right side having spider-lilies inked from the wrist, His left having a similar length but containing a Koi-pond design along his arms up to his chest, visible scars laced his arms and body, two abnormally large located at his abdomen and left-pectoral muscle, His lips were that of a cherry-stained pink marked by a slash with-in the corner of the pursed-lips, His demeanor was cold and distant at first gaze; As cold as a metal robot to be exact, aligning with his mannerisms, His voice by some could be considered smooth; yet tainted by despair, Climbing up to his hair which held long bountiful strands of black reaching down onto his upper-back and lower-chest, His physique was athletic yet slim, Moreso a build of a boxer than anything other.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?

Shōji Kosuki's reaction with professional situations is hard to break down into a message, in Situations he can differ as all characters can, They aren't Always prepared to deal with some of the abrupt nonsense which occurs within the town they call home, He can be seen as stern or cold, even distant at times, He always thinks to adapt, In a situation where a co-worker has been stabbed for example, Firstly he would radio for backup, and proceed to make his debut to save his colleague, He'll prioritize getting himself and his colleague to safety so he can administer the proper basic trauma-care while EMS arrives at the scene. Through the years of this characters life, He's had to deescalated situations, Depending on a situation, If it calls for it, He will try to reason for the aggressor to settle down and give up, He values keeping a calm and cool head key to these situations, even though in the past He may have had a temper, He grew up since then, He's an Adult, he shouldn't be getting sour over spilled juice, If He works alongside a colleague he dislikes, He won't put it before potentially saving a life.

Shōji's similiar in casual situations, He's not afraid to break down his cold exterior to send a helping hand to the town-goers in-need, He isn't afraid to joke around with citizens and cheer them up, In the past when he's shaken off this cold shield of ice surrounding him people have seen him be more charismatic, caring and hopeful, He tries to see the best in people who have been wronged.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?

"I, Kosuki Am ecstatic upon the matter, I take some kind of enjoyment out of new interactions with all sorts of people from seeing their new view, It is quiet refreshing being able to see that Karakura isn't a town as gray as I used to see it as, I've always worked well with teams and even sometimes I have had to step up to act as a sort of leader during my time as an office-worker. I Could finally be able to stand by those I found did real and True Justice, and Perhaps as-well Fighting along-side all sorts of different characters I'd find on the job, The banter between the groups Even if I hardly knew my own colleagues, I'd work as hard as he could to ensure their safety, I try to stretch out my gratitude and kindness to anyone who would show it in return."

What's your character's backstory?
"These events began numerous years ago. Sometimes it’s partially difficult to recollect how such traumatic events could have begun. 19:40 15/09-.... The year crossed my mind, At the previously mentioned time. My father. Osada was driving home from his routine visit to the local bar intoxicated. He was one to believe if you had traversed a path numerous times, That it’d be nearly impossible to lose your understanding of the once familiar terrain, Though he hadn’t accounted for the new-found obstacles. I suppose I’ve got him to thank for my intellect. His car had begun to swerve around the once familiar road, A horrific collision had occured resulting in a horrendous crash, During dinner of all times our power had suddenly shut off. My Moth- The woman my father married, Shibuya. Had begun nagging at me to check our power-box, Assuming the breaker had tripped. Though when I stepped foot outdoors I saw a crowd of people traversing the road. Of course I was young, it intrigued my interest so I began treading the asphalt with light steps. Due to my height the best attempt to see the view ahead was tumbling through the crowds as I created my stance ahead the crowd as my eyes were unveiled to the gruesome scene. My eyes had widened with terror. Osada began to tussle with the seatbelt, trying to break free of the shackles he was bound to. Managing to burst free as he began to force himself to tumble the doorframe, The fabric of his pant legs caught against the booze and hand clutch as he swung the door wide. His extended hand outstretched towards the onlookers. The booze was revealed to the world. His secret. My Fathers eyes had locked with mine waving me forward with his signature brightened smile In Fact, the brightest i had ever seen. I stepped forth. . .Or at least I had tried. The adults around me held me back. Including the echoing of a snap through the mean streets I grew familiar with. A singular set of power lines had fallen loose, Tugged back by the crowd. His face held no sense of fear. His smile reflected as the flames grew around. Accepting his fate as if it was as clear as day. . . Soon after Emergency services arrived. Though it was too late, the vehicle succumbed to fire moments prior, taken aback by the loud crackling I tumbled to the ground my now bruised face succumbed to tears alongside the reflection of the flames light. The rest of the night became a blur, Originally I had believed becoming a priest was going to be it for me, I was happy after resigning, but. I wonder if i can try to avoid kids from experiencing the same as me, Unfortunate circumstances and losing the life of their loved ones... It may sound rather cheesy but I'm a tad compelled to help clear this town of as much crime as possible for my daughter to grow up in, It's not unique, its not something big, I just want to make a difference It's rather silly but, that is sort of my motivation."

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?

"With-in Karakura's Laws, pocket knives are considered to be illegal; even if the weapon happens to be concealed, Upon searching; Firstly spray it down to check blood residue, Carefully transfer it into an evidence bag and then proceed to detain the culprit for questioning and arrest them, Writing down in the report for the arrest log, Illegal weaponry charge, 3 days and 150,000 to be bailed. "

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription

"Paracetamol: Paracetamol is a commonly used medicine which acts to treat mild to moderate pain, and fever relief blocking the chemical messengers in the brain that typically would tell you that you have pain. (Purchase Maximum is 3 packets, ¥1,500 Per)

Multivitamins: Used to fill in nutritional gaps though only provides a hint of the vast arrays of healthy chemicals and nutrients found in food. (Maximum Purchase; 5 packets. ¥3,500 Per Packet) Potential side effects are Headaches and also an upset stomach and an oddly unpleasant taste in their mouth.

Iron supplements: Iron Supplements are used to treat several different types of anemia caused by low iron levels, In turn it also is used for heart failure, Memory and thinking skills, child development, Fatigue and ADHD but there is very little evidence to ground some of these uses for it. (The maximum amount allowed to purchase is 3 packets, ¥2,500 per packet) Vomiting and Nausea and an upset stomach are some side-effects which isn't limited to just those.

Melatonin: Can be used to promote sleep, Melatonin Can also used to treat delayed sleep phases, insomnia relief and circadian rhythm sleep disorders. (Maximum amount allowed to purchase is 3 packets, ¥3,000 Per) A list of side effects include and are not limited to nausea, dizziness and irritability.

Cough Syrup: used to relieve coughs by blocking the cough reflex, It may in turn help your cough clear mucus from the airway. (Maximum Purchase amount is 2 bottles, ¥6,000 Per) Side-effects include Blurred vision, dizziness, drowsiness, headaches, Vomiting and nausea and finally troubled sleeping

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
"Firstly i would make sure my bodycam is switched on, Radio for a higher-up while recording the matter, Radio in my location and the situation occurring and if given authorization, I would take my entrance into the interrogation room or cell, make sure the perp is still handcuffed, Removing the aggressor from the room while I checked over the inmates Injuries, Taking further photos for evidence on the assault, Check the mental health and safety of the victim and provide them with food or water; Gain their testimony in a recording and then I would escort them back in place to their cell, Going to the Higher-up i radioed with the Photos, video and other evidence collected and detain the culprit of the matter. Depending on how violent the aggressor is, Restraints and Handcuffs may be forced to be used for safety of my colleagues and bosses involved with-in the matter and allow them to explain their side while also providing (if they Didn't switch off) their body-camera footage, I would not let it be excused for my own colleague to attack an inmate and bring shame and future lawsuits to the station, Abuse is inexcusable, we should be upholding safety, not bringing borderline torture to a prisoner; This matter is disgraceful for every party involved, how could someone seen to Enforce the law break them so easily."

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?

"Radioing the station for backup, Upon getting the go ahead I would run into the fray, prioritizing my comrades and my own safety while those I can whole-heartedly trust to detain and arrest the culprits, Depending of the officer has been stabbed i would begin to administer basic trauma-care whilst relaying the information of our location to fellow officers and or EMS, if it is a simple armed individual with a metal bat, I would ****yze the situation, View my colleagues situation and injuries, I would try to subdue the aggressor while my partner relays information, if multiple individuals are there, It can make the situation a lot more complicated, I will not resort to using a taser unless I know My partner and I are in a dire situation to avoid unnecessary brutality, I would rather tranquilize the crowd and begin subdue them and handcuff to detain the group for questioning and arrest, while my college relays the information radioing and relaying the information that would currently be going on in the situation, My college needs to be safe, I need them as much as they need me, That is the most important part of this all, Trust, and belief in each other."

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?

"No matter how close we were, I would seek out what is right, Betraying their fellow officers and For what? Cash?, Collecting the evidence and information, as solid grounding as i can as important, Building a case against them, Informing my higher or Captain before I would take action, getting the go ahead to subdue and detain the suspect, It may be harder then it sounds, but I will do it, no matter how long it takes, no matter how hard and taxing it is on me, Betraying those who called them a friend and would have put their life on the line to save them in situations... It's disgraceful, I can't imagine what deterred them to do such heinous actions.. Building a case and making sure, they don't ever get to break the bond some would call a brotherhood. Making sure they Don't get any officers killed by their stupendous actions, I hope to have the backs of my colleagues to take down a stain who plagued KPD and put so many in jeopardy."

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
"I would decline on the spot, I would warn them attempting to bribe law enforcement is illegal and proceed to fine them 25k (25,000), Inform my supervisor and closest higher-up on the matter and place the matter in my report at the end of the day, providing body-camera proof of the situation."
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Level 331
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to place your application on PENDING.

Why have I been placed on Pending?
Your application was temporarily placed on pending for its future reviewal at a
later date during a future application wave because of the following reason:
We really like your application, but your timezone may clash with some of the training schedules, as our only trainers living in your timezone are currently on inactivity.​
During next wave, we will review your application as long as you're still willing to
join the faction. However, you won't have to re-apply to be eligible for the next wave.

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (@Yonio) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have


Level 343
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to give you a chance at becoming part of our faction!

What now?
In order to proceed, you will need to join the discord server that house
the faction you have applied for. To find it, go to the SchoolRP discord
server (CLICK HERE) and search for our discord server!

We will also need you to be online to receive your introductions and
the necessary equipment to carry out your duties as part of the faction!

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (@Hirathex) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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