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Maddie 'Mads' Ramonov-Tomohiro Biography | MaddieeMoo


Level 12
Maddie 'Mads' Hamilton Ramonov
[character image here]

Basic Information

First Name: Maddison Ramonov Tomohiro
Preferred Name:
'Mads' Tomohiro

Skin Color:
Eye Color:
Different colour. Blue is her left glass eye, green is her real eye
Hair Style:
Hair Color:
Maddie is usually seen in skirts or pants, and baggy t-shirts and just a normal cute crop top
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Sexual Orientation:

Religious Beliefs:

Political Beliefs:

General Appearance


Maddie is the type of girl who likes cake and headpats. She looks up to her boyfriend and her family, she always is happy and is very sometimes happy to have somebody beside her if she needs help. Maddie always had a fear of losing somebody she really loved. She doesn't want her papa to leave her because of her fear of losing Yaki, or Henry.. she always says she will keep them safe even if it risks her own life.


Character Voice:
[How does your character talk?]

Pokemon SmartPhone
Javalin and Discus
Unicorn Plushie
Duck Plushie (she called it, count duck)
School Bag

Clothes: a white cardigan with a black dress

Hobbies: One day, Maddie would want to turn an art teacher, since her loving of painting and drawing her loved ones. She also likes to annoy everyone to give her what she wants, but sometimes is a bit of a dramatic woman, if she don't get what she wants

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
MDD - Major Depression Disorder

This disorder makes you lose interest or pleasure. It will also make you struggle to sleep and have a depressed mood. Maddie was diagnosed this when she noticed she lost interest in ball pits and unicorn plushies, and started to feeling down. She also felt like she was worthless and had guilt of her past of what she has been through. She has been taking pills to help her get through it, since now.. Maddie hasn't given up to how she is struggling to take her pills. She also has loads of friends, to go to if she's more struggling more. Her friends support her through the disorder
PTSD - Post traumatic Stress Disorder
This disorder makes you have visions that is from your past. It will also give you nightmares when you sleep and also, intrusive thoughts or images. This will also give you pain, trembling and nausea and sweating. Maddie has gone in so much trauma that she has been diagnosed with this disorder, when she found out she was scared and didn't notice it appeared in her life, she then received medication to help this disorder. Maddie had difficulties' of getting rid of the visions, but was very glad to seek help by somebody who is professional and somebody that can help her get rid of this disorder.

Skills: She loves painting, realistic stuff like birds, flowers and trees. etc. She also loves helping people, as making up stories and pranking everyone!! and also making friends and eating ice cream all day long!!!

Quirks: none

Morimoto | Brother Figure // Stepbrother? | Dead
[!] a recording of Maddie speaking and crying throughout the speech [!] O-Oh... Mori... I hope you have a great time in heaven. . I really miss you.. I want you to know, that your the best brother I've ever wanted.. you make me smile everyday, but when you are gone I can't smile and bee happy.. do you get it? be . .. bee happy? [!] Maddie giggled [!] you will always be m-my favourite b-brother... [!] A paused and crying would be heard [!] a-always and forever... I miss you so much.. [!] Crying. . . as the recording ended. Leaving a picture of Morimoto Hiragi on picture [!]
Biological Family (Ramonov Family)
Walter M. Ramonov | Biological Brother | Alive
"I know we've been through a lot and I know you love me and Arakan, you are always grumpy, but I love you. You always make me proud of you. I wish we could still have our parents as before, but me and Arakan love you."
Arakan Y. Ramonov | Second Big Brother | Alive
"Hey Bro! I know you love me, as I always do, I'm proud of you and Walter. I've never known such beautiful brothers to be much more proud of. I wish we could still hangout and be the best siblings together as much as we did in the past."
Adopted Family
Hamilton Family

Henry K. Hamilton | Adopted Papa |
"Since, I met you from all of these years I met you. I haven't lost faith in you, to being a papa to me. You are always with me. You are always so cuddly and I know I was annoying back then, and I know we fell out many times, but I promise I will try become your little unicorn again and make sure I'm always beside you when you feel down. Don't let yourself down all because I'm a bitch, I still love you as much as I do to many of my other family."
Mikuri M. Hamilton | Adopted Sister | Alive
"Hi sissy! I want to be with you and care for you. I'll always beside you, always and forever. Even, though you can be ignorant and mean sometimes, I love you so much. Your always very easy to talk to when I'm down and my other family isn't around. If your hurt, I will definitely risk my life for you, and the whole family. Even if it did risk me dying or getting severally injured, risks are usually risks to take, but I don't care, I want to protect my family forever. Nobody can make us apart from eachother."
Tahomaru V. Hamilton | Adopted Brother | Alive
"Since, I met you. You have been my brother figure and since Henry let me in the family again, I'll always support you through tough times and hug you my big brother. I'll always will love you to the space and back."
Chris Hamilton | Adopted Brother | Dead
"Chris.. Chris, your always was strange and odd and a bit woozy in the head, but your my brother and I love you for it. You was always beside me whenever I was hurt or lost. I hope your looking down on me and I'll always look upon you like a brother, forever and always. Since, you have been gone. I have changed and I can't say goodbye or say sorry of what I did, but I have a chance now, I'm really sorry to have lost your trust and I also thought it was my fault for you to die. It was my fault for being a total idiot and a bitch to you."

Shiro Ivankov | Sister Figure | Alive

"Hey, hey little sissy woos, I'm here to say my blessings of you being my cheeky little sister. You will always be with me, along as you stay with me all the time. I will protect you from people who attack you. I will always protect you."
Vivian Ivankov | Sister Figure | Dead
"Since you've been gone, I've been wishing to protect you. Mo told you was dead, and I truly thank you to being the best sister, you was my favourite sister. Thank you for the original book of Ivankov Family and the bracelet, and your clothes.. I love you.. and unfortunatly, while you was gone. the family disbanded and I had to leave my papa Yankov.."
Eichi H. Yao | Brother Figure | Alive
"I know I'm amazing, but these days haven't been perfect, I've been in dumps of grey and I haven't been myself, thanks for the advice. It kinda worked, not sure.."
Yuri "Hanso" Soretto | Brother Figure | Alive
"Yuri, Yuri. My greatest big idiot of a friend. You are the coolest friend on earth, that I couldn't imagine to be more proud of. You are like the most of my friends that care. Most of all, you are there for me. you always are proud of me, I do think we have something in common! you are considered my little brother that I never had in my life!"
Yakov Siderova | Boyfriend | Alive

"Teddy bear!! I love you so fucking much that I hug you everyday! or cuddle you. Thank you for being there and promising not to break my heart, like Daiki did. Daiki was the worst time of my life, so I'm glad to have you in my life now. I love you!"

Please dm me here if I forgot you in any of these families, I will do friends later because of my no energy to type </3



Maddie Ramonov, Walter Ramonov and Arakan Ramonov was raised by their parents in Russia, Walter was the oldest with the right of looking after his two siblings, Maddie always wasn't her real name, it had a strange meaning. Maddison actually meant she would become a warrior. Maddie was a short term of Maddison, but she always liked to be called Mads or Maddog. She always looked upon her parents and her two brothers, but when their parents was murdered with no bodies to be found, her two brothers fell distant from her and Mads became more depressed while the days went by.

Maddie and her two brothers moved to a town called Karakura, in Japan. Maddie thought she would only go without her brothers. But, recently she wanted to move away from her childhood but wanted to still be with her brothers, so she had a reminder of who she loved and who loved her. Once, they got into the town. Maddie thought it wouldn't be good, she decided to go make friends.

A few weeks later, she decided to go try out for the track team, she never thought she would get in at first, but she was flabbergasted when they said her name, she got in!! Her two brothers was so proud of her as much as she was proud of herself. She then got adopted into a family called Tomohiro Family and now has a adopted papa that was a governor, called Eito Tomohiro. She eventually became loved by the family and got adored by her friends, but unfortunately her brothers went on their own ways and their cousin came into town since Walter is on a trip. Maddie felt like her siblings weren't with her most of the time and felt sadder as always.

She spent most of her time, studying and painting and hanging out with the ones that loved her, well most.. of the people. Maddie always went her own ways and she started to not care of who dislikes her or not. She's proud of the woman she became and believes one day she could be in a job that she really wanted to be in for a long time. Considering, she lost her parents at a very young age she was still proud and thinking about them. She then met her boyfriend, Yakov and they lived happily ever after, ignoring the fact some people disliked her, she will still look up to people as sibling figures!!
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