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Major Consequences for Major Permissions


Level 104
IGN: PolarLoLs
DATE:Jul 3 2022
When @Toto replied to the "Kill permissions Re- evolution" thread he pointed out that there should be some temporary consequence of getting majored other than you losing a limb or such.

when you lose a limb forcefully or not you're automatically traumatized one way or another, When you lose a limb you're automatic thought is "How am I gonna live like this?" Or "What did I do to deserve this?" these are questions persons will ask themselves when this type of situation is forced upon them, you're not going to get straight back into what you were previously, killing, fighting or whatever form of criminal acts you take place in, toy retire take some time off and think about what brought you to this state of mind.

I think there persons who get Majored should NOT be able to take part in major acts of a Gangrp or being Barre from joining any gangs at all due to your character's condition and disabilities and restricted from taking part in carrying out Major perms yourself or Kill permissions depending on how your character was majored.

This adds to the risk of knocking someone out and adds some realism along with the kill permissions suggestion, more story telling and situations can be scripted out better to include your character's disability(s) , more better motivated killings could take and with the addition of kill permissions being consented can give you a more story based and better written motives.

If you do decide to reply to this thread do include constructive feedback so I can better this suggestion


Level 31
i think that it’s a cool idea to not be able to partake in certain things for a certain amount of time, but defo not forever because if you get a prosthetic limb and obviously take time to yourself to heal i feel like you can do basically the same things you could’ve done before. i mean there’s like amazing athletes and stuff like that out there who have prosthetic legs and such


Level 183
If you cut my hand out doesn't mean I can't charge to u and stab u with the other hand what kind of realism or storytelling are you coming up with. . Maybe for a regular person it'd be very dumb to just come back but for a gangster it's a payback I guess I'm raging my right eye was stabbed I'm going to take my hate first sight just stabbing the hell out of you. . You tell me I can't because my eye or another hand was out?

From another point of view this could be dumb because I will just switch characters for GangRP. . Will need to create more unnecessary rules and edit some others maybe
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Level 104
Thread starter
If you cut my hand out doesn't mean I can't charge to u and stab u with the other hand what kind of realism or storytelling are you coming up with. . Maybe for a regular person it'd be very dumb to just come back but for a gangster it's a payback I guess I'm raging my right eye was stabbed I'm going to take my hate first sigh just stabbing the hell out of you. . You tell me I can't because my eye or another hand was out?

From another point of view this could be dumb because I will just switch characters for GangRP. . Will need to create more unnecessary rules and edit some others maybe
When your hand is "cut off" the pain itself is enough to null you down, after your hand is completely removed from your arm you're not gonna run to the person who did it you're gonna run away trying to find help or something like that, so no after your hand is cut off you're not gonna charge at right after. For your eye as someone who basically has 1 eye no you cannot, your vision itself is cut in half, you're crying out in pain and ofcourse you're not gonna charge at someone right after because you're bleeding out and can barely even see.

For the switching characters a rule could be implemented that once that character is majored if you do decide to switch you would not be able to join the same gang/organization on a different one and how long you have to be on that character for before you switch


Level 183
When your hand is "cut off" the pain itself is enough to null you down, after your hand is completely removed from your arm you're not gonna run to the person who did it you're gonna run away trying to find help or something like that, so no after your hand is cut off you're not gonna charge at right after. For your eye as someone who basically has 1 eye no you cannot, your vision itself is cut in half, you're crying out in pain and ofcourse you're not gonna charge at someone right after because you're bleeding out and can barely even see.

For the switching characters a rule could be implemented that once that character is majored if you do decide to switch you would not be able to join the same gang/organization on a different one and how long you have to be on that character for before you switch

I don't necessarily mean exactly in the same situation say I went to hospital I got healed I got back to my balance. . Not all healed but still some pain is away and I'm full of grudge and hatred- If I see you I'm charging at you with a weapon and stabbing you probably

For same situation. . I'm unsure if someone can fight back after being fatally injured / getting a vital injury but whether they can or not I have no specific opinion on that just maybe slightly lean for can't


Level 31
I don't necessarily mean exactly in the same situation say I went to hospital I got healed I got back to my balance. . Not all healed but still some pain is away and I'm full of grudge and hatred- If I see you I'm charging at you with a weapon and stabbing you probably

For same situation. . I'm unsure if someone can fight back after being fatally injured / getting a vital injury but whether they can or not I have no specific opinion on that just maybe slightly lean for can't
yes there’s a rule that u can’t re-enter combat after you’ve been majored or fatally injured or wtv


Level 183
And it's a great rule at that, it just doesn't make sense eto get right back into combat after being harmed like that
Yeah agreed- I think mentally like your brain wouldn't even allow you to because you'd be too scared you're going to be scared trying to dip so the rule makes lots of sense


Level 200
i think that it’s a cool idea to not be able to partake in certain things for a certain amount of time, but defo not forever because if you get a prosthetic limb and obviously take time to yourself to heal i feel like you can do basically the same things you could’ve done before. i mean there’s like amazing athletes and stuff like that out there who have prosthetic legs and such
This, aside from that neat suggestion +1


Level 129
+1 gudsuggestion. Personally I like to roleplay out more permanent injuries (*coughs in Kim*), but I'm pretty sure like barely anyone does it. There should be at least a minimum effect on how you rp your character instead of just haha prosthetic go brrr and forget about it.

I wouldn't axe their involvement in gangrp or anything but I think introducing some kind of nerf for a period of time depending on the injury would be good


Level 231

I don't know how this would practically be enforced though outside of opposition players dobbing and gang leads being extremely cautious about the status of their members (which might be effective -- if given room to become the norm!)


Level 149
School Clubs Lead
Content Team

SchoolRP really out here acting like metal gear rising. Slice 3 limbs off and the enemy still hops towards you to kick you.


Level 40

existing rule about leaving combat when mortally wounded is good as it is. A character experienced in fighting and killing can still perform even with one arm (once recovered), this suggestion doesn't make much sense


Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

SchoolRP really out here acting like metal gear rising. Slice 3 limbs off and the enemy still hops towards you to kick you.
"tis but a scratch" they honestly going around like the knight from Monty Python


Level 121
-1 let others roleplay how they want.

how about instead of attempting on forcing people how you want to roleplay you should instead keep it to yourself (most of the time) and roleplay it your way.

what I mean by that: if someone chops off your arm then you're free to roleplay the consequences how you want, i dont care lmao

also heres an alternative for you: try teaching others your roleplay ways instead of forcing it. Forcing roleplay ways is my least favorite thing on this server, people acting like they some RP-GOD Super duper writer and forcing others their ways or making fun of them & outting them because they dont want to roleplay like them.
I like to roleplay simple and not too complex & heavily detailed with 3240284248342348234203 appends for saying "hi"
if i want to attack at sm1 after my hand / arm is chopped then i can and will with proper painRP, and if you want to rp differently, you're free to do so because I'm not sm1 who forces others change their RP ways just for my personal experience
get better at teaching not forcing bro!
-love, ruinOsix


Level 183

SchoolRP really out here acting like metal gear rising. Slice 3 limbs off and the enemy still hops towards you to kick you.
I think alternatively a chatacter with more than 3 major injuries or to be more specific 3-2 limbs off, shouldn't be able to GangRP permanently - This suggestion isn't of any solution

Though I doubt you'd find a GANGRPERS with more than 3 limbs off you'd usually get killed before that

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