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Make money easier to earn

IGN: ThatRagingKid7
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Money is too hard to earn ingame. You need to wait, vote, fish, or get a job, but these are hard to achieve/take a long time. There should be a way to allow students to earn money easily.
It will reduce new players who are leaving because they spent all of their money and not knowing how to earn money.


Level 35
To be honest, I get where you are coming from but no. SRP is a more piece of life roleplay also trying to be a little more on the realistic side so to earn money in real life you gotta work for it. This might come harsh from my side, but as someone who will be staying in school until he's around 25 years old, it's clear I won't live with my mom till then nor get money from her or from Germany's stupidly rich government and also from my side being a person with strongly good views on leftism mainly socialism and communism Money is not the most needed thing in the world besides for survival. Don't get me wrong, if you're, as an example without a rank and need food all the time, putting your savings a little lower sucks, but the vending machine stuff is pretty, much cheap. Again it's also a roleplay that means no human on the server needs to be dedicated to buying a water gun from the Auction house for 100k. Also, don't come at me with apartments and such since most start pretty cheap, but people camp one for hours straight, so the price is not the problem there either. What I'm trying to point out is the real reason someone on SRP would BADLY need money is the food since for some odd reason there are more homeless people in Karakura yet are, richer than me who do own an apartment and used to own a house. But if you are needy for money because you do actually need that water gun for life support there are easy ways to make money. 1. Play more, I have a decent amount of money just for playing alone which is also the reason why I'm much shorter on money, I can't be on currently since I'm going in and out of the hospital so the money you get every 30mins is not horrible. 2. Learn how to shade a skin, be good at art, or be a writer. People pay top money for skins, art, or even a fucking bio written of their character, an example: I made 100k of drawing a cat from someone on SRP only, but skins for sure bring you the most money, you just gotta learn how to shade which many teach or you look up some refs. 3. Get a job. Either working for a shopkeeper, being a teacher, or whatsoever... get a job since that's how people make money IRL too. 4. Sell unneeded items, speaks for itself. And the last tip, in general, is just to save up, I remember when my Girlfriend Luna and my loving best friend for about 6 years now, Mei dragged me on this horror of a server. While Mei has a whole ass amount of playtime I never got close to her rich living status and when I asked her how she said one simple thing... don't buy stupid and useless shit. Easy as that, just gotta get smart to save, keep, and earn money other than to sit around and cry to Kim for money.

(A quick edit again just after I posted this... mh.) Your point of " It will reduce new players who are leaving because they spent all of their money and do not know how to earn money." is not good. People who play SRP are mostly 13+ which is the age where you should start to know how to deal with money, and spend it all on stupid stuff your problem, might also just be on me who was taught how to deal with money early on in life because I'm from a somewhat poor family. Next to that, it will make playtimes on SRP lower, the server needs players and the playtime but if kids can grind 30k or more in about an hour to get dream items and play with them for a minute or two playtime gets lower, and besides that, we get fewer players. If you were to start a game but get instant money to get everything you want it sucks, this coming from some kid like me who used to hack and cheat in every game I bought so I had it all, no fun. As annoying as grinding might seem if you have everything in the world it gets boring, lonely, and makes shit depressive as fuck. Someone with no money at all has a goal of getting things they really need so about the money thing try to look on this realistically since SRP is again trying to be a slice of life aka sort of realistic.
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Level 183
You can scam or get employed in a job as a new player. . You shouldn't have lots of money for a start you learn and develop and reach numbers
IGN: ThatRagingKid7
DATE: 2022-07-25
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Money is too hard to earn ingame. You need to wait, vote, fish, or get a job, but these are hard to achieve/take a long time. There should be a way to allow students to earn money easily.
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: It will reduce new players who are leaving because they spent all of their money and not knowing how to earn money.
its alrdy ez to get money


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
We're looking into ways for newer players to make more money which will be worked on after our current backlog.

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