players online

Make the tutorial more new player friendly.


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion!

We encourage players and staff to be friendly towards newer players, as a lot of the negative opinions like: "They don't follow rules", "They don't know how to roleplay", etc. could have probably been applied to all of us when we started. Tutorial aside, you can help a new player by simply explaining things, this wont only help them understand the basics, but also may spark a friendship or help them to progress onto roles like Police Officer, Teacher, etc. in the future. I'm sure all of us had someone who helped us along the way, why not try it yourself?

Whilst information is definitely a useful tool, experience is much more so. Even taking the time out of your day roleplaying with new players, whilst bored or alone, you've helped a player get the experience of roleplaying and how to play the server if they didn't already understand it at that point.

- The tutorial was re-made to show the player what the server is about, as well as provide them with very basic commands and understanding of the difference between in-character and out of character.​
- We simplified this from the original approach of 'let's shove all this information in front of the player an expect them to read it all', which of course lead to most players just ignoring all of it. We may add a way to 'continue' the tutorial via a sort of quest, but for now we have a very expansive Knowledge Base, as well as video tutorials which are all shown to the player as optional, rather than mandatory. You should understand that not all players want to join a server and instantly be bombarded with knowledge, a lot of which they most likely will learn from experience.​

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