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Making duffel bags be used to carry large weapons, or other objects


Level 8
What's your Minecraft Username?: Bald1
What's the title of your suggestion?: Making duffel bags be used to carry large weapons, or other objects

What's your suggestion?:
so i came across something which i thought would be cool to implement within gangrp and make stuff seem more, realistic, so we all know and love our large weapons like bats, katanas, naginatas, axe so on and so forth, well instead of just having it in your inventory, and then /me pulled out axe from pocket it would be cool to see a rule where to carry a large weapon of such, you'd have to wear a bag of sorts, or hold it in your hand/off hand i think this would be cool as it would give more of a sense of, oh that guy has a bag and hes masked he could have something, instead of a guy with no mask quickly switching and pulling out a 9ft pole with a blade on the end, this is a small summary but id love to hear your guys opinions!

How will this benefit the server and community?:
I feel this would add a more realistic sense to combat mainly, recently people just pull out bats and masks and although yes it is Minecraft, it would be cool to see a little more realism instead of people being able to pull out stuff from the air


Level 45

Simple plus 1, it makes sense, people wouldn't whip out full Japanese katanas out of their jean pockets.


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion!

- We're already planning to add backpacks, however we won't be allowing weapons to be stored in them. Similar to lockers.​

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