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Maria's Police Application


Level 211

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):
itsmariav - main account
itsmariavv - alternative account 1
itsmariavvv - alternative account 2 (the one I am applying for)

Previous bans:
I don’t have any.

Describe your activity on the server:
Playing on the School RP server is part of my daily basis. Since I finished high school I have had a lot of free time and when I'm not studying for my entrance exams I'm online on the minecraft server. In addition, as part of the College Football Team and the High School Council, my activity is monitored and I never spend more than two days without joining the server. Furthermore, I am always online on Discord and I am also very active on the forums.

Which timezone are you in?
AMT (Amazon Time)

Do you have Discord?
Yes, I do. mariav#5505

Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]:
Yes, I do.

List your current and past applications:
Portuguese Application [Accepted]
French Application [Accepted]
JSL Application x1 [Denied]
JSL Application x2 [Accepted]
College Application [Accepted]
High School Council [Accepted]

What is your motivation for applying?:
I want to expand my experience in SRP and Roleplay in general, having spent many months with just my main account (itsmariav), this desire grew in me, causing me to create my alt (itsmariavv) with a totally different character and another experience as a councillor. However, I have no desire to stop there quite yet.
I find the work of KPD very exciting and I am very interested in being part of this team. However, that desire grew when a close friend started to work at KPD and told me more about what it is like to work there and I became more and more interested, which made me immediately start working on my application when I heard they were going to be revised.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
Yes I do understand the Japanese Laws and how they are implemented on SRP.

What are the Police ranks?
Police Cadet

It is the first position you receive. It is when you receive your first training and tasks. In addition, you are always supervised by your superiors and will be tested by an exam to see if you are able to move on to the next position.

Police Patrol Officer
After ‘graduating’ as a cadet you are given this position. Patrol Officers are the officers who, as the name says, patrols all over Karakura arresting people, stopping fights and making sure that everyone is complying with the laws.

Police Corporal
Usually it is the Police Corporal who are responsible for training the cadets. They are the ones with more experience in combat and training.

Police Sergeant
When you get the position of Sergeant it means that you have been working for a good amount of time. In addition, since it is a position above the last mentioned and just below Lieutenant, exemplary behavior and work is experienced.

Police Lieutenant
Police Lieutenant is considered one of the highest positions, they are the eyes and ears of his superiors and must be respected as such. In addition, behaving exemplarily and notifying your superiors is highly expected and demanded.

Head and Vice-Head Lieutenant
The Head and Vice-Head Lieutenant are the most experienced lieutenants, the ones in charge of the others below them. The Head is the second highest rank and must keep his superior notified.

Police Commissioner
Police Comissioner is the highest position as a police. It is the head of the department, who makes all the decisions and commands all the other Officers.

Detective Constable
Detective Inspector

➥ Detective Chief Inspector
➥ Detective Superintendent

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
Personally, I really enjoy watching criminal films and documentaries and I was always very interested in forensic science. When I was in high school I had a teacher who was a forensics expert who talked a lot about his work in the police, which made me have a lot of curiosity and liking the subject very much. However, watching, reading and studying about it is just a hobby for me in real life because I want to pursue a totally different career as a Designer.
At SRP I have a base of what is done, both because I know some KPD members, so much because I find the student council work with some similarities. Both are necessary to have a lot of discipline and dedicate a lot, make logs, follow the rules (which in this case would be the laws), obey my superiors and do the jobs that are given to me.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
With the growth of Gang RP and crime in general in Karakura, having a local police force became an official need to fight crime and maintain peace in the city, and with that, the Karakura Police Department was created. As in all places, without someone to keep the peace there is no way for it to prosper, so the police and detectives of extreme importance for the city and for the School RP community.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes, I do and accept it.

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
Yes I do, even though I have another two accounts I'll balance the time I spend on SRP to be enough for all of them.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorised to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?
Yes, I do and accept any punishment that can be given to me.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Yes, I do. I have been doing this since i appropriately started roleplaying and at council I do the same.

In-Character (IC) Section


Tell us about your character, how they looks, what makes them unique?
Zoe is a black woman with Brazilian curves, a bust and wide hips that would, somehow, bounce as she walked. Her entire body would be robust and defined by years of training and her harsh childhood. Her brown eyes would bring sensuality and mystery to her gaze and match her oval mouth with full lips and the rest of her face. Zoe's hair would be very curly, with a few curls falling down the front of her face like a stripped fringe. Normally, she would pin it up in a high bun, enhancing her neck and ears.

What they're like on and off the job?
Zoe takes her job very seriously, however, that doesn't stop her from being a fun and joyful person. Her Brazilian spirit makes her an extremely easy person to talk to and that gets along extremely well with other people and that happens inside and outside work. Zoe always tries to do the best and most correct job possible and is dedicated to her job, which makes her a great and hardworking employee.

Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?
Zoe's future is uncertain, she never thought about it too much. She does have her goals and desires but she usually lets things happen naturally. Zoe wants to one day get married and build a family and be a mother, she always wanted to know more about the world, travel to other places and somehow, to be able to help everywhere she went, that’s why for a long time Zoe thought a lot about working with the United Nations. She also hopes that one day the reality that she grew up in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro will change, that crime and social inequality will decrease and that no one else will go through the problems she went through when she lived there.

(Make sure this biography/lore has 100+ words.)

Raised and born in a dangerous Favela (slum) in Rio de Janeiro, Zoe had a troubled childhood due to the high rate of violence, poverty and social inequality. Raised practically only by her mother, since her father spent all day working at the city, Zoe and her younger brother had a difficult childhood due to financial problems and precarious life in the favela. When Zoe turned 17, between wars with the police and factions (very common in the slums), she lost her 15-year-old brother in an exchange of fire. Never having dealt with death, the death of the person closest to her was the key to what would define the girl's future. Her goals and dreams changed as soon as she realized that if she didn't do something, she would never leave the favela, and the people she loved would have the same end as her brother. She gained a new passion for the police force, a greater desire to protect her people and make a difference as a professional. She wanted more than to fight the factions, she wanted to give expectations to the people and save the place that she learned to love since she was little. At the age of 18, Zoe entered college and graduated with a Major in Forensic Science and Minor in Law and shortly after graduating, she moved to Japan after winning a place at one of the best training academies where she found her second house. Zoe fell in love with the country, culture and people, making her choose to continue to live in Japan, more specifically in Karakura.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Characters Full Name:
Zoe Almeida Hart

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):
Zoe Hart

Preferred Name:



IC Phone number:

Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:

Brazilian, Fluminense (born in Rio de Janeiro).

Current Location:
Karakura, Japan.

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of training: Three years.

Working Experience: She worked fighting crime at Favelas in Rio de Janeiro for a couple of years.

Academic Degree: N/A.

Year of Graduation: 2015.

Major(s): Forensic Science.

Minor(s): Law.

Native Languages: Portuguese.

Other Languages: JSL and Spanish.​
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