Sadly whilst I understand where you are coming from with this the number of complications it would add would be insane. Let us all be honest here, combat roleplay is already complicated enough as is. Introducing something new to it won't necessarily make it better and could instead lead to even more complications. Plus, out of all the things on this server rolling is probably the best. It's a number generator that works well, there is not a real need to fix something which is doing what it is supposed to perfectly.
As stated by others above, if you wish for realistic combat try doing Play to Lose (P2L). It's a system where you are supposed to detail your actions taking into account size, height, age, etc. It's an amazing experience that I recommend everyone tries whilst roleplaying. However, it does not work in real combat/crime roleplay sadly as those types of actions need to be quick due to the risks of KPD or others possibly coming without your knowledge, you want to get in and out ASAP which rolling usually allows.