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Accepted Math's Teaching Application: Re-applying.

Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

How old are you?:

Do you have any previous bans?:
-Yes, ERP(Not knowing the rules.)

What Country are you from?:

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord username?):


Do you understand that most answers are found in the roleplay documents?:

Yes I do, and most certainly will go into that sections to find the answers to my questions when its needed.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I’m Fully Aware of this, and will always do my best to stay active when I can.

Do you understand that all classroom activity must be documented on the "Teacher Roster" thread?:
It has been clear, I definitely understand it, As wanting to re-apply for my role.

Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?:

I have been playing on this server for almost 3-4 years and I have been a very active member during that time. I’m always on Forums to check the updates and needed information.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?:


What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:

My motivation for becoming a teacher on this server is because i have extremely enjoyed SchoolRP, i have been om this server for about 3 years I think? I believe that being a teacher would be great as for there isn't enough teaching around my time-zone which makes it upsetting to people who are in my time-zone and wanting to be in a class. I believe that becoming a teacher would be a great opportunity which will be taken with pride , respect and honour. I definitely hope to make a difference in SchoolRP, helping kids and influencing kids in the best way possibly.

Do you have any experience in Roleplaying?:

I’m experienced in Roleplaying, I now have a lot of knowledge to the rules and to how the system works.

Have you read the Faculty Handbook?:

I have Certainly taken my time to read the Handbook and I’m aware of the information that lies inside it, Such as Field trip apps, Detentions, Student Discipline, e.c.t.

What are the classroom logs and why is it important?:

The Classroom logs are for Teachers to log when they are teaching and what they taught the students that period. They are important for staff so they can see if a teacher has been in-active for too long. If there is an issue with a teacher then they are able to sort it out so the students have as little inconvenience as possible. Generally a teacher will log what they taught the students and proof of the period. The logs also keep track of how many classes a teacher has taught, which helps staff with the pay for the teachers. They are important to keep the School running properly for the best role-play experience for everyone.

You want to start a school field trip; how do you do that?:

I would write a formal letter to the Principal regarding where I want to take the students, and why it benefits their learning. The students would have to have their parents sign permission notes if it is accepted and handed back to me. After handing the note to the Principal, I would have to wait until it was accepted/denied. If it's accepted then I am able to go ahead with the trip, if it's denied then the trip is cancelled.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
All Teachers are to be a bit Strict, if you aren’t students will think there is no consequences within the class and they would behave more poorly.
1. Come to my class fully prepared and ready to learn.
2. Always bring the right equipment to the lesson.
3. Discrimination and Racism against a certain person will NOT be tolerated in my classroom.
4. Food or drinks are for lunch time, I do not want any in my classroom.
5. All electronics are to be put away, if they are out without permission confiscation will be applied.
6. You are Expected to be respectful.
7. No toleration to swearing at all.
8. Listen when being instructed to do something.
9. You get 2 warnings before stuff gets serious.

10. Violence is going to lead to a serious consequence.

Summarize your previous RP experience's (both in general and on SchoolRP):

My previous Roleplay experiences was actually with kids, and talking to teachers.
I have my character set as a very mature girl who uses her manners and shows respect to anyone and everyone.
My character has tried her best to stop fights in a mature manner.
My Character’s roleplay experiences are a lot based around work, kids and family and friends.

Describe the ranking system of teachers:

- HD: Head of Department, They are usually in charge of that faculty of subject.
- QTLS: Qualified Teacher and Learning Skills: This is awarded to teachers have a lot of experience with the learning.

- NQT: Newly Qualified Teacher- An NQT is a teacher who has just attained Qualified Teacher Status, and now is undertaking a program that allows them to be legally employed as a teacher.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Teachers are very important in Young kids/kids lives. They help with their knowledge about a subject and can give them a understanding about their futures in hope to help that student or particular person/ people become successful in their following lives. Most Teacher specialise in one subject. The teacher usually teachers their class each day and alert the principal when they need to be away for a certain amount of time (say a week due to irl fsmily issues e.c.t.). The salary can depend on what the teacher is teaching/ how often they work/ where they teach. A teacher should teach by the rules of the school and being fair and respectful to everyone. All Teachers should come prepared to their classes, having thr knowledge of what topic they are going to teach and how thry are going to handle that topic, during their spare time they should prepare for next classes and become aware of helping the students with homework/ studies for the next topic.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:

Teachers are important to Schoolrp because it gives the server a taste of reality, it allows the school to be more realistic and make it more fun for the students.
Without teachers there would be no education for the students, The teachers are there to help with learning and success throughout schoolrp. It allows the school to be more successful throughout roleplay experiences.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
The Lesson Planning system work on MoSCo: Must have, could have, should have.

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does she look like? What makes her unique and different? What is her outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is her personality like? What is her plan for the future?

Echo is a caring teacher, she places her students in front of herself like all of the teachers, She is completely Positive and enthusiastic. She is always placing her concerns and focus on others, Echo takes her work seriously in has no intend to deal with negative and disobedient students. She plans on continuing her job as a math teacher heloing improve the mindsets of students.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:

My first reaction would be to walk up to them, and talk to them. I’d warn them with a necessary detention if it continues and keep and eye on the students as they walk their separate ways.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:

I Would raise my voice to get their attention, followed by a warning, if the students refuse to pay attention I would give them the extra homework and if it isn’t handed in that student will receive a detention.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
My character would act highly mature and respectful to the other teachers and workers, She would be extremely polite when talking to staff.

Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me Hands out Homework for the students to revise on.
/me Would see (Name) Misbehaving and gives them a warning
/me Collects students sheets
/me Writes questions onto the board
/me Would Confiscate (Name) Phone.


Echo Snow Nakamora, Was born in Dublin, Ireland; May 2nd 1992 Around Midnight, Her mother ‘Ashton’ was so happy to welcome their first ever baby girl into the family after having 2 Boys. Echo’s Father ‘Akio’ was a businessman but he always placed his family in front of his work and himself. A few days after Echo was born, Brother’s 22 year old ‘Hinata’ and 14 year old ‘Aroki’ Had arrived at the hospital to greet their new baby sister, it was around noon and the doctors had given it the ‘Ok’ to leave the hospital with their new member of the family. When they got in the car the current storm had strengthen worse, they were driving in the storm, it was windy and the roads were slippery. Hinata was driving and early that day he was drinking. He swerved back and forth and ran into a upcoming car which had led the car to flip- Sadly there were no survivors other than The baby girl ‘Echo’. She was then looked after by an officer from the crash. He fell in love with her but knew that by age 5 she was meant to be placed into a foster home. When Echo turned 5 She was taken away from the officer and placed into a foster home with two young couple. These people weren’t very nice, Echo was made into a slave… If she were not to do something on time or right, The father would grab her by the hair and physically abuse her until she was ever bruised or bleeding. After being in that home for 2 years Echo was finally 7, She was placed in a new home with two middle-aged couple and their son. Echo enjoyed this home and family for quite some time, but the man was an Alcoholic, and would Child **** Echo and his son. After his mother finding out she called the police and was now with the son known as ‘Marco’ Both him and herself were now placed in an orphanage until further notice. When Marco turned 14 and Echo turned 12, Marco set a plan to run away with Echo. And so they did, the following 4 months they succeeded in running away Marco and Echo had both ran to the Galway of Ireland, there they set up their home, out in an abandoned cabin. Marco set out for work to help support Echo. And after a year of doing so a lady took them both in and cared for them. She was an elderly lady in her 70’s. She fed them, gave them fresh water and a clean bed and clothes, they were the happiest they have ever been… When marco was 16 and Echo was 14, Marco got sick and passed away. Echo was devastated and told the lady she had to leave/ So she set out for a new life and so she did.

In-Character Information

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name:
Echo Snow Nakamora.


Given Name(s):
-Miss. Nakamora

Preferred Name(s)
-Miss Nakamora



Religious Denomination:


Marital Status:



Dublin, Ireland

Current Location:

Japan, Karakura

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience:


Working Experience:


Academic Degree:

Masters degree

Year of Graduation:






Native Languages:


Other Languages:

Spanish, German, Italian.

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:


Preferred Teaching Subject:


Additional notes about your application (if any):
I was told to re-apply by a few, so here it is.

Do you have any questions?:

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