Level 183

Medellín Señora

Basic Information
First Name:
Preferred Name:
He'd be a Colombian male, standing at 6'0" weighing around 145lbs. He'd have light grey eyes, alongside natural dark-ginger hair. His un-defiant glare alongside his constant straight posture signifies some level of confidence. He'd have flawless, mildly tanned, white-skin prominent throughout his entire body, concealed with the assistance of a pair of sleek black leather gloves. He'd be accompanied by a fairly athletic build, before also emitting a strong scent of cologne. Finally, he'd constantly carry an engraved metal-case, the contents of which are unknown.
Place of Birth:
Colombia | Florencia
Engraved metal-case, the contents of which are concealed.

It all started in the year 2001, January 15th to be exact. Medellín was brought into the world with little to no knowledge of what was in store for him. He grew up with two seemingly loving parents, Gaveria Señora (Father) & Rinita Señora (Mother) to which he looked up to throughout the majority of his life. Rinita, his mother would work a basic 9-5 job at the local school within the town he lived in, nearby the capital of Colombia (Bogotá), called Florencia, alongside his father, who had claimed he was enlisted within the same job but.. Just somehow managed to make a lot more money than her. But that never bothered him, Medellín was spoilt beyond belief, to the point where his own parents questioned as to if caring and loving for their son as much as they did was a mistake. He'd scream, whine and sometimes even cry in his younger years if he wasn't to get what he wanted.. But his parents simply were unaware as to what discipline was, which ultimately led to where he is now.
As years passed, Medellín grew older and discovered that there was much more to the world.. Not only that but also much more within his own family he had never known about.

Colombia as a country within the 90s was best known for it's drug trade. Some may even say it is single-handedly responsible for the way the world is now.. But some like Medellín may disagree. You see, this is what brought him happiness- Not the powder the sick Americans across the pacific stuff up their noses, but the paper.. The money. However upon discovering this he was confused as to if he were to be happy about it or well- Simply annoyed. How on earth can a father lie to their child for days, months or even years about what they do on a day to day basis? What they do to put food on the table?
He was angered, but then remembered that this had opened a lot more doors for him now too. "School was for the weak." he said, "School was nothing but a waste of time." he said to himself. Of course concealing this ideology from his parents due to the backlash it'd have..
After diving a bit further into the research of what his father was doing he had discovered that he himself had been apart of the 'Medellín Cartel'- Which signified as to why he was named after it due to his father possibly wanting him to- 'Carry on the legacy'?.. This was all extremely unclear, all still a massive blur to him due to him only discovering this all at the age of 15, around the first time he was able to touch a computer, leave the home on his own or even attempt to drive his first car.

It was clear to him now. The country of Colombia was no longer a paradise but more so a factory for Cocaine and the production of Marijuana.. The streets and views he once adored were now simply grids, filled with numbers and the sheer value the area had.. Logs of people, criminal records- Enough to make him question if this was all simply a dream.
He decided to dive even deeper into his research before confronting his father himself about it, due to him in a way now fearing the man that had brought him up since birth.

It was explained that America itself was Colombia's biggest buyer. The streets of New-York and both Las Vegas were flooded with trendy 'night clubbers' who thought the only way to have a good time was to shove powder up their nostrils and hope for the best.. It does seem illogical when put into retrospect doesn't it?
Millions of dollars, millions of trucks, vehicles and people all working to achieve the same goal- A better life. One that can't be simply obtained but instead bought, with paper we hold so much value to. The production of Cocaine itself was not easy, Medellín's father had supposedly also had small compounds within the forest's surrounding Florencia in which he would employ un-educated and poor individuals who deemed this to be their best way of life and living overall, whilst the rich or their 'bosses' blind them from the outside world further re-enforcing that packing bags of powder is the way to go, as sick as it was- It was- Well.. smart.

As clear and as simple as it seemed, Colombia's drug trade wasn't something safe to get into. Which explains as to why his father near enough never let him leave the home alone out of fear for what may happen.. He admired him for that, but closed the computer he was stationed at to learn all of this- and decided that going directly to his father was the best option. After all his father would have to be honest with him now.
He stepped into the room where he found his father seated facing a fire, with his back towards the door, a glass of whiskey in one hand and a Cuban Cigar in the other.. Just how he always sat after a long day of 'work'. He stepped into the room with an overall uneasy feeling as if something had gone wrong. The motion if the fire calmed him slightly as he glanced over at it but the sheer silence from his father was- Not normal. He continued walking over, clearing his throat in preparation for what he was about to say before- Well before he found his father not smiling, not greeting him with his always comforting hugs but- Cold. Cold and lifeless with no expression on his face left other than the final one that was made which was seemingly fear.

Medellín's father had died- NO- No no, he hates that word- How about: Murdered, by someone who still wasn't apprehend weeks, or months after.. His mother was left distraught as she too then saw the paradise she once lived in, change into whatever it is to be called now..
Some even called it Hell, due to it being filled with death, fire, smoke and overall distress, leaving no room for happiness anymore. However, Medellín and his mother still both saw a future. His father's previous compounds were all still standing, alongside his reputation.. Wouldn't it make sense for his son to carry on his Legacy?
No. It wouldn't, to which of you that agreed you are simply not intelligent enough to realise that, that itself was a bad idea. However his father's wealth was also left behind..
Now having a much better perspective on all of this, he realised that money was the only thing that kept everything in Colombia flowing, so he decided that rather than to get into the drug-trade business itself, it was time to be more of a 'people's man' and invest, for the local communities and everyone within them.

Nightclubs, parades, women, all once that may of been a dream for some- Now a reality for him, still at the age of now 17 putting off school as much as he possibly could. Cocaine was taking over the world.. And people loved it.
The 'Lady Of Colombia' was even a drug addict herself, you expect that? Do you also expect half of the Police Force within Colombia itself to be on a Drug Lords payroll rather than the government itself? It was ridiculous as to how easy it all was. But he began production on something himself- Something on the side he classed as 'Yatsin'. This was something he kept dear to his heart due to it being his one and only creation to date.. It was a drug, however not widely accessible and neither was it internationally re-known, it was merely kept for himself and the local rats he tested it on..
Soon after, his mother realised that her son's future was much more important, and the last thing she wanted for him was to end up like his father..- With his spoilt bratty attitude this was something easy to do- Yet she forced for him to leave the country and continue his education somewhere else, dropping anything drug related here, at home in Colombia.
The distress of his father's death allowed for him to make the decision a lot easier, so leaving all that was behind in the name of his mother he travelled to Japan, due to it being known for it's strict schooling system he thought that this was the best option.. But what his mother didn't know is that he had brought his creation along with him. 'Yatsin' as it was called, concealed within a metal engraved box to test on people shortly after arriving..


"Now you're in my own little world."

"You ever try hard to get somewhere but still- End up going nowhere?"

"Some would call these tombs- I'd call it a maze, sounds like fun that way."

"Pain, suffering and distress, mainly things your brain tells you- What if you could simply not listen to it?"

"Oh no you did a 'no no'..- It's fine you get a second chance."
Want to find out what Rift you'd be sent to?
"Yatsin" - is a substance that can be injected into you ICly, by me, driving you unconscious and transporting you somewhere you'll only be able to find more out about ICly through the means of this character.
A dream.. A 'Hallucinogen' as some would say, providing you with an RP experience you've never had before.

- This will not be lethal unless said so otherwise or agreed. If you are killed during the process of this happening OOCly you will be compensated- With near enough everything you have lost.

It worked.. It was working and he had never been happier in his life, a creation he had worked so hard on and put so much effort into had finally come to life.
All that mattered now was getting word of it out and quite possibly getting it distributed around Karakura- Or better yet testing it. His mother should've known he wouldn't of given up so easily.

This biography will be updated if I deem necessary, other than that bye. ~ Im6
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