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Denied menmapsy_ | Event Team Application


Level 3

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[Background image by @_may000 on Discord! Check out their work in the Photography Club!]

What is your Minecraft Username:
#1: menmapsy_ [MAIN ACCOUNT || APPLYING]
mapmensy_ [Alternate Account]

Describe your activity as a player of the server:
(Disclaimer: I do touch grass!)
My playtime as a player on SRP fluctuates with my availability OOCly, though I always do my best to try and spend as much time as possible on the server when I get the chance. OOCly, I am a university student that has also recently moved across the country for school. While at this time I am working to get accustomed to the new environment and change in pace when it comes to education, I still dedicate about 9-18 hours to SRP when I am available on weekdays & weekends.
ICly, I am an active psychology professor in the School Faculty Faction and I intend to also take a step into EMS as well. With these two arguably high maintenance factions tucked under my belt, I will be expected to free up even more room for activities and I fully intend to work around my educational obstacles. I pride myself in adaptability and will strive to be as flexible as possible in order to contribute ideas to the community and Event Team in the times I am available or those times that I am not available. Should this mean dropping certain factions after I've had my experience and fun with them in order to make room for event planning and collaboration, I would be happy to do so!

Please provide any previous faction applications you have created, whether accepted or denied:

Provide your Discord and confirm if you have a microphone:
My discord username is @jeographer.
I am present in a number of SRP/RPH related servers, so finding me in order to reach out is no hassle!

And I very much have a microphone! I used to be on HS Basketball, so I had to have a microphone in order to communicate with teammates during practice and also participated in tournaments. My microphone was also commonly used when I still participated in GangRP, which I recently quit in order to experience the factioned-player roleplay experience. To this day, I am still very active in voice-calls, and I enjoy speaking with new people in VC. Should I be needed for voice calls in order to discuss ideas on the Event Team, I will always be available to give my input verbally!

What is your time zone?
Before moving across the country, I was living in New York City under EST (Eastern Standard Timezone) before I moved across the country.
I now live in California, and I fall under the PST (Pacific Standard Timezone) timezone.

Are you aware that if you are inactive on the team, you will be demoted?
I formally acknowledge that my inactivity on the Event Team can and will lead to a demotion if I fail to maintain my activity or contribute to events.

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[Background image by @_may000 on Discord! Check out their work in the Photography Club!]

What is your motivation for joining the Event Team?
My motivation for joining the Event Team comes in many forms.
I consider myself a fairly creative person, with a love for writing and an even deeper love for art. I am a tailor and artist within this community and being able to create something that I see so vividly in my mind is my greatest satisfaction. Ideas come to me easily and I enjoy sharing them with others, should they choose to give me the time of day to hear me explain them. With good friends that have previously been in the Event Team, I find myself discussing ideas with them at times even if I'm not on the team itself. Over time, being around these talented individuals has influenced me to adapt an interest towards the Event Team that are driven by three things: determination, longing, and ambition.

Having been on SRP for what feels like forever, I have first handedly witnessed different variations of the Event Team in action. I always find myself blown away by the ideas they offer to the server, and I even more so believe that being on a team with such a large number of like-minded individuals will not only inspire me but also give me an educational opportunity. I strive to be someone who can go above and beyond expectations placed on me, and not only do I find that I sometimes manage to surprise the people around me, but I also sometimes surprise myself as well. Being able to think, 'Wow Jeo, I can't believe I thought of something like that,' to myself encourages me to continue bringing up new ideas for everyone to enjoy.

Now, I don't know if other people get this feeling but when I see a tradition or custom from another culture on social media, sometimes I wish to be able to experience that kind of culture in person. It's not limited to just cultural events; it could just be simple events that you may not be able to ever experience in your life. How many people get to actually experience a bake-sale in real life? Or having to watch police safely remove bees from a train station? (Okay maybe not that one, but it's still an event that some people may never get to experience in real life.) Having been included in New Year festivities at the shrine or parades that celebrate Pride are somethings that I may never get to experience in person. But being able to give others, and myself, a chance to at least see it and experience it digitally, is sometimes more than enough to make up for that.

Let's be real. Who doesn't want OOC chat going, 'This is such a cool event!'? Obviously, the goal as a team is to come up with interactive and inclusive events so that all of the community can participate. I see this often with events that deal with ghosts or hauntings, which is also the reason why they're so widely accepted by the player base. Normally, every other day players may be haunted by a ghost; their rank or lack of faction does not interfere with their chances of being involved. I apply for this position on the Event Team with the hopes of proposing events that can be more inclusive to all players regardless of whether or not they have a faction. And as a player who struggled to get opportunities to roleplay with other faction members up until recently, I'm even more set on providing SRP with fun, slightly chaotic, and inclusive event ideas!

In short, the community deserves a lot. Every person on this team is a player on SRP and has experienced at least 1 Event Team event that has inspired them to apply for this role. For me, it was the New Years Festival. Every festival that I've ever experienced here on SRP has blown me away, and I find myself looking forward to those more than any other event. That spark of culture and glimpse of what a real festival in Japan would be like gives me life and inspires me to one day travel there to experience a festival in person. If every event could breathe that sort of inspiration and excitement in others as it did in me, the people on SRP could experience so much more on this server than they'd ever imagined.

What makes you a suitable event team member?
Despite how late or delayed this application is in context to its due date, part of me knows that I'd been interested in this role for quite some time. Even going back to a year ago, when I'd reached out to some friends for suggestions and even staff to better understand the job description of someone on the Event Team, I was oozing interest at the thought of joining this team. And although I certainly did not have the courage to apply, it's recently struck me that it's now or never. My influx of application writing has given me a boost in confidence while my creativity is still at an all-time high. A spot on the Event Team is just calling to me; all I need now is a chance. So why exactly should I even get a chance? Let's see. . .

1. I love talking and hearing people talk.
That is the simplest way to put it! I love talking with a group and contributing to team projects. I feel that every individual has their own perspective that's meant to be shared, so why not share mine when I have the chance? Being in a team also encourages individuals to build off of one another and bounce ideas off of each other so they as a group can come up with something entirely unique to the server. The more people that comment or suggest on a subject, the more diversity an idea can have, especially when people on the Event Team come from different backgrounds and different factions of all sorts. BMD, EMS, Staff, School Faculty, Build Team, the more perspectives, the more cohesive and flexible the event will be in terms of inclusiveness and planning. Discussion is a gift, and being able to have discussions with people is something that I view as very valuable and crucial to my own personal development and expectations.

2. I’m flexible and adapt easily.
Not everything goes to plan. Yes, I’m sure everyone has experienced a delay in the event, or technical difficulties during an event. Say the watch2gether incident during the most recent event! Mistakes or bumps happen, but staying calm and getting down to the bottom of a situation is key. Organizing myself in the midst of a crisis and offering my assistance in places where I can be of use makes me a reliable team member during times of need. I’m very levelheaded and address situations in a rather professional manner unless told otherwise, which makes coordinating and communicating all that much easier. Do some people find it intimidating at times? Yeah! But that can easily be fixed by letting me know to loosen up- OR you can just put me in a room with my friends that are also on the Event Team! Everything's better with friends and being comfortable with people you know is when the results of your labor are best. But if I’ve never met someone, you bet I’d introduce myself to them with the hopes of somehow becoming friends later on.

3. I am friendly. Silly goofy, if you will.
No, I don’t mean unserious and incapable of being mature in situations that call for it. I was a GangRper after all, and I handled a lot of situations on my own behalf or on friends’ behalf. My extroverted personality makes it easy for me to connect and relate with people that I know or have just met, and it’s quite easy for me to make friends! I enjoy helping people out where I can, and it makes me happy when people who I may not be as close with reach out to me for discussion or for assistance. I hope that in addition to the people I already know on the Event Team, I will be able to make even more friends through working alongside them in projects and event planning. It seems like a bond that differs from one you’d usually see in a tailoring server or IC shop; I’d like to experience that somehow.

4. Creative expression is my middle name.
Not literally of course. . . but as I mentioned previously, I am a tailor and artist here on SRP with a huge love for literature and I deal with different creative mediums or inspiration from a wide variety of sources. Culture and social norms can be my go-to for inspiration, but I also adamantly strive to stay true to realistic ideas in my writing and art. Sticking to realistic and reasonable ideas while also balancing everything with a dash of chaos makes everything more enjoyable as an experience. Being able to make use of what we have after assessing the situation is also one of my strengths. Some things are hidden in plain sight, waiting to be used as motivation for something great. If you look hard enough, you can definitely find it after careful thought!

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[Background picture is not mine, credits to Photography Club members!]

Reporters, ALL FACTIONS, SRP Staff

The Music Hall


It’s a Friday evening and school has been tough. The recent influx of study days mean that you actually have to attend classes now, like you were supposed to when you applied for college and took the entree exam. You are exhausted and you flop onto your couch, ready to turn on the TV for some Friday night footba-

“Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready for FRIDAY NIGHT JEOPARDY here in Karakura?”

Bruh. You’d just wanted to watch some football.

“ -Being broadcasted live directly to you from our lovely Music Hall, beloved members from your very own community have been nominated to stand up here tonight and represent their colleagues! Head over there now and grab your seats before-'' You turn the dumb TV off before you can hear the reporter finish their sentence. This whole nerdy Jeopardy shena****ns has ruined your football mood. Man. And you’d been looking forward to it too… But now you’re curious. People from the community are involved? A devious grin upturned your lips as you hauled your ass off the couch and crammed your shoes back on, hands fumbling out your phone while your sprint down the halls of your apartment, “Hey dude, did you hear bout’ that thing on TV?”

“Guh? The- uhhhhhhh, uhhhhhhhhhh, uhh-”



“Do you wanna come check it out with me?”


“I’m taking that as a yes, I’ll see you there.”

So, what needs to happen in order for this event to run smoothly?
  • The time will have to be set to a FRIDAY, after school in the evening. Preferably 6:00-7:00 PM.
  • A reporter can broadcast a message to the people of Karakura regarding the Jeopardy being held in the Music Hall. The message should encourage players to head towards the Music Hall.
  • The interior of the Music Hall has to be tweaked in order to best fit the ‘jeopardy’ theme. Truly a game show aesthetic, with lights, microphones, and a board.
  • 5 individuals, with 1 individual from each PUBLIC factions (KPD, EMS, School Faculty, Shrine, Government), must be present and on the stage. They will have been selected by majority vote in each faction prior to the event.
  • BMD is not invited. Sorry guys.
  • The 5 categories for questions will correspond to the factions present. This means that there will be 5 categories with 8 questions in each category, and its contents will match with a faction’s job.
  • Participants are allowed to answer any question as long as they know the answer. It does not have to be specifically in their faction for them to choose it.
  • There will be a special 6th category that only has riddles. Any participant can choose to answer these questions.
  • Participants can hit their buzzers by rolling out of 20. The person who rolls the highest out of 20 will have ‘buzzed the fastest’ and can answer the question.
  • The event ends when questions run out.

Who and what do we need to have involved or on standby?
  • SRP Staff: The Music Hall will need to be open and available to be teleported into, since that's where the event is. The board on stage that shows all of the categories and questions will also need to be monitored by staff so that they can remove the questions when participants have answered them, just to ensure that they won't be asked again.
  • Build Team: Slight redecoration of the Music Hall may be in order, just to better the atmosphere and convey a genuine sense of what it'd be like to be on a gameshow. Podiums for the participants and Game Host will be needed.
  • 1 individual from KPD, Government, Shrine, EMS, and School Faculty factions must be nominated by the members in each faction to attend the Jeopardy. Winning faction earns a trophy and will hold onto it until the next Jeopardy game, to which they pass it on to the next winning faction.
  • Questions will need to be organized for each respective category per faction. These questions can ONLY be IC related questions that might be related to their jobs, things they'd know from working in the faction or close to the faction.
  • ALL involved factions should be pardoned from being on duty. The ones who are not interested in the event are free to continue doing their jobs, but the people who'd like to watch and cheer for their representative should be allowed to head over to the Music Hall as well.

More interactions between each faction are due! All of them work together to make sure that Karakura functions properly, and they should also have their own fun moments and banter. The Music Event recently was a great opportunity for students and adults to have some fun, but during the event I noticed that a lot of faction workers like EMS, KPD, Government, and Shrine were not present. Even when I did see some KPD officers present, they were called away during the performances due to their presence being needed. As much as I liked watching the performances made by the students during the Music event, Faction members deserve a chance to be in the spotlight as well. And who knows! It might be fun to try and beat a doctor or officer in their own category.

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[Background picture is not mine, credits to Photography Club members!]

Students, KPD, JockRPers, Staff

Parking lot close to Apartment Complex L and Jock Dorm rooms


What’s with all of the cars on the road today? There were always terrible drivers on the street but never this many! Those are your initial thoughts as you watch cars of all shapes and sizes zoom past you down the street. Some of them are driving down the wrong lane and others are partially driving on the sidewalk before they eventually turn the corner too early and mess up their paint job. But they all definitely seem to be heading to the same place towards Complex L and the school dorms. Curious, you follow the mass movement of cars and vehicles down the street while also carefully evading being run over. As you get closer to your destination, you see that the number of cars in the area has grown. Woah. What was all the commotion about? Traffic here in Karakura? That didn’t seem all too likely, and as a resident of Karakura you didn’t believe that was the case. So you weave around the number of cars lined up down the road, all of them seemingly waiting for something. Traversing down the sidewalk in a brisk stride, you finally see what the commotion was about…

A car wash.


Yep. A car wash, being run by soapy and drenched teenagers, smack dab in the middle of the parking lot next to the student dorms. What in the name of rivalry were these kids up to now? Quite literally in the name of rivalry, little stands of red, yellow, and black opposed the row of white, yellow, and blue booths set up on the sidewalk. ‘FREE CAR WASH’ banners were hung on the stands and booths in their own respective school colors- only ‘FREE’ had been crossed out to be replaced with ‘CHILD LABOR’. As you take a wild shot in the dark and make a silent educated guess that that was the work of the Bobcat Cheer Team, you suddenly realize that there are a lot more than just regular civilians here in line trying to get their car washed; KPD is here as well, with their crusty musty bikes that they literally squeeze on, two people per bike. You couldn’t blame them for wanting a car wash even if it was from highschool students, if your ride looked like that on a daily basis you’d probably let some wack teenagers clean your car too. But to be fair, students and even teachers/professors are here with their cars. Some stand off to the side, helping themselves to the many snacks that are available in the little venue while bustling teenagers attempt to make their cars as sparkly as possible in the shortest period of time. What are they even doing this for? A bet?

Losing school has to wear GREEN for a MONTH? Oh boy.

So, what needs to happen in order for this event to run smoothly?
  • The time will have to be set to a WEEKEND, either Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.
  • A /it all should be sent out to the whole server, with a message that follows something along the lines of a description that sounds like a lot of honking and car engines in the general area where the Sports Teams are set up.
  • Car wash volunteers can be picked out by Captains or they can volunteer directly by letting their Captains know they’re interested before the event.
  • A little set up of booths or stands that supply these jocks with beverages, snacks, and cleaning supplies should be available in the parking lot near Apartment Complex L. This could include shops, should they choose to be interested in participating in this event.
  • Players that have cars will need to follow the way of traffic in order to get into the parking lot and have their car cleaned. Each car will be counted and tallied, so that at the end of the event the school with the most cars cleaned will NOT have to wear green.
  • The event can begin at 12:00 noon and end at 6:00-8:00 at night. If there are no more cars in line before 6:00-8:00 at night, then the event can end earlier.
  • Jocks are split into 6 teams of 7, with 3 teams of 7 from each school (3 students per sports team, total of 42 volunteers). Captains are told that they must clean cars; how they pair up the car wash crews are entirely up to them. Their strategies can vary as long as no more than 8 students from a school are actively washing cars at a time.

Who and what do we need to have involved or on standby?
  • SRP Staff: FailRP or refusal to FearRP may be present in the situation of rivalry fights or DelinquentRP races. SRP Staff should be online and actively looking over the situation in case their assistance is needed. SRP staff will also be needed in order to change losing school’s school colors to green once the event is over.
  • KPD: Present to also clean their crusty bikes. While they are present, they can also help manage the ongoing traffic and break up any fighting that does happen during this rivalry. KPD officers can also break up any illegal racing activities that may be sparked during this event.
  • Build Team: Slight modifications to the surrounding area in the parking lot may be needed in order for cars to be able to pass freely in and out of the lot. More space may also be needed to place booths for school team car washers.
  • Sports Team Captains & Volunteering Members (Bobcat and Spartan): Careful communication with their members and coordinating Event Team members.
  • EMS: May need to be on standby incase a mass rivalry fight breaks out
JockRP and rivalry is dead.
It’s the truth, with the purging of old teams and captains. It’s good to see that teams are slowly being refilled as more and more tryouts are being scheduled. What’s a better way to welcome new team members through a good ol’ friendly(?) competition? There’s not much to risk except for your flashy school colors; losing schools have to swap their team colors to GREEN for an 2 weeks OOCly. “But Tippie already did green for April Fool’s Day-” And we all know how much you guys didn’t like it. Best get ready to scrub, scrub, scrub!

Aside from rivalry in JockRP, I think this would also be a great opportunity for everyone in the server to truly appreciate the vehicle update, WITHOUT having to involve racing and getting in trouble. “But racing is cool and DelinquentRP-” You can do a lot more than just race in cars. Especially now with the newer car models and gas stations, VehicleRP is getting more and more realistic. Except for the fact that we don’t have an actual car wash. That’s definitely why this event exists, your cars gotta be cleaned at least ONCE.

This event may also give KPD and civilians more interactions with one another. Hopefully, there’s more cleaning and chatting than fighting. And it's perfect for the summer!

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[Background picture is not mine, credits to Photography Club members!]

Students, KPD, School Faculty, EMS, Staff, Animal Whitelist Players

Karakura Highschool and College School Grounds



"No loitering by the school gates!" You hear, looking up from your phone to see a professor scolding the crowd of students that'd formed near the front gate. What was that about? A fight maybe? You didn't exactly see any fists flying or weaves popping so you assumed that it had to have been something else. Getting up, you pocket your phone and hop off the hedge you were sitting on a moment ago, before carefully inching closer to the crowd. It'd moved back just slightly thanks to the professor, but there was still a large group of students there. You squeeze past the bulky crowd, careful not to bump into or knock anyone over while you slinked your way to the front in order to see the commotion.

Turns out, there wasn't necessarily any fight or big commotion to be worried about. At least, the thing in particular wasn't violence of some sort. Just a really, really, really large amount of animals chilling near the front gate. Like. . a lot of them. Cats, dogs, rabbits, birds of all kind- foxes and raccoons? Didn't those belong in the forest? For safety precautions, you quickly scanned the large crowd of animals before you in search of anything abnormally large...

Phew. No bears.

A closer examination of the floor after your sigh of relief resulted in you noticing the large amount of what looked like... an assortment of food? Dumped on the floor in front of the school gates. Carrots, kibble, melons, fish- IS THAT CHICKEN? Someone must have face planted here right after a run to a store. Looks like they didn't bother to clean up after themselves either; not like they'd need to anymore, with all of the animals munching on the food. They were all surprisingly calm and quite cheery, eating away at their unexpected but gratefully received feast. Some of the students beside you were very desperately trying to inch closer to the animals and pet them, but to no avail since the professor hadn't left yet. They seemed to be on the radio, reporting the situation to the rest of the school faculty so they could contact KPD and hopefully have the animals removed from the vicinity-

A car suddenly drove past, with blaring music and honking horns while it shakily rushed down the road. What the... Driving licenses when?
Suddenly, hell breaks loose. One second, the crowd around you was looking at the cute animals and also side-eyeing the roudy driver.

And then in the next second, the frightened crowd of animals took one look at the car and dashed directly onto school grounds.

Ruh roh.

So, what needs to happen in order for this event to run smoothly?
  • This event can happen on any WEEKDAY, at any given time. Preferably early in the school day, so that the situation can be handled by Hometime.
  • OPTIONAL: A /it all announcement can be broadcasted to the server, or a reporter can mention the strange pile of food that had been dumped on the floor out of nowhere.
  • Players with animal whitelists for dogs, cats, foxes, raccoons, birds, and rabbits will gather at the front gate. Prior to the event starting, they must be coordinated and be careful as to NOT go into the school.
  • Animals that are NOT allowed of the forest or ocean should not be present, this includes bears.
  • A car, that is preferably driven by an Event Team member with the [Adult] tag, will speed down the road between Plaza and the School Gates. A /itl message can be delivered to convey the message that the car is very loud. The driver should also be driving very poorly, while spamming the horn if possible.
  • Animal whitelist players will be given the permissions to enter school grounds, zipping through the gates out of fear.
  • KPD and EMS Veterinarians are contacted and let into the school in order to help catch these furry intruders.
  • Students and school faculty are also allowed to help catch or guide these animals out of the school.
  • Excessive force or harm done to animals may result in Animal Abuse charges from KPD officers. Injured animals will be treated by Veterinarians.
  • At the end of the event, regardless of whether or not all animals have been found, whitelist players will have their school ground permissions removed. This is to ensure that no animals remain in the school after the event.

Who and what do we need to have involved or on standby?
  • SRP Staff: Animal whitelist players, KPD, and EMS permissions will need to be handled by staff. They need to be able to get onto school grounds during the event, and also have permissions removed after the event. FailRP and failure to FearRP may also arise in the context of this event due to animal whitelist players being uncooperative for the sake of being the last animal standing.
  • KPD: Handling animals will be their task in this event, while limiting the use of KPD equipment other than your radios. Should animals become overly hostile if they're cornered, a tranquilizer can be used in order to temporarily sedate them in a humane manner. Animal abuse should be dealt with on sight.
  • EMS: Yes, veterinarians, you guys get to not be bored! Running alongside officers, vets will also focus on transporting animals out of the school once they've been cleared to be unharmed. Should animals be hurt, it will be the veterinarian's job to address those injuries in a timely manner.
  • [OPTIONAL] Build Team: After animals have been caught, they could be put in a temporary enclosure behind the school. The closer to the forest the better, since some animals should be released there. The road that is being used as the foundation for the enclosure should be blocked off from cars and accro-proof.
  • Animal Whitelist players: For obvious reasons, a good amount of them would be necessary for the event. Coordination with one another is crucial and possible through the animal whitelist discord.

When was the last time we had an animal whitelist event? I think the last one was when KPD removed the bees from the train station; that was very fun to watch. Students couldn't interact with the bees, and it was mainly handled by KPD. Well with the addition of Veterinarians, it'd be much more fun to allow a wider selection of people get to interact with some animals without necessarily owning them or hurting them. I think it'd also change things up during school while also encouraging teamwork amongst KPD, EMS, School Faculty, and students. Especially with the newest waves of KPD cadets, EMS residents, and UT/UP faculty hires, it would be a lovely way for them to be given an opportunity and excuse to interact with the largest play group on the server: students! It never hurts to change things UP; and it's not like EMS or KPD have much to do during school either! So instead of patrolling or sitting around waiting for something to do, this is a great change in pace for them.

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[Background image by @_may000 on Discord! Check out their work in the Photography Club!]

Additional notes:
And that's all I have for you!
Thank you for taking the time to read my Event Team application! These are just a few of the events that I honestly have in mind, and I'm sure that I can come up with even more fun events once I've learned more about the limits and possibilities of the Event Team. I aspire to inspire; I hope I've done that in this application!

A huge thank you to the individuals that granted me permission to use their photography as banners for this application! Their work has elevated the aesthetic of this application by so much, and I owe a lot to them. Love you guys so much, thank you so much again!


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Level 169
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator
Thank you for your application, unfortunately, we have decided to deny this application. Sadly due to your history, I've decided to deny this application. Feel free to reapply later on!

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