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Mercedies Hender


Level 0
Basic Information

First Name: Mercedies
Surname: Hender
Preferred Name:

Gender: female

Age: 18

Height: 5'0

Skin Color: pale ivory

Eye Color: greenish tealish

Hair Style: kinda wavey

Hair Color: blonde

Fashion: cool yet odd

Abnormalities: loves mismatched shoes

Date of Birth: May 25

Place of Birth: Los Angles, Californa

Nationality: American

Sexual Orientation: straight

General Appearance

Appearance: A cute, short girl with long blonde hair

Personality: kind

Character Voice: the best way to describe it would be like the gentle crash of ocean waves

Hobbies: art

Skills: art

Querks: loves mismatched shoes


Sister: Jenny Age: 20
Mother: Lena age: 48
Father: Louis Age: 48

Backstory: Mercedies was born to her two loving parents, Lena and Louis on May 25. She was born healthy, and her older sister, Jenny, held her the most while in the hospital. Once she came home, Mercedies was immediately brought into the place of peace and kindness that was her home (this greatly affected her personality). At 3 years old, she began walking outside. During this, Mercedies could never decide which pair of shoes she wanted, so she wore mismatched shoes (which she still does). Mercedies was normally protected at school by Jenny, as they attended the same school for Mercedies' elementary years. Once she turned 13, Mercedies moved to Karakura to study Japanese, but she soon discovered Karakura was much more peaceful than Los Angeles, so she, rather sadly, told her parents she'd be staying in Karakura. This brought her to where she is now.

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