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Denied MetaGamerxy's Mathematics Teacher Application


Level 0
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

Do you have a microphone?:
Yes, but I don't use it unless necessary.

How old are you? (Optional):
If required i will tell otherwise i don't think that is important

What is your time zone?:
est (eastern)

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I do. I will try to be as active as my real life job lets me. I understand that it would not be fair to keep a position when you don't show up
Describe your activity on the server:
I go on pretty frequently, at least once a week,sometimes, two, three, or even everyday of the week. I usually hang out with friends, try to make money, or just go to school and attend classes.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
n/a (aka, i have had none)

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
Grade 12 student at Kakura High School


What subject are you applying to teach?:
Mathematics. Specifically in the area of equations and algebra.
What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
In real Life, I have always loved math and have excelled at it. I would like to help others become better at it. I also had all A’s in school when it comes to anything mathematics, and I even have helped a few people with it too. I believe that makes me qualified for the job.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT & If your application is accepted, you may have to undergo teacher training?:
Yes and that's fine. I would love to get help on that so I can help others better.
What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
They keep track of what happens and what goes on in a classroom at any time.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
I just have 3 rules simple enough to follow:
Rule 1: There is no food allowed in class
When someone is eating food or drinking something (water Excluded) It can be very disruptive and noisy. Also, this is a classroom, not a cafeteria. If anyone is eating something without permission, they will get two warnings, after that, they will be kicked from my class.
Rule 2: No cellphones or other technology unless given permission
Like the previous rule, it can be very disruptive, but also it will distract them from my teachings. If I hear any phones ringing or there are any out in someone's hand in my classroom. I will give them two warnings. If they still don't comply, then i will have no choice but to kick them from the classroom
Rule 3: No bullying others
I do not tolerate people being rude to others or bullying them. I don't care for what reason or excuse they have. That will earn them a detention in my classroom.
What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
Also smaller rules are no language, or sneaking people into class

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning: Head of Department
↳ Description: HDs are in charge of keeping an eye on the conduct and curriculum of the instructors in their department. HDs frequently keep an eye on how well instructors and students are following the rules throughout class, which helps to foster a supportive learning atmosphere. They are the most experienced and senior instructors, making them great people for UTs and NQTs to ask for assistance from when they need it.

- QT
↳ Meaning: Qualified Teacher
↳ Description:QTs are those who have overcome all obstacles to becoming teachers, including those that were academic and training-related. They have a proven track record of accomplishment and have proven that they are capable of doing their jobs to a high standard. They frequently have a lot more control over how rules are administered in the classroom than NQTs and UTs do.

↳ Meaning: Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: NQTs are instructors who have successfully completed the initial teacher certification difficulties and have shown their abilities during their training. They are capable of hosting their own classes without the supervision of a QT or HD being present. Before being promoted to the status of qualified teacher, NQTs must exhibit their independence and classroom management abilities (QT).

- UT
↳ Meaning: Unqualified Teacher
↳ Description: UTs are brand-new employees. They are either getting ready to undertake their duties or are currently doing them, but they are still undergoing training to better understand them. Additionally, UTs must show through training that they are capable of carrying out the duties of a teacher.

(i just found the answers online, i hope that's allowed)

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.
I know that the teachers are there to help the students, teach them, and lead them in the right direction to a good life! I know that teachers make around 350,000 yen and more with bonuses. I know that they mostly prepare the work needed for a class, grade anything that needs to be graded, and watch out for the students making sure that they are safe.
Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
It's a SchoolRP, there needs to be teachers for it to work and balance out just the students. They also punish the students when they need to be so that all of them don't just wreak havoc at the school.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
They work on something called Moscow ( which I think has been discontinued??)

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What do they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What are their plans for the future?
My Character is a tall, black haired man. He has nothing to distinguish himself with, other than the fact that everything he wears has to have SOME kind of blue in it. He likes blue a lot. He sees the other students as kids who need help, who need to be guided in the right direction, who need help with math. Usually, they are calm and collected, even in the face of danger. Though, when it comes to defending someone else, he is willing to sacrifice himself for them if it means that they will be safe. The other teachers see them as allies. As people he can depend on, as people who will be there when he needs help, and vice versa.

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
I go into the hallway and I notice what they are doing. I go into the group, disrupting them asking “Excuse me gentlemen, if you are going to speak this kind of language, i have to ask you to leave immediately” if they don't comply, i will give them a warning, if they don't stop or leave, i will give them detention (assuming they are not suspended”

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
He notices the lack of excitement and attention in his class and comes up with a plan. “Okay, I can see that this is a little boring, so why dont i add a little spice into this lesson. Let's make it a competition, whoever solves the most questions with the most accuracy and speed will win something good” and precedes making it a competition, knowing that everyone loves a good challenge with a prize at the end.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
He acts nice to the others, saying his good morning to them, but for the most part, he just let them be. He doesn't want to ruin anyone's day or mess it up at the least. Besides, he probably has work he needs to do anyway

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me walks into the classroom, saying “Good morning student. Today, we will be talking about (lesson here) but first, I want to know. How are you all feeling today? Teacher listens to students then proceeds to walk to his desk. “Now we can begin the lesson”
/me walks into the classroom “how are you all today! He gleefully asks. You should be happy, because we aren't just doing mathematics today, we are doing a kahoot. But it will be a competition. The winner will get a fabulous prize!
/me Good morning class. Pack your things up, because we are going on a fieldtrip
/me Teacher walks into classroom “Hello class! Today, we will be talking about something interesting” walk over to the chalkboard to start writing down the instructions. “Now here's what we are going to do '' and explains to the class what they are going to do.
(I apologize for the lack of detail, i am just not the best writer)

Backstory 300 words (302)
Fernande Skycher, a once shy student in his younger days, is now a nice, and comfortable person to be around. But he wasn't always like that. When he was younger, he used to live with a family, a mom, a dad, and a brother. The dad would go off into the army, and Fernande would get abused by his own mother and brother. He tried to like things and even tried to like his dad, but he wasn't allowed to thanks to his mother and brother. The brother would constantly make Fernande seem stupid and the mother would punish Fernande Severely for things that he didn't even do sometimes. When he turned 16, he was kicked out of his one house, with nowhere left to turn, his dad took him in and helped him get his life on track. Since then, he went on to graduate, go to college, and now sign up to be a teacher. He wants this so that he can help others when they need it, because he knows what it is like to be helpless. He doesn't want the students to have to go through the same pain that he went through, especially his “school" that he had to go to. For a while he was homeschooled by his mother who had a “learn it yourself” mentality” Thankfully, Fernande was good at that. Had he not, then he would have been screwed for life. Fernande had many times in his life where he thought that he couldn't make it, and he doesn't want others to feel that way either. Before he moved to Karkura, he was so shy that he just wanted to be alone, now that he is here though, and off to a better start then he was before, he is more comfortable around people.

In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only): Fernande Scycher
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):Mr
Given Name(s):Fernande
Preferred Name:Fernande (or Fern)

Age (Minimum is 27): 30
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: N/A
Marital Status: N/A

Nationality: White
Current Location: Karakura, Japan

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years): 5

Academic Degree: N/A
Year of Graduation: 2010
Major(s): Mathematics, Algebra
Minors: Geology, Biology

Native Languages:English
Other Languages:N/A

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:
/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?:
No ( i am sorry if its too short, i am not much of a writer)
Also if yall need a picture of my character let me know and i will add one


Level 106
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Thank you for applying! However, after careful consideration, I have decided to deny your application

  • Your application lacked detail in comparison to some others.
  • You did not follow all the format rules, as a large portion of questions are not bolded, making it more difficult to read.

Please feel free to reapply! Any questions regarding your application, please DM me on discord.

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