players online

Michael Katz Biography


Level 16

Michael Katz - The Streets Painted is Painted Red as I do my best to reach for victory and survival.

[ Michael Katz]

Basic Information

First Name: Michael
Surname: Katz

LK69, Skulled





A strong athletic build.

Skin Color:

Eye Color:

Hair Style:
Short Haircut.

Hair Color:

Place of Birth:

New york city

United States Of America


Sexual Orientation:

Religious Beliefs:

Political Beliefs:
Hates Politics

General Appearance


He became more slim of a guy due to focusing more on survival and getting out of situations alive and well because he has been hunted for over a year by other gangs he used to be buff but now its about survival as he wore casual clothes he doesn't really give a fuck about being formal anymore because of his situation.

Polite Sometimes, A bully most of the time, Greedy as hell, Protective at times, Clumsy, Unwise, Sweet at times, Loyal.

[Duffle Bag, Masks, News paper, Phones, School Supplies, Black out, Gang Attire,Money ]

He seems to have a more casual outfit most of the time.

He loves to fish, Play video games,Go to the Beach, Hike, Climb, Hang out with friends, Camp,Martial Art Classes,Ding dong Ditching, Swimming,Going to the Gym,Making Rap Songs, Bullying dick heads, Arm Wrestling, and Many other hobbies.

Michael Takeshima Accent in detail and on video:
He uses a lot of slang and he talks in a heavy new york accent. His voice is very deep he is likely from a gang affiliated area in new york woodsons and other gangs were present where he lived

He also talks in a perfect japanese accent when speaking in Japanese making him seem like he is not really a foreigner and he knows what he is doing when it comes to accents.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
a Criminal, diagnosed with PTSD, a Smoker ocassionally using vapes or ciggarettes, Has ADHD.

He is very skilled at crime when it comes to some situations. He tries his best to survive in the Criminal Underworld

Other Connections:

Family Members:


Factions Familys and Gangs
[Ally] Sinnerous
[Ally] Viltrum
[Ally] ??
[Neutral] Blake Family Blake Family
[Neutral] Takada Family
[Neutral] Kurosawa Family
[Neutral] School Faculty
[Neutral] Karakura Hospital
[Enemy] Immeretu
[Enemy] Karakura Police Department
[Enemy] Shintou-Kai


[Best Friend] Hien Min
Very sweet girl and always loyal even in hard times. You were like my Psychiatrist when i was struggling mentally. You are Such a good Woman.
[Best Friend] Greg -
Best friend I ever have been loyal to the end Greg....
[Best Friend] Anya 'Moon' Sidorova-
We had a aggressive past we got over it and became good friends. Attack Anya and I will go after any prick that does it. Anya is one of my best friends.

[Best Friend] Christal Nakamura-Takada
Such a good friend and not known for betrayal unlike some otheres I will always trust you in my heart.

[Friend] Ren Tsukumo -
I knew you commited a few crimes so I bailed you out. I hope you enjoy your freedom girly.
[Friend] "Nozomi -
You were a fucking bitch at first but you Improved man. I respect you for that Top G. I hope you rest in peace if you are dead but if you see me lets be friends.
[Friend] Mateo Garcia -
Soon maybe some day you will break out of Jail and help out sinnerous you been loyal to me. You can help out the gang in the ways you did Valhalla.
[Friend] Omura Kuga -
I hope we can become great friends and benifit between each other.
[Friend] Kayro Takada

A fucking cool guy I don't know what else to say.


[Aquaintance] Devon -
I thought you loved me but apparently not enough. What the fuck did i do to you for you to break up with me. I loved you with my heart and gave you my appreciation. I feel broken I need time to calm down about this.
[Acquaintance] Ava Fukushima-Jager -
You never hang out with me so We are no longer friends. You don't realize how much i respected you when you used to hang out with me.
[Aquantiance] Neko Kurosawa -
I tried to be nice to you its okay if you don't want to be friends. I tried to make it good for you and overall have a fun time hanging out. I won't forget the kindness you gave before the friendship was ended. I will stay away from you at all costs for my personal interest as well as yours.
[Aquantiance] Rytoya K. O'Sullivan. -

Maybe this thing might work the world is more hostile ever since i got out
[Aquantiance] Kytoya Kuzumi -
I need you to survive and thats why i think this relationship might be benificial

[Enemy] Valencia Loke-Toriyama -
how about you get your stupid ass out of there. You probably sell your ass for money too. You are pretty much a prostitute at this point.
[Enemy] Nyankapon Nyame -
You are a very creepy dude when it comes to women how about you go fuck yourself. You need to work on how you talk with women before you can actually pull.
[Enemy] Mabu Wekabayaka -
Such a bitch how about you cause problems somewhere else. You always been a bitch from the start i first saw you. I know you have a love for women but I'm not the type of dude to fight with fucker. Get your ugly ass cut out of here.
[Enemy] Deno von Moltke-Lowe -
You betrayed Valhalla and created your own gang. I stayed to the fall of the gang unlike you bastard. Your gang can fall and I wouldn't even care.
[Enemy] Alexander F. Austin -
You knocked out a friend of a mandala member. Lets see how you do crippled now bitch. You don't realize what you did was wrong. I hope you rot in recovery at the local Karakura Hospital.
[Enemy] Hans L. Lieren -
Fuck you for knocking me out i seen through your outfit and mask it was damn recognizable wait until i find out your identity
[Enemy] Sakimoto H. Kojima
We used to be friends but you screwed it up by kicking me into a dog pile and taking my gas mask. I hope you burn in hell you fucking jerk.
[Enemy] Kanye Kohaku -
You are such a bitch you knocked me out. You jumped me multiple times and in the end i got revenged on you that mother multiple times even getting stabbed for it. Fuck you!
[Enemy] Noburu Kohaku -

You fucking idiot i am coming for your brother there is nothing you can do about it.
[Enemy] Yuto Akabane
you proceed to bully Christal and call her fat then call me ugly. Its on mother fucker you started a blood bath.

Gang Affiliations:
Valhalla, Mandala, Sinnerous


Chapter 1 Quote
Its either me or you thats gonna survive and its gonna be me

Chapter 1 early life.
money money money.png
He was born in New York City on a nice sunny day. He was held in his mothers arms in a hospital bed. "What should we name him." his father said. His mother said "Michael would be a good name" They walked out of the hospital that day knowing they had a new son to take care of. A few weeks passed he was pretty much traumatized from the area he lived in so he didn't really cry as much.

He was learning languages online and flashcards and with the help of his mother he learned Spanish,Korean,Japanese,and English 2 to 4 years later. He was learning these languages at an early age. He was sent off to daycare but he was really a nice behaved kid he was scared of the street gangs really in the area though.He started to attend elementary school he noticed there was a lot of fights and bullying he tried to stay away from it at first but then he got picked on
himself by a dude that loves to smack people.

He was putting everything on the line to win the fight. He started to get into a fighting stance and trade punches. He got into fights throughout his educational career. He focused on his grades in elementary school but he got suspended a few times for fights. His Parents were furious so he got whooped with a leather

belt. He focused on grades instead of fights but if he seriously had to he would stand his ground.
He got through the easiest grades of elementary school pretty easily. He had gotten into fights to defend himself and he was pretty popular and feared in the school for defending himself against tyrants. He laughed at a class clown and got detention once he was pretty much a stupid kid but he was passing all his classes with all A`s

He eventually enrolled in middle school. He struggled to keep himself together from mental issues. He was sent to a mental hospital for a couple months then when he was released he was focused on getting his grades which were ruined back to their original state. It was the first year he failed a class but he made up for it. He passed the next year's exam for History with masters. Then again he was bullied in school so he gave a few knuckle sandwiches or two. He enrolled in high school and the street gangs in NYC targeted his family so they had to flee

at 15 years old. He decided it was best to flee the country but to where. He tried to get Japanese Citizenship and use his parents to flee the nation to safety. He arrived in Japan a couple months later enrolling in Karakura High School. He was looking out for danger despite arriving in Japan. He got paranoid and he thought it was best to Join a gang for protection.

He was hanging around thugs, the organization being Mefisuto. he did crimes. He made a few nice friends outside of the criminal underworld. He got arrested for Evasion and he was bailed out. He knew a girl named Ren Tsukumo who needed help getting out of jail. So He Bailed her out.

He loved his friends he made throughout his Journey but he was traumatized from the NYC gangs and he was too scared to go to the police for help so he surrounded himself with thugs. He had a special talent in crime and in fights so he put it to use by defending himself and attacking people for the gang he worked in. He was not bullied as much but he did get in a few fights.

He knew he was all alone and had no parents so he found ways to support himself and own his own apartment and put food on the table. He was soon adopted by Yuna Lee-Katz He sold things through auction and fished for income. He tried to make safe for himself. He was now focused on waiting for the next task to come from the Gang he is working for.

Chapter 2 Quote
Valhalla had a rat soon to get away free

Chapter 2 Rats
He got a girlfriend for himself so he is no longer single so he did pull a girl and with that he was dating.He attended multiple training sessions for a gang war against criminal organizations. Until someone ratted out the gang. as he slipped into consciousness he heard a detective knocking on the gang turfs door he quickly changed into civilian attire every gang member was making their escape.

LK69 and the others ran out of the turf in a secret escape door heading to the surface from the sewers. He headed back to turf to jump a police officer then the police came to arrest us so we ran like crazy. We all managed to escape then LK69 ran to school until he got a message to come back to turf. He was suspected of being the rat. He never called the police in his entire life so he got out just fine. Michael Then headed to school and continued on his day.

He Was a dangerous man when it came to fights but the problem is he is unarmed. He lost a few fights though unluckily so he has permanent scars on his face. During the tornado Michael Was confused. He thought there was really a tornado. He thought it was wind and just rain but he was surprised to find out about a tornado in Karakura. We never have tornadoes ever really.

He was making sure his friends were ok but he tried to be funny yelling "LETS GET SOME GUNS AND SHOOT AT THE TORNADOS." He laughed at his joke. He then went near the window to see the storm but got detention for going near the window. He was not really that upset about it. Michael then waited at the library until 4th period.

He headed out to go check on Ava. She was ok but Met her brother and Michael was like no way they look related. He left the area he checked to see if there was anything that the gang needed before heading off to detention. He didn't really wanna do shit in the detention room anyways so he was basically chilling.

He went to trainings to learn how to fight more effectively He was a very busy man He got in a fight a couple weeks later with a dude called Mabu Wekabeyaka He was being insulted for talking to a girl negatively LK69 said "oh look I just caught a blonde bitch a very beautiful one." Another dude came which was Mabu Wekabeyaka to insult him and he roasted back and he targeted his family in a insult and he had enough so he pushed him to hopefully make him shut his mouth but the others wanted them to fight and they were unmasked at the time so he seem to notice his opponents facial features which will help for him later. He fought

hard but seemed to get to the brink of unconsciousness. After a bit he fell unconscious as he woke up he had a taste for revenge.
He was furious so he tried buying a bat off a dealer but with another Valhalla gang member since Mefisuto changed its name. He also got in a fight with another dude Nozomi. He called him weak and a ***** so he told him to punch me if you are so tough and he got into a fight in the middle of class at a volleyball field. He

got into a fighting stance as he started beating the dude punching him in the face evading his hits and absolutely destroying him.
The Teacher got involved and students tried to break them up he was kicked out of the class after that and he was like man fuck this dude. He Thought he was just a pathetic little pansy and not some tough guy as he thought. He Doesn't know how to fight and not get caught Michael Knew it was smart to fight away from authority figures such as police officers and teachers. He attended detention and absolutely cooked on the detention assignment. He wrote a story that was pretty good and it actually impressed the teacher somewhat.

Michael Was still Searching for Mabu after days of searching he was starting to try to get help from fellow gang members in valhalla. He knew they could help a lot if he just told them. He focused on finding ways to his targets for revenge. He may be a delinquent to them but they never knew he was a straight out thug ready to break someone's leg. He had a baseball bat blackout and a mask.

Though He was very smart about it and took time into planning on how to absolutely destroy Mabu in a fight. He went to a training that day and cooked hard but got knocked unconscious 2 times when suddenly a figure that is a black market dealer bursts in and warns about the war with Veraband and stated that Rebirth also known as Deno leads the Veraband. He thought they were pathetic. He pretended like he didn't know this information to keep the other gangs passive and not start a war with Veraband due to a pointless action but he didn't even Know Deno he has not

been in the gang for that long. He decided he was just gonna avoid his name being heard from him.
He continued on to school that day and then he decided he was gonna fish that night. He focused on fishing for money until the sun came up he only made 3k yen and he was like fuck this shit this doesn't make enough and he left for school tired. He was focused on school heavily to get into college and graduate as an adult. He Just needed the exams to happen but they were canceled months ago. They canceled that shit and he was pissed about the error that caused it. He was in high school and he had been in dangerous fights before then.

Chapter 3 Quote
some of the women I care about dip and never return like flies.

Chapter 3 Hoes

He was a gang member that made money through fights, muggings and robberies and he thought scamming would perhaps get his money up high.
He attended a gang training and in a spar he managed to knock his opponent out with a metal bat without getting hit by them.
He then attended fight club and got drunk as fuck. He blacked out and some nice girl helped him until he sobered up. He vomited in his mask multiple times and

He went to private training late due to the fight club event. He then had to head home and clean all his attire which was very nasty. He had to take a bath so he didn't smell like alcohol. He then stayed home sick because he was miserable
(stated this because i had to log out of the game).

Then he felt better at night to go outside. He managed to find the Nice girl and introduced himself to her then she gave out her name.He then talked to her then went silent as she left. Michael was a very nice dude sometimes but at times a violent and mean personality to survive in the criminal underworld and leave a mark on innocents or gang members through fights and revenge.

He wanted to be infamous in the Criminal Underworld one day so he worked on saving up money for weapons and cars, however he wanted plastic surgery to make him a little bit more attractive to the eye. He worked on his looks as well as his fighting skills and ways to get into college while hiding his criminal identity.

He kissed his girlfriend and hung out with her at the pier. It was a fun time until they mentioned injuries they previously had. Arashi Chisa His girlfriend revealed her cut off fingers after him telling her about his battle scars. He was upset and asked who did this and she said they were masked. They had to leave so Michael just left the pier.

He helped A dude escape from a crazy ass girl on a motorbike hopping through fences to aid his escape and offered him help to lay low. here was a dude at powerplant mugging people with a horse mask unknown by Michael he wanted money but he was like fuck no and he let him off the hook. so he was pretty much lucky then he headed to school to attend school. When he was talking to his friends The guy responsible for 3 fights apologized to him.

He then requested to help with a blackmailing request and that he was gonna call him after school LK69 was alright to help with that problem to silence him. Little did he know he was the unknown dude mugging him. After that situation he went and walked around school. He was chilling when a girl was looking for someone somewhat familiar and he helped escape from her. Valencia Loke-Toriyama asked "Where is this dude?" LK69 was like "I don't know her." Valencia Loke-Toriyama said you no help you alcoholic fuck"

Then she started calling LK69 gay when that is not true. He has a girlfriend. He responded saying no the fuck I am not gay and she said "I will run you over." LK69 said "what did i do to you girl." Then she made sexist comments about men. LK69 said " you a slut multiple times." Then the male grabbed his collar pulling him. He was not fond of it and wanted revenge on this dude and their family at some point. They looked like they were a family of gangsters. He kind of hated Valencia Loke-Toriyama and Maleko K. MacAlasdair at the time due to that point. He decided to give someone information that was in the gang of valhalla so he could find the girl and her sibling

A great opportunity came up for him to get revenge at some point. After days of searching he Got His first revenge on Valencia Loke-Toriyama. He saw her at school and he was able to get revenge on her by punching her in the face. She had friends assist her. He was trying to flee but it was too late he had detention to attend. He saw her again and grabbed her telling her "do not fuck with me ever again."
It was too late to flee again with her luck he got SLT on his ass and he knew he might be suspended if this continued so he didn't bother her again he went to 4th period that day and decided to just chill in that class. After he went to detention a bit late He absolutely cooked on the apology adding a secret sinister thing to the text. I will hurt people outside of school and the teachers accepted it and let him leave. He absolutely laughed at that.
He continued to bully Valencia Loke-Toriyama to this day pretty much. He still wanted revenge on Maleko K. MacAlasdair so he might have to torture the dude he helped though he does not know he is related since both of them have the same sir name almost.

Unknown of the gang war he was selling fish and grinding as much as possible knowing he might need it later but little did he know he needed it for a future conflict. He was grinding as much as possible to help himself survive in the criminal underworld and in the future he might need to grind through jobs to make as much money as possible. He was a broke man but soon to be rich through dealings and bonds. He made money off auctions milking the citizens' money to gain his own wealth; he also thought of scamming for money to make as much as possible.
He needed it for what is to come and the unknown bloodshed between his rivals the Black Dragons against Valhalla, a bloody future conflict for what is to come through assassinations and brawls throughout the streets of karakura. He didn't know it was gonna happen just yet but he was preparing for what is to come. A dude he met a while ago was asking for information about valhalla and he told him that he should join the organization to find out and Keystone said you should join my spy organization to give information about valhalla and lost all his trust in him. He couldn't trust the dude so he ran in hopes to get away from him paranoid about his future with the criminal underworld and police in general. He laid low in an apartment for hours keeping himself safe in the process before exiting.
He was thinking about something sinister. As he went outside and he Went he focused on grinding as much as possible he went to school and late night on tuesday he went on a fun date with Arisha which he did what he loves to do. He went biking with her and kissed her and fully enjoyed her presence. as He saw her leave somewhere else. He went to school and he attended class doing nothing while chilling until he was called up in a different class. He was given a place called Birmingham and he said Birmingham, United Kingdom.
After the class he left to plaza and went to do some things to make money in the business district in karakura. He went home to get drunk as he decided to go for a walk. He was basically trying to relieve stress. He ran from a professor and 2 other people because he thought he was getting reported. He then chilled until one fateful night when he was being roasted and words hurt him so he started a fight and knocked the dude out. He saw a teacher trying to apprehend him to the police so he tried as hard as he could to run. He managed to run but was grabbed by someone.
He then was knocked out cold by someone behind him. He was reported to the police as a legend Greg Saved him from capture as he brought him to his apartment saving his ass. He was like "where am I? What is the fight police are being called for?" hide my bat now a possible felony was committed on that scene. He then told someone else to destroy his phone as he began his life on the run. Hopefully evading capture or broken limbs. Michael Katz ran and ran but he couldn't run from his formal ally so he decided to try and destroy his phone the police noticed so he tried to run and he was caught only to spend time in jail again for evasion and possible gang affiliation.

Chapter 4 Quote
Its never good to oppose me

Chapter 4 New Beginnings and Old Beefs
Upon getting arrested he was placed in a cell and he was found guilty for his charges for being an absolute shit head. He spent time in a cold cell Reading books and trying to keep himself entertained for the time being he fought with black dragon members in prison and got sent to solitary confinement for his

actions. His journey with the justice system was rather large because he has been to jail 2 times.
He worked in Valhalla inside of jail as well making sure everything went smoothly for valhalla. He was an absolute bully in jail, even bullying people twice his age inside the prison. He was merciless no matter who you were unless you were an ally to him. He also spent Jail time getting extremely buff and doing sports such as basketball to have fun behind bars. The prison guards were not so fond of him due to the fact that he was a fighter and most of the time did not obey the rules.
He started to fear punishments and began to carefully plan out attacks rather than go out and beat someone's ass in front of 20 people from this experience In jail which changed him as a person to not beat people up in public. He wanted to get out of Jail as soon as possible.

Soon he met a valhalla member in jail for life Mateo Garcia they began to become good friends with each other inside jail due to having the same gang and ideas. He made friends with him knowing that he will be in Jail for the remainder of his life which saddened Michael Katz. He pushed forward through his jail sentence making sure he can get out in one piece without getting killed. Soon he was freed by police being released after a month in Jail
As Michael Katz exited the cold, unforgiving walls of jail, a sense of urgency gripped him. He had to make money and regain his standing in the criminal underworld.

to the average person, he might have looked like a reckless young man ready to ruin his life, but in the criminal world, he was a force to be reckoned with. Unbeknownst to him, he began hanging out with members of Mandala, the successor to Valhalla. Gradually, he found himself associating more with the gang.
He was careful to keep his involvement hidden from the public eye to avoid another gang affiliation charge. Ryotta, a fellow gang member, mentioned how his life had been saved, but Michael didn’t fully grasp the significance.
His trust issues, although still present, were slowly eroding as he began to trust more people without giving away critical information. He acquired a copy of the Mandala attire and kept it in his bag alongside his blackout gear, ready for any situation. Training sessions with the gang became frequent, and Michael’s brute force and readiness to fight anyone in his path grew. He was determined to master the criminal underworld, regardless of how many arrests it took.

During one chaotic day, Michael, known by his gang name "Skulled," was causing mayhem by pushing people into pools and giving swirlies to random victims. His antics attracted the wrong kind of attention, and two kids started beefing with him. One of them wore a mask, matching the description of Anya "Moon" Sidorova. A brutal fight ensued, and Michael was knocked unconscious. When he came to, he found himself in a park and quickly made his escape, seething with the desire for revenge.

Recognizing Anya later in the plaza, he called Trickster and enlisted the help of Detenshi and Einherjar. Together, they lured Anya into the forest and viciously attacked her, knocking her unconscious. This act of vengeance solidified Michael's position in Mandala, proving his loyalty and ferocity.In another instance, Michael and his ally Furious encountered two people who needed help assaulting someone. Eager to prove their worth, the four criminals attacked Sakimoto H. Zianabaki, beating him unconscious for bruising their associates.

This brutal act further ingrained Michael in the gang's activities and solidified his reputation.
One evening, Michael found himself defending against a group of muggers. Despite his best efforts, he was knocked unconscious. When he came to, a bystander tried to help him, but Michael, stubborn and proud, told him to fuck off. The same person repeatedly assaulted him, but Michael retaliated and knocked him out. However, his victory was short-lived as he was ambushed by four people dressed in blackout gear. They stabbed him multiple times, leaving him bleeding on the ground.

The sirens of the Karakura Police Department echoed in the night as they arrived at the scene. Michael was rushed to Karakura Hospital, his life hanging by a thread. The sterile, white walls of the hospital were a stark contrast to the chaos he had just endured. Nurses and doctors scrambled to stabilize him, working through the night to save his life.

As he lay unconscious, his mind drifted through memories of his life – the fights, the friends, the losses, and the constant struggle for survival. The steady beep of the heart monitor was the only sound in the room as he slowly began to regain consciousness.Michael's eyes fluttered open, and the harsh fluorescent lights greeted him. Pain radiated through his body, but he forced himself to stay awake. A nurse noticed his movement and quickly alerted the doctor. They explained his injuries, the multiple stab wounds, and the surgeries that had saved his life. Michael listened, a mixture of relief and anger coursing through him. He was grateful to be alive, but the desire for revenge burned hotter than ever.

Days turned into weeks as Michael recovered in the hospital. He used this time to plan his next moves, vowing to become even stronger. His gang members visited him, providing updates and ensuring he was still in the loop. The hospital staff, unaware of his criminal activities, saw him as a resilient young man recovering from a brutal attack.Michael's hospitalization was a turning point. It reinforced his resolve to dominate the criminal underworld. He knew that once he was discharged, he would dive back into the chaos, ready to fight anyone who dared to stand in his way. His journey was far from over, and he was prepared to face whatever came next with unwavering determination.

He exited the hospital ready to fight once again Skulled prepared for a gang war but he needed money so. Trickster and Skulled went on a mugging spree in a power plant cause why not. They desperately needed money so they walked into a power plant with the sole purpose of mugging other people. Their First victim was Nooby which is irrelevant since afterwards Skulled and trickster saw another person and they mugged cash but they didn't pay the 5k so Trickster and Skulled triggered a fight it was a hard struggle and the gas mask was almost taken from skulled but he managed to get the Knockout.

He fled the scene as he worked on getting money further and enriching himself though he was unaware about the brawl in a few days. He prepared for war just like any gang member would through preparing money muggings, Scamming and many other things. He was temporarily in debt to a few loan sharks but he paid off his debt. Skulled was prepared for this outcomeIt was a dim day with rabid cats running the streets, yet something was scurrying below. .. Mandala members had previously been attacked while looking around a bowling alley by a bunch of people in blue. They could not take being disrespected like that by lowly thugs. After the report was sent to higher ups they began their attempt to retaliate.
The plan was perfect... Someone would lure the rats down into the sewers where mandala would be waiting quietly as they had members sprawled all across "Spray grounds" They sat their formation ready as six unknowing members of the blue gang later found as Woodson Syndicate had ran in chasing after the set bait. They Quickly blocked off all areas of entry preventing them from leaving, trapping the six in with Mandala. Once Woodson stepped onto Mandalas turf their fate was sealed completely. A conversation was exchanged but didn't last long. As the fight broke out woodsons attempt to escape was denied with the blockade. They then dropped one by one.

Mandala had successfully retaliated, Skulled remained conscious throughout the battle and he won the brawl along with his comrades he fled the sewers as he headed to the apartment to clean off any evidence such as blood or the smell of the sewers. He only had a few bruises left that would last a few weeks on his knuckles so he tried to avoid the karakura police department from seeing them.

He went to school later in the day and hung out in class paranoid. He met new people but he was also kind of a bitch bullying people about almost every other day. He gave swirlies stuffed people in lockers trash cans. A typical 1990s bully. He was called down multiple times for it and he got 10 detentions that way. He's getting closer and closer to a suspension by the day for his trouble making.

We were chilling at a power plant when other people told us to run the mask we fought and Knocked out a victim out. We dipped to chase someone else but came back to Fallen in the gang knocked out another person with others and a rival gang Inari showed up starting a brawl they were trying to fight hard to avenge one of the victims that tried mugging us but they soon knew that they couldn't beat them leaving.

Inari showed up to brawl with us to fight and they ended up almost all getting knocked out before black dragons showed up. He fought hard but was Knocked out. He was flashed with a katana and he tried to lounge at the person who did that and tried to fight them but more people tried to fight him than he could handle. He was knocked out and he lost his gas mask.

He was walking into school when Michael received a call noticing a brawl. Unknown it was Gehiemer Veraband he Tried to fight back unknowing who but he was knocked out which is why he attended a training a few days later to combat his issues. He knew what to do in most of his brawls but communication was a bit hard for him as well as telling from black outs. He was doing well at the training but he was knocked out in a free for all. He exited Training a bit better at the task.

He witnessed a person mug as he got unmasked by his opponent. A few days later he was jumped and knocked out by 4 people outside of his apartment unknowing of the dangers surrounding him. He didn't know what gang did this but he knew they were gang affiliated due to the number of people that showed up.

Hitogoroshi would approach the male soon after he was knocked out by 2 random people around the plaza. He would quickly carry him on his back, making his way back to his apartment where he set him down. Once he found him awakened, the male described the person who knocked him out. Soon after, Hitogoroshi and Skulled found the victim near the plaza. Hitogoroshi quickly acting, by

seeing this sight, he would grab the male by the arm, before Skulled would approach from the front. As the victim tried to ungrab himself from Hitogoroshi he would politely decline, keeping his hand on him still. Before sighing Hitogoroshi would slam the bat onto his head, before Skulled would help him out, using his pipe wrench to finish the fight. Hitogoroshi would find the male helpless as he lay on the ground, taking this opportunity Hitogoroshi slammed the bat twice onto his leg instantly shattering it.

He continued his bullying rampage Swirling someone attempting to stuff people in trash cans and lockers
Before he messed with the wrong 2 people and he was knocked out in a brutal fight he fought hard but he was no match for the 2 people and he felt humiliated at the loss. He will destroy him in another fight again if it comes to this but he starts to avoid Targeting the Male due to the strength of him out of respect for his victory.

Chapter 5 Quote
I have generational beef with woodson

Chapter 5 Fuck These Streets
as the almost full moon was in the sky. Michael was running around town until he saw a giant forest fire and with a crowd of what seemed to be dozens of people. He wanted to go inside but the cops showed up in riot gear yelling as they Tazed in the air. "DO NOT GO IN OR YOU WILL BE ARRESTED FOR OBSTRUCTION." Michael was running out of the forest and the cops didn't follow because he was following orders by leaving the forest. His mother Yuna witnessed the situation as well as his cousin Ben. He ran back to his apartment because he was hot as fuck to change to a different outfit.
The Aftermath was brutal though firefighters tried to show up to save the forest and soon hopefully it was saved. Karakura was burning due to climate change and Michael knew this because months earlier There was a tornado. Everyone was scared of the situation. Everything might be going just wrong for karakura as he was starting to think that Karakura is the hood.

Michael went Fishing. Everyone was calm. He caught a few fishes and he was bitten and pinched by a lobster and a couple other fishes. He was calm until 2 guys actively pissed him off while fishing and he acted tough to intimidate him but he was done with their joke after they pulled out a fishing rod and called him a gay hooker so he started beating them up.

He was very angry at them but he was losing the fight so he called in Greg to help with him because he's at risk of getting knocked unconscious fortunately we won the fight 1 got knocked out and one fleed. Michael was wondering where the other one went and after a bit he called off the search calling the 2 16 year old kids a waste of time

He then headed to school with Gotaku and a few other homies to bully other kids. We successfully swirlied a kid named Mal and knocked her out at the same time with 4 other people and she was knocked unconscious. He Then fled to avoid trouble. His next victim was Nyan but he was not found the entire day thus we couldn't swirl him.

He headed off home as he chilled on the sofa and passed out. He was snoring as he rested, then he got up and grabbed some food and went to sleep again. He was overwhelmed and he was trying to ease himself up by resting for a while. He was overwhelmed at participating in the criminal underworld and being a student at the same time and on top of that having to pay rent every month. He was exhausted at this and it was slowly ruining him so he took a day to rest to calm down.

The next few days he used to rest before going back to normal tasks such as jumping people, fighting, fishing for example he just layed down so he used a few days to relax then went back to his criminal life. He was not a fan of karakura as much anymore finding it similar to the hood He felt a little safer than back in the United States of America. He was happy to live a better life in Japan but he still found Karakura Crime ridden and unsafe for an average family. But He knew the Katz family was full of brutes, gang members, other people at the top of society, People with Jobs. He knew they could survive out there.

Michael made a friend named Sawada a few days ago. He finds her very attractive and has developed feelings for her, but for now, they've only become friends. Anya, who was once his rival, has now become one of his best friends. They hang out together, going bowling and doing fun activities. They enjoy each other's company and have even formed a defense pact: if anyone attacks Anya, Michael will retaliate. Their friendship is strong, and they share a lot of good times together.

Meanwhile, Skulled was distributing books to everyone to raise awareness about the Katz family in Karakura. He had gathered the family from around the world and brought them to the town. After distributing the books, he went to the police station with a dented weapon. As he entered, the cops ran out shouting "Wall!" and patted him down, discovering the weapon with a head-sized dent.
One of the officers remarked, "He has a dent on his wrench. Where did you get this dent from?" Feeling a bit nervous but relying on his acting skills, Skulled replied, "Oh, I hit a tree." In reality, he had struck someone's head with it. The police demanded to see his ID, and after verifying his identity, they brought him in for questioning.

During the interrogation, the detective pointed out, "Do you know that a wrench is made of steel alloy?" Michael, lying, responded, "Yeah, that's why it's so effective at fixing pipes. I want to be a mechanic when I grow up." The detective commented, "That's an interesting career choice. It takes a lot of work to get into that." Michael added, "I also want to join the military when I grow up."

Despite his convincing act, the detective was skeptical.
The detective pressed, "Are you lying? I know you've been arrested twice. Do you want to go to jail again?" Michael calmly replied, "Why would I lie? I have more to lose. I'm going to remain silent from here." Eventually, he was returned to his cell, but he managed to get his pipe wrench back and was released. Now, with the Karakura Police Department on his radar,

he plans to lay low.
Back at school, Michael attended theater class and handed out invitation books. Surprisingly, he was in a good mood, being nice to his classmates despite his usual demeanor. He is determined to get to know Sawada better because he wants to date her, though she is unaware of his feelings. While spending time with Sawada, he also has strong feelings for Anya, finding both girls very attractive.

He saw a girl at powerplant stabbed as he ran to the hospital he yelled to the staff. "HELP SOMEONES BEEN STABBED!' as he got proffessional help for her he also annoyed a few locals and started beef with them and then he walked away he thought he did a good thing he hanged around his family members then.

Skulled arrived at powerplant to meet his brother but he wanted to mug 2 people so he got his other friends likely from a different gang and Skulled helped out his brother miloslav unaware of his beef with mandala he helped him out and knocked out the 2 bitches and they were mugged. This likely got a entire gangs attention by just that since he was unmasked and he fought her. So best thing to do is for Skulled to lay low.

He attended a gang training but nobody showed up so he went to the nexus event to get some alcohol and cheap things and he talked with some gang members and he got drunk as fuck he headed home to cool off and he chilled at plaza for a bit until he saw people who he jumped earlier he knew they were trying to lure him so he denied any request they tried kidnapping him and a chase persisted for a long time they didn't catch him and they only got a hold of him when he was brought to the woods. He tried escaping but he was stabbed not exactly knowing the gang though he saw one of their faces taking a mental note as he was sent to recovery.
After he got out he was still single so he kept searching for a romantic partner and he turned to sawada with interest in dating and he wants to talk to her.

He hanged around his friend saki soon turned enemy he was at plaza hanging out with him as he kicked him on to a teacher dog pile then he tried tracking him and found him at beach as he tried to jump him alone as he fought him he almost knocked him out but someone had to join and screw it up as he was knocked out by his now enemies his gas mask was mugged.He tried tracking them with sinnerous members but he didn't find him and they were jumped while he was away he was happy but slightly disappointed that he was not involved.

Skulled was at powerplant chilling with Trickster and other
woodson members because they were nice to each other until Shin H. Matsuda approached her as she started to get paranoid and shiver and Skulled was trying to comfort her as Trickster pulled out the phone to call the cops as that happened Shin H. Matsuda and a group of people tried to mug Skulled and he denied any cash being given to Shin and proceeded to run for a few minutes before being grabbed Skulled he tried to run but he was hit in the face and shoved by multiple people out of range as he dipped and called Trickster for help not knowing the cops got involved

Finally, the eagerly anticipated confrontation between Woodson and Sinnerous broke out, a vicious war between two opposing street gangs determined to leave their mark on the city. The two crews, each wearing their own colours, faced off in the streets, which were electrified with suspense. Their gritted, unwavering drive was symbolised by Woodson's ragged bright blue clothing, while Sinnerous' neon pink glow conveyed a strong, even rebellious, spirit.
Excitement was in the air as the two groups faced off. With a stern expression on their faces, the heads of every gang advanced, bearing a great deal of responsibility for their reputations. There were some words exchanged, but soon there was activity. The moment the Sinnerous commander struck Woodson's leader with a vicious knee strike, the much-anticipated melee broke out.

Chaos erupted as the two sides collided, the clash of bodies echoing through the streets. Fists flew, and the ground trembled beneath the sheer force of the melee. It was a brutal, no-holds-barred fight with neither side willing to back down. The intensity was palpable; the lines between victor and vanquished blurred as the battle raged on.

It looked for a while as though Woodson might take the lead. Desperate to win, their combatants charged forward with a ferocious intensity. However, the sound of sirens broke through the din just as everything seemed to be going their way. With merciless efficiency, the Karakura Police Department descended upon the scene upon its arrival.

A panic swept through the brawlers like wildfire. As gang members dispersed in all directions, some frantically attempting to avoid capture while others were swept up by the advancing authorities, the once-organized chaos collapsed. The police presence completely changed the dynamic, guaranteeing that the streets would never forget the altercation that had occurred but leaving neither gang with a certain triumph.

The combat echoing in the air long after the last of the fighters had vanished into the darkness, the aftermath was a jumble of flashing lights and running figures. The altercation between Sinnerous and Woodson was going to be remembered as a street fight for years to come, even though the authorities intervened to avert a major outcome. Both gangs had delivered a message that this was far from over, and the city had been rocked.

Chapter 6 Quote
I hang around murderers don't fuck with me or Sinnerous

Chapter 6 To live or Die in Karakura
murder screenshot.png
Michael Katz was placed on the run from the police wanted for gang affiliation and evasion he started to hide in the sewers then he headed to the beach to hide with yui then he went to karakura mountain and left he was on the run and hiding temporarily keeping a low profile he wanted to get his hair dyed and contacts and get rid of his finger prints to hide his look from the police.

He will try everything to get away and he won't let himself go to jail for years over a brawl. As he hidden his identity through a new outfit hair dye and eye contacts as soon as he saw Shuji insulting his outfit he started to roast shuji as he got into a fight he was trying to escape his wrath and yelled for help of near by sinnerous or bystanders to get involved.

He got knocked out by Shuji as Yui came to his aid and brought him to her apartment we planed to knock him out and stab him in the liver he wanted heavy revenge for Shujis Actions but we didn't exactly get to the target but we found a traitor to kill.

Trickster was on her way to powerplant as a birdie told her someone they were after were at powerplant before Trickster ended up running into a old member of the gang who left them for another gang which made her really angry since they were a traitor cause of that reason.. Trickster then stood looking at them before she decided to leave them till she went to powerplant again as she saw skulled and Ohen were surrounding the male as Trickster and KinWolf then joined as Trickster picked up the male running into sewers with the rest following behind as they went into a secluded room where they put the male on the chair..
KinWolf was blocking the door for a bit before Skulled landed the first hit on the male as those two then swapped the positions before Trickster then finally decided they were done waisting time a bit as she plungged her katana in the males liver before twisting and pulling it out.. The male asked Trickster who she was as she first didnt want to tell him as she let Ohen , Skulled and Kinwolf hurt the male a bit more jsut for fun..before Trickster then grabbed his arm and carver her alias in his arm before she then removed her bali exposing her face..

The male then told her a secret that slightly made her feel bad but she was not going to let the traitor off free.. Kinwolf then took his bat as he broke the males arm before they all agreed they have tortured him enough as they had a smart yet funny plan to drop the body at ems since he already bled out..

We ran off to clean off our attires weapons and other things to avoid being associated with the murder as he layed low for a bit until he recieved notice to head to the woods Trickster , KinWolf , Skulled , Gay opp , Ryo and Ohen where running around in the forest where they ran into a..cult well.. they were told it was a school event but whatever as they ran and

found a bear as Gay opp loved the bear and thought it was very cute and thought it was maybe harmless as he started trying to pet the bear..As Gay opp succesfully petted the bear somehow the rest of the squad stood there watching as they saw Gay opp try to pet the bear again but he ended up accidently poking the bear in the eye.. As the rest stood there watching scared for the males life they tried to get him to stop trying to pet the bear before he zoned out..

As Gay opp zoned out the bear stood on his back legs as it was about to attack him but then KinWolf kicked the bear out of Gay opp's range as they all suited up as they planned on getting revenge on the bear for trying to attack their friend.. The group surrounded him as

Skulled sweeped the bear making it easier to hit the bear cuz of its tall height as Ohen landed the first hit on the bear.. then followed by Trickster and then Ryo ended it with ko'ing the bear as Trickster took her katana out as she carved everyones alias on each one of the bears legs..

Afterwards he was sent a text message to arrive on a boat for a friendly chat it started off passive at first but it got agressive as the 2 got into a fight and he was knocked out by the person he worked with as he broke every single finger on his hands and burned them off.

He still had fingers but they were severely burned and broken they did it because they were dating yui and thought i was flirting with them when in reality they were just good friends now he saw the dude as a prick and he does not wanna associate with him anymore.

He got on a plane on a international airport in tokyo headed for Los Angeles, United States. He thought maybe it wouldn't be a smart decission to go to America. He rode in economy class he sat there waiting to arrive he slept on the plane for some of the flight then he arrived in Los Angeles and grabbed his bags.

He took a taxi to a hotel he was staying at for his vacation as soon as he walked out to head for the beach he was soon surrounded by 2 people with fire arms yelling at him for money as he ran into the hotel and grabbed 2 knifes throwing it at their heads killing them as they shot at him he was fearful for his life but he remained calm during the attack and took out the 2 muggers as the police showed up he told them it was self defence and that these muggers tried to kill him and the police let him go.

He stayed at the hotel for around a day traumatized then he headed out for the beach to grab some food and have a fun time alone. He didn't really come with any family he wanted some alone time. He had a good time until he saw woodson members and he left the beach. They were probably people from the same gang he knew that had influence in Karakura.

He went to a few tourist attractions trying to avoid gang members as much as possible trying to enjoy his vacation it has been a week by the time he flew on plane back He arrived at around august 28th ending his vacation.

As soon as he arrived in Karakura he talked to a few of his friends until he was confronted by a few wanna bes or at least he thought he cussed them out and called them idiots and then his mom showed up and de esculated the situation before walking home he talked to his mother out of punishments before she talked about Matsuna he got a text message as he soon noticed his text he tried calling him but no response His mom and even himself got worried.

He then got a text message saying his leg got broke by other person. He was curious but also fearful about his own brother so himself and his mother ran to where he was and Michael picked him up and handed his brother over to his mother. Matsuna soon told Michael and his mom that Anvar Valentijn was the one who shattered his leg.

As we rushed him to the hospital he soon got treated but His brother was in recovery now. He thought Matsuna would get his revenge but he also noticed it might of angered 2 gangs in one stone for some odd reason.

After words he headed to his apartment to change for the marathon as he headed over he wanted to run the track but he was confronted by the track team and he was bullied by them and he countered attack them with insult then he was sick of it and he noticed his gang had a training today

So he attened the training and he tried his best but he wasn't peforming very well after the training he was bullied by woodson members and soon there were 2 alroy members coming to his aid to defend him against the woodsons.

Afterwards the 2 enemies Michael Sirodouv and Michael Katz made a mutual combat agreement and a fight between the 2 broke out and a struggle for victory between the 2 was ongoing as most of the crowd was cheering his opponent he almost knocked his opponent downHe fell in battle he tried his hardest and he ran away in embarassment after the fight
It doesn't end there afterwards he ran to powerplant only to be confronted by other gang members who wanted to give him a taste of medicine Daisuke M.A. Jager, Sofia Asonkai-Kyoshiro, Elias Lanzo, Malie-Keahi Togomi, Valentina K. Kyoshiro, As well as a masked dude all surounded him in a struggle to get away he was knocked unconscious and swirlied by Daisuke M.A. Jager By just one attack he already wanted revenge on the other 5 who surrounded him in the fight by either broken legs or shankings.

A few hours later Michael was being bullied by people in spiderman and dead pool costumes calling him ugly as he grabbed the kid dressed up in spiderman and told him to not fucking call me ugly as he shoved him out of range and ran off.

He went to school and ask kores to help him with some bd members but he soon found out he worked with those people after school as As he was walking down the street a unexpected masked and armed dude had a bat he thought he had no chance but

he fought back dashing to his back and hitting his head 3 times he mugged the bali and the bat taking it from the dude. He recognized him from school but now he had to change outfits and dye his hair quick knocking someone unconscious unmasked wasn't exactly

A few hours later he was stabbed by a powerful gang and he was left at the hospital bleeding as he soon got medical treatment and he was sent to recovery

He woke up in a hospital bed in a recovery room as he was recovering from his liver stab wound he layed on the bed. He frequently had nightmares while in recovery traumatized by black dragons he didn't exactly know the gang but he wanted intel on Kores after the incident but all he could do is wait and recover.

He struggled to recover from the liver injury in the hospital he almost died but he luckily survived the incident he thought the shankings was gonna be the last day on earth for him but he woke up in a hospital bed surrounded by doctors he was fed food and water as well

All he could do is rest until he recovered and strike the members of black dragons get revenge on the track team and all the enemies he had prior to the stabbing. He had a okay time in recovery. He tried to shake off the nightmares but it was no use he had PTSD episodes as well.

The criminal underworld traumatized him but he persisted and he still had fight in him. All he wanted to do was get revenge on every single gang member who messed with him. He also went through therapy to help with the trauma

He missed the woodson brawl he was supposed to go to because he was hospitalized and couldnt fight in his condition. Doctors nursed him up to health in his time in recovery and he waited and waited until he was in full health.

He Got out of recovery as he met old and new friends enemies and friends. He was prepared to enter the world again. Not really much happened when he got out he spent his days doing school work and he got egged by another male and the person got jumped. Then he went to a training ending up being a Takukan Brawl

A day that was supposed to be set up with strategy and scheduled tactics, was evidently filled with shock and confusion. Once they got up the Mountain it took them a minute for it to register to them that there were another group of masked individuals waiting at the top for them. The leader walked forward, calling out Sinnerous's leader and began talking about rivalry and conflict between the two, using the past as leverage. Takukan had suggested a small brawl then and there, which Sinnerous happily accepted given the trust they had in one another and their capabilities. They were used to fighting at this point and only saw this as a warm-up for future events that they had/have planned.

With the sudden challenge, came a quick victory. The fight lasted about an hour max as the two groups fought vigorously and fought till the end, even if they reached the end mighty quickly. Once one individual dropped it was pretty much over since the one from that fight would just move on to another. Sinnerous became victorious with only One casualty while the rest of Takukan laid on the floor. Much respect was given after to each and every person, even if there were a few people butthurt.

A training went on next to 7/11 after school and somehow veraband tried to jump one of the higher ups Skulled tryed to defend him from the gang members but they were unmatched due to the number the 2 criminals including him was knocked out by the thugs before Furious was chased down
He attended school the next day attending class then after class he headed to a gang training and then he fought seth but he lowkey had feelings for him and he kissed him and made out with seth during the training facing controversy for it but hes still a respectable sinnerous gang member to this day.
He also gave some poor girls some money they really needed it due to poverty issues he gave each of them 10k

He attended training the next day and dented his bat 2 times as he headed out to fish and make money multiple times that day that one time he encountered a hostile bear a cub and a adult as he ran for safety he ran towards civilization but that bear was blocking it so he ran across towards the gas station and headed for plaza to take a breather. "Those damn bears!"

As he was hanging around in plaza he felt good hearted as he gave a sad girl a hug. He grew up in a wrong life growing up around thugs but at sometime he is nice to others in need a good hearted man. He went to school the next day and after school he went home casually.

However something peculiar quite happened in the past few days
The deliquents were enjoying a fun time at plaza as they saw a dude Furious Lanius and Skulled chased them down with fury cause they were not fond of him. They chased them down the streets of karakura as the victim was cornered by them as they punched him multiple times Skulled ran off and got in black out then smacked the dude in the head with a bat knocking them out. The deliquents had a laugh at this sudden attack they just pulled off surviving another day.

Afterwards Michael discovered people fighting he soon found out that one of the friends of a sinnerous member got knocked out filled with utter rage he wanted to find the woodson members and get revenge but he knew it had to wait.

As soon as night hits Reaper and skulled was searching for a girl called sofia they founded her with tons of men which made it a bad idea to jump her then they thought of a plan. Why don't they tell woodson they took over their turf since bowling alley is woodson turf.

The plan was awesome but what ruined it is the appearence of kpd Skulled Knowing he might have illegal weapons ran to distract the kpd to him so he ran from the police getting caught. He was soon arrested for the crime of evasion as he was brought to a jail cell. He kept his motive of running a secret from the police by saying "I ran cause of a joke." The police near the jail cell said "Look where that joke got you dumb ass." He was arrested for a 3rd time which is quite humiliating but he knew he was eventually gonna get caught.

He was given a mugshot and transported back to the cell to serve his time. He sat in the jail cell that night thinking am i really a dumb ass joining gangs for protection only to commit crimes. He thought of that as he looked remorse full for his actions but he didn't wanna add more charges to his list so he kept quiet as he headed to sleep inside the cell for the night.

He woke up the next day still in the jail he ate some food as he worked out in the gym inside the jail maintaining his strength. He was quite worried for himself and he need to survive in jail a lot of gang affiliated people where in their with him but he had good ties with sinnerous and bofurin inside of jail.

He sat in his cell after yard time looking bored out of his mind but he sat there as he waited for more time to get out he knew he could possibly be bailed out soon since his bail was only 50k so he waited day after day to get out he knew if he wasn't bailed out he'd stay for a month.

He got out and was bailed out he was only bailed out for a day before sent to jail again and then got out shortly after then he decided to retire from crime. He got arrested 4 times during his career and he decided enough was enough and he quit crime all together at least for now to lay low.

Since then he has been a inactive sinnerous member with no sign of leaving the gang at the moment waiting for something in the criminal world to happen and empires of crime to fall.

He had a romantical love with Seth enjoying a make out session at school he fished frequently with the dream of a motor cycle. He wanted enough to drive around as well saving up for 1 million was his goal to make his dreams come true 1 million yen was significant for Michael as he has always been poor having only a few hundred thousand at most.

His goal was to get out of poverty and be something of is dreams outside of the criminal under world Job searching to soon make some money while still being a member of the gang of sinnerous. He was less active in the criminal underworld than he used to be

All his enemies some how disappeared and there was no point in being active and taking down other people when all his enemies were gone and not to be seen again since all the gangs that targetted him fell. He felt as if the last stand of the gangs in karakura was happening and the fall of criminal empires was on going.

He didn't see as much masked men after him which made him feel safer surviving to the end even if it means dying a man and facing his legacy like a man soon Michael had enough money and bought his first vehicle a motorcycle that was red. He rode it around town enjoying riding the motorcycle he worked hard for a strong 500k was spent on it.

He wanted to hang out with Neko that day but Their friendship crumbled within minutes and soon they were no longer friends due to his affiliations and obvilious to being a thug despite not saying or admitting his crimes within the criminal underworld. He had no interest in neko anymore but Michael didn't hate her if it was best for her he was happy about it.

He didn't really hear about the brawl that happened at the theatre place but he was back in gang activity and he was done laying low now. He was prepared for anything. He joined back into sinnerous as a active member pushing himself out of inactivity again as he now was prepared for any criminals or cops in his way from his destiny That may weigh him down. He was bullied by gang members for most of his life but he was tougher than ever before ready to strike once again.

Eventually He joined in a heist with 4 people to rob a house it was good for him as he usually has been sitting and doing nothing. as they discussed the plan in a broken 7/11 and he was asked to check the streets for civilians and cops as the Leader of the operation broke open the door and fleed to store a illegal weapon in a safe place they began stealing items for money the same house that he didn't know was egged and vandalized before the robbery so he went through with the robbery as they fleed in a vehicle and into the woods and hidden in a abandoned house there was a fight between the older girl and a guy inside associated with sinnerous because he called her old as Michael looked with awe after the altercation between the 2 they discussed and had conversations with each other about the criminal underworld and why they joined After 30 minutes they left the woods and continued on with their day and their civilian lifes.

Michael Katz after a training he decided to hang around his family for a bit and he had a good time before having a good and rare interaction with Olivia her saying sorry for her actions and she was improving too. His mom didn't really trust Her but both Ryo and himself trusted her afterwards he headed to plaza to meet multiple people and we messed around so much without breaking the law. Then we found this dude Kaito "Ki" Holland who was currently being chased by the gang kyogoku as he asked 10k for protection The quartet duo decided it was a easy task they hid in apartments and after they exited the shoping district they were chased and jumped by 12 people thankfully greg getting away his gas mask was mugged by the group.

he tried fighting the 12 people to get his mask back but he lost the fight but ensured Kaito Hollands saftey afterwards he woke up in a room and crawled to the door and continued protecting him unmasked and as they were jumped for the second time Yui Threw him to his arms as he ran miles to get away from this dude. As soon as he lost them in the sewers he headed up to the surface then they got in a car and he was dropped off. He then headed to his house and Yui got his payment but he wasn't paid and he got angrier and started punching him then he was paid 10k by another person as he ran off afterwards they egged his house.

Chapter 7 Quote
I may be broke but I'm strong and ready for hustling

Chapter 7 Broke but Strong

He continued on his day but a few days later a altercation happened at powerplant a lot of shit has happened to him and other people later some getting hurt themselves. Though It Started with him and the Homies Chilling at Powerplant looking for something to do they were bored out of their mind someone grabbed Ohen. Everyone quickly gathered around her and asked why she did it and no response started a fight roughly 5 people Jumped her knocking her out.

He was peaceful for the next few days after he did a spray commiting vandalism he continued on his day then he tried trolling cops by getting close to them but he was arrested for obstruction. The people around him watched in awe as he was cuffed.

He spent the next few days in jail then someone bailed him out a temporary lover Nagisa they were dating partners but they soon broke up over a altercation between jocks. He or she wasn't really as relavent in Michaels Life.

Though another fight went down against someone in Skulls perspective its how it went down
The 2 deliquents was having a little fun tonight they were hanging around plaza and they were messing around until they meet this one girl who wrong 18 and the others at plaza, Skulled assisted Him as they dragged her to the pier and through the lighthouse and towards the sewers until they looked apon this girl with lust for revenge the 2 deliquents teamed up against her even thought of stabbing her at the time but Skulled pulled out his metal bat surely this girl was resisting so hard it took more time than it needed to be to knock out this girl. He got a single hit after many attempts at her resisting before she started resisting harder and harder and the fight was not really doing well for the 2 of them though 18 and Skulled were winning

The 2 kept working together to knock out this girl it took minutes on minutes for Skulled to hit her with the bat with his shitty ass aim but then again he got the last strike knocking out her as 18 Took the money and they both posed together between the corpse of the unconscious body before fleeing as they fleed out into the night with a devious intent of hunting down more targets.

He had another peaceful few days before getting in another altercation 2 times another day The 6 Gangsters dragged the girl to the sewers and knocked her out with skulled hit her in the head with a metal bat swiftly knocking her out.

Later that day Another was talking shit and acting like a blood or gangster and he decided enough was enough and dragged him to fight club sewers and wacked his head in the bat before he ran. He did this all unmasked so he could tell the kpd and it would be somewhat believable but it was done in a place with no cameras so they wouldnt have enough evidence to charge him other than witnesses. That wraps up the past few days as more is to come for the Struggles of Michael Katz.

Michael Katz undergoed another relationship with a girl Kimiko Sato. A Nice sweet woman that he loves. He started dating recently. Michael Katz doesnt even know how he pulls that many bitches in a span of a few weeks only for relationships to go sour But this relationship might work better than The relationship with Seth.

He went fishing more often to get more money to pay rent and to get another motorcycle or at least a car but he was not ready to buy that yet.

In the past few days if not weeks he gained a new business partner Kytoya Kuzumi which he sells stuff for cheap and he uses him to make a profit Kytoya Being a ex gang member of sinnerous wishes more intel from the gang. While Michael Was screwing around with another friend masked up with a balistic mask They were messing around and having a fun time like deliquents do. They ran through metal detectors and it was beeping like crazy. Soon they did that to the karakura police department and got put on the wall by police.

The Deliquents got searched and they all came out clear. They walked out putting on the mask again screwing around until they encountered Kytoya after him calling his phone he found out Michael Was behind the mask and called him by MK.

He then asked for information about Sinnerous and offered aid to the gang but the 2 lower ups of the gang left Kytoya and ran off after they ran off they ran inside a hospital where a woman was stabbed in the liver. They asked the hospital staff for help but they took pictures of the masked deliquents they ran off changing back into civilian clothes unknowlingly being watched by Kytoya and soon found out about Sergios Identity.

A few days later Michael was making plenty of profit off selling things then as he walked to school he looked for Kytoya to do business with him. He bought things off Kytoya after he was done Kytoya told him he had the identity of one of his business partners and he wanted him to help Kytoya as he helped him keep safe from Valhalla but Michael Was not buying it. He viewed his Brother and him as a mutual aquantiance not a friend.

Michael Katz also known as skulled managed to get a higher up position in sinnerous after many hours of hard work and crime and he is now in charge of trainings. He knows he could be in danger later because of this but he isn't to worried about it.

Michael katz got revenge on the guy Kanye Kohaku his recent rival what seemed to be a gang member he did a spar and settled him once in for all beating him in the fight wining against the guy he then walked off not breaking the dudes leg because he was satisfied.

Michael Katz went fishing one night but he got strucked by lighting being brought to the hospital by a stranger. He was in pain as he fell unconscious fighting for his life he never been struck by lighting before but he was extremely unlucky that night. He was transported to the hospital where he was treated for 2nd and 3rd degree burns. He went under recovery for 3 days because of it.

Shortly after he got out of the hospital he searched for the man who wronged him Kanye Kohaku but it all went wrong when he tried to kidnap him. He was knocked unconscious and stabbed leaving him to perish but a lucky soul he was one man took him to the hospital and he recovered from his injuries. He went on a few fishing runs every so often to make enough money for rent after recoverying planning his next move.

A lot has happened ever since he got out of recovery He met Anthony his crazy ass brother who never learns and he hunted Kanye Kohaku and He called michael a bitch after having a history of being rivals and he shoved the mother fucker and he tried to shove back. Afterwards he made death threats so he masked up and chased the man for a long time before knocking him out he got knocked out and lost his bat by a unknown masked person.

He woke up in pain and yelled at his brother on the phone to pick him up and he got help from him he managed to dodge recovery as it was only a clean snap to the leg and he was now free but with a broken leg.

Chapter 8 Quote
Christmas is the best time of the year to celebrate

Chapter 8 Christmas Fucking Spirit Spirit
Okay so what went down in the past few days. Michael made a few new friends and a lot of other people now hate and bully him but hes a strong man and he resists such actions. He hanged around friends and made money but his Enemy Kanye knocked out her friend so he spared him as revenge and won with a broken leg.

He was jumped by 2 people and he was knocked out by the time police showed up it was far too late but he woke up in a apartment afterwards recovering from the fight against the armed indivisuals a few days later he attended a Christmas concert at the music hall. He went back to get his fake id to buy alcohol but they sold him alcohol without a id. He chugged the fuck out of the alcohol as he watched the performances some notable christmas songs were sung as he cheered in happiness.

His most favorite song was being sung after 3 more songs the song was being sung santa baby as the lyrics

Santa baby, just slip a Sable under the tree for me
Been an awful good girl

Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight
Santa baby, a '54 convertible too, light blue
I'll wait up for you, dear

Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight
Think of all the fun I've missed

Think of all the fella's that I haven't kissed
Next year I could be just as good
If you check off my Christmas list

Santa baby, I want a yacht and really that's not a lot
Been an angel all year

Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight
Santa honey, one little thing I really need
The deed to a platinum mine

Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight
Santa cutie, and fill my stocking with the duplex and checks
Sign your 'x' on the line

Santa cutie, and hurry down the chimney tonight
Come and trim my Christmas tree
With some decorations bought at Tiffany's

I really do believe in you
Let's see if you believe in me
Santa baby, forgot to mention one little thing

A ring, I don't mean on the phone
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight
Hurry down the chimney tonight
Hurry, tonight

Was sung after the past few songs and he loved it. He cheered so much at the performance he was so drunk but the kpd didn't even escort him out at all. Speaking of christmas spirit he was loving it he waited for the last song of the concert to play with excitement. A adult women was acting like a cheerleader luring people to get snacks at the event. Then amore came on stage to sing the christmas song santa can you hear me.

Keep the snow and sleigh rides
Keep those silver bells
Keep the gifts beneath the tree

Give them to someone else
Keep that magic snowman
Keep those twinkly lights
Keep the reindeer
My heart already knows how to fly (mm)
'Cause all I ever wanted
Was nothing I got and

Santa, can't you hear me?
Oh-oh, oh, oh-oh, oh
I don't need a thing
I sent a letter to you
On how to make my dreams come true, yeah, yeah
What I want for Christmas

Hasn't come and I've been so blue
Tell me, what can I do? Oh yeah
Keep the mistletoe (keep the mistletoe)
Unless below is what I need (what I need)
Santa, can't you hear me?

Keep those bows and boxes (keep them bows and them boxes)
Keep those three wise men
No need for a North star
To show me where I will end
'Cause all I ever wanted
Isn't on a shelf and
Santa, can't you hear me?
Oh-oh, oh, oh-oh, oh (ooh yeah, ooh)

I don't need a thing
I sent a letter to you
On how to make my dreams come true, oh, whoa
What I want for Christmas
Hasn't come and I've been so blue
Tell me what can I do? Oh yeah

Keep the mistletoe (keep the mistletoe)
Unless below is what I need
Oh Santa, can't you hear me?
'Cause all I ever wanted

Was nothing I got and
Santa, can't you hear me?
There's one thing that I need
Oh-oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ooh yeah, oh, oh, oh, oh (Santa, baby)
I don't need a thing
I sent a letter to you (you)
On how to make my dreams come true, oh, whoa

What I want for Christmas
Hasn't come and I've been so blue
Tell me what can I do? Oh yeah

Keep the mistletoe
Unless below is what I need, oh
Oh Santa, can't you hear me?

Michael Cheered on amore as the song was being sung. He was happy that amore was performing so good for the concert. He thought amore did the best at the concert really. All the people around him loved it. The last song was all i want for christmas is you and every performer grouped up together for the last song.

I don't want a lot for Christmas,
there is just one thing I need.
I don't care about the presents
underneath the Christmas tree.
I just want you for my own,
more than you will ever know.
Make my wish come true!

All I want for Christmas is you.

I don't want a lot for Christmas,
there is just one thing I need.
Don't care about those presents underneath the Christmas tree.
I don't need to hang my stocking there upon the fireplace.
Santa Claus won't make me happy with a toy on Christmas day,
I just want you for my own, more than you could ever know.
Make my wish come true,

all I want for Christmas is you!
Ooh, baby.

I won't ask for much this Christmas, I won't even wish for snow.
I'm just gonna keep on waiting
underneath the mistletoe.
I won't make a list and send it to the North Pole for St. Nick.
I won't even stay up late to hear those magical reindeers click.
I just want you here tonight, holdin' on to me so tight!
What more can I do?

All I want for Christmas is you!

Wow, all the lights are shining so brightly everywhere,
and the sound of children's laughter fills the air,
and everyone is singing!
I hear those sleigh bells ringing...
Santa won't you bring me the one I really need, won't you please bring my baby to me?

Oh, I don't want a lot for Christmas,
this is all I'm askin' for.
I just wanna see my baby standin' right outside my door.
I just want you for my own, more than you could ever know.
Make my wish come true,

all I want for Christmas...

is you!
Oh, oh, oh-oh oh-oh-oh.
Wow-oh, oh, oh-oh-oh.
Ooh-ooh, oh...

Chapter 9 Quote
I'm being chased and hunted I still reach for the stars just as henry did

Chapter 9 The Walls closing in.
He got drunk as fuck as he headed home to head to sleep after the concert sadly only remembering half of the concert. The best time of his life ruined by alcohol as he passed out in regret sobbing.
A few days later his leg recovered as he ran buy he found Enlai Chang being attacked by Daisuke L. MacAlasdair as he ran in to break up the fight. He pulled Daisuke out of range saving Enlai and doing a good deed.

Skulled looked at the atm with lust for destruction as he got his leg recovered he had a lust for destruction he decided to kick the vending machine causing it to fall over. While he was doing that he was wearing female attire instead of the male attire which kind of looks off as he ran off into the distance with him looking satisfied obviously he was masked hiding his true identity.

He lost a business partner now rival Kytoya he despises him because of his mistrust for him.
Skulled looked at the pole as he was walking around in flagged gang attire masked up but with more anger built up with him about his failed business partner. He smacked a pole denting his bat and the pole. He ran off before anybody could see making a police response impossible
He then a day later was fishing then she met up with a friend made Enlai and made a connection with omura

Skulled saw one guy getting jumped the first time Skulled saved the dude just by draging him out of range Skulled noticed one of them was in a stolen valor and other was just another deliquent. Skulled saved him but he went to go jump the guy in white out kidnapping him Jared Jumped the less fortunate soul who was jumped twice and he decided enough was enough. Skulled jumped in to knock out the deliquent Jared who wasn't really known for good looks. He punched Jared twice and his other non affiliated duo punched Jared once instigating a knock out. Eventually the guy in white out gave up the fight and let everyone else run.

He went to a training with some gang members and went up against this one guy he beat him severely a few hours after Yui walked up to a family conversation with Skulls conversation with His brother arthur. Arthur offended Yui and made threats to Arthur and Skulled stepped in looking at Yui with anger yelling at her. as Yui shoved Skulls business partner brady he attacked yui Skulled punched the girl multiple times knocking out Yui.

He wanted to go to fight club but instead he searched for brady to get his number.
He then went fishing and hanged out with his friend ben they went to a illegal bar set up and they drank and ben blacked out drunk as Michael was gambling. He was concerned but the bar keep kept him safe he brough him back to his apartment then afterwards left to find brady to get his number again and found out his phone got mugged because he told him. He also tried to kidnap a lady but thankfuly the 2 kind souls just told him not to do that instead of attacking him.

Michael layed low for the next couple days even hanging out with his younger sister hiking up karakura mountain. Afterwards however wasn't so legal. Skulled was around the city at night usually a dangerous time as cars passed by and the lively hood of the streets dimmed and people decreased he walked up to the trash can he saw near the bowling alley as he walked up in gang attire then he went up to the trash can with a metal bat in hand as he smashed it he ran off running into the sewers to escape the scene before a response is possible

He started walking away from school until he gazed apon both his friend and a few other people he felt mocked and humiliated so he went to the park next to plaza to fight him. He threw a variety of punches before starting to get major hits on him. He knocked him out afterwards as he was being jumped by 2 people in bats he continued to fight against all odds to get one of their bats but he was hit in the head laying unconscious from the blunt force he was carried from the park to the fight club sewer where they carved Light work on him he woke up in the hospital after the encounter. He exagerated saying he fought 35 kids afterwards due to the quantity of people

Behind the closed doors of the underworld he harbored a extremely good talent he worked days and nights behind closed doors making writings for a company in hopes of one day becoming a reporter responsible for reporting on live news or creating news papers for that of the citizens of karakura all though he was 18 he was one of the most experienced detailed writers in the school potentially.

He never really tried becoming a journalist because he might get turned down by his criminal record but he knew some reporters were criminals so he decided to try practicing writing in hopes he may one day find success in a career of writing and prosperity in cash and income he never really had a stable income so he practice day and night writing in hopes of one day finding a career for himself.

He Wrote descriptions of other people he wrote stories in detention at times showing good skill at times including making full on detailed stories when he was introuble at one point impressing a english teacher. He also works for a tailor company stitch haven as a writer but he doesnt really like his job and he has hopes to find a new job in the future one with success. He knew a aquantiance being a journalist at the school fantasizing about her work he wanted to be just like her when it came to writing he practiced a lot.

He made only 11k off writing so he fished a lot and sold things on auction in hopes he can pay rent every single month barely keeping any money to himself. He needed a new job he was paid poorly and it was hard to get any other jobs with his criminal record but he wasn't a felon all he had was misdemenors which can get even jobs in teaching or in the government or even becoming a reporter though despite his long criminal past he decided it was best to get a stable job to support himself and rehabilitate into society.

He Fished a lot even selling things daily the most he had was 550k in japan he been poor his whole life and financially unstable he could still be considered on the poverty line when it comes to the citizens of karakura but he's only 18 with a caring family he was adopted into. He was continuing to work to hopefully find financial stability he dreamed of going to trade school or doing important things in his life even getting a job. He was motivated by the love for his life and the love for the country immigrated to. To work harder in finding jobs for writing in the future such as becoming a reporter he reads a lot so maybe he could become a priest he continued searching for a job he would love in the future.

He Wrote and wrote practicing to find success in his career hopefully getting important jobs in other jobs or business factions around the city gaining more and more income. A reporter which he didn't know offered him a job when he turned 20 which made him work harder in his professions and finding jobs while trying to keep himself safe from the street life he brought himself into. Finding jobs was hard for him but he doesn't wanna give up just yet. He wants to successfully get a stable career for himself.

He had a troubled child hood but he had good work ethics when it came to jobs even if they are shit in hopes he can find better jobs and pay and get himself a thing to pay his rent every month and not worry so much about when is he gonna get paid for his work. He wanted every chance to get a job and live a happy life but its been hard for him.

He thought of becoming a independent journalist writing books about the things that has been going on even writing a diary of his whole life in detail. He updated it day by day frequently looking over the years and he thought man i changed i hope i keep changing. He did multiple things besides his job to pay rent because of how little he was paid to do his job. You could even call him a independent businessman or a fisherman too really. He had multiple hustles to get a stable income in general in more legal ways despite his criminal past.

His writing Fishing and selling could impress any adult on how he pays his own rent despite being a student at the time. Even though rent is so cheap in karakura its impressive when a student pays their own rent in any nation in the world really. Its like he can do the impossible when working with others to get the job done.

He has a had a brutal past but he thinks he needs to change if he wants to pay his rent every month. He already spends millions a year keeping him fed and having a apartment to live in. Its like when he becomes broke he always finds away to power through it and get anything paid off even bails of other friends. He has had many shit business partners through out the past but he is changing as a person and cutting them off

Ryota and Kyota both his enemies betrayed him multiple times and he started to learn from his mistakes in business in general. He wants to improve his rep in any way he can from his employers to make his criminal past seem blury in job applications despite his criminal past being on job applications because hes a hard worker.

Any thing he does can make a criminal past seem blury in job interviews with the hard work he shown in his past jobs in general Because most businesses wanna make money off hard workers. He works for multiple companies. He continues to be a hard worker in any field he comes across impressing employers by his previous jobs and resumes in hopes of climing the job market.

Michael Katz lost all his moneystraight to nothing but 500 yen in his wallet with no stable income he wonders how the fuck he is gonna get everything back thinking of turning to illegal methods selling alcohol or other stuff to make more money.

He lost every item he needed his bat his balistic mask and his gas mask. He was straight broke due to other rival gangs mugging him. He decided enough was enough and its time to stop focusing on targeting indivisuals and get rich if he keeps losing items hes gonna stay broke and if he wants to compete with his enemies he needs to have money and weapons and he keeps losing them so for the first time he started to avoid fights without people and the best way was to start fishing selling alcohol and other stuff to get rich.

He had nothing in his wallet nothing in his bank account he lost everything except his apartment and other stuff he never sold. He will get his money back and exceed his wealth at all costs to become a formital force in the criminal underworld he realised he might be the hunted for awhile so the best thing to do for now is start to gain wealth instead of targetting indivisuals. He knew he would have a hard time getting a job due to his criminal record and reputation but at all costs he needs money and fast to compete with everyone.

He needs to fight back against muggers and stop them from milking all his cash away and become on top in the economy. Skulled all day through out 12/15/2024 kept selling alcohol to other indivusuals with the goal of gaining wealth through any illegal means possible through selling tons of alcohol he continued doing it to other buyers gaining more money in the proccess. He did this while on the run from multiple criminals bullies and even a grandma who got angry,

He even sold alcohol to possibly dozens of people to make a ton of money he even continued fishing on the side as well as selling on auction with the goals of becoming rich and making it big being able to afford rent every month and getting his dream job. Though he broke up with his girl friend after finding out Kayla was his step cousin which weirded him the fuck out.

Though The Next day he keeps risking his life for money by selling alcohol to people his age. He never dipped his feet in the world of weapon dealings to avoid getting killed by black market dealers but he had the interest of selling illegal items for money to get payment. He stayed on the run being hunted by other criminals or bullies but he was destined to get his next paycheck one day or another hopefully selling all the alcohol bottles he got.

A few days later he was at a christmas dinner with the yakuza and sinnerous Skulled had his doubts with the sinnerous leadership and the yakuza for gaining intel on cults as he kept yapping on how negative the thought the plan was he was called out by a sinnerous higher up and pinned to a wall given death threats and after the meeting he was met with more threats because of his attitude that day theating to destroy his vocal coords, break his leg, and cut off his limbs. The leaders was not happy with the gang that day.

during the morning before school skulled tried to get sales in from his small alcohol business he continued selling alcohol and substances on the streets illegally He looked anywhere for buyers but Skulled had came across his little sister buying 2 alcohol bottles for 28k he said sure and he passed the bottles after the payment running off with out a trace cops not even catching him because karakura doesnt teach people to snitch.

Okay a lot of shit went down like what the fuck happened Skulled got surrounded by most of his own gang thinking he ratted out to the yakuza spilling information out of his mind to them due to the meeting he did shit in. Like what the fuck did he do Skulled known Yuta for a long time as some crazy yakuza mob boss until the contract started and now hes being treated as a rat.

This happened 2 times in his criminal career even getting killed over it was fucking likely. He was only left off with a warning and a stab to the shoulder ouch am i fucking right what did he do to deserve this other than act shitty in front of higher ups he is not a rat. Shortly after that he was acussed of a felony which he did not do and he got very pissed for staying for hours in a cold jail cell as he looked the officers in the eyes with anger.

Thankfully he got his balistic mask back he was given at a gang training like what the fuck. He walked to school afterwards and during school he attended a shitty field trip which multiple students were getting maulled by bears like what the fuck he just wanted to be in jail at that rate thinking everybody surrounding him was a dumb ass or something. He walked back to school and headed towards lunch where a female cut him in line and he was non challant but a quote he

said during that was "Wow you take me for a fat ass don't you why would i fight over school lunch" he got his lunch and talked to a guy that was suddenly getting to know until 2 fuckers Hans and Denise walked up to both of them with harsh intent and these 2 people threatened and commited assault on the guy he was trying to meet like what the fuck it is not that deep he was aggressive defending the guy who he seemed to be a aquantiance by now and

he was cussing out everyone including the teachers until the class president walked up and gave him a detention slip which he ripped his detention slip. He was dragged away by a mutual aquantiance to the nurse where he was treated for his stab wound and after school he tried heading to detention but saw people that was trying to jump him so the logical thing to do was run and he ran for a fucking hour straight trying to get away from them but

he only lost 1 of them and the 2nd one tried knocking him out he was running in the sewers at that point then he was no matched and knocked out by a masked dude named Hans L. Lieren which hes trying to find out his identity and track him down. He was dragged by gang members to a random apartment to heal up as he looked them in the eyes with trust afterwards. After he healed up he headed with a guy to do some sprays so he can get something done in the gang of sinnerous afterwards he ran off and changed in his own apartment.

Shortly after Skulled discovered Kayla was dead his own step cousin he was thinking what the fuck am i supposed to do as soon after she shortly met Devon who he felt disapointed in himself for because he fucking only known devon for one day and he kissed him and everybody calls him a femboy. He is just bullied and only valued as a slut what can he do now.

He walked to school the next day got into multiple fights winning one and losing another fight then he just sold fish and alcohol nothing much really happened today but through out the pain hes been through he recovered in Maddies grasp. Michael katz attended the winter event which was a ice skating ring with devon his now lover he ice skated while drunk and tried to teach him how to ice skate in general. He kept ice skating and Michael brough devon to his apartment afterwards and made love with each other afterwards Michael grabbed Apollo with Devon to baby sit him and kept him in his apartment for awhile until they left. He left a cooked turkey on the counter of his kitchen as he walked into his bedroom and went to sleep.

The next day he noticed a text message a break up message from his boyfriend devon he got so upset as he headed home and drank a ton to feel better as he cried deep inside that he didn't truely love him in his mind. He was upset and broken hearted at the sight of such a text message from his past lover as he looked on the ground crying as he smashed the vodka bottle. He walked around plaza finding christal while he was still drunk and started a conversation and when he sobered up he walked inside the school we caused a fuck ton of trouble yelling in foreign languages swear words and cursing out the School leadership team behind his back until He Met Rytoya K. O'Sullivan he was agressive at first and calmed down and went to his stupid initiation until he realized how dangerous it was to converse this sensitive topic about gangs with him so he fled and when Rytoya was being jumped he helped with Christal beat the rival of Rytoya and the 3 swirlied the guy after school aiding Rytoya in the fight despite Michael actually hating him.

We were tracking down our original targets that being cheerleaders and jocks who jumeped Kizu as Skulled walked with a non gang member that was trying to help with the troubles Kizu was facing as they walked through the city he realized the jocks were still in the school so Skulled asked the non gang member to unmask and lure them Skulled and Kizu waited under a bridge but it was no use they then meeted up for a 2nd time and skulled tried to convince them to unmask and walk into the school to confront them but Juno S. Moon was starting to follow us. We warned her dozens of times not to follow more than 3 times then Skulled had enough and started to rough up the girl by slamming a bat against the head of the woman denting the bat and making it bloody as Juno Tried to break the grab Kizu punched Her in the face knocking the girl out as they ran away to lay low from the crimes they just commited against a civilian leaving Juno to rot in the snow Afterwards he hanged out with Christal and headed towards a store inwhich he bought a spray can and brought her to a spray location to spray sinnerous affiliated shit on the spray location and afterwards they ran off

Skulled was walking around town until he saw woodson old turf . The bowling alley. He grown to like the ex woodson members after the recruitment. He needed something to begin the hard year of 2025 after the shit hole he was brought into many times in 2024. He walked over looked at the table in the eyes looking at it with a bat. He smashed it 3 times leaving it in 4 pieces as he ran off into the night pretty recognizable if anybody witnessed but there was no witnesses. Nobody....
He ran off into the night thus ending the vandalism he caused.

Skulled was walking around selling alcohol to other people commiting felonies on felonies trying to make money as he encountered a buyer as he sold alcohol to a indivusual as he walked off someone recorded it and threaten to go to the police as he ran off. The same girl followed him as he was talking to a guy who was selling alcohol to him and the same girl showed up and Skulled Threatened the female that he would break his phone which esculated into a fight they extanged punches and the girl came out on top. He was hospitalized but his injuries were not bad enough to result in recovery time so he got released and started searching for the girl.
He was adopted by the Takeshima family afterwards by a teacher but he still was in a struggle of gang violence.

He kidnapped a man with Sin as he brought him to a apartment they knocked him unconscious and broke his leg. Afterwards the police broke down the door arresting the duo Skulled laid in his cell as it was the end of the road for him in the criminal underworld

life flashed before my eyes arrested 6 times. I feel like I won't be on the streets for awhile. I been in here for 2 months and 10 days in prison they usually call it months instead of years. I'm waiting for my release and life doesn't seem all bright to me. I started to think I was wrong in the end with how many enemies i gained. 2 months ago I wouldnt say I was wrong maybe I really have change as a human being
Maybe i should serve my time oh and buy a knife to fucking murder the cop that arrested me. Change does really feel good to me.

Chapter 10 Quote
Nothings better than the beauty and the Joy of spring

Chapter 10 All Hell goes loose in spring

Michael got bailed out by Christal and henry the birds were chirping and the beauty of spring has begun and He was back in the criminal underworld once more but weaker and more broke than before. Its been months since he was arrested but now it was his time to shine as a independent man in sinnerous he lost his higher up position awhile ago but it was fine he could get back into the gang and serve the delinquent gang as it was ment to be Christal was hanging out with Michael after he got out and he physically laughed at Yuto both of them seeing him as a enemy afterwards they drove around in michaels car having a nice joy ride in the beautiful spring of March.

Afterwards he fished and went to school at school he got into a fight with Yuto which he was clearly losing until the teachers stepped in and broke it up and gave them a detention afterwards he went to class then met someone called david and had a nice conversation until Yuto called Michael a dumb ass afterwards Rina yelled "Loser" as Michael asked who she called a loser turns out rina doesn't know his name and just calls him a blonde guy and Michael asked Rina for 5k politely because he was broke after he got out of jail. He tried to find a romantic partner but there was no luck. He said hi to neko and had a harmless conversation before leaving. Michael also jumped a man called Taro after he kicked him down the stairs and assaulted him with multiple people as he drew lightwork on his face he ran away and now hes waiting to get his get back on Yuto who is a fighter and excessively dangerous without the use of a gang.

Michael has had a bullying problem at school ever since he got back as he is not really a well liked human he really did not have oppertunities to attack Yuto left but then the oppertunity came when Yuto walked upon Michael while fishing Michael immediantly cracked his ownknuckles and prepared for a fight throwing punches and kicks and his friends surrounded Yuto And Michael but did nothing to stop the fight Michael threw multiple punches Yuto punched him in the face Michael Got behind him and hit him twice knocking him out before running away.

Afterwards He had to guard a extremely important member of sinnerous as he blocked the door as the gang conversated with man'en was it a start to a hostile or friendly relationship. He or the gang doesn't know but what the lead knows is that they have a history for back stabbing so he was making sure nothing hostile happened with the other members inside turf even erroding into school time staying as defence. Luckily nobody was harmed.

Afterwards he attended school nothing really much happened other than him helping others how to get around the school and even befriending others after school he was jumped by a newer gang that he doesnt recognize Shintou-Kai as he was jumped by 8 people afterwards he was brought to turf for safety a few days later Michael was fishing and afterwards got involved in a turf brawl and mugged 5k off 2 people and knocked out a male with a already broken leg.

Sinnerous members was pretty bored doing tasks inside warehouse Michael was fishing at the time but then he was called to a gang brawl to help viltrum and the gang he's in sinnerous in a all out gang fight to help save the allied gang of sinnerous at speak easy tunnel Parabellum and Shintou-Kai and a mix of other allies they had was there. Michael was just kicking the door trying to breach but he couldnt do it until one of the members showed up with a axe and broke the door open and afterwards a long gang fight happened lasting hours sinnerous and viltrum came out on top beating parabellum and Shintou-Kai Michael took that as a oppertunity to mug 5k from 2 victims making 10k in the process afterwards Michael went back to fishing and that was his day.

Michael went to school and he was walking around until a Zindel family member confronted him and bullied him for getting jumped Michael called his brother a bitch and a ho. Afterwards he got into a altercation with summer getting into a fight but then he fled with Kayro and afterwards got into a fight with Kayro as well then they decided to stop fighting afterwards because they we're cool I guess. Santiago wanted a spar and Michael agreed and started to fight Santiago Destroying him in a fight afterwards Kayro and Santiago spared and a teacher confronted the 2 after Santiago was knocked out and they both got detentions. Michael got away with his fights and altercations that day After school ended he went and dyed his hair black at his own apartment and after a long day of school. he went on a long night of fishing for wealth.

Afterwards Michael went for a drive in his car as he drove around doing donuts and drifting then he decided to go to plaza to find new friends and kayro sounded like a cool guy to be friends with as Michael approached he hanged around him and even talked to him like he was cool and all. He got a new phone from him after asking for phone numbers because Michael said he lost his smart phone. Now he had 2 phones 1 for crime and 1 for legal purposes. a few days later he went back to fishing and someone asked him if he wanted to buy alcohol Michael basically said no.

Afterwards he went to school before chugging a alcohol bottle and running around drunk at school. He then did a funny dance move for like 3 people afterwards he blacked out drunk as a professor walked up concerned After he woke up and kept talking with the girls on what happened they said he was dancing and he continued dancing then a councilor came and gave him a detention Afterwards Cyprine took him away to the roof top and watched him so he didnt do anything stupid as he was playing music Michael was busting moves and he even punched a tree forgetting some of the scenarios and such a short amount of time by the time he was sober he forgot almost everything.

After getting out of prison he isnt exactly as strong as he was anymore he got skinnier but he still is a ferocious fighter striking fear in anyone dude to his skill.He was pressured by kiri into barking like a dog on school grounds quite humiliating as he was treated like a dog by her quite humiliating it was and also Michael Encountered one of his buddies rina.

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