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Middle School

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IGN: AidenSpot
Date: 8/8/2020
Reason for suggestion:
Hey all.
So I've been doing recent thinking and how people with green nametags, meaning from grades 7 to 9, are discriminated against in our community and I have a way to fix it: more discrimination. If we could create a separate middle school building, or create a designated floor for them, and have their classes be staffed by high-schoolers or college kids in positions of power, like councilors or team members of any sports, they'd get an introduction from the best and be better members of the server by knowing more about what they're playing on. These players would also get moderation power in their classes, so failrpers would get flagged, or something of the sorts. We could even introduce sports teams for them with their own mascot, and have it coached by volunteers from the other teams would lead to more skill throughout the server.
I hope you all take my words into thought. Thanks!


Level 35
Most of the time its the behaviour or skin of green tags that makes people take them less seriously, I do not see space for another building at school and I don't really see the need to make this happen as there arent many green tags


Level 137
in Japan, high schools and middle schools are more or less the same thing. they call them "junior high school" and "senior high school" (you can guess which one is middle school). they dont have seperate buildings, rather they are all connected and possibly shared (one side of the school goes to x and the other goes to x).

i do agree that junior high school (grades 7 - 9) should have seperate classes from senior high school (grades 10 - 12) so it creates more realism. the main thing we've discussed a lot is how we can make the server more "japanese" and i believe this would help greatly. of course, with the many pros theres a whole lotta cons. ill just say the main one: not many, if any, teachers would like to spend their day teaching grade 7 - 9. i've seen the classes they've had with them and it isn't very reassuring. this is due to a new player's lack of knowledge with the rules and/or roleplay as a whole and not a lot of people, especially teachers who have more on their plate than just teaching students, would like to do this.

as for the discrimination: this is a big problem we cant solve on just our own, unfortunately. grades 7 - 9, or "green tags," are thought poorly of due to their lack of knowledge with the server rules and/or roleplay itself. we're terribly sorry they have to deal with such discrimination, but unfortunately it isn't something we can fix all by ourselves.

tl;dr: split the school up (one side is junior high the other is senior high) and host seperate classes for grades 7 - 9 so its a bit more "japanese realism"

since this is a copy with the correct format, ill close the other one you made and request for it to be deleted
Last edited:


Level 4
Most of the time its the behaviour or skin of green tags that makes people take them less seriously, I do not see space for another building at school and I don't really see the need to make this happen as there arent many green tags

Personally i’ve seen a slight fluctuation of ‘loyal’ players actually requesting to become Grade-8/Grade-9. Though it is a sight rare to find, this could also be another thing some people are interested in with roleplaying; though you may face consequence of a bad rep whilst being a green tag. As somewhat stated above; this could maybe bring somewhat better learning privileges for newer players, as well as bringing something different for people wanting to experience the ‘Middle School Life’. Just my opinion though, after all it is called School Roleplay (:

Aiden (Big A)

Level 1
Thread starter
in Japan, high schools and middle schools are more or less the same thing. they call them "junior high school" and "senior high school" (you can guess which one is middle school). they dont have seperate buildings, rather they are all connected and possibly shared (one side of the school goes to x and the other goes to x).

i do agree that junior high school (grades 7 - 9) should have seperate classes from senior high school (grades 10 - 12) so it creates more realism. the main thing we've discussed a lot is how we can make the server more "japanese" and i believe this would help greatly. of course, with the many pros theres a whole lotta cons. ill just say the main one: not many, if any, teachers would like to spend their day teaching grade 7 - 9. i've seen the classes they've had with them and it isn't very reassuring. this is due to a new player's lack of knowledge with the rules and/or roleplay as a whole and not a lot of people, especially teachers who have more on their plate than just teaching students, would like to do this.

as for the discrimination: this is a big problem we cant solve on just our own, unfortunately. grades 7 - 9, or "green tags," are thought poorly of due to their lack of knowledge with the server rules and/or roleplay itself. we're terribly sorry they have to deal with such discrimination, but unfortunately it isn't something we can fix all by ourselves.

tl;dr: split the school up (one side is junior high the other is senior high) and host seperate classes for grades 7 - 9 so its a bit more "japanese realism"

since this is a copy with the correct format, ill close the other one you made and request for it to be deleted
I covered the reasons of teachers by using high school and college leadership, kind of like a babysitting job. We also could just dedicate a floor or even just a classroom or two to them - therefore we wouldn't have to build anything new. The people hosting each class would get moderation tools, like being able to mute students, kick them, flag them for other plays to know if they're likely to failrp, and even banning them from their classes alltogether. I think we could easily get through all these problems if you'd like to hmu on discord. my tag is aidenspot#9742.

Aiden (Big A)

Level 1
Thread starter
Another way to use this middle school is as an advanced tutorial, so there would be meta lessons about roleplay and standards on the server.


Level 183

- Thanks for the feedback thread, all views & opinions here will be taken into account.

- An exact response is expected to be given this Friday / Saturday evening after staff have been given time to review & discuss this together as a team.
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