Level 2

What is your Minecraft username?:
What is your time zone?:
Central Standard Time (UTC -6)
What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)
Tag: gaymer
User: @misterasylum__
Link all previous applications you made on the server:
French Language Application
Italian Language Application
Reporter Application
JSL Language Application
German Language Application
French Language Application
Italian Language Application
Reporter Application
MikeyTheBoi - Reporter Application
OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information: What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts: MikeyTheBoi Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?: I have Discord and a microphone, Discord: mrasylum__ List your timezone and country: CST USA...
JSL Language Application
German Language Application
Judge Application:
Judge Application:
Denied - Judge | MikeyTheBoi's Application
In-game Name: MikeyTheBoi (Account applying) MrAsylum_ Discord Tag: Username: gaymer Tag: mrasylum__ Do you have a working microphone?: Yes! Timezone & Country: US Central Standard Time (UTC -6) United States Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them): Describe your activity...
Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
Unless I’m at school or work, I spend nearly half of my spare time playing on SRP, sometimes online for lengths of 3-5 hours. On a scale of 1-10, I’d rate my current activity about a 7, though recently I’ve been fairly inactive or AFK when online, as the main character I play is ‘out of town’ and have no reason to play other characters currently. I recently just left the reporter faction, and as well just left GangRP. Given a good excuse I’ll find any reason to hop on and play, and I think a new role would definitely help increase my activity.
Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
I’d say that around half of my Minecraft playtime has been taken up by roleplay. I’ve poured countless hours into writing stories, sculpting characters, and wrapping my head around the worlds they play in. SRP is my most recent server, and have seriously developed my understanding of roleplay since joining. I've participated in multiple factions including GangRP and the reporter faction, and looking forward to making room for more development by diving into a new faction.
What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
[Grade-12] - Danyon Muroto (Primary)
[Bird] Huginn (Alternate)
[Grade-12] Tari Manella (Alternate)
What is the subject you want to teach?:
Creative Writing / Literature

What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:
As a current college student working towards becoming an educator, I find motivation in roleplaying as a professor to help infer the feeling of an authentic educational environment. I am very knowledgeable in writing and have been writing for over 2 years as a creative hobby that was influenced by my roleplaying experience. I have spent a lot of time learning the skills necessary to form a clear, concise, and intriguing writing style, and wish to pass that skill onto others who want to learn how to write (even if it’s through a roleplay!)
Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
****ysis Project: The class will be split into groups, the number depending on the amount of students in the classroom. Every group will give a paper asking questions about their own ****ysis as a group over the same piece of literature, more than likely a small poem or writing that can easily be studied in class. Close to the end of class the groups will present their ****ysis by answering the questions in front of the other students and provide their answers. Grades may be determined by the amount of work put into their ****ysis as a group, as well as presentation.
Descriptive Writing: Students will be handed a blank paper at the beginning of class to write on. They’ll be given about 30 (IC) minutes to write 1 short poem on their own that describes something in the room that they can see - whether it’s a person, an object, maybe a view out the window. With the remaining time in class, they will present their poems, and students will have an opportunity to try and guess what the poem is about. The students may be graded based on who can write the best poem that follows instruction, and as well depends on whether students understood what the poem was about.
Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
Introduction to Setting: Students will be brought to different locations outside school, given forms to fill out questions asking about their surrounding environment. Questions may pertain to what the setting directly is, what emotions may be invoked by being in this setting, what senses are most prominent, and so on. Following, they will also be tasked to write an introduction to a setting based on one of these environments, as if they were writing the beginning of a chapter. Students will be graded on their length, detail, vocabulary, and how clear their writing describes the location they chose.

Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
After quickly assessing the situation, such as how many people are involved and what the situation is about, Danyon may first choose to radio another professor or teacher to assist with the encounter. Then he would clearly state to the students if everything is okay, and ask what is going on. Depending on the students' responses, Danyon may further intervene and separate the groups and de-escalate the scene, and calm both parties. Danyon would ask questions, and hopefully discern the reasoning for the encounter, and properly discipline the students and direct them to different locations, whether it’s simply to separate the groups or to direct them to an office if necessary.
Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
Danyon would remain strict with the student and answer the question, providing quick instruction to also remain quiet. If the questions continue, he would warn the student that further discipline may be used if they continue to be a disruption. Danyon would as well follow through with further discipline if instructions are not followed as requested.
Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
Danyon’s class would include a strict no distractions policy, as writing requires a strong focus. This includes phones, music, and of course, disruptive behavior. He would ask these students to settle down and follow his instructions and as well to put their focus into the assignments in front of them. If they would continue to be disruptive, Danyon may choose to discipline the students properly with either detention or further, such as a discussion with SLT.
Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
Danyon would have first quickly radioed that there’s a fight at his location and asked for assistance, then quickly stepping in and stating that the students need to separate. Once the students have separated either on their own or with the assistance of another member of faculty, Danyon would ask everyone not involved to move on from the scene. He would detail the situation from his perspective when he arrived to both the students and faculty present, and then ask the students involved what happened. Once having assessed the cause and the responses, Danyon would discipline the students as needed and then direct them to the necessary locations, such as the nurse or an office.

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What do they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?
Danyon is a quick witted, calm, and unique individual with his take on the life that surrounds him. With a very relaxed expression and a carefree style exemplified by his simple nature, Danyon helps bring calm to most situations with his easy going attitude and gentle voice. Shoulder length hair rests gently upon his head, framing a beautiful set of green eyes that detail a level of enthusiasm and confidence in any scene. Always carrying with him a journal, Danyon can be seen writing in nearly every moment, whether for work or for fun, all entirely out of a passion for writing, and as well for a necessity to retain a memory that is sometimes inhibited by his epilepsy.
With the given opportunity, Danyon shares his outlook on the life he’s been given with students, colleagues, and friends alike. He finds enjoyment in teaching students the power of writing and its influence in the world - whether it be a piece of history or his own recollection of some moment, there is something to be written about, and Danyon hopes that he can share this with everyone he comes across.
With this Danyon carries a very welcoming attitude that he’s worked hard to develop following a difficult upbringing, and tries to make something better out of most situations and encounters. He’s wise in the sense of knowing how to handle a situation, and reacts accordingly and appropriately, putting what is necessary first before his own emotion.
Character Picture:

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.
Danyon Muroto was raised in Stowe, Vermont, first named as Danyon Manella as he was raised into an Italian-American family as the second son out of three. Growing up with an (at the time) loving mother and father, and as well two rowdy and rambunctious brothers, for a moment Danyon experienced a wonderful childhood. Growing up he learned how to box alongside his brother Tari, challenging himself to push his limits and test his character in his early stages of growth.
His limits were ultimately tested, soon learning that his mother and father would be divorcing following a questionable decision by his father- to return to Italy and return to a former life of organized crime, out of a necessity to protect the family he had helped create. His mother saw none of it in kindness and sheltered her children from him, now the Muroto family. In only a few years, Danyon saw a new father enter his life, Jeremiah Alkens, who was only a worse influence than anything his real father could possibly bring around. Danyon saw the small family he had slowly tear itself apart with unhealthy habits and aggression, of which had become imprinted onto Danyon in his younger teenage years.
In a few more years, following an altercation that left Danyon to become somewhat shunned in the family, and as well his first epileptic episode that left his memory somewhat ridden, he was moved to Karakura where his mothers parents took him in temporarily before he was able to make it on his own at the age of 16, and began attending Karakura High School. In Karakura he would learn to settle his poor temper and foul attitudes, meeting many individuals who helped break down the tall walls that Danyon had built around himself. While in progress of these changes he’d find himself in his fathers similar shoes, and became affiliated with Man’en, an underground intelligence organization, acting as their head of intel. On top of endless file work, Danyon spent time learning to develop his writing skills for the sake of his work and his own personal memory. After years of criminal work, he retired from his position in Man’en with peace of mind, choosing to apply himself in education and begin his path into creative writing.
At 18, Danyon went to college outside of Karakura, traveling to Kyoto to attend Ritsumeikan University to pursue studies in writing. He attended college for four years to achieve a bachelors in creative writing, putting his nose into the studies and settling down on becoming an educator while working part time at a library with a position in record maintenance. Even in his spare time, he didn’t pause from writing, becoming enveloped in creative ideas and developing his technique as a writer. He’d spend his breaks from school traveling to inspiring locations, learning to enjoy the environment surrounding him and learning to put it on paper. After spending a few more years in college, he’d built his education to earn a masters degree in literature at 24, as well as minoring in education to earn the requirements for a teaching position.
At the beginning of his educational career, he worked as an english teacher at a couple different high schools residing near Kyoto while he continued to build his studies and his resume, diving into his first experiences as an educator. He worked for two years as a high school educator before he began to apply for higher positions in education as a professor, applying first to Karakura college.
Danyon awaits the opportunity to return to his new home in Karakura, in hopes of becoming an educator at the school that helped shape him to become the better person he is today. In the meantime, he spends his time building a new family with his fiance while she still works in Karakura, writing something new every day, all while working towards finding the job that suits his work best.

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)
Full Name:
Danyon Muroto
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Given Name(s):
Danyon, Danny, Dan
Preferred Name:
Gender & pronouns:
Male, He/Him
Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:
Italian American
Current Location:
Kyoto, Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Teaching Experience (# of years):
2 years of education experience.
Working Experience (# of years):
5 Years total work experience
Record Maintenance (Library in Kyoto): 3 years
High School Educator (English): 2 years
Academic Degree:
Bachelors in Creative Writing
Masters in Literature
Year of Graduation:
Creative Writing, Literature
Native Languages:
Italian, English, Japanese
Other Languages:
German, JSL
Preferred Teaching Subject:
English, Creative Writing, Literature
Applying as Danyon Muroto [Grade-12] Primary