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Miko/Priestess Application


Level 11


Do you have a microphone and would you be able to joins discord calls when needed?:
Do you plan to be present for our events and everyday activities?:
Yes, and I plan to help coordinate/set up these events/everyday activities
Are you prepared to learn about Shintoism?:
Yes, and I think that I would enjoy learning very much.
What do you know of Shintoism?:
Shintoism is a religion that focuses more on the worship of natural things, as well as ancestors. There is also a power known as Kami.
What are you applying for?:
Miko / Priestess
Why are you applying for this role?:
Because my character, Elizabeth Halton, finds herself to be open minded and in search of knowledge regarding Shintoism. I have also hosted a Religious Studies Club at the school, though that was under a different character. Still, I want to learn more about Shintoism.
Do you understand that you may be removed if you break our rule or server rules?:
Yes, and I understand why that rule needs to be in place.
What are your expectations from the shrine?:
Serious and dedicated roleplay, preferably more literate in terms of word use and descriptiveness. I also expect to derive some knowledge of Shintoism

What is your character’s name?:
Elizabeth Halton
What is your age?:
Why are you applying to work at this monastery?:
I spent my time in high school dedicating myself to learning about other religions from around the world, learning each religions' core beliefs, ways of life, and what rituals they performed. Shintoism, to me, is something I would be able to apply myself to, take pride in, and hopefully represent at some age.
Do you plan to be devoted?:
Yes, and I plan on passing down or influencing younger audiences to become devoted as well.
What is your background? (Backstory.):
I was born in the United States of America, and eventually moved to Japan when I was old enough to do so. I came from a wealthy and prestigious family, and in my upbringing learned the values of respect and manners. When I was in Highschool my interest was peaked at the mention of Shintoism, since, for me, I had never heard of it.
Write a letter to the shrine lead:
Dear Shrine Lead,

I am writing to you on this day to ask for your approval for me to serve in the monastery. I have taken the time to learn of various religions, and wish to become devoted to Shintoism. If I am given the honor of serving the monastery I will make my best effort to pass on the information to a younger audience, and teach those who wish to learn the importance of Shintoism. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter.


Elizabeth Halton


How do you cleanse before entering the shrine?:
First, I would take the ladle in my right hand, picking up some water with it before cleansing my left hand. Then, I would take the ladle in my left hand and do the same with my right. After this I would put the ladle back in my right hand before scooping some more water into it, cupping my hand as I poured the water into it. I would then raise my left hand to my mouth and cleanse it, then proceeding to once again cleanse my left hand. Finally, I would let the remaining water trickle down the ladle to cleanse it before setting it down. I would now be cleansed and ready to enter.
How do you pray to a Kami?:
I would stand in front of either the onshinsatsu or kamidana, bowing twice before clapping my hands twice as well. I would then bow once more.
How do you enter shrine grounds?:
I would bow to the torii gate, then entering moreso to one side of the gate, making sure to not enter directly through the middle. When leaving, I would face the shrine and bow once more, exiting the same way in which I entered.
How would you proceed with a ritual to offer the kami offerings?:
I would make an envelope with my offering inside, placing my name as well as "an offering for the Kami" on it.
Someone comes to the shrine and asks for information about Shintoisme, what can you respond to them with using your own knowledge about the religion?:
I could give them insight about what Shintoism believes in, and more specifically help them out by informing them on the procedures of entering the shrine, cleansing one's self, and making offerings.
Someone wishes to receive a rite of passage for their child, how do you proceed?:
I would tell them what the procedure would be, then informing them to bring the baby back after a month, 31 days for a boy, and 33 for a girl. When the date came, I would then wish the baby a life of happiness and health.
You notice a ritual as not been done. What do you do?:
I would immediately correct the behavior, and help fix what mistake may have been made. If it was done on accident, I would help give some insight on the proper way to do a ritual, and tell the person what they did wrong.​
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Level 63
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