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Millie_GW || College Council Application


Level 12


What is your Minecraft Username?:

Past warns/kicks/bans?:
I do not have any kicks, nor bans. Only any normal kicks for internet loss of connection as well as role change. And that is really it.

What is your timezone?:
CAT | BST +1 | GMT +2

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your Discord tag)?:

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server? (Approved, Denied & Pending):

[ACCEPTED]: | Millie_GW’s-language-application.40602/ | Millie_GW | Millie_GW | Mia_RP | Mia_RP | Mia_RP


Describe your activity on the server?:
I am on quite often on SRP, I come on quite regularly throughout the week. I would say possibly four to six days every week. And when I am on I'm typically on for a minimum of twenty minutes, and a maximum of five to six hours. Sometimes I am on and off the game throughout the day but I do come on quite often even if it's just for a little bit at a time.

Are you aware that inactivity for more than 15 days without an inactivity log will result in removal from the council?:

Yes, I am completely aware of this, and respect the consequences of such actions.​


What is the student council?:
The student council consists of two different groups made up of a bunch of students, one council group being for high school while the other is for college. Both high school and college council members are ones that have chosen or volunteered to participate in helping out the school along with many other members. Both college and high school councils often work together in order to execute and pursue different forms of activities and events for other students and any participating teachers and school faculty. As well as sometimes helping plan events they are also able to take part in them. Whether it's selling food, items, or anything else needed for them to do in order to help out at a certain event. At this event, all participants that have been chosen from the council to help out will have their own jobs in order to help. The council is mainly involved in the idea of helping others. Helping students, teachers, and really any other school faculty that might need the extra hand. They mainly watch over and help the students during school hours as well as sometimes after school hours if an event or something else is taking place. They are to make sure everything is going well and that no fights are breaking out and no violence is being discussed or implemented.

Who or what brought you to apply for the student council? (e.g. a friend, colleague, etc):
I got my first thought of applying to be a part of the council through a friend of mine who used to be a college counselor. From asking questions about the council and what it's like, it seemed like something I quite typically really wanted to try out. They were able to describe to me what they typically liked when being part of the council and certain things they got to do. They thought if it was something I wanted to possibly try for and thought it is something that I'd enjoy that I should try applying for it, as they thought that I would typically enjoy what I'd do and would be quite good at it.

What does the school council of Karakura do?:
Like I said for the first question. They basically help with events and with people. It's like a job for students that they don't get paid for and are volunteering to help. They help during events and with students that might need help. Councilors are able to have meetings to discuss certain things and topics. Having councilors are typically a way of making the school a bit more safe as well as fun. They are able to watch the corridors and help any kids in need especially when the teachers or school faculty isn't there, or cant help. Another person that students are able to turn to and ask questions and as well ask for help when they can't get it from a teacher, or if they would just prefer to ask someone from the council.

How would you describe your work ethic?:
I am very friendly and one that usually gets along with many people. Being a part of the college council, I feel I'd be good at talking to students as well as helping out anyone who would preferably need it. I like talking and conversating with people and as a counselor, it is easy for me to just talk to students or have them talk to me if they ever needed anything. For events, I try to come to as many as possible even if I'm not taking part. I like to be able to help with anything and be able to take part in events as well as coordinate with others when doing so. I would usually present for any meetings or events that I need to attend as I try to come to as many as I possibly can. Along with that, though I can be more or less forgetful of things sometimes, I try to get certain things done as quickly as possible. Especially when I'm quite fond of the topic or specific thing I'm doing, or if it's very important I'm usually very quick at finishing things unless I happen to be very busy at the time and am not able to do it. I'm quite quick on my feet and am usually able to do things on the spot unless something is unclear, directions or showcases of examples always help me more and I'm able to do whatever I'm trying to do better unless the explanation or idea of such thing is quite simple then I'm quite good on my own. Pairing up with others for anything is fine by me as I love working with others.

What interests you the most about the student council?:
Being able to work with other students and as well help other students and faculty really intrigue me. I like to be able to help and communicate with other people. I feel like being a counselor would be good for me as I would get to do both of those things at the same time. Communication is very important when you are a counselor as you have to be able to speak to other members about ideas or if there are any problems. As well you must be able to communicate when you are put on the spot when students are asking for help or doing something that is against the school's rules. Besides communication I like to be able to help out at events, I typically like having a part to help during events as well as being able to pitch my own ideas. I always see councilors helping out a lot at events, and would love to be able to do the same. I always like coming up with ideas for new fun things to do as well as just being able to help in general. Each counselor has their own way of dealing with situations and communicating and I would like to be able to see and hear different members' ideas and opinions that might help me be better at dealing with certain situations. Working with different people and seeing their own points of view, is always very enjoyable to me when I am able to conversate and communicate about something I feel I am able to help with as well as be a part of. I most genuinely feel I would be a good addition to the college council as I am always willing to be present and to help out.

Do you have past experience in roleplaying (if so, summarize your experience)?:
I have been playing since March 2020, possibly before that as I can't remember if it was March or February, but in all, I've been playing for I believe about a year and a couple of months. In about six to seven months it will be about two years the I have been playing. Though I. only joined the forums in January of 2021. I've had my fair share of experience, as besides the fact I've been paying for a while. My alt is a high school teacher, so I am able to work on my communication skills as well as dealing and helping students as well as teaching them through that. I'm able to learn a bit more about how to act in certain situations and how to deal with them. As already a school faculty I have some experience with helping students and other teachers with different things which in a way I would already have some experience of what a counselor would do. Mainly just in the aspect of helping students and other faculty if in case of violence from students or someone breaking the rules or just generally if someone is asking my character a question.​


You are on the student council and a member submits an awful idea. What do you do?:
No idea from a fellow member or student is awful nor unimportant. Everyone gets to share their ideas and have time to explain why they think their idea is something that we should consider doing and that's one of the reasons I think being a counselor is about. As everyone should be able to share their ideas without someone just blankly telling them that it's an awful idea, or that something in their suggestion or idea is just completely terrible. I would typically, like any other counselor should, being as to listen to their idea and the reasoning for it and how it would work and then suggest a few ideas as well as asking them a question. Like "How would this part work?", "How do you think this would play out in an event", as well as "What part of your idea would be most pleasing to students and faculty". All ideas deserve a right to be considered so apart from that, suggesting ideas to make someone else's idea better. Adding things together with other members to make something that could become a possible event. There is no way of flat out saying that someone's idea is awful because it isn't. There should always be a way to make it better and to satisfy everyone if someone thinks the idea needs just a bit more to it. The idea will not always be used but thinking more about it, suggesting other ideas for it, and in general just considering the idea always helps.

In a situation where you propose an idea, and everyone else dislikes it. How would you go about this?:
If everyone dislikes the idea, that is completely fine I can always think of different ones. But the first thing I would consider and ask is why they typically dislike the idea and which part doesn't make sense for the one big idea or event that we are trying to come up with. As well as which part could mainly be improved. This way I would have a better idea of what I should typically be trying to think of for an idea and which parts I should know wouldn't work out for what we are trying to do. Because if I just let it go and don't ask at all about why they dislike it, I would constantly be thinking of ideas that others already know wouldn't work or wouldn't be good for what was trying to come up with. Asking questions is always the key, you want to make sure you understand everything, so then when you thinking of different ideas and suggestions it's easier to know what not to suggest or think of for new ideas. After asking a few questions and making sure I understand the whole thing, I typically would just move on and try to think of new ideas.

There is a split decision on an idea. The councilors begin to debate if the idea should be accepted. As time goes on, the debate turns into an argument! How do you handle the situation?:
I would hope that this would never happen over an idea. But I would talk to the council leader about the discussion to where either they have everyone just quiet down and do a hand raised vote so then nobody would be talking and it would be easy to see who wants what without the whole argument. As well asking them politely to discard both ideas or mush them both together in a way both parties of either decision would get a bit of what they wanted to do or both parties would get neither until everyone decided on the same idea with arguments. If that doesn't work, I'd start asking fellow members next to me to hopefully help calm down other members so that there wouldn't be such an argument. As a council we should not be fighting and arguing over simple ideas instead we should be conversating and discussing why and what others like and dislike about ideas in a way to get to the bottom of which idea we should do instead of breaking out into a full-on argument.

A counselor is stirring up problems and bullying students on school grounds! What would you do?:
Going up to the counselor, I would ask them about what they were doing and why they shouldn't do it. Make sure they are aware that as a part of the council it is not something they should be doing. Asking around to other members, see if anyone else has seen the specific counselor doing the same act or a different issue that might need to be addressed that is something that as a counselor one is not supposed to be doing. If others have seen them doing so, I would go to the college council leader and explain to them about the issue and about how many other counselors have experienced and seen them doing the same things. If it is the first time they have done it and nobody else has seen them doing such an act. Still going to the council leader, I would explain the issue once more, making sure to discuss the part where the certain counselor explained that they wouldn't do the act again. Making sure to give the council leader just an overview of the issue to make sure they are aware of the situation and let them handle it from there. If I happen to see them do it again, I would continue to go back to the council leader to notify them of the continuing issue.

The council president says something you completely disagree with, how would you combat this?:
Instead of just lashing out or interrupting someone else to talk, I would politely raise my hand to inform them I wish to speak. Once I am told I am able to further and add to the conversation, I would start off by saying that there are a few things from what they said that I have a different view and opinion on. Going from each point, I would further explain why I believe what they said is somewhat off and further communicate why I believe my certain opinion. I'm always open to listening to new ideas, but if I believe I don't exactly agree. I will make a few suggestions to their idea or what they say and see if it's possible if they just hadn't thought of it that way or if it's possible that we are able to add certain things to what they said as not everyone might agree. Start a conversation in order to resolve the specific statement that might not be too clear or can be more opinionated from members throughout the council who might also have other ideas and opinions.

There’s a staggering amount of tension/drama between two councilors. It’s beginning to affect their work ethic; how would you try to help?:
As counselors, we should be dealing with other people's drama and not starting our own. I'd take telling the council lead into account before I go over and try to understand the situation myself. Asking if they could each stop arguing for a moment and try to explain that while we're on campus we must not fight as we are supposed to be representing the council and people are supposed to look up to us and we don't want students to look up to a bunch of council students fighting. So reminding them that we must not fight and instead try to resolve our problems peacefully and try to understand one another's opinions before more drama starts.

There’s a school faculty member abusing their power on school grounds! What do you do?:
I would want to make sure the faculty member is actually trying to abuse their power, before just going up to them. If I can easily tell that what they're trying to do is abusing their power then I would go up to them. Going up to the faculty member to address them of the issue, of their action. And discuss the problem at hand, even though they are a teacher still need to tell them what they are doing is wrong in case they do not understand that of their actions. Afterward would go to higher-up school faculty members or staff like the principal or dean and address them as well about the issue of the faculty member and what they had done.

Your friend has been given detention and has asked you to get them out of trouble. What do you do?:
I politely decline the offer. Explaining to them why I am not and will not be doing so. As they have gotten themselves in trouble and I do not have the right to help them get out of detention. If the teacher or faculty member who gave them detention, believes they deserve it because of their actions then they must face the consequences of their actions and go to detention. As I am not allowed to help get them out or convince a teacher not to give you detention. Even if I was allowed to do so, I wouldn't. As you disrespected a teacher or faculty or went against school rules and as a counselor, or just as a regular college student. I don't believe that is fair, that you would be able to get away without any consequences when even you know you did something wrong. So again, I would decline their request. I would wait on the stairs or down the hallway for them to get out of detention, as they are my friend and I don't mind waiting. Otherwise, I would wait outside of school grounds and call them when they are out of detention.​


Character Name:
Alena "Ali" M. Levine

Character Gender:
Female | She/Her

Character Age:

Character phone-number:

Brief summary of how they act- your character’s personality:
Alena has a very mixed personality. She starts off looking more confused and shy. As when she tends to not understand something or is more new to it, even if she has an idea or wants to say it, she won't and she becomes quieter as if she doesn't know what she's doing. Her personality tends to pop more when she gets used to doing certain things. It helps her open up when she understands more of her position, being able to express herself, and easily talks to people without stuttering. She is as well able to share her ideas and suggestions instead of not saying anything. It is easier for her to start to open up more when she is more familiar with her surroundings and what she's doing. Any other time it looks as if she'd be completely clueless. Unless when she's with a friend. If she is with someone she's more comfortable around even if there are many other people, she'll talk more than she would have if it was just with an individual person she didn't really know. Besides that, she's typically very friendly and loves chatting with people. She always wants to do things and help out but tends to be nervous when asking about it. When she is intrigued by something, she will begin to ask questions and open up in a certain area. Depending on certain situations and people her personality can be slightly blurry and confusing, which to people she just meets. It can be very confusing.

Character appearance/attire:
A 5'4 Swedish female, weighing about 122lbs. She'd have long dark silky hair, which end tips would sway near the bottom of her back. And just at the front tips of her hair would look to be dyed blonde tip. Sometimes it could be seen as a baby pink-ish color, almost as if she used a constant washable dye throughout her hair. She'd have light blue eyes with her tan-ish skin. She'd wear more bright red and pink clothes. Along with her red jacket and tie. As she'd pass by, you'd notice her red sunglasses placed on top of her head that she would wear everywhere. As well as the more random scent of lemon that would quickly pass.

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
I believe I am a lot more dedicated to helping people and helping out at events than others who might just want the role of being a part of the council. I personally want to be a part because I know that I want to be there to help people and make sure the school is safe. I'll be to almost every meeting and event possible that I can. I try to come whenever I am free to help out and make sure to be on time. I truly love the thought of being able to be a college counselor. I want to be the one person in the council the people always go to if they ever need anything. I try to be as friendly to everyone as possible and make sure that anyone knows I'm always free if anyone needs help with anything. Even for other counselors, I want to be someone that people know they can rely on when other people or teachers aren't able to help them. I come with ideas in order to help people as well as for events and try to make the most of what I can in certain positions. And in all just try to help as much as I possibly can.

Why do you want this position?:
I want to be able to help out around the school. I'm always looking for more ways to be a part of things and help out people and I feel being a part of the council will be great for me. I want this position in order to help people and provide the other members with my ideas. I want to be able to help as well as stop fights and dramas from starting as I feel the school should be a safe and fun place, not where there is a bunch of fighting and yelling between students. It's my job as a counselor to make sure that doesn't happen. I don't typically like to see people fighting so I want to make sure that if I'm a counselor that I am able to deal with these problems and make school a more fun place. I've seen councilors helping out a lot at events and from what my sister told me about counseling it's super fun and a great experience. So I really want to be able to try it out.

What interests you the most about student council?:
I really like to help people. In certain situations, if I'm not comfortable or haven't done it before I tend to stumble and am not always the best at communicating. But when I have done it a couple of times before I am completely fine. I want to get over my slight shyness and be able to just talk freely. I have a lot to say and a lot of ideas but never usually have enough courage to say them. Helping people is something I like doing and I can't really do that if I stutter even going up to people. Sometimes I don't have a problem with it if it's something very serious and important to me. But I'm hoping if I become a part of the council I will be pushed to get over this and be able to speak my mind freely and be able to help out and share my ideas without stuttering. Being able to just walk up to people and talk.

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
Doing little things. Like just talking to students while I walk around the halls making sure everyone is doing well and nobody getting hurt. As well I would be able to ask around from students both college and high school, what they want to see improved around the school and write everything people say down. So then when council members ask for new ideas of what to do I am able to show them my list. A list of things that students might need more help with or want to be changed with how council members act and what they think we can do better. And ideas they might want for future events. Students have their own set of creative ideas so we should also consider their ideas as well and make sure it's not just the council who is coming up with ideas. This might be a fun way have trying new things. Things that many students around Karakura would think would be a great new addition as well as fun to see for fun activities and events!

Last edited:


Level 169
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator
Thank you for applying, this application will be reviewed next time we're reviewing applications!


Level 169
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator
As you've told in my DM's you've recently decided to quit SRP, hence we deny this application. If you are still interested in this role please DM me regarding it!

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