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Min Hanazono ❖ Mourning Poet


Level 2

Hexcode: &#25D3B3
NAME || Min Hanazono
NICKNAMES || Pink, Pinky, Minnie, Kid, Crow
TITLES || Mourning child, Forsaken one, Courier


"Using what I know now, I can finally heal myself."


GENDER || Female
HERITAGE || Chinese
AGE || 18
HEIGHT || 6'2'
WEIGHT || 220 Pounds.
VOICE || [X]

Min has a lot of oddities in the past in karakura. Min is tired of this loosing game and the mess that is going on. Knowing truly from her own experiences that the KPD is corrupt in some aspect to solve bigger issues for the crime rate. Luckily Min is entirely physically fine for now. No matter the cost, Min will keep on tilling the field to find out who betrayed her as a child and killed her father. The police refuse to do it. So, someone has to step up.


SCARS OF THE VOICE || Upon her hands, She has slight scarring unveiled to most. From working out at the gym and months of hard work! For something, Min is rather odd. She does not understand a lot of information. Some of the scars healed over infected upon her hands of remeberance.
FAMILY REMEMBERANCE || Min has bright colored yakuza tattoos on her arms and back. To remeber her family before Ahikito took it away from her.

LIKES || Legos, Pocky, Baking, Cooking, Writing, Family loyalty
DISLIKES || Betrayel, Ahikito, Birds, New people
RELIGION || Trying to still figure everything out when she can.
FEARS || Failure, abandonment, Death, Being alone mourning again, Eyepatches, Birds
TEMPER || Min normally lashes out and normally lives to regret it. . .

Min is full of anxiety a lot of times. Seeing the two things that haunt her as a most of a child. Min is terrified of her childhood dream coming true that they'll come and kill her. That she did something bad to make the people that raised her angry at her when she just got in karakura. Min likes to play oblivious to things because it makes her happier. As if avoiding the problem a lot and drowning in sugary treats. Luckily Min Hanazono doesn't have anything for the sugar intake she has in the city. Being protected physically in Karakura and being raised there will always have it's downsides. The people that smile the brightest are the ones that are truly aching.


Ida Okichi {Mother} || Min doesn't understand why her mother abandoned her in Karakura and raised so many kids when she was the youngest and was tossed aside by her siblings Ida adopted later then her adopted family in the Hanazono. Did she do something wrong and what was it? If Min could, she would go back and apologize for whatever she did. Even though she doesn't know. [THEME]
Sakuta Hanazono {Father} || Sakuta taught Min how to protect herself. As Ida Okichi raised her as if she was fragile. Min hears his voice comforting her each time Min has a anxiety attack or zones out. But Min is glad that there is one thing that she learned from her father when he was alive. Min lost everything and how to come back from it. [THEME]
Yamato Hanazono {Adoptive brother} || Min doesn't understand a lot about her brother. Due to Min's grief and shutting down for a couple years when she was adopted with him. But one thing for sure she hopes and knows he'll do great things. Min doesn't know how to ask Yamato for help, when the enemys could still be close finding out the mysterys in the Hanazono family. [THEME]
Lenard Hanazono {Uncle} || Min doesn't know how to feel. The KPD won't allow her to visit at all. Min worrys for her uncles safety and doesn't know what her uncle did to get such a high sentence. Min wants to know what her uncle did and have a fair trial for him if possible... But it takes time for such a thing to hopefully get him out. If the KPD refuses to help her, after months of pain. Min will have no choice but solve the mystery herself of what had happened in her past. Min is tired of suffering. [THEME]
Asahi Hanazono {Adoptive dad} || Min is forever grateful to Asahi. When a lot of people abandoned her he was still around and adopted her giving her time and shelter to heal. Min is forever grateful to Asahi for what he has done and expressed true loyalty to the yakuza and her family in a terrible situation to be in. Min hopes that Asahi is proud of her. As Min begins to truly heal and laugh more. Min trys to put on a brave face for Asahi so he doesn't know how much the betrayel of her friends and selective family got to her at a young age. [THEME]


Judah || My Heart. || Min doesn't understand him. Min now feels trapped from her past. As if their relationship was based on need with those that work with Ahikito so she doesn't figure out. Once coming back to karakura to be with her love she learned that he now has a Fiance and kids. Just when Min waited months to come back to her heart in Karakura it was shattered. Now believing it can't be fixed. Min saw a pin similiar to the Hanazono yakuza in another color and is rather confused by him. Is he the one that did it and delievered the blow to Sakuta? [THEME]
Ezio || The Angel. || Ezio, the one that told Min the truth about who killed her father. Min was told she was crazy by a lot of pyschriasts in and out of Karakura. It gave her a huge relief off of her chest of years mourning that vengeance was served to the ones that killed her father. Now it was just the rest that has wronged her and to get up protecting her own heart this time. Min is hoping that Ezio will help Min find out who in the Ahikito yakuza killed her family and why. But she is scared he'll get into more trouble or not tell her. Ezio will never know how much faith he had restored in people by just telling her she wasn't crazy and it was the Ahikito yakuza for her worst fear. [THEME]
Daigo Adamants || Bodyguard. || A random guy that just showed up at her door when she was getting over Judah to 'protect' her, since some people are after the Hanazono's for some odd reason. Min believes that she is big enough and strong enough with her heart to protect herself! When she really isn't and it quick to anger. For a odd reason he keeps on sleeping on her couch. Min is hoping that he just won't leave and die. But that is how karakura is sadly. Min thinks he'll just leave with how fucked up she is. [THEME]
Mike Ahikito || Dead Enemy || You're dead. As I hear your voice tormenting me who is the one that is alive? I outlived you. I'll find out who got their hands dirty to kill my dad. Even if it's the last thing to do. My tarrot card reading was a Knight riding a black horse tilling a field and a golden cup. The yokai and the kami are now on my side... After all the pain you caused for years.. I have the right to know! If Possible, she'd curse the Ahikito family for what they have done to her and her family. [THEME]
Kitsa || Death || Min is hoping that Kitsa will help her with her endeavor. [THEME]
Tsutomu Shirai || Fellow Sorrow || Min doesn't know how things will go. But he seemed to understand Min's rage and grief of loosing her family. He is willing to help out figure out who betrayed Min Hanazono and her patriarch. He seems kind, which is odd. Not a lot of people Min has met so far are that kind. Min is terrified he lost intrest and is going to leave without helping the case of what happened. But she has to remain patient tilling to the field no matter how much it hurts. Can she really count on Tsutomu to help her instead of running away and solving it? [THEME]
Toru Hayakawa || Another Incident || Min was forced to bring him to his resting place out of Karakura. Due to him being kicked off of the bobcat volleyball team and losing his everything. Min doesn't know what to do being a courier of death, something she never thought she could do. Bringing a friend to a resting place and not being able to stop them out of Karakura. She had a couple of good laughs with him for a short while. One of the things about growing up. It is a tragedy that Min is forced to endeavor in karakura. She was never able to tell Toru that she had a crush on him with his death. [THEME]
Zheng Tsu || Min blames herself. She believes that she did something to make Zheng do this. He killed Min's father and betrayed the Hanazono Yakuza. As an older brother figure to Min. She doesn't know what to do anymore and how to comfort the man that killed her dad! Everything is odd. She wishes that she can make amends but doesn't know if it'd be possible or not. She is hoping that she can speak to the person that owns fight club and beat the crap out of the man that killed her dad. [THEME]



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Level 49
Community Team
Lore Team
love this! Min is such a great character! ALSO the format is BEAUTIFUL!


Level 119
Woah, been a very long time since I saw Min! love the character & enjoyed roleplaying with her.

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