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Min-Jun 'Aomine' Kōraru Biography


Level 53
Min-Jun ‘Aomine’ Koraru

Basic Information

First Name:



Preferred Name:



20 Years Old


223 lbs


Skin Color:

Eye Color:
Natural Brown

Hair Style:
Messy short / bed head style

Hair Color:
Natural color is black, also sometimes is dyed a dark blue. Typically seen with Dark Blue hair

Black clothes usually but more on the baggy side. Always clean clothes not a spot on them along with white shoes with messy hair but still looked maintained.

Date of Birth:
March 29th, 2002

Place of Birth:
Gyeongju-si, South Korea



Sexual Orientation:

Religious Beliefs:

Political Beliefs:

General Appearance


He would have baggy clothes that are typically black but well managed, he would have white shoes accompanied with the black clothes, the shirt he would be wearing would be a buttoned down shirt but with some of the buttons being undone at the top but not revealing much. He would be wearing black pants along with the black shirt that had a belt accompanied by it, he would have natural brown eyes accompanied by usually the dark blue hair but his natural hair is actually black he just keeps it dyed most of the time. He would be a extremely tall male with an athletic build to him. You can also catch him wearing his team jacket sometimes during school.

He would have a laid back personality but typically can be a pain most of the time. He does have a soft side to him and he normally isn’t rude but can be, he also is typically always seen in class or at the courts. Typically he is polite but if someone harasses him or makes fun of him. One thing about him is if he gets attacked he will never attack back and just deal with the punch or the attacker.

Character Voice:
He would have a semi-deep voice but it was also low, his voice would be calming, he would speak with a bit of an attitude at times but not usually. He may sound annoyed most of the time but that is just how he talks.

Team Basketball Bag


Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
Refuses to back down during a fight but doesn’t attack them physically.

Maths, kind of
OK at Cooking

Baek-Hyun Lee (Biological Father | 1970 - unknown)
“Even though I don't know you well, I still miss you.”

Chase-Won Lee (Biological Mother | 1976 - unknown)
“Sadly I do not remember you at all, but I still miss you.”

Emma Di Rosa Kōraru (Passed 2004 - involved in a fatal plane crash) - Adoptive Mother
“You cared for me in the darkest times, wish I could’ve been around you longer.”

Asai Kōraru (Passed 2004 - involved in a fatal plane crash) - Adoptive Father
“Even though you only knew me a few months, I miss you.”

Rini Kōraru (Sister | Non-biological)
“You are my friend and sister. Thank you for being there.”

Lev Elyon (Brother | Non-Biological)
“You eat everything in the house, why?”

Saybil Kōraru (Brother | Non-Biological)
“Not much to say about you but you are a good teacher- Kind of.”

Min-Ji ‘Shin’ Kōraru (Niece)
“You are a pain but I still care for you, also stop pulling out the ouija board please to sacrifice your family.”

Mathieu R. Kōraru (Nephew)
“I don’t hang out with you much as I should but you are like me, a trouble maker but less of an ass.”

Eryka B. Kōraru (Niece)
“I don’t see you around much so not much to say about you”

Haruka ‘Nana’ Kōraru (Niece)
“I don’t see you much either but the one interaction was weird.”

Alice Elyon (Niece)
“I do not really know you either.”

Serena Santarossa (Friend)
“You are pretty chill and a caring friend - Just stop making out with guys.. I am kidding, I don’t care what you do with guys but don’t let Katana find out.”

Ezzelin S. Corsetti (Friend)
“Miss Ezz - The gayest member of the whole Basketball Team.”

Katana ‘Kat’ Yamazaki (Friend)
“You can be a pain as well but a caring friend - unless I do something wrong then it’s war.”

Eichi Blackburn (Friendemy)
“You are an ass most of the time but that is how you are, but also can be nice when you want to be.”

Subject for more to be added.

Min-Jun was born to a Korean family located in Gyeongju-si, South Korea to a couple who were in their 20s at the time he was born. His father's name was Baek-Hyun Lee and his mother's name was Chase-Won Lee. During the first couple years of his life, he was loved by his parents until one day, when he was only a year and a half old, he was taken away from his parents but for his own parents' choice as they could not care for him properly at all, so they put him into a foster center. A few weeks later, a young woman and young male came into the center by the names of Emma Di Rosa Kraru and Asai Kraru with their daughter, who was at the time only 7 years old and she went by Rini Kōraru. While there, they wanted to adopt another child but didn’t know who until they met Min-Jun Lee, which was his name at the time before he was adopted. After a lot of signing papers to care for him, they were approved from there on out. His name was Min-Jun Kōraru. After a few years of spending time with his new family in another country, the two that had adopted him sadly passed away after sending the two to the grandmother's home in another country. While on their way to their grandmother's home from England, the plane they were in crashed, killing everyone, including their parents. After that, they spent time with their grandmother for a couple more years. As time went on, he came home from school when he was only about 10 or 12 years old with two new older brothers. He and Rini, their grandmother, adopted the two and their names were Lev and Saybil. After just a few weeks, all the siblings were there for each other more, so they were for Min-Jun for some reason.

Teenage Years
Min-Jun had already adjusted to the new language and his family, whom he had been living with for years, and with his three other siblings, until one day, right before summer, they all received a call that their grandmother had been injured, and upon returning home, they discovered she had died while being treated for the injury. While Min-Jun and Rini were in another country, still in school, he decided to take up a sport he didn't know much about. While learning the sport itself, he discovered he actually started to like it, and after a lot more practicing, he joined the team at his local school while living with his sister. He had to restart on life during this time and relearn everything after a few years of attending high school. He graduated from high school to college when he was only 19 years old. After about a year of attending college, he had heard of the college basketball team and decided to use what he knew and try out for the team. He then succeeded after not talking to any of the players for a bit because he was new. He started getting used to them even more until one day he met his now ex, Laura M. Ellis, with whom he dated for a few months before it ended on a bad note. She was his first ever girlfriend, but things went south, so they broke up. After this time, his team got together to support him, and his team started hanging out with him even more during this time, eventually getting to the point where you can see him with at least one of his teammates, but the majority of the time if he is seen with a teammate, it is either Andre or Ezzelin. While in college, he gained more and more achievements, no matter if it was in classes or basketball. He always had some type of achievement. One of the achievements was helping his team win the tournaments during the summer months. Nothing much has changed except being friends with his team and no longer dating.​


Level 79
Community Team
Lore Team
Tallest male in the family and then he has his pain in the butt sister the tiny midget. Kōraru is absolutely amazing and we all love Min he’s such a fun character to be around

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