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Minionste4lthemoon's KPD application - BIG WIPPP


Level 10
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):
Minionste4lthemoon - Alt | Applying
Cqz_ - Main | Not applying

Discord Name & Tag:
My discord is e_li3


Which timezone are you in?
Australian Eastern Standard Time
Time zone in Queensland (GMT+10)

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

ACCEPTED 'ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀᴍꜱᴇʟᴇᴛᴛᴇ' | ɢꞮƦʟꜰƦ1Qɴᴅ'ꜱ ᴀᴘᴘʟꞮᴄᴀᴛꞮᴏɴ -Accepted -Accepted
DENIED 'ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀᴍꜱᴇʟᴇᴛᴛᴇ' | ɢꞮƦʟꜰƦ1Qɴᴅ'ꜱ ᴅᴏᴄᴛᴏƦ ᴀᴘᴘʟꞮᴄᴀᴛꞮᴏɴ -Denied -Denied -Denied -Denied - Denied - Deleted

LANGUAGE APPLICATIONS: -Accepted -Accepted -Accepted -Accepted -Accepted -Accepted

TEAMS: - Denied - Denied - Denied

Describe your activity on the server:
Honestly this year is a busy one for me I have work, gym, school and my brothers activities to attend. I don't necessarily play srp on wednesdays or thursdays, it really depends on my mood and if i'm needed online! I try my best to make time for srp but as a busy person, and I'm sure many of the people reading this application would agree with, I can't help how busy I am. Hobbies are a big thing for me and I'm getting out a lot more! So my activity rating would be a maybe 5-6/10!

Listing what factions/roles I've been on:

Hs-Council - I was on council for a month or two before leaving for Col-track!

Col-Track - I was on Col-track for a while, around 4 months!

Hs-Fem football - I was also on this team for 5/6 months!

Teacher - Three months at best

Hs-Baseball - I have just join this team on my account cqz_


Hasn't been bought YET

Not available depending on how tired I am. school +gymUnavailable till 7pm school + workNot available depending on how tired I am. school + Gym.Not available depending on how tired I am. Gym + workUnavailable till 4pm. school.10am - wheneverAll day

What is your motivation for applying?:
Well I have always sought after new challenges and opportunities I'd enjoy, Which is why I have been involved in a bunch of various roles! From being a student, to council, track, football, teacher and currently baseball now! However, I believe I'd enjoy a new direction-one that pushes me past my comfort zone, past the familiar structure of school teams and into a more out there faction. KPD Presents an exciting path where I can contribute! I am drawn to the responsibly and justice, and I want to be apart of a faction that upholds these values that I enjoy! And in addition I have friends within the KPD ranks who often share their stories, and or brag about it... Their enthusiasm has only made me more excited to apply. Beyond my personal interests, I enjoy teamwork. I am eager to shoot my shot at applying and hopefully becoming apart of the faction.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
I might not know much about kpd but I am very interesting in learning and listening to advice.

Welcome to the top rank. The commissioner is in charge of the whole KPD. They decide whether a person is accepted or denied. But other than this, they run the whole thing, they make promotions, have high expectations that rules and justice will be followed to a tea..

Second top rank! A captain is a high ranking officer, who is also apart of the high ranking staff that goes over applications with the commissioner. The captain is second in command, and takes over whilst the commissioner is either not available or not on duty.

A police Lieutenant is often the deputy officer in charge of precinct, in some smaller departments, a person with the rank of Lieutenant may be in charge of a division! E.G Patrol Division, detective division, etc!

These people are the ones who manage station operations! They supervise the corporals, patrol officers and definitely the cadets!

A normal ranked officer who does a bunch of things for the station! These guys have proven to be worthy and trusted within the faction!

A patrol officer is exactly what it sounds like, they patrol areas they are assigned to, This rank is second from cadet, it shows they has passed their cadet exams and are promoted to a higher rank, eventually if they decide to stay.. They keep getting promoted.

A cadet! Cadets are officers who were JUST accepted into the faction. They may not leave or take care of situations without a supervisor or higher up permission, and they need at least one of the higher ranks to be with them at all times, this is just a safety precaution. To be able to ready for promotion these guys need to prove themselves worthy enough! If you're not ready for the exam, you are given at least and extra week to prepare. After this it really depends on how well you do! If you do well, you are able to stay an officer, if not you are removed from the faction.

Stun Gun: acts like a tazer! It stuns the individual for a few moments, these are used for violent or resisting/on the run people

Radio: Hey a radio! They are used to contact the other officers and EMS workers!

Riot gear: This is used to protect identities of the officers wearing them when going into situations. E.G Gang fights, weapon situations, house search.. etc etc.

Handcuffs: These are used to arrest an individual to be able to place them in the cell where they are uncuffed.

KPD equipment also has ranks! Depending on the police rank is what you'd get in equipment.

In kpd the officers do many things! To list a few obvious ones such as -
Arresting criminals
Taking reports about any sort of law-breaking
taking care of inmates
Overseeing the city
Patrolling the city
Assisting citizens at the front desk
Interrogating gang members and or law-breaking citizens
Raiding properties when given the green light for a warrant

I'm sorry for not knowing too much about kpd! I'd be happy to learn.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Apart from the server being called SRP, there's a whole city full of crime, patients, students, workers etc etc. Police are important because they help control the level of criminals and crime that happens.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
I acknowledge.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:
"Now to start us off I'd like your full name please."

The ends of her lips curled into a small, forced smile graced Vaeloria's lips as she looked at the interviewer.
"Sylwen Vaeloria, a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

How old is your character (if accepted)?:
"How old are you currently Miss' Vaeloria?"

She turned her head to gaze out the window, her left hand coming up to brush a loose piece of hair behind her ear.

"I'm 25 years of age."

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
"Your gender and prefered pronouns?"

"Female, She/her"

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
"How many languages do you speak Miss Vaeloria."

Straightened her posture, turning back to the interviewer, giving them the respect they deserved.

"As of right now I currently speak two other languages, Latin and italian."

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
"What makes you unique enough?"

Two printed photos were neatly rested on the desk in front of her.


"Well from what I've been told, I have a very approachable aura and I can be seen as cold or just not really taking other people's bullcrap. But on a deeper level, my brother told me that I'm a polite, nurturing kind soul who loves to bring justice to those that feels like what happened was unfair."

Sylwen Vaeloria is quite definitely a force to be reckoned with, but despite her unapproachable gaze, just below the surface of her skin lays a polite, elegant woman. Her bright green hair danced with hues of white and green rolled down her shoulders with ease, curling themselves into perfect waves. Her eyes a beautiful dandelion yellow that seemed to sparkle every time she smiled, her confidence added to her aloof allure and lightheaded personality off duty. On duty she is serious, perhaps cracking a joke if she felt like it. If you asked her friends personally they'd say she was a mother to them, a kind and understanding woman, but when pushed too far a cold and straightforward one.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
"Now say you were accepted, how would you act in a professional/casual situation."

"Well whilst on duty I have to act professionally, not lashing out at people just because I'm angry or upset, I have to stay calm and understanding. Open-minded in the worst of situations. Being polite can bring someone a long way, especially whilst taking complaints and being yelled at. Everyone is human and deserves to be treated as such. But to me, if I were in KPD... Officers are family, so treat them with respect."

"Off duty? Well I suppose I am a bit more relaxed. I still like to keep my Open-minded personality because well.. I just do I guess. I'm still polite and treat everyone equally, I'm in a zone where I don't have to be looking over my shoulder 24/7 because i'm not on duty."

Sylwen is a respectful, enthusiastic lady, and definitely behaving while working around the KPD. A lovely lady Sylwen is, she loves to listen and give advice to anyone in need, doesn't matter if you're in a jail cell or co-worker, you ask, she delivers. Despite her lonely past she still finds it within her to be enthusiastic and grateful for the things she does have. And her personality definitely change while off duty, she's a happy, enthusiastic woman who loves to help others. Sylwen would remain calm and collected while also having an open mind to anything she hears, she's a motherly person who adores helping anyone, co-workers, criminals, randoms, literally anyone that asks or looks like they need it.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
"Now what is your outlook on co-workers and working in a team?"

"My outlook? Well. . . I don't mind working with others- in fact I think it's better to work in a team when in certain types of jobs like this one. You want to be able to have backup, or have your co-worker call backup if a situation gets out of hand. . And I'd trust my co-workers, enough, to not leave me out for dead. Being apart of a team doesn't mean you just get to lead it, no no... The highest rank in the patrol or Vicinity of you does, but despite this, everyone has a responsibility to keep their co-workers/friends alive. Overall, I think working in a team is alright, its handy sometimes, and having co-workers is even better."

Sylwen has been alone most of her life, apart from her brother, always jumping from friend to friend, yet sometimes she found herself engaging with more social and exciting people to be around. She likes to be alone, to have her moments to think and speak. Though maybe one day she wished it could change and she would be a social elegant butterfly but despite her past she doesn't mind working with others! Especially if she could make friends with her co-workers along the way. But her overall outlook on the idea with working with others

What's your character's backstory?

WIP write later

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?

"The answer to this is short and simple, No. No, you cannot legally own a pocket knife. One way ticket to get arrested for possession of a illegal weapon."

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription

"Paracetamol, sold for ¥1,500.
Multivitamins, sold for ¥3,500.
Iron supplements, sold for ¥2,500.
Melatonin, sold for ¥3,000.
Cough syrup, sold for ¥6,000.

This is the list of non-prescribed Medical items."

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?

"Well this is a good question. I would make sure my body cam is on before I approach the situation. At first I would try to mediate the situation and persuade the officer to get away from the inmate, If however that isn't working and the officer is getting more aggressive, I would use physical force to pull the officer away. Once I have a somewhat calmed officer, I would radio for a higher up to deal with the situation as well as call for some other officers to check up on the inmate to make sure they aren't hurt. After all of this, I'd contribute my side of the story, as well as my body cameras' recordings. After that I would leave the rest to the higher up to check the cameras and the other officers body cam."

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?

"If I had stumbled upon my co-worker being assaulted, I would first yell at the assaulter to get against the wall, whilst pressing the panic button, this act will notify other officers to come to the scene of assault. After that I would do my best in prying off the attacker, IF however the attacker refuses to let go and even throws a punch at me I would have no choice but to pull out my stun gun, warning him to get on the wall. If it doesn't work i'd taze him and sit him upwards against the wall, then rush to my co-workers side checking for any serious injuries, but hopefully by then the back up would have arrived and taken the officer to EMS for a checkup."

She'd take a deep breath.

"Then once back at the station I'd question the assaulter and charge him with 'Assault on a Government Official, and Obstruction of justice. ' After that I'd ask if they plead 'Guilty or not guilty,' ."

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?

"At first I would stay absolutely low, getting close with the coworker, while investigating the 'corruption'. Once Gathered enough evidence I would take it to the higher ups to have that worker either arrested or fired. You're here to bring justice, not play a game like it's tetris.. If however they aren't corrupt, i'd stay their friend and go on about my day."

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?

"I would walk off, not giving them even a second of my time, unless they are being arrested, I would arrest them quickly and ignore their bribes. Then once in the cell, I would fine them for trying to bribe an officer, as well as their other charges"
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