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Denied MinisterFudge Shopkeeper Application | CLUB UMBRA/Moonlight Lounge


Level 30
Community Team
Event Team

“Lord knows Karakura needs a place, an enjoyable oasis,
where people may flee to in the cover of the night,
to forget that this town can be absolute garbage~!”.

✧ [Application reading music] ✧
Player Information

What is your Minecraft username?: MinisterFudge.
My alt is: ‘HumanTeethParade’.

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your Discord username?): crystallizedgene

How old are you? (Optional): I’m a university graduate.

What is your time zone?: AEDT

Describe your activity on the server: I spend a couple of hours (3-5) on the server every second day, though this is a conservative estimate. My primary character, at the time of writing, is a College Professor and so my activity has to be at a certain level to satisfy that. I have never had an inactivity strike, and that Professor is an [HD]. My alternate character is a member of KHS’ Occult Club. Membership in which does require a certain degree of activity. Again, there has never been anything said/questioned regarding my activity on the server in that space either. I am also a community team member [Event Team], again requiring a degree of activity. I mention these things for the benefit of the application reviewer so that they can appraise my activity with these facts in mind and be assured that, were this application accepted, there would not be issues vis-a-vis inactivity.

Both of my characters have worked in a shop before (Yūdokuna and Daisuki Yōhin). As a result, I am familiar with the SRP Shops Panel.

In terms of what my characters spend their time doing: My Professor, of course, teaches Law and Justice but he is also a religious leader running a registered 'Christian Organization' with Town Hall. This group effectively schedules, announces, and organizes after-school activities to raise funds to keep the business afloat, and also for charitable purposes. In truth, I mainly created it to have something TO DO after KHS closes. My secondary character is also deeply involved with this group, hosting activities for it, and attending Occult Club activities as well.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Yes, of course. Moreover, please see my response to the above question.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

[Student Council] -- ACCEPTED --
[Philosophy Professor x3] -- ACCEPTED --
[Philosophy Professor x2] -- DENIED --
[Caretaker Application] -- DENIED --
[Philosophy Professor] -- DENIED --
[History Teacher x3] -- DENIED
[Professor Application x1] -- DENIED --
[History Teacher x2] -- DENIED --
[History Teacher x1] -- DENIED --
[Governor] -- ACCEPTED --

[Latin Language Auth App] -- ACCEPTED --†-latin-†-language-application.64848/
[Italian Language Auth App] – ACCEPTED –
[JSL Language Auth Apps] – ACCEPTED;

[Sept, 2023]

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
PRIMARY: [HD] Professor - Alois Tullybellton
SECONDARY: [Grade 12] - Teresa Keating

I do have an alternate account with a primary char slot being:
[Grade 8] - Seluvis Baudrillard
The second character slot on that account, at the time of writing, has not been used at all yet.

Shop Information

What shop are you applying for?: Club Umbra, though, realistically, any available position under the broad banner [Restaurants, Cafes & Bars]

Do you intend to change the name?: If possible, I’d prefer it known as the ‘Moonlight Lounge’.

Do you have a preferred location?: Somewhere below ground, preferably OR in a place with ample space. I would point to ‘Club Luxe’ which sits in disuse by Apartment Complex Q as an example of what would be the most preferred: that is, some space, in a dimly lit alley. An alleyway location ‘out of sight’ is to be preferred to one near an open road. My main concern would be lighting. A nightclub just doesn’t look as cool if it has a bunch of high-powered streetlamps beaming down on it, in comparison to one tucked away, lit up by neon lights, and such.
Ultimately though, that is just a preference on my part.

Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
Running a ‘registered business’ with Town Hall has certainly been quite enjoyable, and it would by no means cease if this application were to be accepted… however, businesses need to make a considerable amount of effort to attract and pull in people in comparison to shops which are almost guaranteed to receive visitors and traction at all times. It also has a less ‘niche’ appeal than the businesses on the Town Hall business roster which tend to offer *services* as opposed to a wide array of fine products or, in the case of Club Umbra, alcohol, foods, and a club environment which appeals to a wider array of people.

That is precisely what compels me to express interest in the shopkeeper role here. Being able to manage an IC business in a more strict, rigorous, formulaic, tried-and-tested way, requiring some time effort and time on my part would provide greater opportunities. The business I’ve opened with Town Hall (the ‘Archdiocese of Karakura’) has certainly sparked joy in a niche, unique way, but a shop has more universal appeal and I’d like to offer that opportunity to players: running a nightclub that makes Karakura feel more lived in and gives players something to look forward to.

I specifically wish to express interest in Club Umbra out of all the shops listed in the shop lead's recent announcement because of that general idea: owning a club as opposed to a simple restaurant. Of course, they fall under the same category as far as the shopkeeper lead is concerned, but this idea of having a character managing a nightclub is understandably very attractive!

I have heard it said that restaurants do not tend to make as much money as other shops and that they are in decline [HERE] … BUT it’s unclear to me if that’s said for RP reasons and has any OOC truth at all. EITHERWAY, I don’t care. I just *genuinely* want to run a nightclub above all other kinds of shops in the capacity of [Shopkeeper].
Of course, it need not open during night alone: but that would be the theme: actively trying to ensure it opens *at night*, when it is dark-out in Karakura as much as practicable.

What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:

  • Aesthetic of the Shop: The logo is a black unicorn. I would seek to completely coat the club in fantastical and cosmological mystery. I would request SRP's builders in this regard try to use black, neon blues, and fuchsia where possible, and attempt to give the club a very moody atmosphere, mysterious, with lunar symbolism being prominent. I'd also have very specific reference images from a Garry's Mod map, of all places, for them to draw inspiration from. I've gone ahead and attached some reference images from that map below.
The club, thematically, would borrow from the early-2000s nightclub scene, utilizing music from that area in promotional materials and just in general: (the appropriate ones, anyway. Coincidentally, a lot of early iconic 2000s music speaks to space, the cosmos, and stars). The lighting within the establishment would be as dim as Karakura law permits! Lots of flashy lights, that aren’t blinding… scaffolding, exposed pipes, and such!
From rp_southside

  • Opening Hours: Unlike other shops that tend to open relatively randomly, if it is possible and permitted, I would attempt to have the shop open at a scheduled time to give people the opportunity to be notified of when the Club would be open. Special care would be taken to ensure the time scheduled would be a time (a) before or after school hours, and (b) ‘at night’, when it is dark-out. This might not always be possible or practicable... but an ATTEMPT would be made to ensure this happens regularly.

  • Festivities of the Shop: The Club would not exist purely to sell food and drink. Entertainment will be central to the shop. This would not simply be some sideshow for customers to enjoy while enjoying their meal or drink, no. People attend nightclubs to socialize, dance, and be entertained! A dancefloor would be central to the club, with employees being retrained specifically to facilitate socialization, dance, and general entertainment. Moreover, I imagine the Club would be allowed to be open, in theory, to renting out the DJ/stand or a small stage within the Shop to the many musical or otherwise talented groups in Karakura after some review process.

What will you sell in your shop?:

VIP MEMBERSHIP: I plan on having something especially special for ‘VIP’ patrons (if this is allowed by the Shopkeeper lead)
VIP Patrons simply gain this status by… paying for it! But it lasts for a limited amount of time. Let’s say, a month! EVERY TIME a person renews their status as a VIP Patron, they are given (1) of the following cosmetic items (and, in this way, are paying for them):

  • Antique Teacup
  • Antique Teapot
Ideally, it would be nice if (perhaps at some point in the future) a broader selection of teas might be served, perhaps on a saucer accompanied by some sweets appropriate to the kind of tea being served.

To briefly explain the kind of items that would be sold: Party food, or ‘finger food’! Hour d’oeuvres and deserts. The lounge would also specialize in seafood due to Karakura's Geographical location/history.

Although people may well come expecting a full meal/dinner… this is a nightclub. People generally don’t go to such vibrant, noisy places with the expectation of a restaurant experience or a full dinner service. Although this service would still be provided for obvious SRP reasons, the solitary fact this is, thematically, a nightclub, will influence the menu.
If you can think of any sort of food you expect to see at a party (cake, pizza, soft drinks, etc.) chances are those will be available!

The Moonlight Longue, however, would specialize in pretentious Hour d’oeuvres as well as seafood.

Not that I would want to speculate or prophesize too heavily here, but if I had to think up some prospective items that may well appear in the distant future along those lines, I’d envision food like…

  • Macarons or scones of some kind (e.g. pumpkin scones)
  • Devilled eggs
  • Bruschetta
  • Fugu (Pufferfish) Platter / General ‘Seafood Platters’
  • Caviar Canapés
  • Profiteroles
Being a nightclub, there would of course be a bar and a selection of alcohol. I suspect Club Umbra already has some sort of selection in place.
The club is always on the prowl for eccentric and party-themed drink options. I mean, sure, drinking from a bottle is NICE and all, but what happened to glasses? Colorful drinks… cute fruits on the edges of the glasses? Lil umbrellas?!

How many employees do you plan to have?:
Well, not that I’d want to put an arbitrary cap on the number, but I imagine a healthy, robust roster would have around twenty employees, in total. Aside from myself, the shopkeeper, it would be ideal to hire the following:

♞ (3) Managers: Managers for each of the 3 ‘groupings’ below:
  • 1 responsible for organizing unique and innovative ways to entertain and ‘pump up’ the crowds that attend the club during shop openings, collaborating with the entertainers that are retained, and reviewing those applications alongside the Shopkeeper for those expressing an interest in being ‘Entertainers’ at the Club.
  • 1 Head of Security, chiefly responsible for the security of the club- but especially instructed to maintain communication with other security guards and go ‘above and beyond’ for the club’s VIP patrons.
  • 1 Chef. In charge of the Kitchen and all waiters/bartenders.
♞ (5) Entertainers: A deliberately vaguely described role. Originally, I had just envisioned a DJ, and employees with this role finding their place, for the most part, at a DJ stand/on a stage interacting with customers who are not eating.
But upon reflection, I saw no sense in being so restrictive. The people hired under the banner of ‘entertainer’ may be performing some sort of magic show, acting as a dance instructor, or doing any number of things to entertain and occupy visitors to the shop. It matters little what they do, provided it is engaging enough for guests. Blackjack (‘21’) and other gambling activities which have become something of a favorite pastime for Karakura citizens would be an expected skill of all Entertainers employed by the Shop.
Entertainers shall also be assigned the responsibility of promoting the shop generally, running the shop’s social media, and assisting during those times when the shop is having an event of some kind. Unlike the other employees, they do not have a strict uniform requirement per se (though one would be provided ‘by default’). They would be given the most creative freedom, provided black and fuchsia are the key colors used for the outfit.
The club’s entertainers are, finally, expected to greet and liaise with Karakura’s many musical (or otherwise talented groups) approved by the Shopkeeper, welcoming them into the club and helping prepare them to perform during shop openings, providing any assistance to them that they request.
As a consequence of there only being a need for one or two entertainers on-stage, occupying people at any given time: entertainers may well double as waiters as well, taking the orders of, and delivering food to, the varying patrons of the club, especially its VIP patrons.
♞ (4) Security: These employees ensure that patrons of the club are kept safe. Keeping people orderly in a nightclub is especially important since people can be a bit volatile at night, and, in general, customers can be difficult: the waiters should not have to deal with that!
Security responsibilities will include frisking guests as a condition of entry, asking difficult customers to leave, potentially collecting a small entry fee, and liaising with particularly important VIP patrons of the club by driving them to the premises and escorting them inside PERSONALLY, and also driving them home in the event they become too heavily intoxicated. They may shift these responsibilities around amongst eachother. Security will, finally, maintain the responsibility of policing the VIP area of the club and maintaining/updating the roster through a transparent process in the shop discord.
♞ (8) Kitchen Staff/Waiters/Bartenders: The most simple roles. Bartenders would need to be of the legal age in Karakura at which you can serve alcohol. Waiters and Kitchen staff are self-explanatory, there would not be great emphasis/demand on Kitchen staff detail rp-ing their cooking: as most of the attention in that respect is provided by the club’s entertainers. This would be a nightclub, after all. People come to be entertained, not impressed by exemplary culinary techniques.

Do you plan to have any style of uniform for your employees?:
The color scheme for all employees will involve black and fuchsia. ‘Entertainers’ are given full creative freedom for what their outfits might look like within those parameters.
Security would wear clean black suits with fuchsia ties.

Waiters would wear black, with fuchsia-colored aprons and ribbons.
I have below an example of a prospective waiter outfit. The fuchsia ribbon around the arm is likely to be a feature across ALL employees to identify them.

Can you tell us more about the Shopkeeper, and how the store came to be?


Full Name: Alois Tullybellton
Titles: Most Rev.
Age: 27
Education: Alois has three academic qualifications: B.A Catholic Philosophy, Master of Divinity, Bachelor of Laws (LLB).

“TOTALLY qualified to run a business. I am practically an expert on employment and taxation law in this prefecture”.

A public figure in Karakura. A [former] Law Professor, Head of Karakura College’s Humanities Department, and also known to some as the Archbishop of Karakura. He has decided to ‘step away’ from the Academy, using the money he has accrued during his tenure to reinvigorate Club Umbra and breathe new life into it. He has been described as ‘passionate’ by student journalists, though a ‘bit of a religious nutjob’. It can not be denied, however, that he is an extremely charismatic figure with a proven record of mobilizing people.

“I have of course, retired my cassock for tonight. I wouldn’t want to scare away any customers!”

He claims the idea for this ‘Moonlight Lounge’ to have come to him in a dream he had of wandering around the streets of Karakua in the middle of the day, with nobody in sight until night came, and the people poured out into the streets, dancing beneath the moonlight. He woke up, feeling somewhat mournful that it was just a dream, and that Karakura, in his very cynical view, had no such place. He attributed the dream to a poem he had read before bed, ‘Lunar Paraphrase’ by Wallace Stevens. He was deeply moved by Steven’s writings, so much so that he began to pity the citizens of Karakura, the students that sat through his classes in a town ‘devoid of nightlife, and filled with crime’. He looked on, grief-stricken, in the face of his students, with no grand place to seek solace within a town that can be a little dull at best, and filled with misfortune and chaos at its worst:
“If the moon is the mother of pathos and pity, then let us make an oasis in her honor”.

Some have questioned his motivations in leaving the Academy to run a nightclub that dabbles with alcohol, doubly so due to his role in organizing ‘Alcoholics Anonymous’ meet-ups in his spare time as a ‘community service’. He has rebuffed such critics, each and all, insisting that his motives are pure.
“Wine gladdens the heart in moderation!”.

His desire to stay in Karakura in the first place has always been to tend to community needs. As he sees it, reinvigorating a nightclub to create a safe environment for socialization is ‘critical’ in a town ‘too often devoid of compassion’. The zeal with which he invites people to the club, and the way he fawns over the VIP patrons has struck some as a little eerie, but the food and atmosphere can't be beat! Just… don’t mind the A.A. Poster by the entrance.

“Enjoy the food! Have fun! If you have a little too much fun… do reach out. We will drive you home. We wouldn’t want our darling patrons to be hurt now, would we? No, no! Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest~!”

Does your shop have any policies for employees or a unique culture we should know about?

Oh, absolutely! This is a nightclub known for all its lunar imagery and... operating at night! It's bound to have a unique workplace culture.
Clubs in Karakura, at least as far as I've been told, can be pretty hectic places compared to other businesses. Evidence... [HERE].

I've always adored the character archetype of... overbearing managers, and corporate busybodies. Y'know, the kind of employers that speak about how everyone in the company is "part of a family" and everyone "needs to do their part", usually with this involving managers pressuring people to work overtime and all that horrible, horrible stuff.

WELL, the Moonlight Lounge would not be breaking any laws, but it would be very unique in the way it treats its employees. It gives bonuses to employees on a meritocratic basis based on reviews by customers and, crucially, feedback from managers. Moreover, every employee, from the outset, is regarded as a 'TIER I Starlight', with employees often affectionately referring to one another as 'starlights'. The highest tier is TIER IV and every employee is given a special letter (perhaps with some personal words from the shopkeeper!) praising them for their efforts on their 'Moonlight journey'. If this sounds a little unnerving, good. GOOD. That's the entire idea. Nothing illegal is really happening, but it certainly sets the tone for the work environment!

Below I've attached the following 'Documents':

- Employee Pledge (all employees must recite the Pledge in full in front of the Shopkeeper as a condition of employment)
- Default 'TIER I, II, III, IV' letters, sent to all employees upon 'promotion'. Personalized additions would be written into the letters by the Shopkeeper. Special privileges (e.g. bonuses, one-off lump sums, employee discounts) can be afforded to employees as they progress!

It's also just good fun to build some sort of employee culture, I mean... it's a nightclub. Employees aren't just standing behind a register blankly processing orders, but get much more of an opportunity to engage with players and, yes, their co-workers too!

EMPLOYEE PLEDGE: In joining the Moonlight Lounge as an employee, I pledge my loyalty to the Moon and the management of the Lounge.

During working hours, I do solemnly swear, that I shall leave at home:
- My previous name
- My past memories
- All worldly belongings, aside from my Government ID.

To the Newly Illuminated,

CONGRATULATIONS! You have embarked upon a journey most wondrous, stepping into our beautiful family at the Moonlight Lounge. Do not forget the dangers of the night here in Karakura. Do not forget your duty henceforth is to help provide respite to the citizenry of our fair prefecture.

Do exactly as instructed by your managers, and you'll do great! I'M SERIOUS. If you attend to your duties with diligence, the Moon will watch over your journey. So cut the chatter, and help our customers get fatter!

Morning Star, So strong and bright,

YOU FREAKING DID IT! You have ascended to Tier II Starlight within the Moonlight Lounge, and your family here is sure to rejoice in your progress.

I do hope your journey has brought you to a higher plane, and you can now see the incredible need for the Moon’s light in our prefecture, the burdens of our friends who truly need this place, and need you! Verily, I say to you, being promoted here as you have been, you have begun to see the world through new eyes shaped under the light of the moon. I am so proud of you, your colleagues are so proud of you. WE'RE PROUD OF YOU. You are chosen, and your heart is filled with the light that only the Moon can bestow.

We continue to expect glad tidings from you, carry on!

Faithful Servant of Our Mother, The Moon,

You have ascended to the esteemed rank of Tier III Starlight, and the Moonlight Lounge welcomes you as a true keeper of the night. By this point, your attentiveness to our patrons has truly been nothing short of exceptional, and your celestial journey with us has brought you to such an elevated plane to where the shadows of this foul town no longer hide from you: and THANK GOODNESS! Can't have any troublemakers ruining the fun for our more respectable patrons, can we?

Being one of the night, as you indeed are, we hereby bestow upon you for your excellent service a lump sum of 65,000 yen. You have our thanks. You truly do understand the importance of the work we do here.

Child of the Night Eternal,

You have reached the pinnacle of your journey, Tier IV Starlight. You are the light of our world, our little handmade heaven, our oasis, that we've built together.

You have exceeded all of my expectations. Here, within the Lounge, you have NOT ONLY found your dwelling place but have actively sought to share your light with others.

We do hereby offer you a management position, and a 25% discount on all purchases should you choose to accept. We know you'll accept though, you've always been so attentive.

  • Fame or Shame: The Club’s ‘Entertainers’ (though, employees generally may substitute, depending on convenience) would act as a judging panel on special nights when this festivity is held in the very center of the club. Any member of the public may, for a small entry fee (20% of which is put into a ‘prize pool’, the other being pocketed by the shop) enter a contest to show off their ‘talent’ (whatever this may be) after signing a small wee cheeky legal document that...: Affirms the ‘talent’ in question does not infringe any Karakura Laws and will not endanger any person and waives the right of the participant to sue the club for psychological distress in the event the comments from the judging panel are perceived as too harsh.
  • Splash Bash: Something that has always upset me is that the beach and the waterpark are not as commonly used as they could be. I mean, you might see some friends here and there, but it’s quite rare for the public to come together in the context of swimming. BUT, pool parties… are a thing. So, this event is quite simple. People would be encouraged to attend the shop, as normal, but bring their swimming costumes because the dancefloor has been replaced (for this event) with a heated pool. (perhaps ‘holographic fish’ could be placed at the bottom of the pool by an administrator, actual fish, just protected by a layer of glass so they don’t get murdered).
  • Topsy-Turvy Charades: It is a crime to be intoxicated in public in Karakura. However, a restaurant or a shop is private property. You can get drunk here and not get fined! SO with that in mind, we’re going to just have our lovely club entertainers invite some people onto the stage. Provided they are sober, for the entertainment of club patrons… they may take a few sips of an alcoholic beverage (not all at the same time). One by one, they will be ‘timed’: asked to describe a historical event, or perhaps a famous novel, or something along these lines… immediately or shortly after consuming a rather potent beverage. They need only have one sip. Whoever manages to have a club patron say the answer in the shortest amount of time shall be declared the winner.


Additional notes about your application:
Be it known, if this application is accepted, that I am perfectly happy (if it is deemed appropriate/necessary) to relinquish the [HD] Prof role on my primary account and have it subsumed by this shopkeeper role; unless of course the Shopkeeper lead would be quite happy to let me use my alt account for this purpose instead.

The Antique Teapot/Teacups mentioned above are existing items.

I followed application rule 3: Do not use any other fonts than Arial.

Do you have any questions?:
I did, but I tendered them privately and got a response. It was most instructive.

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