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Miyuki Hitatori "√ノのレ乇イ" SHELVED


Level 46

Basic Information

First Name: Miyuki
Surname: Hitatori
Mimi - (MeMe)
Yuki (You-key)
Mi - (Me)
Middle name: Violet
- She
- Her
- Them / They
- It
- Something
How to Pronounce the name:

Preferred Name:
Miyuki / Yuki / Mi or Mimi

-- None --
18 years of age
5'1 - 155 cm
120 lbs - Average - 54.4311 kg
Miyuki has a petite - pear body type that lacks any form of muscle but is rather curvaceous.
'What is a pear body shape?'
A pear body shape usually consists of having a larger bottom half, and having small shoulders, and chest. Miyuki is also petite which means she's also even smaller - though she has a decent chest-area she has smaller shoulders.

Skin Color:
Miyuki is a very pale woman - though at times her skins seems flushed - especially on her cheeks and knees. You can also clearly see her veins in her wrist - due to her paleness.
Eye Color:
Miyuki has very soft hazel eyes, that sometimes look slightly darker and look more of a Deep Chocolate brown color during the night-time, or if she's in poor lighting.
Hair Style:
Miyuki's hair is typically down and very wavy in texture, especially towards the ends - it however is very soft, and it's easy to comb your hands through her hair - mind the occasional tangle though if she's rushed a brush through her hair. Miyuki has bangs that are 2" above her dark eyebrows.
Hair Color:
Miyuki has dyed soft faded rose pink hair, a color that has definitely had some time to fade - her roots show just a few shades darker of the Rose-pink hair that appears to be more brown in color.

-- None for now --
Date of Birth:
December 12th, 2001
Place of Birth:
Japan, Tokyo
50% Korean / 25.49% Chinese / 25.51% Japanese
Sexual Orientation:
Heterosexual (She is only sexually attracted to males.) also known as Straight.
Religious Beliefs:
'What is Atheism?'
Atheism is the lack of any 'Gods' or 'High powers' - Such as God himself (Jesus), or Religion period

'What made her a Atheist?'
Nothing in particular made her a 'Atheist' - it's rather she just lacked any introductions of Religion - with the exception if Christianity - which she thought was flawed because of how 'God is all kind and all forgiving' yet - several reasons point towards 'He's not' because he was cruel enough to put 'sins' and things he 'won't forgive'. Making her think religion itself is typically hypocritical and she'd rather not deal with it.
Political Beliefs:
-- Democratic Liberal --

- Reading
- Taking walks on the beach
- Snow
- Making Friends (When she isn't too shy)

- MOST spicy foods (Wasabi is good)
- Not being able to tell when someone is joking or being serious
- Getting picked on
- When others pick on others (Aka bully)
- Heat of Summer days

- Clowns
- Tight spaces and being trapped in them.
- Heights
- Loud noises (Yelling / Screaming, Angrily. Will make her flinch)

- Having no Hugs / Being unable to Boop
- Most spicy foods (Read dislikes)
- Being alone
- The color Pink
- Pastel colors
- Soft/Comfortable clothing
- HUGS! She literally hugs people all the time.
- Booping people

General Appearance

Miyuki has a very soft appearance - starting with her head. Coming from her roots is soft-rose-pink hair with light-brown roots, the rose-pink color falls all the way down to about mid-stomach, and often lays against her chest. Miyuki has bangs that go straight-across her dark chocolate colored eyebrows. Moving onto her skin complexion, she has very pale skin that often show the veins in her wrists. They also show any markings / scars exceptionally well due to this. She'd also have chocolate-brown-hazel eyes, often in good lighting or Sunlight - the eyes appear to almost be a amber-hazel, however her true natural eye-color is just a very dark hazel color - they can almost look black at night time. Miyuki also has a 'button' nose a very small shaped cute nose that almost give her a 'fauna' or doe-like look. Miyuki also has the typical Asian eye-bags naturally, and small lips with a prominent cupids bow. She has chubby cheekbones that are higher up. She also has almond-shaped eyes. Miyuki also has a very heart-shaped face that is rounded around the chin. Miyuki also has very small shoulders and less weight on her arms - with very dainty often called 'pianist hands' which means her fingers are slightly longer then average - aka where the term Pianist comes from because they can reach the keys better. Pianist hands tend to have very light - if minimal fat on the hands. She'd also have a slightly large top half (See Body shape for ref) and go down into a larger bottom half - mostly in her rear, thighs, hips, and waist. Miyuki also has a bit of chub on her stomach and larger thighs. Miyuki's lower legs start to thin out and look less weighty, going into her dainty feet which her foot-size is roughly 6" which is about average for her height. (Yes Miyuki has a semi-large Bust and is often commented on being 'thicc')

Miyuki is a very sweet girl, she is also very helpful and would do anything to be able to make people smile. Miyuki is often a 'empath' someone who relates - or feels the same emotions her surroundings do. A example of a Severe Empath like Miyuki is.

If two people are fighting in the background: Miyuki might feel angry at the time.
If their a person crying: Miyuki might be very sad - and or crying with them and trying to soothe the person crying - or sad.

If their is a person happy: Miyuki might be a lil cinnamon roll of happiness.
Mostly meaning her mood fluxuates on her surroundings - if she's surrounded in bad or typically negative colors - she might pull these moods as well.

Miyuki's Color Chart
(Note: If it's Bolded, it is a Negative or Unhappy Emotion that is correlated with the color.)
Red - Love, Lust, Passion

Black - Negative, Lonely, Sadness, Depression, Anxiety, and Fear (Mostly Fear) Despair.
Dark Gray - Negative, Loneliness, Sadness, Depression, and Anxiety (Mostly Negative/Loneliness)
Light Gray - Sadness and Depression (Mostly Depression)
White - Empty, Negative Space - No color

Green - Envy, Spite, Greed, Sickness
Blue - Calm, Peaceful, Ambient, Gentle
Yellow - Sunshine and Happiness
Orange - Happiness and Love - Friendship
Pink - Happiness, Bright, Kindness
Purple - Anger, Sorrow - Someone of Higher Status
Violet - Yearning, Missing a person
However - this Color Chart is less active and is mostly if she is surrounded in this color in general (IE: 20 men in black suits surrounding her would make her extremely scared)

Miyuki is overall a little cinnamon roll of happiness - she can be shy sometimes though especially when approaching people of the opposite sex - or anyone that's on a team/group (Cheerleaders, Football, Volleyball, swim etc.) as she's afraid of them being extremely 'clique-ish' and being a meanie to her.

Miyuki is also a very considerate person - she has often stopped her time before just to give someone directions - or even showed them to a place before - adding to her kindness levels. Overall a nice person.

However - with every positive, there is a negative. Miyuki is a very timid person - it's easy for her to not really communicate with anyone and instead because of how shy she gets.

Miyuki can also be a negative person towards her insecurities - often seeing herself as 'fat' because she is slightly above average in weight to herself. She also hates her large thighs.
Overall Miyuki is not good with social ineractions - though mostly a very sweet and kind person with a goodheart and good intentions - though sometimes she has a hard time interacting with people by being socially awkward. Miyuki is also a insecure person as she grew up being told she wasn't good enough.

Martial Status: Single
Love Interest: None / TBA
TBA as made.

IF - This is a Big IF Miyuki did try and talk this'd be her voice actor
Her voice however would likely be very - stuttery and dry and she'd have a hard time trying to pronounce words. Good luck trying.:
(She'd be Violet - aka the girl with Blonde hair and Blue Eyes)
!!! Warning !!! You'd basically have to teach her how to pronounce words - not only that have a lot of water to help the dryness and the roughness her voice will have until she gets used to using it. This could take weeks or even a month to get back into the use of. (Roughly about a week OOCly of straight training)
( I also consider her themesong a voice refrence - if you want one in english - or whichever you find more pleasing)


Honestly - this song feels very Miyuki like - because she often loses friendships due to her communication skills - or the lack thereof. Miyuki also doesn't want people to try and keep her to stay friends with them when they talk shit behind her back. It's a sad truth and she feels like she's grown cold and 'caught in the grey' because she cannot tell who is a real friend - or fake these days. As most of the friends she used to have were 'pity friends'.

- Backpacks - Miyuki has four backpacks for school and food. Purple, Blue, Pink, and Red
- Sushi Boxes / Other Foods
- Cosmetics / Headbands
- Notebooks for Conversation
- Class Books (Such as Spanish etc)
- A pair of reading glasses (If she's having troubles)
- School Supplies (Pencils, Sharpeners, Calculators, Water Bottles, Erasers, Pens, an Umbrella-)
- Panda Plushies
- Mint chewing gum
If Miyuki is NOT wearing the school uniform / swimsuit / p.e. clothes - she has a very 'cutesie' casual look that is mostly semi-formal, with skirts, blouses, stockings, and occasionally heels - she typically doesn't wear any form of 'pants' and likes Skirts a lot.
- Reading (She loves Romance Genre!)
- Swimming (She's surprisingly a very good swimmer - she can hold her breathe for a long time)
- Writing (in Chinese - Also because she's a mute and cannot use Sign Language - it's confusing to her)
- Singing (Mostly Japanese songs)
- Volleyball (She's good at Volleyball)
.Miyuki will not speak - she's a mute. (Applying for at the moment)

When Miyuki was born - she did not cry or wail, which originally scared the doctors to thinking she was unhealthy - however it seems - she was rather healthy, a little underweight but healthy. The only problem is - she didn't seem to know how to speak, or if she even could. So this would often have to deal with her parents coddling her very much so when she was very young - making sure to feed her - often her flails usually they learned depicted what she wanted. As she grew she was often taught to write - and would always carry a notebook with her - to write in for Conversations.

Miyuki has Light Anxiety - and Depression
She has very light social anxiety - this sometimes makes her really nervous to actually walk up to people and say Hi - and she's easy to scare off and startle.
She also has insecurities about her body as she considers herself 'slightly above average' and 'short'.
Even as a child - Miyuki is a clumsy person, often tripping on her own shoes, or shoelaces, or accidentally bumping into a desk or anything on the floor that is small. Even her own two feet! Miyuki has a hard time NOT being a clutz - such as dropping items. Mostly letting kids make fun of her and such - much to her despair.
Scent: Typically Miyuki has the scent of Honey around her, while her hair would typically smell of strawberry shampoo and conditioner

Current Playlist:
Current anime's she's into:

Attack On Titan
Koe no Katachi (A silent voice)
Dance with Devil's
Fullmetal Alchemist
Writing / Reading in a fast pace.
Singing - Miyuki is quite good at singing in general
Chinese - W.I.P. (Applying for still)
Japanese (English for us)
Hiding, or Sitting in very odd places - One of Miyuki's worst habits is she'll try and sit in odd places - much like a cat in places she shouldn't fit - but somehow in logic does. These include boxes - corners, holes, windows, under desks, under tables, E T C
Fidgeting with her hands - if she is extremely nervous she'll fidget with her hand and develop a slight twitch in them or she'll tremble. Especially if trying to socialize with someone new or being told to present infront of a class.
Notes || (Mean Child)
+ Mean married
-- In laws
// Sibling

Yualia Hitamori + Miku Hitamori -- Azsusa Yutome + Aya Yutome
(Grandparents Dad Side) || (Grandparents Mom Side)
Azure Hitamori + Nana Hitamori
Miyuki Hitamori // ??? Hitamori // ??? Hitamori
(Side notes)
Azure's Siblings: Seden, and Sakura Hitamori (They're triplets Azure is the oldest, Seden is the Middle, and Sakura is the youngest Age currently: All three of them are 42)
Nana's Siblings: Yuna, and Avian Yutome (Avian is the youngest, and Yuna is the oldest in age currently: Yuna is 43, and Avian is 38 - while Nana is 40)
The Hitamori's are a KOREAN side of the family - meaning Azure is KOREAN

The Yutome's are a Chinese/Japanese family - Meaning Nana is 50% Chinese 50% Japanese. Therefore that is how Miyuki is split up into three types. Though she is equally Chinese and Japanese (Which sum up to be 50%) - Miyuki is 50% Korean which means it's one of the DOMINANT races in her blood, meaning if she met a Korean man/Other Nationality man, her child would either be 35% (Insert race) 35% Korean, 15% Chinese, and 15% Japanese. Just a note! Or if they're one of the races above.
??? Hitamori + ??? Hitamori
Were both adopted and are older then Miyuki by 3 years. (Both are twins that are 21)

Let's say Korean, it'd be 75% Korean, 12.5% Chinese 12.5% Japanese Anyway - Enough math anyways.

(Setting for the First part: South Korean, Busan)

This story starts with Yualia Ichigo, a female on her Fathers side. Yualia had grown up as a Fashion designer and overall was a quiet person - that was until the day she met Miku Hitamori - her later to be Husband - and grandfather of Miyuki, Yualia had met Miku on chance - as Miku had been working at a coffee shop that her Grandmother loved to go to often - but Miku had recently started to work there. The two originally HATED each other - he had messed up her name as 'Yulia' without the A and Yualia had gotten upset over this. However - after a group of guys tried to harass her - Miku however had stopped this and prevented Yualia from coming to harms way - therefore starting a friendship that would gravitate. Over the years Yualia and Miku got closer and closer until Miku was 24, and Yualia was 23 (Do note when they first met Miku was 18, Yualia was 17) where Miku had managed the courage to ask Yualia on a date - the date went exceedingly well and both of them promised a second date, and soon after that they were dating and in a relationship. As Yualia turned 26 - 3 years after there first date, Miku got down on one knee and said "Will you marry me?" - She of course said Yes, and they got married 3 months down the road.

After a year - Yualia became Pregnant with Azure - however this will be important later.
(Setting for the Second part: Japan - Tokyo)
Azsusa was a rich - spoiled man that had often lived off of 'Daddies money' overall acting like he owned the place as he walked into a small cafe shop that was the same brand where Yualia had met Miku, he had met Aya - Azsusa had started to 'misbehave' and scoffed at Aya's less then 'fabulous' clothes, and Aya simply smiled and continued to be polite in return to the man - even though she had been unable to speak or communicate in return til much later on - where Azsusa had taught her how to speak. However - they got into friendship when Azsusa had been treated nicely by Aya - when she saw he wasn't going to be able to make it to Lunch to deal with a meeting - so she packed him a lunch and went over to his work, giving it to him - that is when there friendship started and they would call each other everyday. Soon Azsusa found out that it wasn't Aya COULDN'T SPEAK, she didn't know how to SPEAK which later would pass down to Miyuki. (Skipping a generation of women). Azsusa also proposed to Aya around two months after his buddy Miku did - and so they decided as they were fall FRIENDS to have a double marriage together. As Aya and Yualia were equally close. (Mind you Azsusa and Aya met when he was 21, and she was 19, they got married while Azsusa was 27, and she was 25, meaning Azsusa is a year younger then Miku, and Aya is a
year younger then Yualia)

Pregnancy - Although it took two years for Azsusa and Aya to finally decided to have a child - they managed to have one. While Yualia and Miku had a male child named Azure - who they named respectfully after Azsusa, who had been one of Miku's closest friends and helped Miku's and Yualia's relationship when they both felt like getting a divorce. However they stayed strong afterwards - after they realized they were each-others air - and there love was stronger then this. Miku and Yualia had three children (From Oldest to Youngest) Azure, Seden, and Sakura. Roughly 3 years apart - and with Nana being 2 years after there oldest Azure, - meaning they had a child before Miku and Yualia did (Adopted) whom of which they adopted - was Yuna, they also adopted a child that was younger then Nana - with Nana being there only true birth child, - this was three years later and Nana would be 3, while Azure was 5. This child was Avian. As life grew on - the families got distant, and Nana and Azure who could not be any closer - soon departed...

18 years down the road with Nana being 21 - later on life Nana stumbled upon a doorstep in Japan, sickly and alone - after being evicted of her house and living on the streets for two days, Nana fell ill - a Man opened up the doorstep and called 911 - where Nana was rushed to the hospitial and had later revealed to not be a common cold - but rather she had lacked any form of food or water, and sleep. Stress had taken hold of her - after she had gotten fluids, food, and plenty of rest - she was released from the hospital - however the man running up to her - bewildered after hearing her name - as she was identified chased after her. Saying. "Nana is it really you?" Nana blinked her eyes - and tilted her head in confusion. "It's me! Azure!" Nana got a big smile on her face and hugged Azure tightly - they both hugged for a couple of minutes before bursting into laughter and talking - Azure later invited her to live with him, and the two grew close over time. Love blossomed - and Azure soon asked her on a date - she said yes and on there first date they went to a cafe - the same Cafe there parents had met in. A knowing smile on each others face - once they got home a little more then intoxicated from Saki they had bought - they slept together. Soon enough - as weeks passed, Nana had fallen 'sick' - in the fear as she (Unlike Azure) Remembered what happened that night, took a pregnancy test - it turned out to be positive. Pondering for days - what she was going to do, how was she going to tell Azure? Nana had told him - at first Azure was apprehensive - believing they had never done it - until she explained the date. Azure later became really happy and teared up. "I'm going to be a daddy.." (At this time Nana was 23, Azure was 25) and he hugged Nana tightly. "This is the best birthday gift ever." - Nana relieved that he was happy with it - celebrated and told there parents. Who was equally excited to hear that offspring - they later told there siblings. While Nana was at the 6th month of being pregnant - Azure had taken her out on a date, and had gotten on one knee in the middle of the Cafe and asked her to marry him. Nana started crying and of course said yes - he carefully hugged her as to avoid hurting her stomach.

Upon arriving home - Nana discovered Azure had adopted two children ??? and ??? which made Nana even happier to learn the story - two children (twins) that were male had been dumped off in a alley way - at the ages of 3, both children had been abandoned - the only thing they knew about the children was 'They were dumped because we cannot afford them' which had made Azure sad - he took them home and decided to file adoption papers - which were accepted as he proved he had a good clean home - that was suitable for children. 3 months later - Nana went into Labor and was rushed to the hospitial with the youngest child - who badumtsh! Was later named Miyuki - however something upon birth was odd - that worried both Azure and Nana, Miyuki didn't cry - she didn't bawl, instead she was silent - which later they found out she did not understand speech like normal babies - rather she didn't understand how to communicate at ALL or rather just didn't understand in general. In which she was raised - with Nana constantly checking Miyuki and taking her everywhere with her - even to work. This lead Miyuki until growing into a toddler where she could finally start writing to be very much watched over and coddled.

As Miyuki grew Nana and Azure decided to move to Karakura in Japan - to get away from the busy streets of Tokyo, and into a better school system for Miyuki. As Miyuki grew, so did her knowledge in language - and writing, along with reading.

Miyuki soon started to attend Karakura High...
See you next night.
Holy fuck - this shell of my character's Biography - took me just a day to make - but months of planning and writing in google docs. Not to mention headaches concerning skins.
until next time.
I literally stayed up til 2:00 in the morning to make this smh. #Latenighters

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