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mommyiissues Police Officer Application


Level 1

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name): mommyiissues

Previous bans: None

Describe your activity on the server:
I used to be extremely active on the server, but school has kept me busy lately so I don't really get on unless needed. I have a few breaks coming up so I will be very active again soon, I used to do a mix between school and gangrp but as of right now I'm sticking to school rp. Mainly because I want to become a police officer

Which timezone are you in?

Do you have Discord?
I do. Painz#3059

Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]:
I do indeed. I can easily call, I have a very flexible schedule.

List your current and past applications:
The only past application I’ve placed is to become a BMD. I didn't get it.
Black market dealer [Denied]

What is your motivation for applying?:
I have few reasons, I’ve been on the bad side of the law with chars of mine, but I would also like to be on the flip side of the law, I think it would be fun to experience it and learn some cool things about the law as well, Another reason is because I want to be a police officer in real time, but that ship has sailed and I don't have good chances, If I can't to it there, might as well try here right? (I can't become a officer for certain circumstances in the future, I'm only 16.)

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
Yes I understand laws and basic conduct, If it is needed I will gladly learn from my higher ups more about the law.

What are the Police ranks?

Police Commissioner: The Commissioner is the head of EMS and KPD, They are to watch over and make sure everything runs smoothly.

Police Director: Specially picked by the Commissioner, acts like a right hand man and supervises the KPD, making sure everything is running smoothly, they are also in the know for everything.

Police Lieutenant: A Police Lieutenant would be like the manager as you could say, they oversee just about everything, they are trusted members of the police force and you could consider them “Higher ups”

Police Sergeant: A Police Sergeant is like a manager, they supervise everyone under them, they are there to help and guide their colleagues, They also have a much more experience than the ranks lower than them

Police Corporal: A Police Corporal is someone who is more experienced than a regular Police officer, and they are allowed to train Police Cadet’s because they’re more experienced

Police Officer: A Police Officer is someone who has surpassed the Police Cadet training. They have passed a test and now are able to do police activities such as parole by themselves.

Police Cadet: The Police Cadet’s are trainees, they are new into the force and they are going to be trained by their higher ups, once they learn everything to know, they would take a test which would decide if they get to become a police officer or not.


Detective Superintendent: These Detectives are part of the “Higher ups”. They are incharge of everything the detectives do, they also choose who becomes a detective and who does not.

Detective Chief Inspector: The Chief inspector supervises the detectives and makes sure that they are doing their job correctly.

Detective Inspector: A Inspector’s job is to train the new detectives (Constable’s) and they will also go into crime scenes afterwards to find some evidence to help solve the case and arrest the criminal.

Detective Constable: The detective constable’s are the new detectives, they continue as they were if they were a police officer but they have the responsibility of visiting crime scenes to try and find some evidence afterwards as well.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
I have basic knowledge, I’ve seen and interacted with officers in the past, I’ve noticed that they go out on patrol, to try and come across crime, and stop it. They work hard going through the town of Karakura, protecting it; Stopping illegal activities, putting criminals away and protecting the citizens.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
In my opinion I believe that the police department is so important because if we didn't have it criminals would overrule the city, there would be no stopping them. The police department keeps the playing levels fair and it adds a big realism factor into the game. If there was no police department Karakura would have been much different. Not for the better.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes I understand completely, I can be demoted at any time by the higher ups if they wish to do so.

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
I do understand, full devotion to KPD if I get accepted.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorised to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?
Yes I agree, If I am to be dedicated to KPD that also means I must attend meetings, trainings etc.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
I understand and agree completely. There is no reason to bring IC matters into OOC unless absolutely necessary (breaking rules or something) but everything should stay in IC.

In-Character (IC) Section

Tell us about your character, how they look, what makes them unique?
You would see a tall female standing at 6’0 ft. She would have pale skin and light blue eyes, you would see that she wears an eyepatch, for reasons unknown. She has bruises and scars all over her but that doesn't stop her from being the best she can be everyday. She has brown hair and a prosthetic eye under her eye patch, but not many know of the eye. She loves to see justice and to put criminals in their respective place; Jail. She is originally from the United Kingdom, She was in the army; Her name is Rin Hattori. Only her close friends call her Karma. As they say, “Karma is a b*tch” Others call her Red.

What do they like on and off the job?
On the job you would see Rin doing as she’s told, she’s calm and collected. She knows how to deal with messy or stressful situations. You would see her quietly doing her tasks following up on what needs to be done without hesitation, she doesn’t talk a lot but is very efficient. Rin will look very serious and no one has ever heard her laugh, she puts herself completely in her work.

Off the job you would still see the stiff woman who doesn’t talk a lot. Rin likes to keep herself busy so if she can she will be working in the station or doing any other work she needs to get done, some nights she would go out for a drink, by herself of course because she doesn't have any friends. Rin keeps her private life very secretive and no one knows a lot about her.

Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?
Rin just wants to be an asset to the KPD, she knows a bit about all her colleagues but then again she doesn’t really talk to them. She stays focused in her work, but if a co-worker is ever in trouble or needs help she will be there to help right away. Rin lost everything in those battles when she was in the British army, she just cares about the police department and the people in it; in the city Karakura which is her new home.

(Make sure this biography/lore has 100+ words.)

Rin is a tall female at 6’0 ft and weighed about 120lbs. She is from the United Kingdom, she served as a soldier in the army for 3 years, She joined the army when she was just 16 and has been in many battles. She is now 18 and has just moved to Karakura. The battles in the UK are officially over and she can move on. Although that's what was said, All Rin knows how to do is fight and stand up for her country. She needed a fresh start so she moved to Karakura Japan. Rin has been all around the world fighting, she has seen many of her comrades die, hence why she doesn't talk to new people, Rin is afraid she’ll lose them one way or another and she does not want to go through that again. Rin is quiet, not shy but she avoids talking to people. She keeps a straight face and she doesn't smile. Rin does not laugh or smile, any happiness she had was taken away in the United Kingdom. When she first came here she met someone, he was persistent and they became close.. But he ended up being a criminal. He was killed, Rin didn't hold it against anyone because she knew only he put himself in that position. Then one night she went out for a drink by herself as usual. She saw what seemed to be her deceased friend’s sister, she was with a man and it was getting aggressive. She tried to step in, half drunk. It was a terrible mistake. The man carved her eye out and injured her badly. She doesn't talk about it but its the reason to her prosthetic eye and eyepatch, very few know anything about her, Rin is a very private person because she likes to keep her work and private life separate. Although Rin does go out of her way to do work for KPD because serving for law is all she can do. When Rin first came to Karakura she tried to keep a low profile and live a “normal” life, but she couldn't, she went crazy at home… she couldn't take it. She needed the rush of being put in the line of work. Secretly, to Rin, it was a high for her to take down criminals, even if it meant ending their lives.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Characters Full Name: Rin Hattori
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss
Given Name(s): Rin, Red, Karma
Preferred Name: Red
Age: 18
Gender: Female
IC Phone number: 500793810
Religious Denomination: Atheist
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: British Citizen
Current Location: Karakura

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of training: 4 Years
Working Experience: 3 Years in the Army.
Academic Degree: none
Year of Graduation: 2020? (still in grade 12)
Study: Rin didn't go to school after she turned 16 but knows criminal justice, Law, and criminology
Native Languages: English
Other Languages: Japanese

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