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Denied MommyNiixxii's Receptionist Application


Level 6
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):


How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
As a whole I would say I’m pretty active as I attempt to get on everyday for a few hours at least. I typically do not get on the server if I am busy outside of SRP or decide to take a short break, but I do not plan on this most of the time unless something comes up.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):

I have been banned once for Cosmetic Abuse, though this was a long time ago and on my main account.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I do acknowledge that by being inactive I will be demoted.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
Being a receptionist involves a combination of several administrative tasks as well as organizational skills. Being the first point of conduct for high school and college students as well as other faculty, receptionists are a crucial school staff member that helps out the school. They provide support to students and staff, showing students across the campus, answering any questions they may have about classes, the campus, and other aspects of school life. A key duty of theirs is to assist SLT in various aspects or to help out in any situations/events across the school year. At times, if the situation is rewarding, they can hand out reward stickers to students due to good behavior and actions noticed by them.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
Being on SRP since around 2017, I have a lot of previous experience in roleplay across the years that I have been on the server, these being in various aspects/types of roleplay. And though I have had my fair share of breaks from SRP and RP servers from time to time, recently I have come back to SRP heavily, wanting to put time and effort into it once again. Recently, for a short while, I was on the High School Female Football Team, though I decided to leave it due to not wanting to be looked as if I was slacking off on the team or even did not care for it.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
Seeing the amount of time that I have put into SRP throughout the multiple years that I have been apart of the community, I have always wanted to explore different aspects of RP that is available in the server, I have gone for a position in the School Employee faction once in the past though due to outside circumstances it led to me not being able to be active enough and thus led to me being demoted quickly after being accepted in. Recently I got into a team on SRP yet seeing the routine and set amount of practices that is expected from team members I made the decision to opt out to not appear inactive or seem disingenuous towards the team. Joining the School Employee faction will serve as a way for me to step into a aspect of SRP that has always fascinated me and peaked my interest, I wish to join and see where being apart of the faction takes me for what I expect for be a long while of me being apart of the faction, meeting new and possible old faces and making memories to be remembered.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

Korean Application - DENIED
French Application - ACCEPTED
Tutor Application - DENIED
Secretary Application - ACCEPTED
German Application - ACCEPTED
Russian Application - ACCEPTED
Secretary Application - DENIED
Spanish Application - ACCEPTED
JSL Application -
Dutch Application - DENIED
Receptionist Application - DENIED

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):

High School Grade 12



During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

As the student would be cursing at Yuzuha, she would handle the situation in front of her with a level of professionalism and calmness, as she would maintain her composure, taking a deep breath to steady herself. Glancing at the student with a firm yet kind expression she would calmly exclaim to them her understanding towards them and how they feel about her but explain how using such language is not necessary nor acceptable on school grounds, especially towards school faculty. And if the student continues to curse at her, disregarding what she had just told them, she would inform them that continuing to ignore her will lead to them being served deteIntion after school. As well, if necessary, she would call over another faculty staff to aid her in the situation.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
Upon noticing the fight erupting in the middle of the hallway, Yuzuha, prioritizing the safety of those involved and around, would swiftly and assertively bring herself in order to de-escalate the situation before it could escalate any further. She would position herself at a safe distance from the two students fighting, keeping an eye on both, keeping a calm but commanding presence towards them. Yuzuha would order for them to move, or get off, of each other as she would then radio for other staff to come over if needed. Once the situation comes to a stop, she would take both students off to the side to discuss what brought them to get physical with each other and see how to handle the situation from there on.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
Once noticing the out of the norm behavior and actions from a fellow employee, Yuzuha would approach them reminding them of how as school faculty they are expected to act and behave in a highly manner and by their actions they are placing a bad example on the staff and for themselves especially. If the situation does not calm down from simply talking to them, she would report the incident to SLT so they are informed of how they are acting so they can take the appropriate action on them.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
In the break room, Yuzuha would enjoy her time relaxing amongst her colleagues, having some small talk with them. If there would be no one in the break room when she entered, she would prepare a cup of coffee, enjoying it as she would look over on her phone or take some time to catch up on some reading of hers.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

/me would sit at her chair, her posture straight and posed as she sort through a seemingly towering stack of papers to her side. Her fingers move deftly, expertly shuffling and organizing each document with precision. Her eyes, framed by elegant glasses, scan each page for pertinent information, occasionally pausing for a brief second to highlight a key detail or jot down a note on a sticky note. She takes a moment to adjust the neatly arranged nameplate in front of her, its gleaming surface catching the ceiling light. With a soft sigh of satisfaction, she leans back slightly, momentarily resting her eyes before diving back into her work.

/me stood up, walking around the desk, her movements fluid and graceful. “Follow me,” gesturing for the student to follow her. As they move through the hallway, she points out any notable rooms and locations that could be of use for the student. Once arriving at the student's destination, she stops and turns to face the student. “Here we are,” she says with a nod, “If anything else is needed, don’t hesitate to ask,” she waits for a response before walking off back to her desk.

/me entering the break room, she takes a moment to look around the room, her eyes scanning the room with a calm and attentive gaze. The hum of the refrigerator and the gentle buzz of the vending machine creating a comforting backdrop as she moves to the coffee maker. She opens the cupboard above to retrieve a mug, she places it on the counter and begins to prepare the coffee. Once with a coffee pod, inserts it into the machine, taking a short moment to lean against the counter, closing her eyes briefly as she inhales the rich aroma of the brewing coffee.


In-Character Section

Full Name (First & Last only):

Yuzuha Ciervo
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Preferred Name:
Miss Yuz
Age (Minimum is 25):

Academic Degree:


Known Languages:
Japanese & Korean

Growing up in the town of Karakura, Japan, Yuzuha was quick to adapt to her new environment. The Cievo family, of whom owned a small yet quite successful bakery local to the town, instilled in young Yuzuha a sense of community and with it the importance of being kind to those around you. The town of Karakura showcased a close-knit community of sorts, where just about everyone knew one another, and here Yuzuha thrived in this atmosphere. In school, teachers would note to Yuzuha’s adoptive parents of her curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, her parents hearing this encouraged the young girls interests, providing a stable and loving environment that would help her develop academically and socially as a whole.

As Yuzuha would enter junior high and then high school, she would increasingly become interested in understanding people’s actions, mindsets and their behaviors. From here, she turned to picking Sociology as her major of choice when she began her studies at college in Karakura. While going for her bachelors degree in Sociology, she would minor in Communications as it complemented her major as well as allowing her to develop strong skills. Throughout these years in college, Yuzuha would at any given opportunity be active and participate in campus life, this stemming from clubs to school events, though most having a focus on social issues and communication.

Through her involvement on campus, coupled with her academic achievements, Yuzuha was shaping out to be a well-rounded candidate for roles once graduating and having to enter the workforce. And once she did graduate, she was eager to put her skills, attributes and knowledge back to Karakura high school, the place that she credits in helping her greatly in her career and an ideal opportunity to give back to the community that had supported her throughout her life so far.

Thus from her background in Sociology and Communications, it has led to Yuzuha being a great fit for the position as a Receptionist due to her experience and knowledge in both fields. Her understanding of human behavior and her ability to communicate effectively helped her manage the front desk with grace and efficiency. She became a familiar and welcoming presence at Karakura High School, handling inquiries, coordinating with staff, and supporting students and parents alike. Her role as a receptionist allowed her to stay connected to the community she cherished and apply her skills in a meaningful way. Yuzuha’s journey from a young adoptee to a dedicated professional at her alma mater was a testament to her resilience, passion for helping others, and commitment to fostering a positive and supportive environment.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):

What has moved me in wanting to join Karakuras school faculty team is wanting to be able to reach out to students, of whom I may even relate to as I was once a student here during my high school and college years. I wish to support and help students with any concerns or questions that they may have with school or in general. Outside of helping students, I wish to build a positive environment and relations with fellow faculty members to ensure no one is left before and to have the school performing at its best. Through joining KHS, I believe I will be able to make my face known across more people, enabling me to be able to approach and know more people along the way.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I should be accepted over the other applicants trying their best at this job position as a Receptionist due to my work ethic and clear dedication towards my work and any passion of mine. I am able to be fixable with my work routine and what am I asked to do combined with my ability to stay focus under significant pressure aids in my ability to perform no matter what. Though I may not have much previous experience in working for a school in any manner, I am able to recall to my years as a student and relate to current students in their struggles or mindsets when it comes to themselves, their academic journey, or even how they view faculty, thus I will be able to help them whenever I can. Thus, being granted the access to have hands-on experience through being a Receptionist will enable me to help those in the town and adds work experience to me to develop and improve work habits and skills.



Additional notes about your application: N/A
Do you have any questions?: N/A


Level 201
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thanks for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction! Unfortunately your application was denied. You're welcome to re-apply in the future.

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